- 精华
- 0
- 帖子
- 92
- 威望
- 0 点
- 积分
- 92 点
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- 注册时间
- 2015-9-12
- 最后登录
- 2016-5-4
巫師三將於本次更新跳過 1.09 版直接來到內含事項達 328 件的 1.10 版。
-在「希里的故事:賽馬大賽 / Ciri's Story: The Race」任務中的賽馬過後添加配樂。
-修正「Kaer Muire / 凱爾穆雷」當地周邊的環境音樂會蓋過其它音樂的問題。
-修正遊戲在「前往史凱利傑 / Destination: Skellige」任務中若將自動存檔點建立在遇到海盜之前的話,那麼接續該存檔點繼續進行任務時就不會播放音樂的問題。
-在「凱爾莫罕之戰/ Battle of Kaer Morhen」任務中添增片段,讓玩家能在開打前找「特莉絲 / Triss」和「葉奈法 / Yennefer」談話。
-在「復仇 / Payback」任務添增片段,供玩家和「希里 / Ciri」展開對話。
-在「On This Ice」任務中添增片段,供玩家和「特莉絲 / Triss」展開對話。
-修正怪獸「叉尾龍 / Forktail」隨即在受到「伊格尼之印 / Igni Sign」燃燒後若很快又被劍砍傷的話就有可能會使牠的痛楚叫聲不會停下。
-修正在「繼承遊戲 / New Game+」模式下的第一個音樂片段促使戰鬥音樂一直播放的問題。
-修正某些存檔無法正確地開始「New Game +(繼承遊戲)」模式。
-修正角色在一些罕見的情形下會錯誤地再生「精力 / Stamina」。
-修正「卡蘭希爾 / Caranthir」的法術所造成的慢動作效果沒有如期在時效歸零後消失的問題。
-修正「高等雷霆 / Superior Thunderbolt」藥水有時會失靈的問題。
-修正「伊格尼之印 / Igni」的變換式「Firestream / 火焰之流」不用裝備就能使用。
-修正「蘿葡/ Roach」的行為表現在「引誘叉尾龍... / To Bait a Forktail...」任務期間的騎馬片段不正確的問題。
-修正毒性恢復在玩家喝下「Water Hag / 沼澤巫婆」煎藥後就會受阻的罕見問題。
-修正敵人和任務在「New Game +(繼承遊戲)」中關於難度成長的各種問題。
-對昆特牌系統做出多項優化設定,例如遵循「選項 / Option → 遊戲 / Game」後即可找到調整昆特牌難度的設定。
-對「New Game +(繼承遊戲)」做出多項平衡優化。
-調整裝備「Enhanced Legendary Wolven Gauntlets」的生產藍圖,現在不再需要「Griffin Gauntlets / 獅鷲獸手套」即可生產。
-修正一個導致狂獵小兵在「凱爾莫罕之戰/ Battle of Kaer Morhen」任務期間繞著原地跑的問題。
-修正「火元素 / Ifrit」 並沒有正常的按照設定免疫於任何類型的「伊格尼之印 / Igni Sign」。
-調整怪獸「卡塔卡恩 / Katakan」 的強度來平衡牠。
-改善「死而無愧 / Death March」難度設置下的遊戲平衡度。
-讓遊戲表示出還缺少哪些牌來優化「紙牌收藏家 / Card Collector」成就的達成事宜。
-修正玩家位於「威倫 / Velen」期間會無法在地圖中打開「諾維格瑞 / Novigrad」地區,因此無法使用當地的快速移動路標。
-修正玩家若在「嬰屍 / Botchling」劇情中途在告示板接取該新任務的話就會令遊戲產生意料之外的「崗哨(檢查點) / Checkpoint」。
-修正「伸手不見五指 / Wandering in the Dark」任務的魔王戰那裡的環境有可能會促使 NPC 卡住。
-修正切換「亞登之印 / Yrden」的模式就會使法印能藉由特殊技巧多次施放。
-移除「龍之夢 / Dragon's Dream」炸彈能夠殺死 NPC(包含任務 NPC)的設定。
-修正周遭的敵對 NPC 會令傑洛特卡在戰鬥模式的問題。
-Fixes issue whereby Greater Perun Runestone disabled Adrenaline Gain ability for
steel and silver Mastercrafted Ursine Swords.
