本帖最后由 夜~星辰 于 2018-8-26 23:35 编辑
dc bios进入方法(A B X Y 开始键) 同时按进入bios
工具: puttyNotepad2文本编辑器附件下载
需要先输入盒子链接的ip 打开
用户名root 按回车键
Sx05RE:~ #
输入cd /usr/bin/按回车键
Sx05RE:/usr/bin #
Sx05RE:/usr/bin # ./reicast-joyconfig.py
0: aml_keypad (/dev/input/event0, keypad/input0)
1: gpio_keypad (/dev/input/event1, gpio_keypad/input0)
2: cec_input (/dev/input/event2, )
3: GreenAsia Inc. USB Joystick (/dev/input/event3, usb-dwc2_b-1/input0)
Please enter the device id: 3
出现3-4项菜单,选择链接的手柄通(常是最后一项 我这是3 usb手柄
Using device 3...
Name: GreenAsia Inc. USB Joystick
File: /dev/input/event3
Phys: usb-dwc2_b-1/input0
Do you want to map a button to exit the emulator [Y/n] y
设置一个按键为游戏时 退出键 Y键确认 N取消这个按键 需要选择Y 回车后
Press the that button now...
emulator escape button mapped to 296 (BTN_BASE3).
Do you want to map the A button? [Y/n] y
并跳到下一个手柄按键设置,这次是 A键设置选Y按回车键
Press the A button now...
按一下手柄 A 键...
A button mapped to 290 (BTN_THUMB2).
显示设置手柄的 A 键值 (之后不再说明)
Do you want to map the B button? [Y/n] y
Press the B button now...
按一下手柄 B 键...
B button mapped to 289 (BTN_THUMB).
显示设置手柄的 B 键值
Do you want to map the C button? [Y/n] n
设置手柄 C 键选 N (用不到此按键,留空选择 N)
Do you want to map the D button? [Y/n] n
设置手柄 D 键选 N (用不到此按键,留空选择 N)
Do you want to map the X button? [Y/n] y
设置手柄 X 键设置 选Y按回车键
Press the X button now...
按一下手柄 X 键...
X button mapped to 291 (BTN_TOP).
Do you want to map the Y button? [Y/n] y
设置手柄 Y 键设置 选Y按回车键
Press the Y button now...
按一下手柄 Y 键.
Y button mapped to 288 (BTN_JOYSTICK).
Do you want to map the Z button? [Y/n] n
设置手柄 Z 键选 N (用不到此按键,留空选择 N)
Do you want to map the START button? [Y/n] y
设置手柄 开始 键设置 选Y按回车键
Press the START button now...
按一下手柄 开始 键.
START button mapped to 297 (BTN_BASE4).
Do you want to map DPad 1? [Y/n] y
这里设置手柄 方向十字按键 选Y
Press the LEFT button of DPad 1 now...
会提示按手柄方向十字键 左方向键 一次
X axis of DPad 1 mapped to 16 (ABS_HAT0X).
在按方向十字键 上方向键 一次
Press the UP button of DPad 1 now...
Y axis of DPad 1 mapped to 17 (ABS_HAT0Y).
Do you want to map DPad 2? [Y/n] y
设置手柄 右边遥感按键 选Y
Press the LEFT button of DPad 2 now...
会提示按右边遥感键 左方向键 一次
X axis of DPad 2 mapped to 5 (ABS_RZ).
Press the UP button of DPad 2 now...
在按右边遥感键 上方向键 一次
Y axis of DPad 2 mapped to 2 (ABS_Z).
Do you want to map TRIGGER_LEFT? [Y/n] y
设置手柄 L 键设置 选Y按回车键
Press the TRIGGER_LEFT now...
全部操作完成会出现以下代码,用Notepad2打开ps2.cfg 复制后替换粘贴到里面
文本名字随便GreenAsia Inc. USB Joystick 我用的是ps2手柄所文本名以改成了ps2
mapping_name = GreenAsia Inc. USB Joystick
btn_escape = 296
btn_a = 290
btn_b = 289
btn_x = 291
btn_y = 288
btn_start = 297
axis_x = 0
axis_y = 1
axis_dpad1_x = 16
axis_dpad1_x_inverted = no
axis_dpad1_y = 17
axis_dpad1_y_inverted = no
axis_dpad2_x = 5
axis_dpad2_x_inverted = no
axis_dpad2_y = 2
axis_dpad2_y_inverted = no
btn_trigger_left = 294
btn_trigger_right = 295
axis_x_inverted = no
axis_y_inverted = no
用Notepad2打开附件文件夹emu.cfg文件 ,看图位置,改成你自己设置的手柄文件名字保存(默认如果是ps2不需要修改)