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0 [2 U) H1 p; A8 _" f
★☆★ ☆★☆ ★☆★ ☆★☆ ★☆★ ☆★☆ ★☆★ ☆★☆ ★☆★ ☆★☆ ★☆★ ☆★☆ ★☆★6 \, n E+ ?; @9 Z$ A
! s' d! x q- }
4 g- e; B" Z0 w, \3 r6 K u! [4 `: |, `
首先祝贺大家元旦、新年快乐,今次就以新的一话作为皇区的礼物献给大家,算是特别Mission了,所以特别修饰了一下,和往日换个不同风格^_^。4 s& t; E0 F- c$ T
$ _- V' I* c, T- k! l% X4 n0 w今次,两大超级兵器将相继登场,一个来自Yuke,另一个来自自家Osean。看来,第三舰队的恩怨,就要在沙鳥的海岸线前解决了,这是一场防卫?还是复仇?天上与水下、天使和恶魔,今天将就此显形……9 F5 y" U V. S5 ?
: `) P% e' {" d6 ?* h i ★☆★ ☆★☆ ★☆★ ☆★☆ ★☆★ ☆★☆ ★☆★ ☆★☆ ★☆★ ☆★☆ ★☆★ ☆★☆ ★☆★
0 |7 g+ I9 ?3 x( P
6 t* O* \6 y# b0 _& I前情提要:
& y9 Z8 w f3 [( M; h+ N: D* x( ^/ k$ B% G" ]
在从第三舰队的灾难中逃离后,为了加油,Wardog来到了原South Belka、现North Osea州的Heierlark空军基地,由于敌人超级潜水航母Scinfaxi号的巨大威胁,Osean***毅然决定,让非武力卫星Arkbird投入战斗。于是在Wardog前去加油的基地东面,Basset国际宇宙基地,进行SSTO单轨穿梭机的发射,谁料国际宇宙基地是当初Belkan战争时候,Yuke和Osean结盟时为实现宇宙空间计划而共同建造的,所以当天Yuke大量空降部队“光临”宇宙基地。Wardog前去助战,敌军最后甚至不惜一切想要毁灭太空发射轨,当然,我们Wardog的宗旨就是不完成任务绝不活着回来,所以最后发射在千钧一发之际成功了,Arkbird最终也将激光兵器收入羽翼之下。Wardog立刻返回沙鳥,同时率领一群新兵一路归航。
4 m) ]" H1 z, x* J6 w4 V8 @4 m8 t- s1 j 今次,Yuke对沙鳥基地卷土重来,派遣大批舰队、飞机和强袭登陆艇,准备一举侵占沙鳥,雷达上,满屏的敌人……大难当头,Wardog和所在基地全体成员准备背水一战。可是,战局中,正当战场形势好转的时候,Nagase口中的传说中的恶魔出现了:“It can't....it can't be!”不…不可能!! 此刻,正当所有人眼望天空,发出绝望的嘶嚎时…天空射下一道蓝色的希望之光……0 ?% r* \, Z: i- f6 y
0 j3 S4 q, X8 H# z# D; V0 i" k$ |' ~ ★☆★ ☆★☆ ★☆★ ☆★☆ ★☆★ ☆★☆ ★☆★ ☆★☆ ★☆★ ☆★☆ ★☆★ ☆★☆ ★☆★
. z( N$ x0 F7 n6 p7 E
5 B( m1 d% u+ _8 x4 ?Mission 07
" `& C: Y/ G' ^# D: u* a6 aFRONT LINE4 D( V9 z; ~! x( H3 `
サンド島防衛戦) {; w) z5 z- t
, Z4 s- r8 ^. a- B 作戦名 日時 場所 ! f' Z$ G2 {) Q9 z5 d
1 D9 i) I: H3 o% l* O' Z- L1 V. U
MISSION NAME > VANGUARD 7 C# Q) w6 \- j v* ^1 ]. Q3 U: U8 L
DATE > 2010/10/04
, \3 P" ?1 o0 o0 z+ n" DTIME > 0830HRS
1 e8 \0 M6 P0 j* A9 M& \# n; m/ NAREA > SAND ISLAND
7 \; R1 q" M" o( @+ FLOCATION > 04?10'19"N 144?32'16"E ( H. o: `$ ?8 t: Y0 o
Q( a- f' N$ i8 E8 \+ j0 c) h- B Briefing
6 F$ n' c# p0 \! _- I/ d* q, A% b/ W
(Colonel Perrault) Agah, you people are like the plague, you know that? The moment you returned to Sand Island, this happens. ; q6 y# e( W; z, j" k# Q$ D
* `3 B" A- _' e5 `, t. H5 n0 ?' S( j- z8 N k7 b% c
A large combined force of Yuktobanian vessels and aircrafts has been detected advancing in the ocean directly towards Sand Island from the west. Our intelligence has confirmed the presence of amphibious assault ships within the armed coming fleet. We believe the enemy's goal is to conduct a landing operation on Sand Island and capture this base. ( J9 q( ]+ h) ]* {4 Q8 S
Close with the enemy, disrupt landing operations and suppress their naval gunfire directed at our forces ashore. . Z: W. K0 |. x) C7 ^( H
: h% ? Y8 M: V
; T3 n8 ^' y- I% H5 h(Colonel Perrault) Even if this turns into a ground war, I am prepared to fight for this island to the thew end. As my advance guard, I want you to forget everything else, concentrate on dealing a lethal blow on the incoming enemy invasion fleet. We'll be deployed everything we've got. Launch every aircraft capable of anti-ship combat regardless of combat experience.
! v; i2 F i9 y% G1 g- A. u3 r3 k 即便将成为一场陆地战,小官我也做好了奋战到底的准备(意指基地防卫的全面战略部署)。各位,你们作为我的先遣部队,我需要你们摒弃一切后顾之忧,给我全力痛击那些不速之客。这次的防卫战将全面出击。所以,不论经验与否,所有具备对舰攻击能力的战机,均 倾巢出动!(注,这里参见上一Mission,在Heierlark空军基地,一群新兵们总围着Wardog,视他们为英雄,或明星?Whatever,所以在Wardog中队回沙鳥的时候,被奉命率领一些缺少经验的飞行员一同回去。原因是沙鳥是和Yuke共和國毗邻最近的地方,打个比方,如同美国的夏威夷和中国。另外,沙鳥在 和平 时期 一直作为一个偏僻的角落,就像被遗忘了一样,所以很少有军备,几乎快成为旅游观光的地方了,怎么说大洋对面的只是个盟国Yuktobania,所以发生大战是万万想不到的,而此时,补充战力是当务之急,因此才从北Osean州的落脚点,带领一批新兵回沙鳥。今次作战,沙鳥最为一个重要战略地点,敌军势必全面占领“珍珠港”,可以说这一战必须豁出去了,所以上校不得不全面动员,基地设施、炮塔,甚至包括那些只有理论知识的新兵飞行员们。)" b6 G' ?; G: V5 f, k
8 h( @' i! o( j3 L( J
0 ^; ?# a* a& h6 ` MISSION START 0 p( I' S' L3 `+ b( b+ ?0 F, A
1 O/ T# k+ ]2 L' A) c
AWACS Thunderhead This is AWACS Thunderhead. All units, listen carefully.
; ?: l( _$ l* s: n5 h 这里是AWACS Thunderhead,各机听令。 ; u5 ~- M/ }3 }3 f J
* H- z3 X; l1 Z& o8 Z1 pChopper Ahh, I missed that sweet voice. Say, you get that from your mama's side of the family? / v- ^8 V' Z$ ]( o* J& g" i7 m2 ]5 W
啊~~,好久没听到这样甜美的声音了。那么说,在你家里,你应该像***妈多一点咯??(即:继承母亲的基因多一点。Chopper啊……>_<!嘴不饶人) ) V% K: r0 g& G5 }
1 h- A$ B5 n2 F0 a9 ~
AWACS Thunderhead Cut the chatter. First enemy wave, bearing 280 degrees. You are cleared to engage on sight.
+ ^3 m. ~; h, b" m8 _% B 少跟我贫嘴。敌人第一波,雷达方位280。准备交战。# e9 Q! N3 V6 Y- c4 k2 ?8 n
' N- C6 m$ @/ o. fNagase It's too risky to bring the nuggets here.