-Fixes issue whereby Geralt could get trapped in boatwreck in Velen.
-Fixes rare issue involving delay in appearance of interaction component.
-Fixes rare issue of missing soothsayer during quest titled Gwent: Velen Players.
-Fixes problems with player character movement following conversation with
herbalists near Cunny of the Goose tavern.
-Fixes issue whereby loot bag could float in air if dropped while Geralt was in midair,
i.e., jumping.
-Fixes issue whereby Yrden with elevated Sign intensity would cause foes to freeze.
-Fixes issue whereby Item Info keyboard shortcut I would close Shop screen instead
of opening Item Info screen.
-Fixes incorrect wyvern behavior in specific arena.
-Fixes issue whereby player could not hand Philippa's crystal to Yen at Kaer Morhen.
-Fixes issue whereby previously felled NPCs would be resurrected and die again on
screen during conversation following combat.
-Fixes issue whereby numerous treasure hunt map icons were missing from game
-Fixes issue whereby image of Geralt was placed incorrectly if Inventory was opened
while sailing.
-Fixes issue whereby Achievements did not work correctly on game patched to
version 1.07 when played from save created from version 1.06.
-Fixes issue whereby item statistics could differ if item was purchased from merchant.
-Fixes balance issue for quest titled The Nithing played in New Game + mode.
-Fixes issue whereby player character movement could appear accelerated or
decelerated after slowmotion sequences, e.g., while horseback riding.
-Fixes issue where buffs from consumption of food items were not cumulative.
-Fixes issue whereby smith at Mulbrydale incorrectly offered Superior Griffin Armor
Upgrade Schematic.
-Fixes issue whereby crypt in game White Orchard could be locked permanently,
thereby blocking progression of Scavenger Hunt: Viper School Gear.
-Fixes balance issue in New Game + mode adversely affecting fight involving Cerys
during quest titled「國王的賭局/ King's Gambit」.
-Fixes issue whereby Mutagen tutorial did not check if player possessed mutagens.
-Fixes issue that could render ** Loot POI impossible to complete.
-Fixes incorrect functionality of Whirl skill.
-Fixes issue whereby decoy gwent card could leave residual value on game board.
-修正各種和「弗農·羅契/ Vernon Roche」對話的問題,例如:意外地關閉對話選項、關閉打牌選項,甚至是連對話都不能。
-修正戰鬥教學流程不會正確地計算「格擋 / Parry」。
-Fixes issue whereby Reset to Default in Key Bindings did not take effect until game
was reloaded.
-Fixes issue whereby missing ingredients were not updated on pinned alchemy
-Fixes issue with Philippa's level in quest titled Blindingly Obvious in New Game +
-Fixes issue whereby Inventory could be accessed at start of New Game + though
access was disabled by quest.
-Fixes issue whereby arachas boss remained unresponsive for some time after last
checkpoint was loaded before fight.
-Fixes issue whereby exclamation point could remain over Zoltan's head thorughout
quest titled The Battle of Kaer Morhen.
-Fixes issue where guard leading Geralt to Rosa's cellar could begin floating in the air
upon reaching set destination.
-Fixes issue whereby Ciri could leave intended gameplay area and become blocked
during quest titled Ciri's Story: Breakneck Speed.
-Fixes issue whereby deserters near Person in Distress were invincible.
-Fixes issue whereby using Igni against foes significantly increased their Stamina
regeneration rate.
-Fixes issue whereby Stash tutorial was unintentionally displayed when starting new
-Adds missing name of mutagen obtained by looting noonwraith dilled during quest
titled 「委託:井裡的惡魔 / Contract: Devil by the Well」.
-Fixes issue whereby fiend prowling southern reaches of Crookback Bog respawned
each time Geralt meditated.
-Fixes issue whereby Ruined Inn in Skellige, intended to be an abandoned site, was
populated before liberation.
-Fixes issue where player could be trapped between certain buildings in 「奧森弗特/ Oxenfurt」.
