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发表于 2011-10-22 11:29 · 北京
回复 neocc44 的帖子
Many developers believe PlayStation 3, which first launched five years ago and has gone on to sell more than fifty million units, remains a high-end machine.
In a new interview with Develop, Epic president Mike Capps said it would be a “very tall order” to build commercial hardware that is a generational leap forward.
在最新一次Develop的采访中,Epic总裁 Mike Capps他说制造下一代商业化硬件将是一件非常困难的事情。
“I mean, PS3 is still very bad-ass,” he said.
"What is clear is that Sony is some distance from finalizing the technology behind its next generation console, and any early input from internal game studios will be a relief to the development industry.
The company has built a strategy to support consoles with new games for about ten years, and the experienced executive pointed out that PS3 has not even reached its fifth year yet.
这家公司曾经制定过战略,为主机提供大约10年的新游戏供应,而资历深厚的Yoshida总裁指出指出PS3还没有达到其自身战略规划第五年。 |