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[转帖]Vergil & Dante




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 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-25 21:23  ·  广东 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
出处不明 看见文章不错就弄过来了

   单论外貌的话跟本就一个样(CAPCOM连建模的工夫都省了不少),在我的看法中,也不存在什么心理年龄不同。 哥哥那种不叫稳重,而是冷酷、高傲。第一,维吉尔恋父,但丁恋母,传奇的黑骑士斯巴达是维吉尔的骄傲,也是目标; 维吉尔也是很容易被激的,特别是关于他半人半魔的身份“Both demon and human blood mingle in your veins(恶魔的血和凡人的血同时流淌在你的脉中)” 一火大就把光头老切肚了。 第二,维吉尔跟但丁最大的不同就是执着,对力量的执着,也是对母亲被杀仇恨的执着,所以对但丁说“without strength, you cannot protect anything(没有力量,你无法保护任何事物)”。 因此,维吉尔必然会走上追求(父亲的)力量、挑战魔帝的道路,也就是说除了力量和复仇(应该还有对弟弟但丁的感情?),其他一切在维吉尔的心中都无关紧要“That's none of my concern.(那 些和我并无瓜葛)”。某人说维吉尔为了私仇不管全人类的死活,但别忘了,如果维吉尔真的得到父亲的力量,只要能杀掉魔帝,哪怕魔界之门大开,照样是天下太平。 跟哥哥相反,但丁始终是带着一种满不在乎的态度,或许是为了要忘掉失去母亲的痛苦“Quite frankly at first I didn't give a damn (坦白来说在刚开始我毫不在乎这一切)”。斯巴达封印魔界之门到底是为了正义还是为了伊芙还在研究中; 但无论是为了自小生活的人类世 界还是为了母亲(的遗愿?),但丁一定会阻止维吉尔再一次打开魔界之门。 父亲封印了魔界之门,哥哥要打开魔界之门,加上蕾蒂,但丁的 选择就是守住魔界之门“I know what's important now. I know what I need to do.(我知道了现在什么才是最重要的。 我了解了自己的使 命)”。  We are the sons of Sparda! Within each of us flows his blood, but more importantly, his soul! 我们是斯巴达之子!我们体内 都流有斯巴达的血,但更重要的,是他的灵魂!那么到底谁拥有斯巴达的灵魂? 是要挑战魔帝的维吉尔,还是要守住魔界之门的但丁?斯巴达两样都做了,最终的目的只有一个——维护人类世界的和平。 “Unfortunately, our souls are at odds brother(很不幸,我们的灵魂并不一致)”同样的目标,兄弟两人的选择背道而驰。 双胞胎是一个灵魂分列成的两半“And we're supposed to be twins.(我们注定是双生子)”,明明可以为了共同的目标并肩战斗,但 是却如同最仇视的敌人一般争斗、兄弟相残。 有人说,维吉尔是51%恶魔49%人类,但丁是51%人类49%恶魔。根据一代的信息,“You're the man who lost a mother and brother to evil twenty years ago? (你就是那20年前被恶魔夺走了母亲和哥哥的人?)” 维吉尔从小被恶魔拐(?)走,在魔界长大,而但丁是人界长 大的,首先思想上就有相当大的差距; 后来又聚少离多缺乏沟通; 最后,“It's been nearly a year since we last met.(距离我们上次相见已过去一年有余)”,一年前维吉尔杀害了帮但丁制作黑白双枪的那个女人(这点有待考证), 更是压死骆驼的最后一根稻草。维吉尔属于魔界,所以拒绝了但丁伸出的手坠入魔界深渊 “I'm staying, this place was our father's home.(我要呆在这里,这里是我们的父亲斯巴 达的故乡)”; 但丁属于人界,所以没有跟着自己唯一的亲人跳下(殉情?), 所以维吉尔对他说“Leave me and go(不要管我,快走吧)” 。 这次分开后,他们依然坚持自己的路,维吉尔挑战魔帝“If my father did it, I should be able to do it too!(既然我的父亲能够做到 ,那么我也一定能!)”,但丁继续消灭人间的恶魔“This is what I live for! I'm absolutely crazy about it!!(我就是为此而活!我全然为此而疯狂!!)”。 维吉尔和但丁之间从来就不存在谁对谁错的问题,只不过是一体的两个面。
   最后,照应开头,我实在觉得维吉尔并不比但丁成熟稳重多少(重申:维吉尔是冷酷高傲,不是成熟稳重)。从以下两点可以看出,3代 的鬼泣中无论是维吉尔还是但丁都有股年少轻狂的傲气: 一,但丁每次拿到新武器都会马上帅帅地耍一遍,维吉尔也有这习惯,看他杀完Beowulf那段表演; 二,用叉子拿钢铁之魂那里...机器不动...但丁直接一脚踹下去...换维吉尔...等了一下...接着...还是抬脚...踹... [全文完].

