The Opus project is a "Falcon" generation motherboard designed to fit in a Xenon case. You can expect an 90 nm GPU but a 65 nm CPU. Opus solves a major hardware recycling and inventory problem since Microsoft currently has millions of used Xenon cases from RRODed dead systems and this lets them use most of the good parts from the millions of dead Xenons but with a newer tested more reliable motherboard. There is no HDMI on Opus since the Xenon cases don't have openings for the port. Opus is a third generation Xbox 360 in the case of a first.I would trust an Opus Xbox much more than a "zombie repaired" Xenon since you are getting a fresh motherboard. These will probably never be boxed and sold directly to the public in stores so the only way to get an Opus motherboard is to turn in a RRODed dead Xenon in late 2008 and you might get one returned. Opus is the "Zombie Xbox" killer. It's the recycle repair special and is the sort of repair and refurbished Xbox 360 that they should have had done in the first place.At the heart of a Valhalla Xbox 360 is a combined 65nm CPU and 65nm GPU on a unified super chip. This also would only need one cooling system and be much quieter and hopefully more reliable than previous Xbox systems (if they include hardware JTAG testing reporting into the design). It is really early in the design process but there are engineers at Microsoft working on it as you are reading this. Heck they are probably reading this since this is the first that you are going to hear about Opus and Valhalla.You can probably expect a price cut for Valhalla since it is going to be a major cost reduction.Valhalla might be the final Xbox 360 motherboard design but that all might depend of the future progress of the third generation Xbox team (the Xbox 720 or whatever they call it) and the overall market success of the Xbox 360 platform. |
http://blog.seattlepi.nwsource.com/digitaljoystick/archives/132014.asp?from=blog_last3 |
根据一个内部人士透露,微软接下来将会生产两个版本的360主机,可能是在换"720"前,360的最后版本了. |
两个版本将名为 'Opus' 和 'Valhalla' |
 | Opus
旧版360年事已高,全世界每天都有因三红而倒下的,所以'Opus' 将会用来应付以后漫长的三红换机计划,将会用新65NM的主版,加上65NM的CPU,再流用微软手上上百万台三红机上的配件,但拿掉了HDMI输出口,就是把新版主机以旧版出现,换回给旧版的用户.所以换回去的主机将比旧版的稳定,减少微软以后的工作,但想旧版换到有HDMI口的主机是不可能了.今年年底将会开始看到这种 "原厂尸体机" 在换机***现. |
 | Valhalla
应是最终版360,CPU和GPU会以65NM出现,并合成到一块芯片里,只需要一个散热装置,更静更凉更稳定,并大大减底成本. 到时应会顺应地有大减价出现,更能争取市场.目前其主机还在开发中,上市日期为2009年底或2010年. |