0 Q- `8 `* A G( T3 h) A/ z 让新兵过来(参加实战)有点太冒然了吧。8 y6 d, ~ k+ d' e/ ?
2 j" p1 I% `* u* n0 q
Chopper I'm with you on that.
! f' k" v G% `+ ~! ?! B3 s4 F 完全同意~~。
6 r. p( B: ^; e1 q
1 j" K, ?: T) ?' _+ E* UChopper9 B9 \, q/ i3 W/ R
Ask You agree, Booby?
8 x- I0 k T* D3 ] 你认为呢?Booby?
8 H' a9 u8 G- T4 Y: i
7 y" l2 F( ]+ `6 k, sChopper# M, R% H8 o& Q- ]
Yes Seriously. They've got their hands full just keeping their planes in the air.
0 I9 o2 N8 I8 E8 ^4 f/ m0 `! o 说真的。他们光是为了让飞机平稳飞行都已经手忙脚乱了。(人家第一次出击嘛^^,参见Mission 6): I- S; F% A: y! ]6 D
+ z, [* E. Y& L# e$ vChopper9 r) H3 N% z. y, }5 J
No Really? I think it's just gonna increase the number of pointless deaths. 4 t8 s1 [# G# p+ x0 `4 O7 O
真的?我想这只是增加一些无意义的伤亡率罢了。, c" w- m$ L0 v0 @% V
4 g; i8 S8 d2 s/ p- G9 hChopper2 U1 Z# o: I$ ~4 X
Mute ...What are you saying, it can't be helped? 3 ~6 t5 H, \! ~8 n5 N$ d
# S K# G) n& @( {" o+ a
- {: t/ m/ B* z* g* m9 Z
' ^/ B4 B d% N+ {Rookie) s; V8 r6 p7 z( _* }
Ask (pattern 1) If we make it back alive, there's something I want to ask you, if that's all right. 6 o$ B! {$ T f& N! q
如果我们活着回去,我有事情想要问你。如果可以的话。) Q) T1 @, {8 \3 m
1 j C$ n( ~- D& n
Rookie( W: q6 |5 x9 J- k" s y
Yes Thank you. It's just something I have to know. 7 d( {* R+ ^# G% }# s9 S) a: M, }) w5 N
) U- R' \9 g `+ }1 p. i0 }( [
% \$ {9 I( ]! F7 g6 V, g* M3 }( CRookie
n: F! _, m/ N9 P& x- b' y' cNo I'm sorry. I shouldn't say "if." We WILL make it back alive.
/ s C/ h+ U1 p* s& r0 w% ^: q 抱歉。我不该说“如果”。我们 一定会 活着回去。: A$ u* g7 d2 P. a3 s. V
* Q- i; Z$ M( l
& [7 P7 a* i. h# E) A/ T! s
Rookie1 Z/ K0 J2 y4 e! n1 P% l1 P
Ask (pattern 2) Do you all ever get scared, Captain?
) f" N7 |& w8 ^ 长官,你有感到恐惧吗?
- ? d% G5 c4 l6 i/ {; u+ t7 b5 `" g5 {! U
Rookie: C1 F8 e/ H0 V' k$ X" P
Yes I see. So, you're just like us. & o( Y$ X+ M& [/ _
这样啊。你和我们一样哦。8 |3 }- q7 e5 X0 y# `3 v
3 E$ S2 m. h6 F/ V* {& n
Rookie) B/ m" T* z: @( V ^* s) I
No We'd like to be the same way, but it's just impossible in a situation like this.
: p! J4 {7 m7 r8 | 我们也想(不害怕),但在这种情况下,就是平静不下来啊。: l3 |2 `7 T6 _/ b* O
+ a) M. }* C2 ^Rookie
/ O$ v( Y9 `, PMute ...I'm sorry, Sir. I shouldn't have asked a question like that.
3 m3 e. h" c1 U% f ……对不起,长官。我不应该问这样的问题。$ R6 {5 F0 `7 n* |# w9 K2 `
4 l& c3 ]9 N# Q1 D5 V) b; W 5 F5 |9 K+ u' Z" o/ _, `9 O( a5 ^/ `
Sand Island This is Sand Island Base Defense! Enemy amphibious force intercepted at the coastline! . \ T% u* p6 \- _2 y2 R: F. m' ? M; ^5 D
9 w& T6 ]$ f& U" b! |8 o- j, [2 A4 Q% T' E2 z
Chopper Oh, great. Here we go. 3 u+ C( f. ?( S) [! I1 `
, `5 Q/ c) @8 H& ~' Z+ R9 ?0 E% m! r5 c! y
AWACS Thunderhead Enemy ships are firing towards Sand Island. Stop them.
" \8 Q7 V+ h' @- w4 c; x9 y5 D 敌舰向沙鳥射击。阻止他们。4 j: [$ h6 v1 s2 \- L7 w
7 E0 a- C9 R9 g0 t) t; f
AWACS Thunderhead Enemy assault ships are launching attack helicopters. Shoot them down before they reach Sand Island. : Z- j+ G# I, B2 _
敌均强袭登陆舰投放直升机了。在它们到达沙鳥前击落它们。' T! g9 ~& q3 q/ Y
+ n) O& z$ H$ h
作戦中(適時、またはランダムで発生) * M2 H6 j& L k: x
$ T8 G% M0 v- Z1 A5 _& {Chopper
5 B' r2 h$ \ Z7 `! t(pattern 1) So, hey, if the enemy wins here, then what happens to us?
7 ^6 N# v1 [1 M 嘿,如果敌人在这里成功了,我们会怎麽樣?# A/ x6 s9 N7 B" j1 {) o, w
' I! o% K1 {6 ?8 Z5 D
Chopper) X: g* X" o6 j) {/ |0 T
(pattern 2) Our island's the closest thing to the enemy. I guess it makes sense we got attacked first.
. A% t4 h+ a. S+ X) W2 N# a H 我们的沙鳥是距离敌人(Yuke国土)最近的地方。所以最先攻打我们是理所当然的。
+ z( ]: l- p% \6 b: c! O! W' E
; @% t- k- T- s# sChopper Damn, this ain't looking good. ! g! F( O+ A1 M$ w2 R2 Z$ [
见鬼,看来不妙。' P0 n$ ^) E |+ \
. z6 ~. Q# ]' |! d" X
/ Z& K0 K) M0 q+ S$ }Sand Island The coastline is under heavy enemy attack! 8 o4 S$ i4 y! {, \
/ g3 N% a& R9 e: y5 d) A, o& h, G
- \ G6 d1 ], a+ NPerrault I know, I know! All units, this is Colonel Perrault at Base Command. ; A# o4 k3 l! ^( B& T
Do everything in your power to stop them. If you can't protect this island, what'll we tell our great heroes in the sky?! + P! h% r4 j0 x% |: L% J! i
& O9 i3 [* y6 C: _7 w e& W0 Z. N用尽一切力量阻止敌人!如果我们不守好基地,怎么向天空的勇士们交代?!. |2 B; o% j) V5 b/ _
# S/ }, }! ^" i- OGrimm "Great heroes?" What's with him? He's like a completely different man.
% p4 R* V3 Q' J: k8 n* c “勇士”?他怎么了?说话好像变了个人似的。
: i0 K5 R1 S6 g! u! K) M" h, P1 `; {' t9 f2 V) P% x1 |& d% p
Chopper Don't expect that stuff when we get back. I bet he's got a different script for us. : d/ E4 V; S0 M( q+ \% c
回去的时候可别期望他对我们说这些(好听的)。我打赌,到时候他又是一套台词。(^^)9 B0 t3 g' y9 v& B3 {
; k) _1 d/ F% S7 U G+ U+ TAWACS Thunderhead Enemy assault ships are launching hovercraft.
3 C" \: |1 X; {8 a2 X/ G9 ` 敌军强袭登陆舰正在投放气垫船。
1 Q9 K9 j$ W2 J0 O8 T( ?. T( \0 j! A: r/ N
$ \0 g0 r% W; p/ D8 z% kRookie Finally, a real battle! I'm gettin' nervous.
9 `( B0 Y0 m4 I* j+ N 终于,一场实战要上演了!我好紧张。+ }1 F' V% x; j7 ^. Y5 T; j
; i2 ^$ ~8 ~" _, u. K1 F! j' ^; yRookie Beamer, your plane's wavering.
