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本帖最后由 gxb 于 2017-11-11 20:44 编辑
Lakka 2.1 RC6发布了,需要的可以到http://le.builds.lakka.tv下载。
Changelog(升级)- Allwinner images: We now have completely new builds for Allwinner boards, based on the mainline kernel and u-boot. With this new project, we can support many new boards with very little efforts. Being based on a recent kernel increase compatibility with newer joypads and dongles. These new images will replace the a10, a20, H3 and Bananapi images.(用了全志官方的新主线核心和u-boot,以后支持全志新板子会更简单了,并将取代现在a10, a20, H3等多个分支镜像)
- OdroidXU4 update: A kernel and u-boot update fixes the eMMC boot. It also improves TV detection and adds more resolutions. Special thanks to Hardkernel for gifting an XU4 and the new eMMC modules.(OdroidXU4的修复,支持了更多分辨率,改善TV检测。个人认为这个板子太贵,拿来玩LAKKA太浪费,而性能比起S905又没有质的飞跃,因此非常鸡肋)
- Kiosk mode: Enabling the kiosk mode will prevent users to access the settings. You can setup a password to disable the kiosk mode. This work is provided by Brunnis.(类似家长模式的模式,可以设密码防止别人改动系统设置)
- New Rockchip Images for the Tinkerboard, ROCK64 and MiQi boards, using the latest 4.4.96 LTS kernel and mainline 2017.11 u-boot, provided by Ntemis. With future plans to switch to mainline v4.14 LTS.(新支持了瑞星微RK3288和RK3328的几个板子,瑞星微的这几个板子和OdroidXU4一样,价格死贵,性能提升有限,鸡肋)
- Parallel-N64 emulator with multithreaded Angrylion.(N64模拟器的更新,多线程相关)
- Scanning for Gamecube CDs.(NGC镜像扫描,和ARM板子没多大关系,反正跑不顺)
- Minor UI fixes.(UI调整)
- Core updates.(核心升级,DOSBOX自从今年9月更新后,删除了手柄映射键盘的功能,导致DOSBOX新版非常难用,很糟糕的升级,不知道开发者怎么想的)
Known issues(已知BUG)- DualShock 4 input bugs on some controllers(某些PS4手柄还是有问题)
- Keyboard input bug on Parallel-N64 on PC(PC上N64模拟器键盘输入的问题)
- Parallel-N64 crashes on PC 32bit(32位PC N64模拟器崩溃)
- Animated background and audio issues in Shared Context mode (with Dolphin)(NGC模拟器下动态背景和音频有问题,反正和ARM板子无关,无视)
- Typing Wi-Fi password with a keyboard on RPi is broken, use a joypad instead(树莓派下用键盘输入wifi密码崩了,暂时只能用手柄)
Future plans(未来计划)- An Allwinner 64bit project(估计想支持全志H5或者全志H8之类的CPU吧,不过香橙派官方很小气,不肯捐赠H5板子给开发者,惹怒了开发者,短期内应该没戏)