- 精华
- 0
- 帖子
- 1294
- 威望
- 0 点
- 积分
- 2602 点
- 种子
- 22 点
- 注册时间
- 2004-8-5
- 最后登录
- 2025-3-9
01.《蓝龙(Blue Dragon)》203,740
02. 《死或生4(Dead or Alive 4)》108,618
03. 《皇牌空战6:解放的战火(Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation)》83,045
04. 《光环3(Halo 3)》82,987
05. 《山脊赛车 6(Ridge Racer 6)》73,501
06. 《上古卷轴4:湮没(The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion)》72,274
07. 《信赖的钟声 肖邦之梦(Trusty Bell: Chopin''s Dream)》70,244
08. 《战争机器(Gears of War)》68,270
09. 《丧尸围城(Dead Rising)》68,078
10. 《失落的星球(Lost Planet)》61,555
11. Dead of Alive Xtreme 2 60544
12. Lost Odyssey - 60,376
13. Idolm@ster - 48,695
14. Dynasty Warriors 6 - 44,292
15. Assassin''s Creed - 41,436
16. Ninety-Nine Nights - 38,019
17. Forza Motorsports - 2 31,255
18. Rumble Roses XX - 29,187
19. Crackdown - 28,588
20. Culdcept Saga - 27,960
21. Earth Defense Force 3 - 27,087
22. Perfect Dark Zero - 26,085
23. Test Drive Unlimited - 25,788
24. Project Gotham Racing 3 - 25,058
25. Beautiful Katamari - 24,186
26. World Soccer Winning Eleven X - 21,904
27. Armored Core 4 - 21,096
28. Dead Rising: Platinum Collection - 20,325
29. [eM] -eNCHANT arM- (Enchanted Arms) - 20,233
30. Saint''s Row - 18,593
31. Rainbow Six Vegas - 18,592
32. Oneechanbara vorteX - 18,443
33. Need For Speed: Most Wanted - 17,973
34. Bullet Witch - 16,241
35. Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 - 15,994
36. PlayOnline/Final Fantasy XI All-in-One Pack 2006 - 15,754
37. World Soccer Winning Eleven 2008 - 15,090
38. Platinum Collection - 14,864
39. Earth Defense Force 3: Platinum Collection - 14,707
40. Final Fantasy XI Wings of the Goddess Expansion - 14,412
41. Call of Duty 3 - 14,194
42. Virtua Fighter 5 Live Arena - 13,169
43. Chrome Hounds - 13,110
44. Tenchu Z - 12,974
45. Project Sylpheed - 12,283
46. Project Gotham Racing 4 - 12,237
47. Viva Pinata - 12,184
48. Godfather - 11,670
49. Dynasty Warriors 5 Special - 10,957
50. Bullet Witch: Platinum Collection - 10,857
总计所有前50宽软件的总共销售为:1,818,924款。. |