$ f8 L! R. w( B6 M7 g Beamer,你飞机在摇晃。
2 U- V& |- T. T' `7 |9 _5 {/ a$ u1 O2 v% N9 Y( N
Chopper Hey, nuggets. Try to keep sight of your flight lead and don't screw it up, all right? % w6 R3 z" V3 a9 P# F8 V7 Q# u! q3 o
喂,新兵。跟紧你们的长机,不要走丢了。OK!?/ O8 K/ H J, Z* C
! ]2 u' x( e0 j( c1 S1 a+ J
5 R. ~ n7 ~& A5 I. a
Sand Island Engaging enemy amphibious force! + t" e' j0 f8 ^0 m3 }* c8 U+ u
% o% [ ]3 {, W$ W6 M8 g' _5 ^% `- _! S7 }3 }: ~: f/ I* @
Perrault Airborne attack squadron, don't worry about us. We will stand firm and fight to the end!
1 Z) S& H4 ?; l; s" J: d 反舰攻击中队,不要管我们了。我们会挺住的,直到最后!. p! f/ ~1 {" f$ f$ a. b+ l0 O4 m# q
8 d4 ~- t" ]- x! k& M
Grimm What a tearjorker. + Q# ~, A: O4 Q+ z& ~
. V b/ ^* M9 \
9 K: h6 c( f( _) |7 M6 \6 l! B8 s6 GChopper Man, if he needs our help, he should just say so. Of course, not that we have the time to help right now. 3 w6 K$ [/ P+ ^9 m( K
伙计,如果他需要我们,他会说的。当然,现在我们可无暇相助。7 h" Q& u/ e6 r, R, _4 p+ X
3 X2 C9 ?1 Q3 ]/ TRookie Calm down. Keep a cool head.
1 [, E1 F3 y2 X# Y7 ~) ] 沉着。保持冷静!
, ]" n6 N k( [
, z4 j$ S. n3 M; O# X3 }Rookie Amazing...So this is what real battle's like. + J6 U3 f1 ` j$ M
难以置信……实战原来就是这样的。7 q& }) e, c5 t m# w6 z
3 F' m# ^' l3 U; f/ XRookie Is this all there is to it? I can handle this!
. E1 Q. W1 D% _' h! N" j0 j2 R- H- I 就这样而已么?没问题,我能应付了!5 N+ S& O1 n7 O8 z% E
+ l( V' H1 s# |2 H
Chopper Right, that's it, nuggets. Keep it up.
) R" v' _: r- E2 `8 G 对,实战也就这样,新兵。保持状态。
! [& j3 i+ }& [+ W# ~
0 M8 i0 u0 X: I+ N4 E5 U/ C: f5 V 6 O4 }) o- r1 G0 }6 ~
Sand Island Hangar hit by mortar shells! Crew quarters also damaged!
L2 U) u) W5 G4 |" z; i) b! a/ P" j 机棚被迫击炮击中!宿舍也中弹了!: i) ~% D( q# ~# X
8 ~( _, E |1 Y' @2 a
Chopper Dammit, my Rock 'n' Roll collection's in there!
' N: u# i2 {% i* U6 |4 Q% W 妈呀,我的摇滚唱片还在里面!(又在念叨他的摇滚唱片,^_^,参见Misson 4-初战,偷袭沙鳥一役)- e- ~4 A/ B7 g! ^2 T [
$ z+ T- \' C1 ?& F2 kPerrault Keep fighting! Show some courage, men! ! b; n( G8 P! A7 A. |; z
7 f6 `/ q {* d# [/ z" G3 ?8 L
7 }; h' z- x5 s( m" ^5 P" A( Q
- Z! G( j4 H* T- C% \# q6 TRookie I'm hit! Help me! $ q* D8 y* A$ |$ a* V
5 K U8 U# I* a r! N2 E; f- D- S* f+ A) @& R* u* t/ @% \
Grimm We've lost another. Another nugget from Heierlark Base.
4 y5 K& M1 u' G' V 我们又失去了一个,另一個来自Heierlark基地的新兵。(参见Mission 6)$ T4 H9 b! g+ x+ f
% m$ j1 ~5 K$ c0 o0 G* QChopper Hey, make sure you stay glued to us. This way.
, }; a: j( C9 s& X( o% `2 |9 \% ^- p 喂!跟紧了。这边。
0 }# v9 g: H# b# c/ x, K. \" Y/ v- a& A
, U) L q8 ~9 \/ Y% m. N" p- }Yuke Landing Force Numerous radar hits confirmed. Enemy planes inbound. - e& x1 f- B7 j) T
! D6 h8 u! p* C) {2 A; c
4 ^7 }0 Q( U9 gYuke Landing Force 上陸部隊は順調に進攻中。
& G4 S+ q3 ?' K. ~, s 登陆部队顺利进攻中。
2 z9 k/ X- P% n8 v+ h% }( y- ^6 v) f D$ t6 l% Q- d
Yuke Landing Force Assault squadron, provide fire support to the amphibious force. 6 x6 l4 ~( t8 ^8 m% ~1 i
. S/ M6 \, P# T0 z9 H/ v9 h1 X2 S7 ^
Yuke Landing Force Enemy planes approaching! # [' |. U/ F8 S. g& j% o2 g
7 o2 U* H, ^/ ?& P, h+ d7 z& Q
Yuke Landing Force This is the Khrabry. Commencing support fire.
L2 M8 F3 J- T 我是Khrabry。开始火力支援。
2 v" H- s6 ^1 n3 V6 P6 Y0 {# h a( \$ \# z$ O
Yuke Landing Force Damage to enemy defense positions unknown.
4 M% r/ f M3 B; o& ? 敌方阵地损害状况不明。
5 {6 V' z( \/ p/ C. r- K: X+ m, |' K7 m! D; I \4 D
Yuke Landing Force Fighter squadron, turn to intercept them. ) t4 ]" ]3 s/ D
战斗机中队,转去迎击敌人。0 {8 p! z2 n& h
1 u6 H" `. h. _; Z6 [. R3 nYuke Landing Force Boris Squad took a hit! It's sinking!
, K3 d v; a" K Boris队遭遇袭击!下沉中!
3 Q9 O5 G2 n8 L/ k" d
6 W, c1 z' q7 e* dYuke Landing Force Enemy ground forces opening fire! ! T. c% X# ?$ N4 s3 ^+ r/ P- [
% A2 ^/ E5 |1 F" J- F ; F0 t& a6 X" [8 @9 R" }7 Q
Yuke Landing Force 反抗火力は軽微と予想される。
2 F' n+ \9 H7 y( K& O0 t% G 反抗火力与预想的一样轻微。) s: P8 M( O7 w/ |) E4 w3 @
0 {# s* z% n# D! s7 \' yYuke Landing Force 上陸次第、早急に敵陣制圧および 橋頭堡を確保せよ。 6 `' j0 v' a7 [, _
0 \1 E- A( @$ j# D8 S * C- j5 X( Z4 f7 f; @2 }4 ]- h0 i
. W; W4 q# r$ A
Yuke Landing Force Great weather. I can see for miles around. 0 m- S" `$ k1 |7 J5 H
' z) K6 K; [# }$ W5 @$ _" C3 H( P8 {* w5 a6 y \$ V) h' g4 q1 _. c
Yuke Landing Force Perfect weather for a landing, eh? / L" ]# B! x6 B8 N, i0 E' x
2 D$ f1 ^& N% u. f: Z
1 \& J2 b7 S7 E0 PYuke Landing Force No enemy counterattack detected yet. - A! P9 t& Z: v# Q( B
0 M- F7 U) ~+ G+ _9 X
! m$ M/ T/ N. V SYuke Landing Force Are they all destroyed? . G' x- \) e+ x) x" q
' }( y+ B: b. [; t. u' ]4 e1 l$ G3 x3 o
Yuke Landing Force No, they're waiting for us to get closer. 3 j; H% v+ b; @: k7 O4 p ]. i/ L0 @
不好,他们在等我们靠近。/ V# A! @$ g1 x) h6 ?7 n
, L9 R2 w' i4 J0 s$ i+ h 散開を指示していない場合 $ k( b2 g$ I% C/ R/ S
( G5 {( X" B7 ONagase
+ Y3 `9 m+ ~7 MAsk This is Edge. Our defense is about to break down. Blaze, permission to disperse and provide support. 9 q* ^2 x; l f6 J& E
. K' a, Y- w# z1 M9 T9 `1 j
0 X) ?. T) Y1 P: ENagase
" k3 E7 H0 F% v# O) V+ f$ TYes Roger, dispersing to engage separately. . Y3 m* u4 T% E
% @1 t! k+ [- C3 N& [5 b1 k
& F/ l2 ?+ C3 B! |, H4 n- q1 h' nNagase/ b9 U( B3 I9 C" u& N
No Roger. I see what you mean. We'd just be falling into their trap. Thanks, Blaze.