-Fixes issue in New Game + mode whereby climbing was impossible due to quest
titled 「委託:奧森弗特森林裡的怪物 / Contract: The Creature from the Oxenfurt Forest」.
-Fixes incorrect operation of DLC: New Finisher Animations subsequent to installation
of Patch 1.08.
-Fixes manifest file for game engine EXE to prevent game from running in Windows
Vista compatibility mode.
-Introduces multiple fixes and improvements in HUD.
-Fixes "Track Quest" button prompt, which occasionally was incorrectly displayed
following "New Quest" notification.
-Introduces multiple changes in GUI for Alchemy and Crafting.
-Fixes incorrect display of save file names when game language setting differed from
system region and language settings.
-Fixes issue with crafting category display in GUI.
-Fixes multiple issues with HUD buff/debuff display formatting.
-Fixes instances of background text flickering when selected books were opened.
-Fixes issue whereby Slow/Reverse Boat was not bound to MovementDown key.
-Fixes issue entailing clipping of lettering displayed with upscaled fonts in certain
-Alters popup message displayed when players choose to travel to Isle of Mists
updated for New Game +.
-Fixes Inventory sorting order for potions, bombs, oils, food, etc.
-Fixes issue where Dismantle popup was not properly localized in all languages.
-Fixes issue where abandoned settlement lacked appropriate marker.
-Fixes issue whereby nonfunctioning icons were displayed in DLC list.
-Fixes nonfunctioning icon in New Game + menu.
-Adds option to show/hide HUD/Minimap using single button/click.
-Fixes issue whereby unlocalized string appeared in place of recommended level
number in popup message displayed upon entry to Isle of Mists.
-Fixes issue whereby on mouse and keyboard configurations an invalid character was
displayed alongside the Track Quest message when said functionality was not
-Fixes mouse and keyboard UI issue encountered on configurations featuring mouse,
keyboard and controller.
-Fixes issue whereby doubleclick on dialogue choice would cause first dialogue line
after choice to be skipped.
-修正「破碎之花/ Broken Flowers」任務有個微小機會會在讀取存檔時發生無限讀取的問題。
-修正「史凱利傑 / Skellige」地區的「夢之洞窟 / Cave of Dreams」那邊的效能問題。
-優化遊戲在「進階鍊金學 / Practicum in Advanced Alchemy」任務期間的效能表現。
-優化遊戲在「打倒二式 / Get Junior」任務期間於「霍桑 / Whoreson」在「諾維格瑞 / Novigrad」的地盤那獲得的效能表現。
-優化遊戲在「威倫 / Velen」地區的沼澤地帶獲得的效能表現。
-優化遊戲在玩家使用炸彈時的效能表現,尤其是在啟用「炸彈連發/ Cluster Bomb」技能的情況下。
-優化遊戲在「諾維格瑞澡堂 / Novigrad Bathouse」地區的效能表現,尤其是在進行「顯而易見 / Blindingly Obvious」任務的時候。
-優化遊戲在「鮑爾德山 / Bald Mountain」地帶的整體效能表現。
-優化遊戲在「凱爾莫罕之戰/ Battle of Kaer Morhen」任務期間的效能表現。
-優化遊戲在「國王的賭局/ King's Gambit」任務中的「Kaer Trolde」那的效能表現。
-優化遊戲在「家家有本難唸的經 / Family Matters」期間的效能表現。
-優化遊戲在「國王已死,浩氣長存 / The King is Dead - Long Live the King」任務中的盛宴和喪禮這兩個橋段的效能表現。.