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发表于 2006-8-25 21:30  ·  广东 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-8-25 21:47  ·  广东 | 显示全部楼层
在国度看过了  ……………………………………………………

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发表于 2006-8-25 22:11  ·  上海 | 显示全部楼层



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发表于 2006-8-26 10:23  ·  浙江 | 显示全部楼层


Might controls everything

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8525 点
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发表于 2006-8-26 20:10  ·  天津 | 显示全部楼层



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发表于 2006-9-10 00:06  ·  河南 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-9-10 18:48  ·  天津 | 显示全部楼层



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发表于 2006-9-10 19:40  ·  河南 | 显示全部楼层



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发表于 2006-9-10 19:58  ·  浙江 | 显示全部楼层
LADY:You've heard of it haven't you?The Legend of Sparda.When I was young my father would tell me stories about it.Long ago,in ancient times,a demon rebelled against his own kind for the sake of the human race.With his sword,he shut the portal to the demonic realm and sealed the evil entities off from our human world.But since he was a demon himself,his power was also trapped on the other side.I never believed it.I thought it was just a child's fairy tale.But I discovered that this so-called legend wasn't a myth at all.Sparda existed.How do I know?Well……I met the sons of Sparda--Both of them.Though the same blood of their father flowed through their veins,the two battled each other fiercely like arch enemies.It seemed as if they derived some sort of twisted pleasure from this brotherly fighting.But in the end……only one was left standing.
DANTE:Sorry,not open for business yet.I haven't even picked a name for this joint and I'm already getting calls.
DANTE:You a customer too?Well,if you want to use the bathroom,help yourself.The toilet's in the back.
ARKHAM:Is your name Dante?Son of Sparda?
DANTE:Where did you hear that?
ARKHAM:From your brother.He sent this invitation for you.Please accept it.
DANTE:Invitation huh?
DANTE:This party's getting crazy!Let's rock!
DANTE:The end?Don't bet on it!
DANTE:I can already tell,looks like this is going be one hell of a party!
DANTE:Damn it!You guys totally wrecked my shop!And I haven't even named it yet!You're going to pay for that.
DANTE:I hope you all have enough to cover all this!
DANTE:It's been nearly a year since we last met.Where does the time go?
DANTE:No doubt you've got some fun planned for me.Right Verjil?
ARKHAM:Well?Doesn't it excite you?The Temen-ni-gru has revived,the Great one who once ruled this earth as the medium between the Human World and the Demon World.Isn't it a magnificent view?The greatest minds of their time,those who revered Evil,constructed this glorious edifice.Now,after two milleniums of confinement,it can at last fulfill the purpose for which it was intended……
VERJIL:That's none of my concern.Did he have it?
ARKHAM:Of course.He's taking good care of it.After all,it is the only memento left from the mother you both lost.
VERJIL:But he has no idea of its true power.
LADY:I found it!
CERBERUS:Leave now,mortal!The likes of you are forbidden in this land!You who are powerless are not worthy to set foot here!
DANTE:Wow,I've never seen a talking mutt before.You know in a dog show,you'd definitely take first place.
CERBERUS:You,a mere human,make a mockery of me?!
DANTE:Easy,Fido!How about I take you out for a walk?Come on puppy,let's go!
CERBERUS:You'll regret this,you worm!
DANTE:It's showtime!Come on!
CERBERUS:You are not human,are you?
DANTE:Who knows?I'm not even sure myself.
CERBERUS:Regardless,you have proved your strength.I acknowledge your ability.Take my soul and go forth!You have my blessing!
