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应对春季更新,SamsungV5.3 Firmware,留给需要的朋友下!!
点此下载 SamsungV5.3 Firmware
SamsungV5.3 Firmware
Enter A for Xtreme 5.3a (Always fast)
B for Xtreme 5.3b (Always quite/slow)
C for Xtreme 5.3c (Dual speed-default fast)
D for Xtreme 5.3d (Dual speed-default quiet/slow)
Xtreme firmware 5.3A,5.3B,5.3C,5.3D for TS-H943 Xbox 360
Disc-Jitter, Disc-Lockon, Single Layer!, FirmGuard, Multi Speed, Media Stealth, One Firmware, Xbox 360 backup and extraction firmware modification!
(v5.3) Disc-Jitter added for Challenge Types 5/7 to avoid possible replay detection.
(v5.3) Support added for DVD drive to Report as Hitachi 79
(v5.2) Disc-LockOn added for chronic open tray consoles.
(v5.2) DVD Video disc problems fixed.
(v5.1) Open Tray errors fixed (PFI and SS read routines updated)
(v5.1) 5.1c (Dual speed, default fast) and 5.1d (Dual speed default quiet\slow) read speed (Originals unaffected). Both toggle with original Xbox1/360 disc
(V5.1) Xbox1 DDE errors caused by firmware, patched
(V5.1) Possible Xbox1/360 DDE errors caused by firmware, patched
(V5.1) Single Layer DVD disc support(+/-RW) for both Xbox1 and 360
(v5.1) New easier batch file "Make Xtreme firmware.cmd" to make all firmwares.
(V5.0) Single Layer DVD disc support(+/-R) for both Xbox1 and 360
(V5.0) Xbox1 file ISO support - burn just game files to disk in ISO format
(V5.0) Xbox1 file ISO capacity increase to utilise full disk space for single layer
(v5.0) 360 file ISO support (Work in progress. New QWIX tool to come)
(V5.0) Supports older style XBox1 disk format (just burn game.iso)
(v5.0) Enable0800 disk now supported on single layer disk
(v4.2) Updated firmware and Make files for Error 66 swapped drives/motherboards from Hitachi XBox 360 and for MS25 consoles manufactured around/after end of May/start of June 2006. There is no change for drives already running Xtreme 4.2x
(v4.2) Security Sector read improved. Should help with Open Tray/Rubberband error.
(v4.1) Improved FirmGuard.
(v4.0) MS28 core firmware. Also better and faster media detection.
(v4.0) FirmGuard added. On by default. Firmware cannot be Read/Written by 360 console. Can ONLY be turned off (Read/Write enabled) via Enable0800 mode.
(v4.0) 4.0A firmware. 4.0A is default Fast Read Speed mode. Quite/Slow Read mode for backups activated via any Xbox 360/Xbox 1 Original game disk.
(v4.0) 4.0B firmware. 4.0B is default Quiet/Slow Read Speed mode. Fast Read mode for backups activated via any Xbox 360/Xbox 1 Original game disk.
(v3.3) Dual Read Speed mode (Quite/Slow Read mode for backups activated via any Xbox 360/Xbox 1 Original game disk.)
(v3.2) Improved Media speed patch, forced full speed on all media types!
(v3.1) Added Booktype overwrite patch (bitsetting to Dvdrom no longer required)
(v3.1) Added Media speed patch (drive treats backup disc speed rating same as original)
(v3.1) Fixed DVD Movie backup/Xbox 1 backup read bug.
(v3.0) Stealth Media implemeted into firmware. Backups now appear exactly as original disk regardless of which disk check command used by Xbox 360
(v3.0) Enable0800 mode supports extraction of raw PFI (Physical Format Information) and raw DMI (Disk Manufacturing Information)
(v3.0) Support for loading of extracted PFI and DMI from disk
(v3.0) Non-Stealth Backups automatically enhanced with embeded PFI for Xbox 360 and Xbox 1
(v3.0) Included new Video.iso for Xbox 360 and Xbox 1 backups, now the same as originals
(v3.0) Security placeholders/bad sectors for 360 backups are outside both valid psn ranges so they cannot be read/checked by 360 host
(v2.0) Extraction part of firmware enabled with Enable0800 DVD. ISO included.
(v2.0) In Enable0800 mode, allows drive to function natively under Windows without any hardware conversion/adaptors
(v1.0) Boots all Xtreme Xbox 360 backups
(v1.0) Boots all Xtreme Xbox 1 backups
(v1.0) Boots all Xbox 360 originals
(v1.0) Boots all Xbox 1 originals on Xbox 360
发布提取安全信息 SS.bin 的破解固件;
合并读取备份光盘的破解固件与提取安全信息 SS.bin 的破解固件;
刻录备份光盘时加入 PSN、PFI、DMI、视频分区等四项媒体隐形功能;
增加刻录机 Booktype 补丁;
v4.0 A/B:
基于 MS28 原始固件修改;
增加光驱固件写保护功能 (FirmGuard);
为备份光盘提供安静和高速两种读取速度,4.0A 默认高速、4.0B 默认安静;
v4.1 A/B:
v4.2 A/B:
修正读取安全信息 SS.bin 的顺序机制;
v5.0 A/B:
新增支持单层 DVD-5 +/-R 备份光盘、ISO 格式的 Xbox 备份光盘
为备份光盘提供安静和高速两种读取速度,5.0A 强制高速、5.0B 强制安静;
v5.1 A/B/C/D:
新增支持单层 DVD-5 +/-RW 备份光盘;
为备份光盘提供安静和高速两种读取速度,5.1A 强制高速、5.1B 强制安静;5.1C 默认高速、5.1D 默认安静;
v5.2 A/B/C/D:
Use on Xbox Live at own risk . |