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众所周知NBA Live 07的各个版本早在美国时间9月26日就已经在美国各地全面上市,而像IGN和Gamespot这些大型游戏评测网站却不约而同的直到10月2日才放出游戏评测,比上市日期整整拖延了一个星期,较之IGN于9月21日放出的NBA 2K7评测整整晚了11天。以上事件并非偶然,请先看来自IGN网站的以下信息:
Mailbag 09.29.06
A few quick questions before the weekend.
Why no NBA LIVE 07 (for 360) review?
Why is it taking so long for IGN to provide a review on NBA Live 07? Unlike other web sites your reviews more fit my tastes, so I often wait until I see what you guys score a title before I go purchase. We have the NBA2K7 review, why not Live? Is it that bad that you sold out to EA and promised not to give a bad review until some suckers purchased the game? Please advise and thank you. - Vernon
Are you protecting EA sports? Why can't you guys get the review out? - Daniel
How is it this game has been out for 4 days now, and you guys have yet to out a review? I can picture how this scenario goes down...
EA Exec: Here's 10 grand.. dont out a review letting the people know how horrible our game is.. wait a week. let all the unsuspecting people pick this game up, and then put out the review..
IGN: Anything for you.. ALMIGHTY EA - Rodney
The review is coming. EA did not, despite repeated requests on our part, send us the game until after they shipped it to stores. That means we didn't get it into the office until it was already on store shelves. This is usually done when a company knows a game doesn't match up to the competition. Word was from people who played preview builds that the game didn't hold a candle to NBA 2K7.
Jon Miller, the guy who does our sports reviews on the 360 channel, is in Barcelona right now for X06 along with Doug. You don't want me reviewing the game, trust me. I'm not exactly a basketball game fanatic. The Playstation guys have offered to help out with this review and it is currently being worked on.
In short, the review will be up on Monday. It already would have been out if EA had sent the game over in advance before the X06 craziness began. Oh, and it wouldn't be in anybody's best interest to accept or offer money to withhold reviews, especially ours.
这段话的大意就是并非IGN想要延误评测放出时间,而是EA故意很晚才给评测网站寄去用来评测的游戏光盘,因为EA自己明白自己的游戏非常差劲,评测网站的给分势必很低,而这必然会让大批去评测网站上寻求消费参考的玩家放弃购买Live 07的打算。于是EA希望通过延误评测放出时间,在无任何参考的情况下,让更多或者已经预定,或者毫不知情,或者按耐不住,或者抱侥幸心理想买来试试的玩家们去购买他们的游戏。简单说来就是能赚几个钱就赚几个钱,谁掏钱谁自认倒霉。
另外之前在NBA 2K7率先放出demo下载之后EA放话说将不会提供任何Live 07的demo,也与这次的事情不谋而合。
这贴不为别的,就为了让那些苦苦追随EA的玩家了解下EA究竟是以什么态度对待自己的游戏和对待自己的玩家,大家应该以什么样的态度回敬EA还请大家自己定夺~. |