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長久以來NDS的遊戲軟件市場一直受到M3與R4等燒錄卡非法下載盜版遊戲威脅.現在遊戲業界先驅Square Enix 的著名遊戲"最終幻想"與"勇者斗惡龍"系列已經向非法下載的DS軟件作出宣戰!
在剛推出不久的美版《最終幻想水晶編年史:命運之輪》已對下載的盜版遊戲作出了對應保護措施,若是使用燒錄卡運行該作,進入遊戲大約20分鐘左右就會出現 "Thank You For Playing!" 字樣出現在屏幕上以致無法進行遊戲.玩家如果想繼續遊戲,就只能在最後一次記錄點開始,但該保護程序仍然會隨機出!
雖然只是一段簡短的聲明,但已經表明Square Enix對打擊非法DS遊戲的決心.
News: Square Enix Do Battle With Pirates
The Japanese publishing giant has offered a big "up yours" to internet pirates.
The DS software market has very recently been threatened by devices such as the M3 Simply and the R4 flash cards. These devices, although they are intended for the download of homebrew software and applications, have been used to pirate DS games.
Square Enix, best known for the Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest series', have taken a stand against piracy however with the release of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates. Pirates who found themselves downloading the latest installment in the popular RPG series were greeted with a "Thank You For Playing!" screen around twenty minutes into the story. This screen ends the game, but if the player wishes to carry on playing from the last savepoint, the screen will continue to appear randomly.
It seems that Square Enix have (very briefly at least) managed the impossible task of beating the pirates at their own game!
http://www.dsfanboy.com/2008/03/ ... s-for-playing-ffcc/
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