4 O8 s+ V' t1 j0 V0 q( F 收到。知道你的意思了。让敌人以为我们钻入了他们的圈套。多谢,Blaze。6 f: s1 o' l* g" Y
* m3 v1 X/ @/ Z0 ANagase" r+ V( g" E! a) O# J& G: j) E6 e1 N
Mute Blaze, is something wrong? I'm not receiving your instruction.
6 h) p& P% _' D* [' q) F Blaze,有甚么问题么?我没收到你的指令。
4 E% A$ Q. s# o& F) D3 V+ p9 I, z% T/ d
$ q1 u# y+ C! k. @: x
% o1 R; L/ y( ]5 URookie Help me! He's right behind me!
+ w& Z/ Y, X% N5 _# k 快来帮帮我!他就在我后面!
0 R& E, L9 M$ u0 \, `$ t6 }6 r- \& w0 C+ F* I" ?
Rookie Come on, KC! Shake him off! # O) {, ^9 s9 W9 f
加油,KC!甩开他!' B" h+ A) `; l/ |$ @* K( s
* d6 J0 C. L+ X' ?. ~, A
Nagase Nuggets, do you read me? If you try to run from them, you will get hit. ' h% u* U8 ?: \; [5 n
新兵,听到我说的吗?如果你被他们打乱了阵脚,你就很容易被击中了。0 o2 D8 j7 T4 J3 u4 |8 s2 `
2 Z+ b x7 C, S" h1 r2 o1 D* H# p! V* a) r# o% u6 ^/ f9 C9 c
Sand Island Airbase fuel ***s taking fire! The water ***'s hit, too! * L% X! P$ `+ ~; @! Q# p3 K
8 d5 T# {6 c y8 ]9 M# B7 q
# N2 B- e2 s0 c8 Y5 yPerrault Put out the fires! We gotta keep the base operational!
) l5 V7 I+ ^4 N, M8 T6 _( k 赶快灭火!我们还要保持基地的正常运作!
, u8 U2 v ]0 M# E0 h! P0 q/ ^; d" u) }5 V t7 J
海面下からミサイルが発射 + |- x6 y' R6 Y4 l8 B8 Q1 a
8 k% ]& q0 d; n/ @( oNagase Missile fired from enemy sub!
! I0 N5 w0 P4 j$ K$ s' ~* @) A 敌潜水艇发射导弹了!
9 H+ U. V1 ^" r% W; N- [9 O+ f: ?. v5 E6 T
Grimm What?!
/ }3 c# L+ c4 p+ m 甚么?!6 @5 J3 o- ~; d
$ h% `1 c: ~$ ]. E: eNagase Get out of there, Grimm! You nuggets, too!
* K6 O5 J$ r6 B# E; }% r$ h0 k; o 逃离那里,Grimm!你们新兵也是!! L4 @6 O# y5 r' z
! n: M0 D; Z# h9 i) \4 FChopper Climb! Climb! C'mon!
1 N& A! J- [0 t% B3 h K 爬升!爬升!爬升!
# F8 B) d/ Y ] D0 a+ k' j H2 L6 R/ M3 ~& L+ L5 Y4 t' F
Nagase You hear me, nuggets? You have to climb!
f+ A' a5 {7 b- m- e, P1 f% K3 W 听到没有,新兵们?你们必须升高!
/ b( z! _! f" x$ V: e& f! b. M% C+ L" S6 S# F
Chopper Pull up, everyone! Get your altitude above 5,000 feet!
' }, z3 T: @3 j# o3 o3 n6 y0 \ 拉起了,各位!爬升到5000英尺以上!
. v( V) f4 l! b0 `6 J- @/ `. I& H: n2 ?7 k( H
AWACS Thunderhead Submarine missile launch confirmed! Believed to be a burst missile, with multiple warheads that separate in mid-air. ! P7 W. b1 `0 f1 A) y
确认有潜水舰的导弹发射!我们确信那是一颗会在半空分裂成众多弹头的弹道导弹。* w. |* Y9 Z E# s
" V+ N" V; v# K8 m ^2 O- p# I! Y! W
AWACS Thunderhead Get above 5,000 feet and stand by!
3 _3 {9 v" x3 C, w8 P 全机飞至5000英尺以上高空,待命!: ]: Z8 o) P5 |
1 H& Z1 _0 [. [; y: Z
AWACS Thunderhead Wait, we're getting a command override from somewhere. 7 ]8 N' \+ o3 G' p6 x
等等,某处在越权指挥。8 ?! n' A3 V$ Q. @
4 ]0 a7 o9 _( l& W# `" G3 L EAWACS Thunderhead "Data link to A-Sat Targeting System..." What is this? " x0 d4 s9 d6 M& L
“把数据转接至卫星照射系统……” 这是甚么??5 r s9 y& ~4 ]0 g9 k6 [$ M
! Q6 [+ l. O7 k1 F0 d, t; TAWACS Thunderhead Now it's counting down by itself. 9, 8, 7... . n4 s) f2 S' I" H, D& m
9 \7 n" ?+ W# J
G( P6 c( S' E0 a: E% @Chopper Dammit! They're not gonna make it! + f: r$ }& j% E# x9 A3 b
* ?7 r, {% a7 V! M' }8 P ?% [/ e" V. r2 z- w
AWACS Thunderhead 4, 3, 2, 1... 0 H7 `$ K& C% S
% ?8 b' G7 Y9 @4 U+ a5 |. m
0 C9 F8 K, ^; y9 I! r5 i (空から一本の光が落ちる) & `7 y( A" {$ q) i! ~
, V; @! C* M1 b4 e2 n+ D
Grimm The sky just lit up! . E1 i8 Y& b( q( a: ]9 y
天空闪着一道亮光!" d) h/ ~+ L* v4 f' C. }
# Q: z+ i% v/ `3 u$ Q
AWACS Thunderhead Missile vaporized in midair!
' G0 f! F+ k _; B 弹道导弹被销毁在半空!% Y9 O7 B* \. K% m8 O+ G, I
8 [" g: u2 T& r# c) wChopper$ O$ i2 g/ k/ K0 Y4 D, U$ ~
Ask What was that? Did you see that, Booby?
5 ^3 p* S3 c; N# e 那是甚么?Booby,看到那个了吗??
1 x4 f, P; h' z9 k6 l0 \2 j9 m* v5 o- Z' M) C4 [4 T5 I! K
, r. L3 o/ J2 L3 ~Yes A beam of light fell from the sky.
, M: L+ E7 L* ^; G2 H 一道光束从天而降耶~~。
, N4 \2 ]% r" w; [& L8 n
" n2 K' q1 u' r1 B4 A, Z4 g" [ yChopper
5 I: i- h: n& @- YNo The light! That light! That wasn't a missile! l+ w+ f: L8 U+ `
我说光!那道光!不是导弹!!) q6 B2 t$ |' ^& H5 S: O+ H
) d3 `' D+ X9 E+ S- zNagase ...Was that the Arkbird?!
& t6 ?& B/ F* c5 c: e9 x6 U3 g ……刚才那是Arkbird?!, v% g0 M/ V4 X
, L; A# S! w# L" `6 p( ^9 d% L) U
AWACS Thunderhead Missile destroyed by a laser beam fired from orbit altitude. It's the Arkbird. We've got the Arkbird! All units, continue engaging the enemy! 0 ?9 H) _* ]. P' C$ h
来自轨道高度的激光,狙击了敌人的弹道导弹。是Arkbird。我们有Arkbird了!全员注意,继续向敌人进攻!9 p) I: M) D4 c2 p- G
+ \8 y. L" @( ^: M( T# J+ @6 T: MYuke Landing Force The missiles all disappeared! What's going on?!
N; k+ B. h) U3 G' n* e0 F 导弹不见了!怎么回事??