-優化遊戲在「伸手不見五指 / Wandering in the Dark」任務中的「凱拉 / Keira」的小屋內的效能表現。
-優化遊戲在「家家有本難唸的經 / Family Matters」任務的儀式舉行橋段的效能表現。
-優化遊戲在「諾維格瑞之火 / Pyres of Novigrad」任務期間的效能表現。
-優化遊戲在「老鼠之塔 / A Towerful of Mice」任務期間的效能表現。
-優化遊戲在「拔刀相助 / A Favor for a Friend」任務期間的效能表現。
-優化遊戲在「以知識進步為名 / For the Advancement of Learning」任務期間的效能表現。
-優化遊戲在「威倫 / Velen」地區裡的「費克島/ Fyke Island」這邊的效能表現。
-優化遊戲在「生死交關 / A Matter of Life and Death」任務中的昆特牌場景的效能表現。
-優化遊戲在「打倒二世 / Get Junior」任務中傑洛特與「霍桑二世 / Whoreson Junior」之間進行特寫對話時的效能表現。
-優化遊戲在「國王已死,浩氣長存 / The King is Dead - Long Live the King」任務中在「爾米亞 / Ermion」的實驗室裡戰鬥時的效能表現。
-優化遊戲在「過去的回聲 / Echoes of the Past」中當「史凱利傑 / Skellige」出現劇烈變化時的效能表現。
-Improves game performance during necromancy ritual in quest titled Nameless.
-Improves game performance during quest titled The Calm Before the Storm.
-Improves game performance in Crookback Bog location.
-優化遊戲在「士兵雕像 / Soldier Sateuette」和「貴族雕項 / Nobleman Statuette」這兩項任務中的除咒過程間的效能表現。
-優化遊戲在「凱爾莫罕 Kaer Morhen」地區周遭的山區的效能表現。
-優化遊戲在「鮑爾德山 / Bald Mountain」任務中面對「彿加斯 / Fugas」期間的效能表現。
-優化遊戲在「破碎之花 / Broken Flowers」任務中的「翠鳥酒館/ Kingfisher」這邊的效能表現。
-優化遊戲在「諾維格瑞 / Novigrad」中的 「神殿島 / Temple Isle」 這地方的效能表現。
-優化遊戲在「穿越時空 / Through Time and Space」任務中的「Dark Valley」這地方的效能表現。
-優化玩家在「凱爾莫罕 Kaer Morhen」與「葉奈法 / Yennefer」對話時的效能表現。
-優化玩家與「艾斯凱爾 / Eskel」在解剖一隻「卡塔卡恩 / Katakan」 時的效能表現。
-優化遊戲在「瓦費·伊蓮 / Va Fail, Elaine」任務中的效能表現。
-優化遊戲在玩家啟用有「炸彈連發/ Cluster Bomb」技能時使用「北風 / Northern Wind」炸彈的效能表現。
-優化遊戲在玩家啟用有「炸彈連發/ Cluster Bomb」技能時使用「惡魔之塵 / Devil's Puffball」炸彈的效能表現。
-優化遊戲在玩家啟用有「炸彈連發/ Cluster Bomb」技能時使用「龍之夢 / Dragon's Dream」炸彈的效能表現。
-優化玩家在「史凱利傑 / Skellige」跟蹤「Josta」的橋段的效能表現。
-Improves game performance in sauna pool during quest titled The Calm Before the
-Improves game performance in selected Velen locations.
-Improves game performance during quest titled Ciri's Story: The King of the Wolves.
-修正發生在「Radenon R9 285」顯示卡的當機問題。
-修正遊戲在全螢幕顯示模式下會隨著玩家在讀取時 ALT+TAB 切換視窗而凍結的問題。
-修正和「GeForce GTX 980」有關的當機問題。
-修正遊戲在 XBox One 平台上出現的記憶體管理問題。
-修正Fixes crash occurring during conversation with owner of haunted house in quest titled
Novigrad Dreaming.
-Fixes issue where looting often caused mini freezes on Xbox One.
-Fixes issue with game stability when loading game saves.
-Fixes unwanted variation in display of certain tutorial text content.
-Fixes UI issue whereby icons would become corrupted when items were purchased
or disassembled.
-Fixes issue whereby Character panel would open if player started meditating just as
Geralt left previous meditation.
-Fixes visual stutter in animation of Roach (horse).
-FIxes assorted graphics glitches, including, but not limited to, two instances of Roach
appearing simultaneously, NPCs appearing to lack hands, dead bodies flying off after
a foe is decapitated, and others.
-Introduces array of minor changes in ingame locations and in presentation of said
locations on ingame maps.