DANTE:Too easy!
DANTE:Are you going to the party?What's the hurry,didn't ya get an invitation?
DANTE:This just keeps getting better and better!
VERJIL:Looks like we have an uninvited guest.
ARKHUM:Is that so?
VERJIL:A human,a woman.
ARKHUM:I'm afraid I should ask the uninvited one to leave.That is what you want.Actually,I happen to be acquainted with that woman.A storm is approaching.
JESTER:Yoo hoo!There's no need to use violence,devil boy.Wait,wait,wait,better listen to what others say,lad.This tower here is very sturdy,you see.Your tricks will do no good.No good!
DANTE:Zip it,or I'll pierce that big nose.
JESTER:That could be a problem!Just hear me out.You've got nothing to lose,right?My name is Jester,and I know a thing or two about this place.That thing there is a power generator for this entire sector.In order to open the door,you need to apply a little SOMETHING to it first.Do you know what THAT is,kid?Or is that too diffi*** fou you?
DANTE:Get to the point.Or do you wanna keep on dancing?
JESTER:Actually,I prefer a sword to be my partner.May I have this dance,my lady?
JESTER:Bingo!THAT is WHAT the SOMETHING is.Remember that,kid!Write it down on your hand if you don't trust your head!
DANTE:I see,thanks.You still piss me off,though.
JESTER:Thanks for destroying the lock for me,devil boy!And welcome to Hell!Please accept my gift.Don't be humble,just take it!After all we're buddies,aren't we?!
DANTE:Well,isn't that special?To be honest,I was expecting something a little better than this.
RUDRA:Look brother!It's been ages,but we finally have company!
AGNI:I see that!
RUDRA:We must entertain our guest!
AGNI:You're right!We have to be gracious hosts!
RUDRA:What should we do?
AGNI:How do I know?We need to come up with something!
RUDRA:Brother,our guest is sighing.
AGNI:Sigh?What is SIGH?
RUDRA:Well a SIGH is when……
DANTE:Enough already!How long are you two gonna keep carrying on like this?In case you didn't get the hint,I'll spell it out.Your GUEST wants to go through.Got it!
AGNI:Our job here is to guard this door!
RUDRA:That's right!We cannot let you pass!
AGNI:We have been waiting for a long time!
RUDRA:Yes,a very long time!
AGNI:For someone stronger than us.
RUDRA:Someone who can control us.
AGNI:My name is Agni!
RUDRA:And my niame is Rudra!You shall take us with you!
AGNI & RUDRA:We could be a great help to you!
DANTE:Okay,but on one condition.
AGNI & RUDRA:What is it?Name it.
DANTE:No talking.
AGNI & RUDRA:Fair enough.As you wish.
AGNI & RUDRA:Impressive……
DANTE:No Talking!
ARKHAM:Well,well.You've grown stronger.
LADY:Go to hell!
ARKHAM:You point a gun at me?Your own kin?Your dear papa?
LADY:The only family I ever had was my mother,and she's dead!
ARKHAM:You break my heart.After all,it was I who gave you your name,……my darling daughter!
DANTE:Well,this is my kind of rain.No wonder the sky looks so funny today.
LADY:Let me go!
DANTE:Let you go?But it'd be a waste if you ended up as just a pretty stain.
DANTE:What the hell was that for?!Here I am trying to help you,and you show your thanks by shooting me?!
DANTE:Whatever,do as you please.
LADY:So,he's a demon,too……
DANTE:I'm beginning to think I've got rotten luck with women.
VERJIL:You showed up.
DANTE:You sure know how to throw a party!No food,no drinks,and the only babe just left.
VERJIL:My sincerest apology brother.I was so eager to see you,I couldn't concentrate on preparations for the bash.
DANTE:Whatever,at any rate,it's been a whole year since we last met.How about a kiss from your little brother?Or better yet how about a kiss from THIS!
DANTE:So this is what they call a heartwarming family reunion,eh?
VERJIL:You got that right.
VERJIL:Why do you refuse to gain power?The power of our father Sparda?
DANTE:Father?I don't have a father.I just don't like you,that's all.
VERJIL:Foolishness,Dante.Foolishness……Might controls everything.And without strength,you cannot protect anything.Let alone yourself.