, V ^' H5 N% J4 S6 Q6 c; k
, w$ Y9 Z& ^1 X+ _; R/ D' BYuke Landing Force What was that! What happened?! " p9 t" C I: w
刚才那是甚么!发生甚么了?!- ~8 u _' ^* `. P) j; [0 _
& t7 ~4 G; l4 M1 V% Q7 `) W
散弾ミサイル消滅後 1 a' }, O/ ]% b# Y6 w
$ U$ r3 U# U; H" p% JAnti-sub Plane This is the anti-sub patrol plane Blue Hound. Submarine detected by sonobuoy.
6 ?4 g5 T6 d' E4 x$ z( B3 e 这里是反潜巡逻机,Blue Hound。声纳浮标已探知到敌军潜水艇的存在。$ m& L' m( J. Q5 _$ G
2 o: K+ y4 R4 n0 U" e( h$ hAnti-sub Plane Sound pattern analysis produces a match with the Scinfaxi. ) k6 Q/ a1 n$ h3 p \- G2 S
( b4 \# f) \ T- P9 E
: y7 x# r2 R8 U1 o- RGrimm
, w6 ], O9 u h- K; [Ask Captain, do you think the Arkbird can really avoid hitting us? 6 y, ]8 C8 }; J* Y8 y9 T$ o
队长,你认为Arkbird在攻击的时候不会误伤到我们吗?(汗)3 S/ \; C4 |; Z! ?4 i/ _6 }$ x
' E* u4 |7 l, j4 Z ^8 z
' v6 U0 D% t" i) K# ?- VYes Yes, it does seem to be highly accurate.
3 u: {4 x! S) d9 w 多虑了,(刚才一击)它确实有非常高的照准精度。
1 k$ _: \' ], M5 Y0 z3 P" a/ P# N
0 u9 a' c7 x: X# EGrimm
2 g* E8 ^ ]1 J; PNo Really? But it's accurate enough to shoot down a missile.
5 {$ e# S7 ~& s( y 真的?但是刚才它就精确的射中一枚导弹啊。) I$ y! l; l8 ?" [) z
* a+ l1 r& U" N3 D
8 H8 q. }* W" w- S6 pAnti-sub Plane Thunderhead, this is Blue Hound. Detecting sounds from Scinfaxi indicating imminent missile launch.
/ S. g2 _ k# d S" B Thunderhead,这里是Blue Hound。检测到来自Scinfaxi号发射导弹的音纹分析。
_$ Y0 }- C7 v0 R; m# v8 L1 Q
' o* [- D9 n9 I5 dAWACS Thunderhead Arkbird, we'll send the data over as soon as we detect the missile. We're counting on you.* ]9 _ P4 D6 P
7 f/ X5 B" b, x' p7 @' @
4 Z$ L" M: {1 h5 aAnti-sub Plane Missile away from enemy sub.
: e' I! l) r. v$ Y 敌潜水舰,导弹发射。4 J; `9 M4 i2 `2 P0 y! y9 D
' c- @7 D) G7 b) l% a7 c5 s
AWACS Thunderhead Locked on! Begin data link!
' V2 n5 ?" ?6 N3 d/ L) I 锁定跟踪!开始数据转接!
* T3 X) |/ {- j2 }* V
$ b! ^) X/ |2 m
) ~' R7 ?2 F4 ]% l3 vAWACS Thunderhead Arkbird firing laser. ; _0 M: d0 m5 K0 N4 T( _
& g/ B- \. v% z
' [8 u$ z. v4 o" L (アークバードがレーザーを発射) 6 u0 t o( M# E0 \$ I/ q
2 Y* P) p9 J7 F- Z; ~
AWACS Thunderhead Missile destroyed! We did it!
t# b) B1 D4 F3 N; j# a 导弹被摧毁!我们成功了! 6 P" e1 j% o \6 }
; `4 b9 u& O1 N/ I" pYuke Landing Force What was that light?
8 }6 G5 T8 \ i# f7 v 那光是怎么回事?1 U2 n! A5 k% g l" `: U
( Y) s1 C: V; G4 r
Yuke Landing Force They shot that from outer space? 3 C" j1 Y7 B8 O \& |4 Q
6 k& m* [: W$ X6 l, U1 o+ F. u( J: s
) u6 h% M% T9 o0 D3 VRookie I'm gonna make it! I'm gonna get out of this alive, I know it! , b* {( E4 f# Y( q+ a, N
我一定要度过这次!我一定要活着回基地!) N7 Z1 D/ }' Z* G
# A# [+ h4 o- q1 z5 @. q9 BYuke Landing Force This was what they launched that day?! & |+ i2 z, Q# H+ ?# T
他们那天发射的就是这个东西?(参加Mission 6-白鸟I)% \% K; d+ L4 M' I2 B$ {
' q. ]3 _# O! @. o) @' ^3 o1 `& m
Yuke Landing Force Don't panic. We haven't lost yet.
5 b9 v/ b6 G: d- \5 j' A 不要慌张。我们任务还没失败呢!!
9 A/ [# X: ]' v3 N/ r! A
9 x8 m) s! f6 a) W# y8 K4 ^0 X
( W6 s% }" U' u% PAnti-sub Plane Oh, no! They're launching more missiles! Number 3, number 4, number 5...
6 i9 z. o- u+ R( A# R 天哪!他们在不停的发射……第3枚、第4枚、第5枚……
D9 |6 h! y' I/ q9 H! S. @
, R3 x9 V4 |) Q( I: k* dGrimm There's too many!
* ^! g+ T( Y; R! c1 A7 O 简直是疯了!
( l3 L. ?) k, P- X' v$ U/ \% j
4 `$ H* y. y; F1 i9 [' eNagase C'mon, Arkbird! Use your lasers! The nuggets are gonna get killed!
; O0 |$ K, ~/ l4 @ Arkbird!快用你的激光!新兵会死在这里的!8 Q6 M) H4 Y$ L4 o6 l" p( W6 o
9 N' L/ A5 r8 d# c( ~Chopper Climb, kids! Go, go, go!
[% w! [7 f1 X7 J9 i1 Z M, x 爬升!小鬼们!上!上!上!
9 \; y& W) Y) O* ~5 h
; m Q* S# `. H5 U& r3 {: m9 q2 X; {, JNagase Come on, nuggets! Climb! Move it! " g7 g: r" Y$ r2 |
上升啊,新兵们!. R8 X8 |5 }! U. N3 B
, T8 t0 `0 ]2 `: t; j) r. HRookie Follow the flight leads! 1 I7 V1 S/ `: A
: `2 X0 h; y9 ?3 |7 U- o: ?3 o8 }* V- @% d5 F1 w, z- u2 a/ m$ h
Rookie Did that attack really come from a submarine?
, k4 j' ]. R' e 真的是来自一个潜水舰的攻击?
9 z+ {4 P F& J2 ~! }) n
+ C& w0 b7 S7 E* y6 P (アークバードがレーザーを発射)
% D- d% a; \% p& m6 H) h
~9 s, l/ ]# k; uAWACS Thunderhead Missile vaporized in midair!
, Y& ^& L A/ l 导弹被消灭在空中!3 o$ e, m" c" M# I) o: N+ W
$ v J! U7 Q" R- f* U' L0 MChopper They're coming! They're still coming!!
: `7 p4 I, i2 q1 v0 p. x; r 导弹过来了!导弹还是落下来了!' e2 U7 d5 g0 r" D8 O' [$ E" T
6 t/ d: s6 N2 k/ P2 s- p
AWACS Thunderhead 10 seconds to impact. 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, impact...now!
* u+ x$ o# T6 U& p$ Y 着弹前还有10秒。8,7,6,5,4,3,2,,弹着……现在!
# k5 R! ]: g# m0 ~! j% J$ r! i6 I) I3 m1 W9 m" P7 [. u
* g- ?, N7 o6 H# Y
0 z/ x8 I3 B: ARookie The eject handle's stuck!
+ d- A. H+ l$ k7 y3 c 弹射杆被卡住了!
$ C% m! z! g' ]/ t4 d: [3 W0 s& n
Rookie Wings damaged! Losing altitude!
4 g6 N" [. O" C+ Q 主翼受损!失去高度了!0 B. j2 p5 K4 X
& ~; R/ B! U: |$ iGrimm They're all falling.