-Fixes visual issue with appearance of light in house windows at short distances.
-Fixes issue whereby peasants would walk incorrectly while carrying boxes.
-Fixes visual issue entailing incorrect behavior of blood splatter from felled opponents.
-Fixes incorrect display of leshen's s root attack FX.
-Fixes issue whereby some corridors were missing from minimap of elven ruins in
quest titled The Sunstone.
-Fixes corrupted minimap of caves in quest titled Scavenger Hunt: Cat School Gear.
-Fixes stuttering animations of some NPCs when viewed at a distance.
-Fixes issue whereby NPCs in background would occasionally disappear when
dialogue choices were displayed.
-Fixes multiple instances of duplication of interaction icons on trapdoors and ladders.
-Fixes collision issue whereby player could climb through ceiling of Kingfisher's cellar.
-Improves shifts in level of detail on selected buildings in main square of Novigrad.
-Fixes chair hanging in midair in Oxenfurt river port.
-Fixes issue whereby Geralt could fall through floor behind bed in Roche's room in
Temerian guerilla hideout.
-Improves visibility of spawning on selected NPCs in Novigrad.
-Improves appearance of water ripples triggered by Aard Sign.
-Fixes issues involving NPCs freezing or adopting Tpose when viewed from a
-Fixes popin issues for certain types of small foliage.
-Fixes issue entailing improper appearance of Redanian armor cloth on Geralt when
emerging from scenes and following fast travel.
-Fixes broken animation/meshes for horses in quest titled Ciri's Story: Out of the
-Fixes issue whereby Lambert could adopt Tpose if certain path was chosen in quest
titled The Battle of Kaer Morhen.
-Adds some missing water ripple effects.
-Fixes animation issues affectin certain female NPC.
-Fixes issue whereby sound focus clues in Colorblind Friendly mode were red.
-Fixes multiple streaming delay issues with terrain, ingame community and foliage.
-Fixes issue with level of detail for King Radovid's ship.
-Fixes issue whereby raindrops would become invisible if player character died during
-Fixes issue whereby Geralt would adopt Tpose during specific cutscene.
-Fixes multiple issues entailing popin of building elements.
-Fixes issue with hanged man's body adopting Tpose.
-Fixes corrupted rope in cut scene set in water well.
-Fixes rendering issue on house in Oxenfurt.
-Restores intended blood decal so it appears on Geralt and other NPCs when hit.
-Fixes issue whereby Geralt appeared solely in undergarments throughout a cut
-Fixes issue whereby water surface texture was discontinuous when viewed from
certain camera angles.
-Fixes issue where both red and blue scent trails were displayed when playing in
Colorblind Friendly mode during quets titled Novigrad, Closed City II.
-Fixes issue with shadows in tavern in Lindenvale.
-Fixes holes visible from behind rock formation in cave containing Mastercrafted Cat
School Armor diagram.
-Fixes issue whereby outdoor weather (rain) could be seen throughout cut scene set
in interior during quest titled Hunting a Witch.
-Fixes issue where beer merchant in cut scene lacked particles/halo caused by Axii
when hit with said Sign.
-Fixes issue preventing players from completing the Soldier Statuette and Nobleman
Statuette quests.
-Fixes rare instances of quest titled Nameless remaning active in Journal despite
having been completed.
-Fixes issue whereby Reason of State quest was labeled as failed in Journal despite
having been completed successfully.
-Fixes issue preventing players from completing quest titled The Empty Coop.
-Fixes rare issue where some functionalities remained locked in spite of player having
completed certain relevant parts of quest titled Get Junior.
-Fixes rare issue where Contract: The Creature from the Oxenfurt Forest was not
correctly updated after conversation with quest giver.
-Improves visiblity in Inventory of chort lure needed for quest titled Contract:
Mysterious Tracks.
-Fixes rare issue whereby players could not talk to Thaler after completing a specific
main story path.
-Fixes issue whereby wine was not detected in Inventory during quest titled It Takes
Three to Tango.
-Fixes rare issue involving incorrect progression of quest titled The Tower Outta
-Fixes issue whereby trophy from Contract: Patrol Gone Missing could not be sold.
