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本来是回 beijingrocky 的战贴,发现原帖锁了,贴在这里。主要是和 beijingrocky 说过喜欢的 COD 4 对比(我也很喜欢),beijingrocky 如果为了批驳我又说 COD4 是渣或者什么“隐藏要素”之类我就囧了。
另外即使真人拿 BB 弹互射我也觉得是很可怕的事情。所以有 wargame 经验的就不用拿他们的经验来拍我了,反正我没有这种经验。以下涉及的军事知识都来自报刊杂志网络甚至游戏企划/宣传文案和游戏本身。但我以为至少符合 common sense。
Now that both OP and I are Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare players I'd like to discuss some of the OP's opinion on MGS 4 using instances in COD 4 as examples.
* On s*** approaching from behind without being noticed: the OP asked why the PMC soldiers would not notice S*** approaching from behind while they are engaging local militia. Well, I doubt you played COD 4 online. To ensure the safety of your cover and advance of your teammates you are supposed to use suppress fire on enemy in the opposite cover, or they will frag/flash you and take you out in no time. Which means you do not have time at all to turn your back to *known* enemies to check the noise behind you, which may well be from your teammates. I think this explains why the PMC did not turn back when s*** approaches running to him. In MGS 4 when there is no gunshot you cannot run towards an enemy without being discovered, if in doubt, play to see for yourself.
* On S*** checking his AK102 behind the truck: if you watch the cutscene carefully you will see that from the sniper and other PMCs' location they cannot see the back of the truck where s*** stands, when you can move around you will see there is cover from the sniper's fire as well. Besides, all PMCs are too busy picking off militia rushing at them, based on the same reason mentioned above. Now recall the last part of "One Shot, One Kill" in COD 4, most enemies are rushing towards Captain MacMillan because he's a greater threat, and in certain locations you can safely pick off enemies and they will not pay too much attention. The same goes for you: if you prone beside Captain MacMillan you will have to concentrate on your front and have less time dealing with enemies coming from the bumping cars (your right hand side). So the PMCs would not notice S*** who only had two shots at the side of the scene.
* On the Robe and Vest problem: you are right. But this is not a tactic problem, we will talk about posing later.
* On picking up AK102 and checking the body: the reason S*** did not check the body first is because nobody would play dead next to a booby-trap or a working rifle, what if someone pick the rifle and shoot him? But after S*** picks up the rifle he needs to check if the downed man can still wake and pose a threat to his back. In COD 4 online battle when you were green you were killed a few times by enemies going prone whom you think is only a corpse, right?
* On entering the room where Johnny stand behind the door: let's not forget the purpose of S*** to enter the room: to rendezvous with his support unit Rat Patrol Team 01. The risk here is that the Rats are eliminated already and S*** is walking into an ambush. But any force able to kill off the Rat Patrol cannot be an one-man army, and of course they cannot all hide behind the door. A group of enemy will take positions in the room where they can control *all* exits and have a clear view (thus a clear fire line). Camping behind a door gives you limited field of view and make you vulnerable to enemies coming from other entrances, even a stray bullet in the cross fire can kill you. And what if the enemy use door breach charges you see in COD 4 and Rainbow 6? Hiding behind the door may be a tactic used by banker robbers and serial killers, but seldom used by modern army combatants. Therefore, your tactic to push the door all the way against the wall may be a suitable tactic for SWAT (when they are out of flashbang and door breach, that is), but do not suit CQB between groups of soldiers. And do not forget this, Captain Price do not push the door all the way, either.
* On the tactic book you referred to: again it make sense in anti-terrorist CQB but do not work for a full-scale modern warfare. The SWAT member strifes to ensure the room is clear, but he may face multiple firing automatic rifles/machine guns if the opponents are not just equiped with sub-machine guns and pistols. How can him pick off all during the short time while he's being heavily suppressed? Even if he reach the cover the bullet may shoot through. S***'s tactic is to reduce exposure at the door step as much as possible and judge the situation in the room as quick as possible, which I think suit better for the battle field instead of for typical police/hostage/hostile scene.
* On the weird behaviour of dead FROGS and other Sci-Fi part you would not appreciate: consider Hideo made all these for your viewing pleasure. Of course some people may find less fun and joy in them. But let's face it, some of them make it easier for you to play (such as FROG's blue smoke make you know for sure they are dead) and some are good experience (we all know two people with pistols taking on countless soldiers with P90s in close range would be dead very soon, but would you rather see the couple die? And oh ain't they stylish?). And I don't care which game's fanboy you are, you can always find unexplainable parts in them. In COD 4 Veteran diffi***y, at the end of "Hunted", Gaz rush up the slope and shout "This is outrageous mate!", but you can see a few enemies finding cover at his 10 o'clock not shooting him. Is that real? And why are enemies respawning all the time? Why I cannot fire an RPG at the Mi-28 so it will not crush towards MacMillan? At the beginning of "Shock and Awe" your CH-47 is so easy to get shot down but at the end of the same mission it is invulnerable in the face of all those soldiers shooting at it? Not to mention games like Quake, do people really fire rocket launcher at their foot to fly higher? All games are artificial, therefore their purpose is not to reflect reality as it is (because they can't) but to provide we players some experience that exceeds reality just as other artificial arts (movies, paintings etc.) do.
by Levn. |