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1.Metroid mOTHER+ Saving Unofficial Update
Better icebeam and bombs
Nicer title screen
Nicer endings
Updated run animation
Updated player sprite (suited and suitless)
Updated enemy sprites
Enlarged and updated Kraid and Ridley
Updated Mother Brain
Various updated tile
Nicer background tiles
Animated lava, doors and elevators
Animated corridors
Animated Norfair (Ridley level)
Animated Tourian (Mother Brain level)
Various updated tiles
2.Metroid II - EJRTQ Colorization
EJRTQ converts Metroid II to full color. This mod combines the art of the beautiful but buggy EJRT colorization 1.2 with entirely rewritten code, fixing bugs and crashes, allowing it to run on most emulators, and adding additional graphical improvements.
3.Super Metroid Redux
These are some of the changes that you can find in Super Metroid Redux:
All of the improvements/changes made for Super Metroid: GBA Style are present here with a more refined touch, minus the mandatory Heavy Physics (which are now an optional patch). For more details on the full changelog from GBA Style which is included on Redux, visit GBA Style’s release page on RH.net.
A lot of features from Project Base 0.7.3 have been implemented. (Like faster door transitions and speeds, instant Bomb explosion by holding Down on the D-Pad, Game time and Item percentage can now be seen in the Pause menu, etc).
Normal and Hard mode can be toggled within the “Diffi**y Settings” before selecting a save file (NOTE: The diffi**y change can ONLY be enabled when starting a New Game, by Sylandro)
Special Demo sequences that depict useful tricks and abilities (from SM Turbo)
Message boxes can be skipped by pressing a button
Screw Attack now destroys frozen enemies (by Adamf)
X-Ray Visor range widened
Unlock Tourian patch has been completely fixed, so it doesn’t play the Super Metroid eating the side-hopper cutscene every time you go through that room on Tourian. Now the game only plays that scene the first time you go through it, sets a correct flag, and the Super Metroid and its two adjacent rooms will play the normal Tourian theme AFTER the cutscene has already happened (shoutouts to Smiley, PJBoy and the people from the Metroid Construction Discord for the help)
Charge Beam combos can be triggered by fully charging your beam with the beam of choice, and then pressing Select
Crystal Flash is still enabled like in the original game
Elevator Speed has been increased to double the speed of the original in Super Metroid
MSU-1 playback integrated
Missile Stations have now been changed to Recharge Stations. They now refill your entire weapons’ stack (Missiles, Super Missiles, Power Bombs) upon touching them with the message “Weapons Reload Completed.” (similar to Zero Mission / Fusion)
Power Bombs reveal hidden tiles (like in Zero Mission / Fusion)
Fanfare music for normal expansion **s (Missiles, Super Missiles, Power Bombs, Energy and Reserve **s) now use a special SFX when grabbed which is shorter, to allow for a more fluid play session. Main items like beams, suits, and the first main Missile/Super Missile/Power Bomb items still play the long-normal fanfare (similar to Zero Mission / Fusion)
Combined DC’s Map Patch with Scyzer’s Item Circles code to create a meticulously completely revamped Map system to be more in-line or similar to what is seen in both Zero Mission / Fusion. (Entrances, colour-coded doors, item circles/dots, etc).
4.Metroid - Project Zero Mission 0.8
Aesthetic changes
Redesigned minimal HUD and Font
Power bombs are yellow
Digits turn red when energy is low
Unique highlight colors for each explosive weapon
Gameplay changes
Super Metroid style item grabbing and equipment toggling
All enemy drops have been doubled.
More enemies vulnerable to power bombs
You can now walljump when you have spacejump or space + screw attack.
Fire a charged shot without interrupting a spinjump by pressing R in GBA Controls
Faster shinespark recovery and walljumping
Spacejump in liquids without gravity suit
Enemies do not get stunned in hard mode
Kraid, Ridley and Mecha Ridley are more diffi**
Improved physics
Faster room transitions
Mid-air ballsparking
Shinespark steering
Initiate speed booster in Morph ball
Charge beam sucks in enemy drops
The Ridley fight begins as soon as you enter his room, not after getting gravity suit.
The black space pirates are now weak to any beam. Plasma beam is not required.
Hard mode and Time attack mode are always available.
World design changes
You start the game next to your ship.
You can go to Norfair before you get Bombs.
You can get power bombs early.
Low% is now as low as 4%. (Morph, bombs, Ice beam, missile **)
All unknown items and power grip can be skipped.
A bunch of rooms were changed to make low% without power grip possible.
Perfect stealth is humanly achievable.
There is a new way to skip zipline activation in Kraid.
Optional map room was added to Tourian.
Tourian has more rinkas in hard mode, and the mother brain room has more spots to use power grip.
5.Metroid Fusion: Special Edition
Much of the game recolored to give it a less overly-saturated (but still colorful) look.
Better map screen and HUD graphics.
More compact font (with text tweaks to center better with the width of said font).
Bomb-jumping and single-wall wall-jumping reimplemented.
Many new sequence breaks added (early Power Bombs are the most important step).
Faster door transitions and elevators.
Optional (and slightly customized) hard mode.
Many small level design tweaks.
Some old/unused content restored.
Metroid.7z: https://url93.ctfile.com/f/4434793-516671893-d6ab0c (访问密码:3713)
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