ARKHAM:Do you finally have it?
VERJIL:Yes!Now the spell Sparda cast will be broken!
VERJIL:I see,a devil inside you has awakened as well.
ARKHAM:Wait!We should leave.For the moment we have all that we need.
ARKHAM:People once cried out in fear of this tower.Temen-ni-gru,a foundation that brought out fear.Fear……Yes,fear.Can't you feel it?The rage and agonies of the people.Those who were confined here.With their desires for Evil being unfulfilled.It was all because Sparda slammed the door to the Demon World in their faces.
VERJIL:What's wrong?
DANTE:So this is the next stage?
DANTE:If you're asking for a date,forget it.Cause I make it a point not to go out with women who shoot me in the head.
LADY:Date a demon?I'm not that desperate.Besides,I really don't care for guys who stink like blood.
DANTE:You're right.So,tell me!What's your name?
LADY:I don't have a name.
DANTE:Okay,then what should I call you?
LADY:I don't care.Whatever you want.
DANTE:I'll leave this to you.Cuz I don't want to miss the party.
LADY:Who counted on you anyway?
NEVAN:Welcome,sir.Is this your first time here?
DANTE:Yeah it is.You'll be nice to me,won't you?
NEVAN:Of course I will.I'll treat you so nicely,you'll never want to leave.
DANTE:Now that's what I'm,talking about.
NEVAN:Then,come on sugar.
NEVAN:My,you're sweet.
DANTE:You'd think so,wouldn't ya?
NEVAN:All right.I'll help you.Your father was a handsome devil.But you're no slouch yourself.
LADY:Welcome back.
ARKHAM:Soon,we will reach the lair of judgement.Temen-ni-gru will finally regain its full function and lead us into the Demon World.The world where Sparda''s power has been sealed.And the one who will lift the incantaion is you,his own son.It must be fate.
VERJIL:Does that woman really bother you?
ARKHAM:What are you talking about?
VERJIL:Why didn''t you kill her?Perhaps because she''s your daughter?Did some pesky fatherly love get in your way?
ARKHAM:That''s none of you''re……
VERJIL:To further your study of the black arts,you sacrificed your loving wife.To become a devil as well.Knowing this I thought you''d be more useful to me,but I was wrong.No wonder your attainment of power is incomplete.
ARKHAM:What about you?You''re an incomplete being as well.Both demon and human blood mingle in your veins.
VERJIL:Shut up.
VERJIL:Now that the final door is open,I have no use for you.
DANTE:Well that was quick.
LADY:That man……did you kill him?
DANTE:So what if I did?
DANTE:Ooh,I love a fast woman.
LADY:Shut up!
LADY:He was obsessed with becoming the Devil.So much he killed his own wife.For that he butchered innocent people too.He''s the most vile kind of creature.To top it off,that filthy scum is my father.
DANTE:Well,we have something in common.I have a dysfunctional family too.
LADY:And what would you know about family?!You''re a demon!This is my father……my family!This was all supposed to end by my hand!
DANTE:Aren''t ya gonna shoot?Well that''s a switch.
LADY:Just go.I don''t care anymore.
ARKHAM:Where am I?It''s dark,I can''t see anything.
LADY:You''re still alive,I see.
ARKHAM:Mary?Is that you?What''s happening?Where''s your mother?
LADY:My mother?!you killed her,remember?
ARKHAM:Yes……That''s right.I killed her,with my own hands.What horrible thing have I done?I was too weak.I succumbed to his influence.
LADY:You mean,you were posessed?
ARKHAM:Yes,I was manipulated.Manipulated by a Devil,named Verjil.
ARKHAM:He''s attempting to bring the demon world back to this modern day.A world that Sparda once sealed off.
LADY:Sparda?I thought he was a myth.
ARKHAM:If the demons return,this world will be thrown into chaos.Stop him.Stop Verjil!
ARKHAM:You are such a sweet child,just like your mother.
DANTE:Aww,you poor thing.Didn''t your mother ever teach you how to use a door?
BEOWULF:That odor I know it!
DANTE:Gimme a break.Tell ya what,next time I''ll try and wear some cologne,okay?