/ b7 V+ a' D+ L0 f! o 他们都在坠落。/ N% v* o' J1 X7 F1 m( J
' ~5 f3 C& q% W+ x' d
Chopper Dammit... 3 _6 c( m8 k8 }3 d5 w! B& g6 }6 e
混蛋…… S2 F K, j, x+ J$ d
: D5 z+ V) m& N7 s. wAWACS Thunderhead We can't deal with the enemy fleet like this. / w8 N; k* Z# z- M6 k b9 t9 A
. g/ A8 C @2 C6 ?, G) T& X8 V$ u3 | P* S0 V+ q
Sand Island This is Sand Island Base Defense. Intense fighting along the coastline!
, k$ x" [9 y2 I8 J+ V( u2 \ 这里是沙鳥基地防卫所。海岸线已陷入激战中!( o$ t+ n" Y" A$ O+ W0 \
% C1 ? M! v9 J+ D1 K
Sand Island We can't hold out much longer!
& K6 ?+ w3 | u# I. r/ X1 U Y* T+ \ 我们快要顶不住了!7 v, z' o% t. n) t! w& [8 r
! @- @$ D D, ~9 P! \- N
+ E, Z1 S6 f% K5 W6 _: a
AWACS Thunderhead We have no choice. Just weave through the missiles and continue attacking the ships!
1 W9 H+ M/ @/ X4 Y! U" Q$ k 没选择了。迂回于敌军导弹发射中间,继续对敌军舰队的进攻!
1 Y! b7 q# X& b& W9 {+ ^+ s' i% S( \% }/ W5 C9 W' _0 w2 g
Chopper Oh, yeah, just weave through the missiles? What are you, nuts?
, e/ g p* c. o+ u1 O6 L" ]3 y: h: r% w 噢~,太棒了(反话),要我们头上顶着导弹,还一边进攻?你以为自己是甚么,混帐!9 G! x, m* a) e* D! A
- ~8 i: C, R: V8 r% ] 散弾ミサイル消滅後(適時、またはランダムで発生) , f) Y/ i) i3 ^ [, \% H
- x* x+ z3 t n* n/ f( ^
Yuke Landing Force I don't believe it. How did the enemy build something like that?!
( n8 i2 y; U( H# g7 [7 D( T 不敢相信。敌人是怎么建造了那样的东西??
]! n% |: K) E7 F& @
6 ^4 U' D. d2 ?9 H/ hYuke Landing Force If that laser even grazes us, we're finished! . s/ J, Z/ N- o3 M
( ^. {/ c; Y2 h2 ~
# d! {* E. _% J6 K0 }& ^Yuke Landing Force That big bird's got good aim. Stay sharp! 1 w7 O i/ v4 B& u# {$ Y1 d
" O6 U' h! b1 k/ c' {* M+ K
/ E: {8 t) a4 C9 k6 }Yuke Landing Force The support fleet is under attack!
0 K( M$ S8 w, J* F5 b 支援舰队遭遇攻击!; Y& M5 c; _; { ^' ~
9 ~& U* g' e+ c% b4 V hYuke Landing Force Looks like the enemy's stopped playing nice.
# m6 E! B8 k6 _( ?$ t8 v 看上去敌人不再手下留情了。5 y# x; w* Q+ L' i
/ v8 d3 b- Q; L6 W: D
Yuke Landing Force We're all within range of that thing! , d- g- H' p1 d- z. J. I. @
2 L0 U k) b) Y2 q. c* N% L
7 w& N3 K- S! M) tYuke Landing Force What a nightmare. Who are they aiming for?
! w2 g; l2 `+ U" ~5 g% {/ Z3 X/ o 太可怕了。他们到底在瞄准谁?
- J- r: o, U) \ s" J0 F. r) E, {1 K# |- n r' s
Yuke Landing Force That single bird has tipped the scale of this entire battle!
/ X1 u; O5 Z' D/ g. w, m/ f) z 一只鸟就逆转了战场形势!$ g2 K* t0 e" a) j1 p; E
9 n7 `6 h6 z4 W" w) Q7 r& w! x; L $ g8 O& r& m D
Yuke Landing Force So now what? We don't have anything that can touch it that high up! 5 I$ e/ b5 R" {( [/ R+ g& O
+ p/ z# K- S n8 G/ Z% E0 M+ h2 a' h" v7 I* X9 v" D
Yuke Landing Force Don't be intimidated. Continue with the attack. ) W7 D2 Q# |( {" M' _" w
+ F) f! ^" f+ i8 ]6 ]7 \
) c& Z2 T$ F1 DYuke Landing Force It's not gonna shoot at us next, is it?
. O* q- h9 s* O+ V 它不会下一个就攻击我们(飞机)吧,是吗?( K" s7 x2 n1 v: J* ~, G
' b% Z; ]% n1 t
Yuke Landing Force Dammit! When are we gonna hit land?!
$ G- p4 u/ A4 }8 ^8 w 该死!到底甚么时候才能登上陆地啊?!!!
5 D) L, |* ]9 m) @8 l0 a# W g' b2 N. v" B- v+ l. Z
敵上陸艦隊が壊滅するまで(定期発生 ループ)
: K8 C- g( o3 R7 V- ^ h
0 I+ Q+ b* b7 e% P. VAnti-sub Plane Enemy sub launching burst missile. Brace for impact.
7 y4 |( u- Z9 [ 敌军潜水舰,发射弹道导弹!弹着预备(准备承受着弹)!!
3 B) C% M5 {8 ^4 Z4 G! q) m& i5 l, E8 w# y
AWACS Thunderhead 10 seconds to impact. 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, impact...now!
7 E, h9 ~7 X( b/ o. r 着弹前还有10秒。8,7,6,5,4,3,2,弹着……现在!!
% P6 u- F* i5 y: J, i6 Y4 c2 m( z. @0 ~) U0 x
敵上陸艦隊が壊滅するまで(適時、またはランダムで発生) : N* V" N2 ~$ T+ M v
& F/ K7 ?; L; n' q; [Nagase Calculate the launch point of the burst missile while we still have time. 8 ?+ G" g1 g- h9 z
趁导弹还没有分裂开来,赶快找出导弹的发射点。7 G/ a! x* A) D0 F. A, c; f
1 a3 i) ]2 ?' K0 \; E) H2 \Nagase Checking status of other allied squadrons. ' o; Q) P( N; \8 d( e* D
, }3 \, C! I+ N3 i3 z# A! e5 D5 B( `$ Z1 d
Nagase I'll slip in amongst the bad guys and attack them while they're confused.
0 o6 f& r1 f+ ^1 V* p. |/ N 我到敌人中间去制造混乱,然后趁他们昏头的时候攻击他们。6 l6 S t9 f, D' [( c: c1 H% g- U
6 v* C6 a5 f/ H ], T9 q/ L2 G* qChopper We just keep going back and forth with bigger and fancier weapons. I can't keep up! 1 I5 j( B0 E7 Y! {: g% W# \
我们简直是在美丽至极的烟花弹雨中来回穿梭。我快疯掉了!!+ V2 s5 D; t! H
! j* S$ S+ U9 Z3 P) q% C+ |+ eChopper Man, I'd hate to be on the receiving end of that...
- T2 t( G- U- e0 N! h$ h0 { 伙计,我可不想成为它的弹下亡魂……
1 m& P$ g, w9 @ G7 n2 Z. Z
8 T* |4 u2 z! O2 K/ ^7 D( O' dChopper n, look, they're gaining the upper hand again.
9 L: G$ b( C% e, P8 U 该死,看,形势开始倒向他们一边了。# j% H9 [8 y& ~2 q) {2 C* H4 R
5 a- B" j% U0 Y4 C! K/ M' } 敵上陸艦隊が壊滅(大型艦計10隻を撃沈)
" d7 h: x/ N$ v8 U" z6 T4 h, j6 s) z2 ?) i* h* o: ?
Arkbird Blue Hound, this is Arkbird.
( r1 s' N9 k/ \% c) ? 呼叫Blue Hound,这里是Arkbird。 ; j- K7 j \6 Z+ E. X. m4 G" H; l
, z/ {! z0 ^: h6 w9 G
Arkbird Requesting sonobuoy data link. 1 M z6 P; R5 Q7 c$ B
! }' V3 |: @3 k' @$ e$ q3 X5 o8 p# ^4 _% g
Anti-sub Plane Stand by. We're dropping a new sonobuoy. 0 n) |9 H- |9 F& Y- A% f
知道了。我们正在投放一个新的声纳(浮标)探测仪。) o# _8 b. Y1 K+ y
6 `0 O( n+ b( i1 k VNagase All remaining squadrons, rejoin into attack formation.