-Fixes issue whereby quest titled The Bastion would reappear in Journal despite
having been completed if player made use later of Keira's lamp.
-Adds missing interaction to locked chest in minor quest titled The Price of Honor.
-Fixes issue involving Morvudd being immortal in quest titled Contract: Missing Son.
-Fixes issue whereby minor quest titled Faithful Friend remained active in Journal
despite main story being completed.
-Fixes issue preventing players from completing quest titled Reason of State.
-Fixes issue preventing players from talking to Vernon Roche during quest titled An
Eye for An Eye.
-Fixes issue preventing players from completing quest titled Gwent: Old Pals
subsequent to completing the main storyline.
-Fixes issue preventing quest titled 「夢之洞窟 / The Cave of Dreams」 from failing as designed based on certain storyline choices.
-Fixes possible exploit enabling unwarranted gains in experience points during quest
titled The Path of Warriors.
-Adds missing druid alchemist to location Gedyneith Grove.
-Enables horse racing at Crow's Perch after main storyline has been completed.
-Fixes rare incorrect update of quest titled Count Reuven's Treasure after player
leaves witch hunters' headquarters.
-Fixes rare issue with barrier deactivating during quest titled Of Dairy and Darkness.
-Fixes rare issue whereby quest titled Gwent: Old Pals could not be completed after
certain storyline choices were made.
-Fixes issue where quest titled Of Dairy and Darkness could be restarted.
-Fixes issue whereby objective was marked as failed despite being completed in
quest titled 「大逃亡/ The Great Escape」.
-Fixes issue whereby letter could not be burned in quest titled Contract: Jenny o' the
-Fixes rare issue whereby Sven would reappear in quest titled The Heart of the
Woods after certain storyline choices were made.
-Fixes issue whereby objective was marked as failed despite being completed in
quest titled Contract: Here Comes the Groom.
-Fixes rare issue whereby players could not speak to Lambert to start the quest titled
The Final Trial.
-Fixes issue whereby gwent card was not obtained from Lugos in quest titled Gwent:
Skellige Style after ceratin storyline choices had been made.
-Fixes issue whereby quest titled The Nobleman Statuette remained active in Journal
after main storyline was completed.
-Fixes issue whereby quest titled In Wolf's Clothing remained active in the Journal
despite completion of all objectives.
-Fixes issue with Lambert failing to appear at Nowhere Inn during quest titled
Following the Thread.
-Fixes issue whereby objective was failed despite being completed in quest titled
-Fixes rare issue of opponent not taking damage in quest titled Fists of Fury:
Champion of Champions.
-修正玩家無法在離開「白果園 / White Orchard」地區後接續進行「結束是新的開始 / Something Ends, Something Begins」任務。
-Fixes rare issue whereby Melusine could not be killed in quest titled Contract: Here
Comes the Groom.
-Fixes issue whereby scent trail was invisible in minor quest titled The Nithing if
Witcher Senses were used in Colorblind Friendly mode.
-Fixes issue whereby objective was labeled as failed despite being completed in quest
titled Contract: Strange Beast.
-Fixes rare issue whereby players could not play gwent with Scoia'tael merchant in
quest titled Gwent: Big City Players.
-Fixes incorreclty displayed undiscovered location on island of Undvik in Skellige.
-Fixes rare issue whereby trophy could not be obtained from Melusine in quest titled
Contract: Here Comes the Groom.
-Fixes redundant objective in quest titled Scavenger Hunt: Griffin School Diagrams.
-Fixes issue whereby queset titled Bitter Harvest quest would reactivate minor quest
titled Fake Papers even once latter had been completed.
-Fixes issue whereby minor quest titled The Witchers' Forge could not be completed.
-Fixes rare issue whereby selected functionalities remained blocked despite
completion of relevant parts of quest titled King's Gambit.
-Fixes issue whereby hostile witch hunters would incorrectly reappear at certain
-Fixes rare issue whereby objective in quest titled The Nilfgaardian Connection could
not be completed.
-Fixes rare issue whereby endless loading screen would occur after trophy in quest
titled Contract: The Phantom of Eldberg was collected.