BEOWULF:It''s the stench of betrayal,the odor of that accursed Sparda!I will annihilate every last blood relation of Sparda!
DANTE:A son cleaning up his dad''s mess,huh?Where''ve I heard this story before?
BEOWULF:The odious one whose heart pumps the blood of Sparda!Though my sight is gone,I remember your scent!I shall hunt you down through eternity if I must,until I rid this earth of your foul smell!
DANTE:Why do I have to take the heat for my father?!Come on,man!Cut me some slack!
JESTER:This is amazing!Even the Devil boy is no match for it!
JESTER:You''re not gonna shoot me,are you?If you do,I''ll die,you know.
DANTE:If that''s what it will take to shut you up.It bugs the crap out of me when someone talks more than I do.
JESTER:Don''t act so rashly,my boy.I''ve got a doozy of a story for you,but if you snuff out my voice like that,I won''t be able to tell it,now will I?
JESTER:I thought I was a goner for sure.
JESTER:Oops!You saw it too,didn''t you?That huge tower jutting out of the ground?That thick shaft that causes women to shudder is actually a tunnel--linking the demonic domain to the human world.And of course,your brother,Verjil is the one who controls it by using your mommy''s amulet.
JESTER:He''s headed to the control room in the basement.If you don''t hop down there quick like a bunny he''ll open the gate to hell.Isn''t that a scary thought?
DANTE:And you''re telling me this because?
JESTER:Oops,I forgot to mention one teeny wittle item.That gizmo there is actually the KEY to move forward.But the tricky thing is,it sucks the souls of those who hold it.So I think you''d better hurry!
JESTER:But,in return for your soul,it''ll give you power!Marvelous,isn''t it?Just let your young spirit drive you and go for it!
DANTE:Wish you would have told me that in the first place,ya big mouthed moron!
DANTE:Talking about Horse Power.
DANTE:A chicken race with a horse,huh?Fair enough……
DANTE:First chicken,now Gladiator.This just keeps getting better and better!Too bad there''s no body here to enjoy the show.
BEOWULF:I found you,seed of Sparda!I told you that I remember your rancid scent!No matter where you run to,you can never hide from me!
BEOWULF:Y-You are not the one I faced before……But this smell……There are two of them!That excrement Sparda had two sons……!
VERJIL:Why isn''t this working?!Is there something missing?Must more blood be shed?
DANTE:You seem to be in a bad mood.
DANTE:So my mother''s amulet is the key that unlocks the door to the Demon World.Good plan,Pop.
VERJIL:Just the opposite actually……Originally it was the key to the Demon World but was given to humans as a gift.
DANTE:It doesn''t matter to me one way or the other.More importantly,I''ve come all this way.I''m sure you have time for one more game,right?
VERJIL:Why not?After all we share the same blood.I''ll just use more of yours to undo daddy''s little spell.
DANTE:So,you want a piece of me,literally.Okay bro.Come and get it,if you can!
DANTE:Sorry,but this is no place for a little girl.So beat it.
LADY:Shut up!
LADY:You forced him into this!
VERJIL:Is that what you think?Foolish girl.
JESTER:Bravo,bravo!I never dreamed that things would go so smoothly.Well done,everyone.Well done!
JESTER:Don''t be a bad girl,Mary!Or you can expect a spanking from daddy later!Jester''s gonna spank your butt.Spank you on the butt.
VERJIL:Insane buffoon.I don''t know where you came from,but you don''t belong here.Now leave!
JESTER:Zowie,that was close!But you''ve taken quite a trouncing today,haven''t you,Verjil?You could''ve chopped me into confetti by now if you were in tip-top condition.
VERJIL:Damn you!
ARKHAM:You have lost……because you underestimated humans.
LADY:What''s going on?!
ARKHAM:Good girl,pure and innocent……just like your mother.
LADY:You bastard!
JESTER:It''s time for your spanking,my dear!
JESTER:You want to know why the speel didn''t break,hmm,Verjil?You have the two amulets and Sparda''s blood.You had everything you needed to unleash the evil!
DANTE:I told you before,I don''t like anybody who has a bigger mouth than mine.
JESTER:You are wounded and weak.Even I can do……this to you!
