传闻在四月份提供的 Xbox 360 春季更新的新功能。 |
Multiperson Group Chat - You can't do it with people in the same game as you. |
多人群组聊天,但是成员不能在同一个游戏中 |
More BC Games - Larger list of Backwards Compatible games. |
兼容更多的 Xbox 游戏 |
Clan Blade - Clan support for all games that have clan support. |
系统菜单新增战队的页面 (Clan Blade),支持所有带有战队功能的游戏 |
Web Browse - Optional download in the marketplace so those that don't want it don't have to have it. |
网络浏览器,根据个人需要自己从 Live 卖场下载,不强制更新 |
Faster Guide - The desktop with be much smoother and cleaner. |
系统菜单的响应更加快速、更加平滑 |
Vision Camera Features - A lot more features for the camera. |
加入更多的 Xbox Live 摄像头新功能 |
Disk Drive - When disk is in drive it'll say which game it in the disk drive. |
显示光驱中游戏光盘的游戏名称 |
Customizable Themes - able to put a different pic on each blade. |
自定义主题,可以单独设置每个菜单页面 |
Friends List - able to add more friends |
容量更大的好友清单,目前是 100 人 |
Multi Video Chat - would be fun to have 4 people in a room all with cameras talking |
多人视频聊天,最多四人 |
Video Messages - able to send a video message to your friends |
新增发送视频短信给好友的功能 |
Ad Deletion - Able to turn on or off the advertisments whether your 18 or not. |
广告屏蔽功能 |
Arcade Demos - Not to appear under games played. |
不再在玩家图片上显示玩过的 Xbox Live Arcade 试玩版游戏 |
Open Tray - Open the disk tray from the dashboard when a game is in it. |
光驱中有光盘时,可以通过系统菜单遥控弹出光驱托盘 |
Text Messages - Longer than 250 characters. |
文字短信可以超过 250 字符 |
Away Messages - Like AIM. So it would say going out for dinner | etc. |
暂时离开时,可以设置留言给好友查看 |
Weather System - Somewhat like the Wii where you can see a forcast for your area. |
你所在地区的天气预报系统 |
Zune - More integration with the 360. |
与微软的 Zune 媒体播放器整合更多功能 |
Video Codec - More support than just WMV. |
支持更多的视频格式,不再只有 wmv 格式 |
Reply Message - Able to see the text that your friend replied to. so you can |
remember what you said to them. |
回复短信时,可以包含原内容 |
Save Vision Pics - Able to save a bunch of pics from your vision camera to the hard drive. |
可以在外置硬盘保存摄像头所拍摄的图片 |
Groups/Clans - Be able to have groups on your friends list. like "real friends" and "GOW gods" |
好友清单上加入分组、战队功能 |
转SKY |