- 精华
- 0
- 帖子
- 2476
- 威望
- 0 点
- 积分
- 2681 点
- 种子
- 0 点
- 注册时间
- 2005-11-8
- 最后登录
- 2014-10-13
Saints Row《黑街圣徒》
Phone Numbers: Cheats, Rides, Help, and Funny messages...
Pause the game and press the L or R Trigger until you reach your phone.
Select DIAL and enter one of the following numbers then press CALL.
NOTE: The ( ) and - symbols are automatically entered for you, you just need the number.
The only symbols you're required to enter are the # or * if contained in a number. Warning:
The codes that have # in front of them are considered cheats and you won't get achievements
doing this.
暂停游戏 按L 或R 选到PHONE 然后再选DIAL 然后输入以下数字 英文的话只要按相应的数字就行 你在
DIAL里输入完了数字后 然后选CHEATS再那里点你得到的秘籍
Cheat Codes & Secrets
Password 密码 Effect 效果
911 Ambulance (Restores Health) 恢复生命值
555-3765 Brown Baggers
5552445 Chicken Ned
#sunny clear skies
(555) 018-0174 Eagleline Yellow (Taxi Service)
#Shepherd Enables "Give .44 Shepherd" 得到.44 Shepherd ***
#12Gauge Enables "Give 12 Gauge" 得到12 Gauge 散弹枪
#AS12Riot Enables "Give AS12 Riot" 得到AS12 Riot 散弹枪
#GDHC50 Enables "Give GDHC .50" 得到GDHC .50 ***
#Grenade Enables "Give Hand Grenade" 得到Hand Grenade 手雷
#Krukov Enables "Give K6 Krukov" 得到K6 Krukov AK47
#Knife Enables "Give Knife" 得到Knife 小刀
#Molotov Enables "Give Molotov Cocktail" 得到Molotov Cocktail 燃烧瓶
#Nightstick Enables "Give Nightstick" 得到Nightstick 武器
#NR4 Enables "Give NR4" 得到NR4 ***
#Pipebomb Enables "Give Pipe Bomb" 得到Pipe Bomb 炸弹
#Rocket Enables "Give RPG Launcher" 得到RPG Launcher 火箭筒
#T3KUrban Enables "Give T3K Urban" 得到T3K Urban 轻机枪(类似UZI,但次于
#Tombstone Enables "Give Tombstone" 得到Tombstone 喷子
#Vice9 Enables "Give Vice 9" 得到Vice 9 ***
555-5966 Eye for an Eye Voodoo
#fullhealth Full Health 最大健康度
#66639 Give money 加钱
#pimpcane Gives a pimpcane shotgun
#10 God's Wrath (lightning strikes randomly)
555-9473 Grounds for Divorce
#AMMO Infinite Ammo 无限弹药
#SPRINT Infinite Sprint
555-9467 Legal Lee's
555-3863 Lik-a-Chick
#nocops No Cop Notoriety 没有***
#nogangs No Gang Notoriety
555-7296 On the Fence (Pawn Shop)
555-5926 On The Rag Clothing
555-3493 Rim Jobs
#shogun Shogun in garage
#2855364 Spawn a Bulldog
#bulldozer Spawn bulldozer
#AQUA spawn the Aqua car
#22766 Spawns a Baron
#267667 Spawns a Cosmos in your garage
#3378469 Spawns a Destiny
#5878423 Spawns a Justice in your garage
#566636 Spawns a Komodo in your garage
#66732374 Spawns a Nordberg in your garage
#78682 Spawns a Quota
#7288537 Spawns a Rattler
#732737 Spawns a Reaper (Hurst)
#746486 Spawns a Shogun in your garage
#882727 Spawns a Tuasar in your garage
#867839 Spawns a Vortex in your garage
#936484 Spawns a Zenith in your garage
#262852623 Spawns an Anbulance in your garage
#268 Spawns an Ant
555-2626 Stocks
1-555-ITS-OVER Suicide Hotline
555-6238 The Dead Cow
555-455-8008 TNA Taxi Service
#42637867 Unlock Special GameStop T-Shirt Cheat
Contributed By: Jay FNG Philbrook, Robin_th3_Hood, lena9159, EattenAlive, justshifl,
Clinty76, XxRazielxX, p_tear_griff_on, cloud_sora, ademonbreun, mark the hedgehog, 2MCHPSI,
kookmasteraj, some_person81, JackLovesRidley
Unlockables 解锁
Achievements 成就
Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore. 完成每项成就拿到的gamerscore分数
Unlockable How to Unlock 可解锁的 该如何解锁(开启)的
Addicted to tha row (20) Play Saints Row for 20 hours.