ARKHAM:Two amulets……a set of Sparda''s blood.Now I need one more key.He sacrificed two things to suppress the tremendous force of this tower:His own Devil''s blood and a mortal priestess.I needed you,in whose body flows the same blood as the sacrificed woman.His spell cannot be undone without your blood!
JESTER:It was quite a ride you know!If any of you had died before getting here,our little plan would have gone to waste!Therefore,my job was to make you battle each other in order to weaken you.But at the same time,I had to guide you here and make sure that you were kept alive.I even went so far as dressing like a complete idiot!It''s time for bed,Mary.You can visit your dear mother.
LADY:Try me.
VERJIL:It''s time for the clown to bow out,Arkham.
DANTE:Dude,the show''s over!
ARKHAM:Impressive.I expected nothing less from the Devil''s descendents.But aren''t you forgetting something,Verjil?The spell is broken.What do you think will happen next?Let''s welcome chaos!
ARKHAM:Just sit and wait!Wait for the birth of a new God!I shall take over the power of Sparda!
DANTE:Are ya gonna go?
LADY:Yes,I''m going to finish him off.
DANTE:Well you might as well forget it.Cuz,you''re no match for him.
LADY:Regardless,I must go.I had a chance to stop him before,but I couldn''t.I''m responsible for all this mess.
DANTE:Responsible?Does it bother you that much?
LADY:He''s my father.Besides,who else can undo what he''s done?A demon like you,wouldn''t understand……
DANTE:Father and family,huh?Well I''ll go too.But you''d better hurry if you don''t want me to take all the credit.
ARKHAM:He plucks the threads that make us dance,finger and toe!We surrender in joy to the lowest of the foul and rank;we submerge through darkness,rancid filth.Hour by hour,we move downward,ever closer to Hell,in a slow,steady gait.Now,let the world resonate!Sloth!Gluttony!Greed!Envy!Lust!Wrath!And Pride!A bell of chaos that tolls human desires!After two thousand long years,the once sealed gate to the Demonic World will open!Destruction!Carnage and Despair!Let your instincts drive you!Entrap this world in fear!As its very name Temen-ni-gru strikes terror into the heart of mankind.Then I will become the ultimate ruler of this wasteland engulfed with pandemonium!The demonic power that Sparda once imprisoned……will be mine!
DANTE:Now,this is what I''m talking about!
DANTE:What''s wrong,you tired?Then stand back.I''ll take care of this.
LADY:No,YOU stand back.
DANTE:I told you,you can''t do it.Don''t you get it?This is not a human''s job.
LADY:You''re the one who doesn''t get it.It''s not something you can reason with.It has nothing to do with me being a human and you being a demon.I''m driven by the inability to forgive him.My soul is screaming,demanding me to kill him.That''s enough motivation to keep me going.Besides,this is my family matter.You should stay out of it.Okay Lady,I get the picture now.But I can''t just sit back and watch either.I''m pretty pissed at him too,ya know.Now,get out of my way or there''ll be some consequences.
LADY:Fair enough.I wasn''t planning to let any demon live anyway.Not even one!
DANTE:I''ll take care of him.
LADY:Why do you care so much?
DANTE:This whole business started with my father sealing the entrance between the two worlds.And now my brother''s trying to break that spell and turn everything into demonville.This is my family matter too.Quite frankly at first I didn''t give a damn.But because of you,I know what''s important now.I know what I need to do.
DANTE:Trust me,I''ll make things right for you.That''s what my soul is telling me to do.
LADY:Use this.
DANTE:How much is it gonna cost me?
LADY:You can give me your name.
LADY:Dante.Please,free my father.
DANTE:I will,Lady.
DANTE:I know why you''re here.You''re here to ask me some questions.Well too bad.I''ve already answered them myself.I don''t need you anymore.Come on you poser.
DANTE:Huh,thought I lost my shadow for a sec.
DANTE:Well then,let''s wrap up this crazy party,shall we?Gotta clean up the mess father left behind.
ARKHAM:Welcome,what do you think after looking at your father''s image?
DANTE:It''s like staring into a backed-up toilet.Why do you always stick your nose in other families'' business?Come on dude.Don''t you have any hobbies?
ARKHAM:You can still talk big after seeing THIS!?I feel the devil''s power overflowing my body!The power of Sparda!
