Huckebein the Raven
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发表于 2008-7-27 18:00 · 上海
下面是引用lujun211于2008-07-27 16:13发表的:
首先,我认为Solidus不是BIG BOSS说的完美克隆体,其次EVA一直保存的也不是Solidus,这里BKG BOSS说的完美克隆体和EVA保存的都是在Zanzibar Land被Solid S***干掉的替身,这里和Solidus没有任何关系!
牙都笑喷了.......太有才了, MGS剧本是小岛写的, 还是你说了算啊??
这些东西, 剧情对白里都讲得清清楚楚, 老兄你到底MGS4 算玩了还是没玩?? 听不懂日语, 可以看英语......总比你自己在那里瞎掰好点
实在不成, gamefaqs上有完整的剧本, 随便给你拉一段
Big Boss : That body Liquid burned on the Volta... Wasn't mine. That
was the body... Of a clone. Solidus.
Big Boss : He was a perfect clone. Zero, and the proxy AIs that came
after him, were convinced that Solidus was me. I was
implanted with nanomachines... Kept in a state of eternal
sleep... By JD the proxy AI. They had me sealed away
completely... Not only physical body, but my will, too. The
technology was similar to what they used to restrain the B&B
members you encountered. For me to wake again... The System
had to be destroyed... One way or another. Ocelot and EVA
wanted two things... To bring me back to life, and to end
the Patriots. That meant destroying the AI and killing the
man... JD and Zero. Right before you uploaded the virus into
GW... The way to JD was opened, but only through the
physical manifestation of GW. That's when we finally learned
the location of this man... Zero. For me, and for them...
For Naomi... Nothing was more important. And it was for that
they put their grand scheme into motion. EVA stole my body
from them and reconstructed it by replacing the missing
parts with pieces from Liquid and Solidus. And Ocelot... In
order to fool the System... Used nanomachines and
psychotherapy to transplant Liquid's personality onto his
own. He used hypnotic suggestion to turn himself into
Liquid's mental doppelganger. For all our advances in
nanotechnology... Information and genetic control... They've
never managed to control people at will... Let alone turn
one person totally into another.
人家自己说了, Solidus就是他的完美克隆, 也就是EVA保留的那具残缺的身体
Zanzibar Land和S***战的就是Big Boss本人, 别瞎掰了okay?
Big Boss这一战后受了重伤, 并被Patriots控制, EVA夺回了BB之后, 用Liquid和Solidus的身体组织, 重新修复了Big Boss的躯体
拜托你去完整打遍游戏, 好好看遍剧情, 谢谢 |