Air Traffic Controller (10) Destroy 50 helicopters.
Audiophile (10) Collect all 60 hidden cd's.
Bulletproof (10) Successfully complete Co-Op level Turbulence at the highest
diffi***y level.
Canonized (10) Join the 3rd Street Saints.
Chain Gang (20) Drop off a total of 500 chainsaw the Big Ass Chains
multiplayer mode in ranked matches.
Clocktower Camper (20) Head shot and kill a total of 100 enemies with a sniper
rifle in ranked matches.
Colombian Made (40) Take over Los Carnales territory.
Contract Killer (10) Successfully complete all of the Hitman locations.
Coupon Clipper (10) Purchase 100 clothing and jewelry items for your
Multiplayer wardrobe.
Demo Demon (10) Successfully complete all levels of Demolition Derby.
Dominator (10) Win 10 ranked matches in a row.
Errand Boy (10) Successfully complete Co-Op level Mob Rule at the highest
diffi***y level.
Fast and Furious (10) Successfully complete all of the Hijacking locations and
Fluffer (10) Successfully complete all of the Escort locations and
Gangsta (40) Reach a TrueSkill rank of Gangster in any Multiplayer mode.
Getting Up (10) Tag all tag locations hidden throughout Stilwater.
Grease Monkey (10) Own a total of 50 cars.
Grifter (10) Earn $200,000 in Insurance Fraud.
Jump the Shark (10) Withdraw a total of $200,000 from the loan office.
Killa (20) Reach a TrueSkill rank of Killa in any Multiplayer mode.
Kingpin (80) Reach a TrueSkill rank of Kingpin in any Multiplayer mode.
Leader of the Pack (10) Acquire all 7 Homies.
Marathon Runner (10) Traveled 26.2 miles on foot.
Negotiator (10) Take 50 hostages.
Penny Pincher (10) Earn $1,000,000 in the city of Stilwater.
Pimp (10) Successfully complete all the Snatch locations and levels.
Pimps Down (20) Kill the Pimp In Protect the Pimp 50 times in ranked
Professional Thief (10) Steal 30 boxes and deliver them successfully.
Pusher (10) Successfully complete all of the Drug Trafficking locations
and levels.
Racket Lord (160) Successfully complete all activities in Stilwater.
Reclamationist (10) Retake Saint's Row.
Regicide (40) Take over Vice Kings territory.
Road Warrior (40) Take over Westside Rollerz territory.
Ruler of Stilwater (160) Help the 3rd Streets Saints take over Stilwater.
Scavenger (10) Successfully complete all of the Chop Shop locations.
Shopaholic (10) Acquire 100 clothing and jewelry items for your single
player wardrobe.
Stilwater PD Award (10) Kill 50 Stilwater residents with only melee attacks.
Thug (10) Reach a TrueSkill rank of Thug in any Multiplayer mode.
Tourist (20) Drive 500 miles in the city of Stilwater.
Tuner (10) Successfully complete all of the Racing locations and
Vandal (10) Successfully complete all of the Mayhem locations and
Xzibitionist (20) Get your team car to level 4 in the Blinged Out Ride mode a
total of 50 times in ranked matches.. |