DANTE:Dude,my father wasn''t so hideous.Can''t you tell by looking at me?Anyway,that shape suits you better.Let us begin the main event!
ARKHAM:No use!Regardless of how strong you are,you''re nothing but a half-breed.You cannot defeat a pure demon,the real Sparda!
ARKHAM:What''s this?Damn you!
VERJIL:I''ve come to retrieve my power.You can''t handle it.
DANTE:Look at you……making a big dramatic entrance and stealing my spotlight.
VERJIL:Well……you don''t possibly believe that he deserves to be our main event now do you?
DANTE:Now that you mentioned it,you''re right.
ARKHAM:Do you feel you can defeat me?Defeat the power of your father,the great Sparda!
VERJIL:You should come to realize you cannot control the power of Sparda.
DANTE:You''re wasting your time,buddy.
DANTE:I think he needs to learn the hard way!
VERJIL:I''ll try it your way for once.
DANTE:Remember what we used to say?
ARKHAM:Don''t do it!
ARKHAM:I have the true power of Sparda……!
VERJIL:Not very classy for someone''s dying words.
ARKHAM:Why?How could I……?!I shall become a god!No one here can stop me!
LADY:What a surprise.Here I was looking for you and,lo and behold,you come to me.
LADY:Don''t ever call me that again.My mother was the only one who could say my name.
ARKHAM:Wait,please!Do you really want to shoot me?Can you shoot me,your own father?!What have I done wrong?!Even the heroic Sparda sacrificed a woman so that he could become a legend!I wished to be a god!And I sacrificed one miserable human being for that reason.That is all!Was that really so awful?I have some unfinished business to take care of.Help me,Mary.
LADY:Mary died a long time ago,my name is Lady.Goodbye father.
LADY:Here I thought I wasn''t gonna cry.
VERJIL:Give that to me.
DANTE:No way,you got your own.
VERJIL:Well I want yours too.
DANTE:What are you gonna do with all that power,huh?No matter how hard you try,you''re never gonna be like father.
VERJIL:You''re wasting time!
DANTE:We are the sons of Sparda!Within each of us flows his blood,but more importantly,his soul!And now my soul is saying it wants to stop you!
VERJIL:Unfortunately,our souls are at odds brother.I need more power!
DANTE:And we''re supposed to be twins.
VERJIL:Am I……being defeated?
DANTE:What''s wrong?Is that all you got?Come on get up,you can do better than that.
VERJIL:The portal to the Human World is closing,Dante……because the amulets have been separated.
DANTE:Let''s finish this Verjil.I have to stop you,even if that means killing you.
VERJIL:No one can have this,Dante.It''s mine,it belongs to a son of Sparda!
VERJIL:Leave me and go,if you don''t want to be trapped in the Demon World.I''m staying,this place was our father''s home.
DANTE:What an ordeal.You''re still here?
LADY:I need that back.
DANTE:No late charges I hope.
LADY:I''ll think about it.
DANTE:We should be fine for now.But I''m sure they''ll be back soon.Very soon.
LADY:Are you crying?
DANTE:It''s only the rain.
LADY:The rain already stopped.
DANTE:Devils never cry.
LADY:I see.Maybe somewhere out there even a devil may cry when he loses a loved one.Don''t you think?
LADY:By the way.Looks like we''re gonna be busy for a while.
DANTE:Well bring it on!I love this!This is what I live for!I''m absolutely crazy about it!!
LADY:What happened next?Nothing really.We took care of all the remaining devils and that was it.I still have a job to do that''s far from done,which is to eliminate every last demon.I need to ensure that monsters like my father never come about again.And he promised to help me hunt down the demons,even though he''s part one himself!But now I realize that there are humans as evil as any devil as well as kind and compassionate demons in this universe.At least I''ve found one so-called devil who is able to shed tears for those he cares about.That''s enough for me to believe in him.
DANTE:Now I can start my business.
LADY:Oh,speaking of a kind devil,he fanally decided on a name for his shop.It took him quite a while to pick one. Wanna know the name?
DANTE & LADY:Devil May Cry.
VERJIL:It''ll be fun to fight with the prince of Darkness.If my father did it,I should be able to do it too!
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