- s! f/ t' \$ R 残余部队重整编队,再次进入攻击阵形。
) b1 W7 k2 U o7 ?! m6 \& J; O+ w9 H5 u3 ]+ m5 x
Nagase The remaining enemy forces are regaining their momentum. ) a0 M, s1 n& W* b0 F
敌残存部队正在重整旗鼓。! Y8 h, }! W$ Z
% r8 v. j; l b- s9 y; \6 l& @Arkbird Blue Hound, this is Arkbird. Is that sonobuoy data available yet?
, p3 @% w" L8 j# J; p8 J Blue Hound,这里是Arkbird。声纳浮标的数据接好没有?
9 w3 M- o" J* _2 n% @) L9 i
& d# _1 T+ h2 H0 T. y- mAnti-sub Plane Roger, we're sending it now. What are you going to do?
( }! m& O2 g% e 知道了,数据上传中。你们准备怎么做?
8 K" E1 c/ q4 b( ]+ M* ?. A' O7 d. w
Arkbird Countdown to firing. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...
7 j7 {* c: S8 r1 ^, x (怎么做?当然是开火)发射倒计时:5,4,3,2,1……
/ L9 j5 n5 ^5 X6 l7 k7 B& K& w. | T4 q' ^$ T
4 _4 {' t1 r6 Y1 v* s$ n2 L' x+ C4 m
& l/ r* t8 y- y8 ^Anti-sub Plane The Arkbird shot a laser into the ocean!
1 }# |7 Y0 A% w0 ?7 i/ d Arkbird的激光射进海里了!1 U1 W. X' e0 M" f! E. j
0 f8 ^1 {) i0 p( b/ @
Anti-sub Plane Explosion in the water! It damaged the submerged Scinfaxi!
. P+ Z$ y5 H5 t* [ 水中传来爆炸声!Arkbird击中Scinfaxi号,潜水舰受损!
- w$ F0 ?/ r4 e! ]9 G* j: W. B8 e) L, K' Z! y. T7 V
Anti-sub Plane Picking up sounds of main ballast blow. The Scinfaxi's surfacing! 7 Z; H+ r$ x9 P; r
9 ~: r, s/ W8 A# t2 x3 e # p4 v) | J9 ~& n' R
1 B, i. \+ K5 u! F3 e$ F- d: u% v MISSION UPDATE(シンファクシ浮上)
2 v7 x/ [+ ]5 d0 k k6 m$ S
1 O0 C4 `7 o0 u i- M E: G; QNagase It's huge...
* K, n/ t) B9 ` 好大一艘……/ P$ q+ Q0 N/ Y+ U5 h; Y9 V* Q& d
: ^" P/ o9 {5 M' g- {) O
AWACS Thunderhead Looks like it's lost diving ability. It's floating like a cork. All units, commence attack. $ r0 Z& `" G* | {( J, p9 V
: _/ n; t; z7 R2 ~' h0 U2 M. C" ?/ l9 S1 s3 u
Yuke Landing Force The Scinfaxi's surfacing! It appears to be damaged! - ~9 b. R5 w5 g3 M
Scinfaxi号浮出水面!看上去它“受伤”了! 8 }2 g$ t" U' L6 \* f/ {* i& U
5 j6 s0 y7 s; G3 A2 T* AAnti-sub Plane Aircraft launching from enemy submarine.
0 Z) B, O5 F0 ]- O- H8 x! [ 敌军潜水舰正在发射飞机。
( v( f/ w) j9 `8 B/ R* A: h0 F' E8 h5 Q) Q6 F, i
AWACS Thunderhead Roger, Blue Hound, stand by. Wardog, engage the enemy aircraft if you see an opportunity. 2 h. d" ~3 q/ y+ p5 I. S) d# _# ~+ \) C
知道了,Blue Hound,回避待命。Wardog中队,有任何机会可以攻击敌机,不要放过了。- N5 R- q; E/ t( h3 \2 z
U2 J' P# I5 B7 ^9 O% A, s8 D
3 `6 o6 Z5 L0 T1 c% {! l
! P7 g/ `1 p: e) p. O$ d5 T/ A9 y* gAnti-sub Plane Enemy sub launching burst missile. Brace for impact. ( h; f/ M2 w' T4 T: e, ^5 ?/ y
敌军潜艇发射弹道导弹。弹着预备(准备承受着弹)!!+ w3 T6 k/ h& }4 z" w, d
) @& N/ I9 P0 ~! w. I- d- \
浮上後、1発目の散弾ミサイル発射 # E L) j, |" B% `4 _8 y
* M, ]8 Q7 ?+ O
Grimm Multiple burst missiles...This really is like steel rain!
- i, q. J, e" M* n& c8 t+ X3 q2 g- S 弹道导弹连续发射!!这回真的是要下熔钢(铁雨)了!!!' K1 m) k- _( K- S9 u0 C3 N
9 U( u9 d& b" YChopper We gotta end this soon, or we'll be in trouble.
0 y$ E4 r" x& | 我们要么快速干掉它,要么就成为烈士!
, t1 x( i$ t7 P# A' A6 l* M, J$ q4 S q) Z4 H& ? ]) V9 m& P
7 |+ W2 h5 H J/ X/ W) G7 j
2 I( ^+ x9 c- e% E/ EAWACS Thunderhead 10 seconds to impact. 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, impact...now! " H$ Z- \" C9 a. C$ O
6 A. l0 D$ A$ D- N# a, K% ]* i" n1 [6 |; F9 }; [: V7 B4 y) e
! O6 l: |" f& L( u- u5 i/ j/ a) R, Q' I- n0 a; e- C
Nagase It's like this enemy came straight out of the demon legends. That can't...It can't be! $ d" \7 U1 I6 J; n
这个敌人简直就像传说中的恶魔一样。不……不可能!3 e& k3 g2 Q* Z4 O6 [
, }4 E5 ?: z9 Z. v! j# D* X* L Y0 O
Grimm2 C! b) X5 n3 G: B' p. B0 S
Ask If we can sink it here, you think we'll be able to turn the tide of battle, Captain?
5 S# W6 x+ E. I R 如果今天我们在这里击毁它,你认为战争形式会转变吗?队长?$ K; d% n ?1 F2 s' `0 `: _3 M
' ^7 T9 t! s9 b1 `% m$ f6 X
Grimm6 V5 W6 D) ?; N7 f
Yes I hope so. We've been on the defensive for a while now.
% K; C2 r0 V! o$ V3 I, M2 q 希望如此。从开战,我们都一直被敌军压着打呢。
, u; Q* C, n/ d3 F8 f4 S7 \5 Z# P: Y, h7 |7 v; b: Z
Grimm+ A( `+ ^2 N' d; x( Z: \
No But this sub plays a vital role in their war efforts.
/ S M/ q/ q4 L) h1 x4 y( ^9 n 但是现在这艘潜艇正左右着战争。. T" K0 f( G- C) ?7 x
9 a% a3 [5 i8 n. C' G* W シンファクシに大きなダメージ 6 g5 B( G# i" v* R Y
( n# u6 l2 {, h3 gNagase We haven't finished it off yet. ; z2 N% s, F0 f2 \$ _( B9 M
还没“刺入”决定性的一击呢。9 I. W# n6 x) `* g8 o. O9 H
( v, L8 ~0 _; G9 N& R7 B; f) x シンファクシ浮上後(適時、またはランダムで発生) * i( ^( F" [& n' L/ g% H! o1 X) S' w" R
% N. w$ H9 e1 G9 s2 }; dNagase We're approaching the vessel. Watch out for anti-aircraft fire! & e4 j$ B6 _5 |2 M- M) J4 [' P
# k) a6 Y4 l- K + m5 C/ }) S: e; P5 Z% p7 L, \
+ p7 m5 B9 `. UChopper So...the demon's finally revealed itself.
8 O: G' }/ S: E5 J OK……恶魔终于显形了。9 O' @0 R: T3 P& t- {) o( f
8 w+ m: H; H. T/ v, h: t; M. OChopper Damn, it's huge. I guess it has to be, to launch missiles like those.
3 `! c- k4 t! V% K- ^4 Z! o8 `) k 天哪,真够巨大的。我猜它本身就是那些导弹的发射“基地”吧。
0 H- @! D% X5 }3 T; A: Q
, d0 h! ~% i* e: L( J4 BChopper They're throwing intense anti-aircraft fire up at us. Watch out!
