普通成就 |
挑戰成功 Challenger | 完成 5 個寶貝派對總部的要求。Successfully completed 5 Factory requests | 20 |
挑戰高手 Master Challenger | 完成 20 個寶貝派對總部的要求。Successfully completed 20 Factory requests | 20 |
配對媒人 Romancer | 浪漫配對 5 種寶貝。Become Master Romancer for 5 species | 20 |
戀愛配對高手 Master Romancer | 浪漫配對 20 種寶貝。Become Master Romancer for 20 species | 20 |
飼養家 Collector | 有 5 種寶貝成為居民。Made 5 species resident | 20 |
飼養高手 Master Collector | 有 50 種寶貝成為居民。Made 50 species resident | 20 |
花園經營專家 Longevity | 實際遊戲時間超過 10 小時。Played the game for 10 hours (real time) | 20 |
花園經營家 Garden Value | 花園值 25000 個巧克力錢幣。Garden worth 25000 chocolate coins | 20 |
花園經營大師 Garden Value Master | 花園值 100000 個巧克力錢幣。Garden worth 100000 chocolate coins | 20 |
寶貝鑑賞家 Pi馻ta Value | 有一個寶貝值 5000 個巧克力錢幣。One Pi馻ta worth 5000 chocolate coins | 20 |
寶貝鑑賞大師 Pi馻ta Value Master | 有一個寶貝值 10000 個巧克力錢幣。One Pi馻ta worth 10000 chocolate coins | 20 |
綠手指 Green Fingers | 5 種植物種植成熟。Grown 5 plants to maturity | 20 |
綠手指大師 Master Green Fingers | 25 種植物種植成熟。Grown 25 plants to maturity | 20 |
有錢人 Wealthy | 玩家有 25000 個巧克力錢幣。Player has 25000 chocolate coins | 20 |
標籤設計家 Label Designer | 自訂一個標籤。Made a Custom Label | 20 |
寶貝命名專家 Pi馻ta Name Caller | 替一個寶貝取名字。Named a Pi馻ta | 20 |
小幫手命名專家 Helper Name Caller | 替一個小幫手取名字。Named a Helper | 20 |
再接再厲 Talent | 玩家達到等級 10。Player has reached Level 10 | 20 |
寶貝大師 Master Talent | 玩家達到等級 50。Player has reached Level 50 | 20 |
超級有錢人 Wealth Master | 玩家有 100000 個巧克力錢幣。Player has 100000 chocolate coins | 20 |
秘密成就 |
地主 Land Owner | 花園面積變大一次。Garden size increased once | 20 |
駭蛋圖騰柱 Sour Tower | 圖騰柱有 2 塊圖騰。Tower of Sour has 2 pieces | 20 |
澆水妹妹 Sprinkling | 雇用一個澆水工人。Employed a Sprinkling | 20 |
超級圓鍬 Super Shovel | 所有圓鍬頭都升級。All the Shovel Head upgrades | 20 |
泰菲蠅肥料 Taffly Fertilizer | 玩家利用泰菲蠅來製造肥料。Player has made fertilizer with the Taffly | 20 |
超級大地主 Master Land Owner | 花園達到最大面積。Garden size at maximum | 20 |
糾察弟弟 Watchling | 雇用一個整地工人。Employed a Watchling | 20 |
挖寶弟弟 Diggerling | 雇用一個採礦工人。Employed a Diggerling | 20 |
除草妹妹 Weedling | 雇用一個除草工人。Employed a Weedling | 20 |
豐收姐姐 Gatherling | 雇用一個採收工人。Employed a Gatherling | 20 |
變色專家 Variants | 出現 5 種變色寶貝。Made 5 variant Pi馻tas | 20 |
採收專家 Harvester | 收集巴索蜂、摩奇牛或古波羊的生產物。Collected produce from a Buzzlegum,Moozipan or Goobaa | 20 |
駭蛋圖騰柱大師 Master Sour Tower | 圖騰柱有 6 塊圖騰。Tower of Sour has 6 pieces | 20 |
慷慨解囊 Generosity | 將乞丐變成商人。Player turned the Beggar into a Trader | 20 |
澆水器專家 Watering Can Do | 所有澆水器都升級。All the Watering Can upgrades | 20 |
演化專家 Evolver | 演化出 2 種寶貝。Evolved 2 species | 20 |
克拉克雞孵蛋 Cluckles Hatches Egg | 玩家利用克拉克雞來孵蛋。Player has hatched an egg using the Cluckles | 20 |
園藝家 Horti***urist | 5 種植物加速成長。Full bonus growth for 5 plants. | 20 |
強力圓鍬 Shovel Strength | 所有圓鍬柄都升級。All the Shovel Handle upgrades. | 20 |
皮克豬大獎 Pigxie Prize | 將史瓦納天鵝和瑞比豬配對成功。Cross Romancing a Swanana and a Rashberry. | 20 |
瑪卡浣熊的禮物 Macaracoon Gift | 玩家獲得瑪卡浣熊送的一顆浪漫糖。Player has been brought a Romance Sweet by a Macaracoon | 20 |
變色大師 Variants Master | 出現 20 種變色寶貝。Made 20 variant Pinatas. | 20 |
酷拉鴉詭計 Crowla Delay | 玩家利用酷拉鴉來讓戴斯塔度分心。Player has distracted Dastardos with the Crowla. | 20 |
花園經營大師 Longevity Master | 實際遊戲時間超過 50 小時。Played the game for 50 hours (real time) | 20 |
西班蝠之舞 Sherbat Dance | 玩家利用西班蝠來讓戴斯塔度分心。Player has distracted Dastardos with the Sherbat. | 20 |
演化大師 Master Evolver | 演化出 8 種寶貝。Evolved 8 species | 20 |
寇克鱷魚之淚 Cocoadile Tears | 玩家利用寇克鱷魚的眼淚,來促進植物生長。Player has attained full bonus growth for a plant using the Cocoadile tears. | 20 |
園藝家大师 Master Horti***urist | 25 種植物加速成長。Full bonus growth for 25 plants. | 20 |
馬洛狼狂嚎 Mallowolf Howl | 玩家用馬洛狼來嚇跑流氓小子。Player has used the Mallowolf to scare off Ruffians. | 20 |
秋尼可獨角獸神蹟 Chewnicorn Healing | 玩家利用秋尼可獨角獸的力量,治癒一個寶貝。Player has healed a Pi馻ta with the Chewnicorn's power. | 20 |