F# z4 t+ c9 f 他们在释放强烈的对空火力。小心!5 I* [0 }' N7 }4 R2 Y7 C0 X7 P: T9 s3 n
" ^, b0 `; g; g0 o0 v& {Chopper That black hunk of metal's got a ton of firepower behind it. 4 _9 S5 Z# } E- K% h1 F5 y8 V
$ u7 S$ K0 \; A7 \: z( f3 u6 s: {3 r3 s
Chopper I can't believe this sub is still that powerful even after it's surfaced. This can't be fair. $ Z( z9 e; T% p, d
' D) d! R+ X% y1 q" Q5 H2 p
) K0 C6 r1 L, v) ]: H' \) kChopper It's still alive!
4 M% z- s. ]: a% y% p- P 它还在运作!
. b/ z0 {( @: o* {: x" d5 C6 v' f- Q0 R' _( S$ p4 Q" W5 `8 O
Chopper They're still coming?!
9 R1 L/ X1 z8 I2 J6 }0 d1 { V! M 还要来?!!(真是打不死的小强~~)2 M4 l, ^' V- w4 B' k, A
) G0 }6 {7 B; B. w! c
Chopper We've destroyed most of the enemy landing force...no, correction, there's still a fair amount left.
0 Q- y \( Q9 P/ U0 v 敌军登陆部队大部分已经消灭……不,订正一下,还残存一半的实力(关键是Scinfaxi)。/ D/ |+ F$ m5 `. e) U. M, n: u
. x+ t# w0 y W( H! j4 X" s. W3 q
/ a+ \9 ]* Q* l1 b/ D2 y+ b1 E
Grimm How can a submarine that large even exist?! 1 L* j3 I) @+ l
; M8 Z7 ], o; H+ d
: W& E% O1 x2 b- {% J0 j9 tGrimm This isn't on our ship identification charts. It's the first time any of us are actually seeing it. f3 C' y. `" @
这是在我们《舰型识别表》上找不到的。我们都是第一次亲眼目睹。/ ?9 K" N I* u, F! R
" C Y$ O! @- i& @
, N/ k+ [& V- O$ l" K, N8 }+ } hGrimm So that bird's got its eyes on us from outer space...
: t8 P% z1 ?' g 那只鸟一直从宇宙上盯着我们么……" S5 M8 n, U# ?9 s; ~
4 ^7 n# U" u W7 H7 `; YNagase We'll continue with the attack. * v5 e+ G7 n6 }9 H. U/ p0 T. w
我们继续进攻。7 p5 u n; n7 p( I% _3 c
) z8 W+ C3 e4 a, E P
% w# U& }- p9 Y9 |0 k- i# t! q
Yuke Landing Force 間近で見るのは初めてだ。 大きいな。
$ U) `6 ~: @1 y! w/ H+ ^3 \ 还是第一次从眼前看到它。真大啊。(原来不少Yuke军也没亲眼见到过自军的航母级潜水舰Scinfaxi号)
3 H6 C" I# E% H& g4 X6 t4 {4 F. R2 W% W2 n' V/ L
Yuke Landing Force The Scinfaxi is under heavy attack!
2 E2 K! @2 j8 L Scinfaxi 号受到集中攻击!
/ e9 }4 J# i5 Q& m, x; e- U+ E) V+ H; ?
, [* z; I. @. o e2 n& G1 `Yuke Landing Force こっちは戦闘機相手に 手一杯だ!
& `% ^/ p& E! t5 f8 { 对方的战斗机也在竭尽全力攻击!! G I3 X1 U2 q4 Q7 K S
1 X' C; } ?0 K8 u( f, [; y, f. |% M t$ N. n
Yuke Landing Force What's happening? We're being pushed back! ) b" K! N6 A4 `
发生甚么了?我们被压制了!) R5 j1 P4 m" F8 ]: ^ f# f+ J
+ x3 [! o: t, G* _Yuke Landing Force 駄目だ、防ぎきれない!
5 L# v5 g1 i; t0 Q- O3 o7 U 不行!防御不了!
" b: I6 l; d9 Y; _9 ?
( N1 p. U0 p: eYuke Landing Force The tides are turning. ' }) Y" S0 I. _8 N$ |
局势在变化了。* V/ {$ h- I, X% s1 h4 f5 v
' S* U, K* X) o2 j1 @; }- d& `! SYuke Squadron Scinfaxi, retreat immediately! 3 s6 ^5 o3 P3 A6 b
Scinfaxi 号, 紧急撤退!
5 `1 k& X8 k8 C# b4 R5 J
) \) r* A( ^) VYuke Squadron It's a sitting duck out there. Keep the enemy away from it!
' k( D) O) x( g& [! O4 n 现在让它在那里完全是挨打!快让潜水舰逃离敌人攻击范围!6 z( E' Y) d% L# g3 [4 |
3 V. C& j1 h7 W' ^: W3 t4 G9 W
シンファクシ本体と散弾ミサイル発射口を破壊 . h0 X! L' ~5 j
* G* j# n+ @5 R% R& lAWACS Thunderhead Arkbird firing laser.
0 w0 @) S; g6 c2 p8 u) M Arkbird发射激光! 0 d5 _- S! I' R* U# {
4 K, |# e5 c c. ~$ ^ (シンファクシにアークバードのレーザーが命中)
; }1 \" Q) } y1 C' g" Z9 W9 ?. N+ t9 t' L
Anti-sub Plane Direct hit! It ripped a massive hole! The sub appears to have lost the ability to launch additional aircraft.
$ i" Q# S0 W+ I4 E" j1 y6 r 直击!直击!它被击开一个大洞!!潜水舰已经不能再发射飞机了。$ Q: w+ X' `- C, A
8 N. q# @- l) g3 K& `( Q7 S3 Q. ]) N+ U
AWACS Thunderhead Blast it out of the water!
6 A8 g( n* @ j; [/ p/ Q! S; @- W 把它轰暴在水里!!& ?8 g- G4 B. r2 I+ Y' k2 m+ O
% j& a8 [( n+ P1 J! s' [7 P( o) r" ~. }$ z B& G( @
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED& t. f6 K5 y$ {, f: N \1 J
5 I4 ~ g, C$ X j
, l: \# {3 m* ]5 \
. e3 U8 k# I3 s- a1 D Debriefing! B* ?3 N. O d7 g7 C
. F% k0 w% e3 Q6 O; W- u, Q
The Arkbird was successfully employed over the forward edge of the battle area. The enemy amphibious force attacking Sand Island was repelled and their invasion plan halted. The underwater carrier Scinfaxi, a lethal enemy threat, was engaged and destroyed by the superior firepower of the Arkbird. Having lost the support of the Scinfaxi, the remaining Yuktobanian forces retreated. ) ?6 B M. I; b% o/ `% a& w$ l
Furthermore, we are requesting reinforcements from Central Command to replace our squadron members lost in combat.
@; A2 G; N" E4 n9 N; O2 u1 y$ O 在沙鳥前线一役中,Arkbird的投入是成功的。沙鳥上的敌军登陆部队被击退,他们的入侵计划同时落空。在Arkbird的攻击援护下,对我军构成最大威胁的Scinfaxi号潜水航母,已被强大的火力给消灭。残余的Yuke军,在失去Scinfaxi号的火力支援后,立即撤退。
. |* x; e0 V: X% c+ M 此外,根据***的要求,有关在本次战斗中失去成员的飞行部队,将重新编组人员。
3 d4 G' E% |5 @0 |: i5 ]: o+ T) M3 Z$ V; z6 A5 E
——The Unsung War——
5 a& l1 }- z* |/ F5 h: k# |" ?& O ★☆★ ☆★☆ ★☆★ ☆★☆ ★☆★ ☆★☆ ★☆★ ☆★☆ ★☆★ ☆★☆ ★☆★ ☆★☆ ★☆★: L' x2 Z( h3 y n. |! F* O
4 A8 ^( O$ X( M% N- W
写在最后:翻译完成的稿子放到论坛里来后,就会变得歪七矟八,每次想对齐都要花个把小时,本来昨天就可以放出来的,结果弄到今天,偶简直要疯掉了,所以有的地方对的不齐还请见谅,偶尽力让头尾整齐了。另外年关将至,可能把进度提高一点还是怎样,看各位觉得怎样。^_^ Happy New Year! - 本文原载于A9VG游戏社区
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