-Fixes rare issue whereby door to crematory would sometimes be locked.
-Fixes issue whereby quest titled Brothers in Arms: Velen was not failed as designed
after certain storyline choices were made.
-Fixes rare issue whereby quest titled Wandering in the Dark would not progress if
player avoided fighting golem.
-Fixes issue with site of haunting that occurs near Frischlow.
-Fixes rare issue whereby quest titled Contract: The Mystery of the Byways Murders
did not progress correctly if player visited Byways before taking relevant note from
notice board in Oreton.
-Fixes rare issue whereby players could not talk to Zoltan during quest titled Brothers
in Arms.
-Fixes rare issue where quest titled The Path of Warriors remained active in Journal
despite having been completed.
-Fixes issue whereby objective in quest titled The Nilfgaardian Connection was
incorrectly labeled as failed.
-Introduces enhanced reward in quest titled Berengar's Blade, changes fail conditions
for said quest.
-Fixes infinite loading screen occasionally occurring after conversation with race
master at Vegelbud Estate.
-Fixes issue whereby players could access Master Armorers' panels without first
completing requisite quest.
-Fixes rare issue whereby players were occasionally blocked from climbing towards
Philippa Eilhart in quest titled Blindingly Obvious.
-Fixes issue involving incorrect reveal of POI called Abandoned Settlement near
village of Lurtch.
-Fixes issue entailing infinite haggling in qiest titled Contract: Deadly Delights.
-Fixes issue entailing incorrect quest progression where Geralt could avoid triggering
conversation with Triss and King of Beggars.
-Fixes inconsistency whereby characters Geralt failed to save nevertheless appeared
in quest titled Now or Never.
-Lamp item is now available in Keira's hut if player finished quest titled The Isle of
Mists but did not complete quest titled A Towerful of Mice.
-Fixes issue whereby drowners from POI would attack bandits appertaining to specific
minor quest.
-Fixes issue whereby Dandelion was labeled with quest marker but offered no
conversation with main story completed.
-Fixes duplication of selected dialogue lines in conversation with Molly during quest
titled Broken Flowers.
-Fixes issue with quest objective update after picking up letter in minor quest titled
Taken as a Lass.
-Changes quest fail conditions for minor quest titled Spooked Mare.
-Fixes issue with bonfire during quest titled Bald Mountain.
-Fixes infinite loading screen occurring during quest titled Familiy Matters.
-Fixes issue entailing duplication of quest names in some languages.
-Fixes progression break that could occur if player was knocked out by guards while
following Baron during quest titled 「家家有本難唸的經 / Family Matters」.
-Fixes incorrect quest type for quest titled In the Heart of the Woods.
-Fixes issue whereby Graham would teleport to tower instead of walking.
-Fixes progressionblocking collision issue in cyclops' cave during quest titled
Practicum in Advanced Alchemy.
-Fixes progressionblocking issue in quest titled The Last Wish.
-Fixes issue whereby quest titled Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire could prove
impossible to complete if treasure was looted before quest was started.
-Fixes issue whereby player could leave Ciri's memories during quest titled The Calm
Before the Storm.
-Fixes issue whereby quest objective (to track scent of blood) and quest itself
remained incorrectly tagged as failed in Journal during the quest titled Novigrad,
Closed City
-Fixes balance issue whereby poisonous gas in quest titled Out of Time and Space
drained air and Vitality too quickly.
-Fixes issue whereby incorrect quest level was suggested in New Game+.
-Fixes issue whereby quest titled Nameless remained active despite previous
completion of all objectives.
-Fixes issue whereby NPC would not spawn correctly, thereby blocking progression in
quest titled Ugly Baby.
-Fixes issue whereby players could occasionally become blocked during quest titled
The Battle of Kaer Morhen.
-Fixes potential progression issue in quest titled Count Reuven's Treasure.
-Fixes issue where player could abandon fistfight and thus block progression during
quest titled Out On Your Arse!
-Fixes Journal update issue in quest titled Worthy of Trust.
-Fixes issue with Stamina regeneration during fight against Caranthir in quest titled
On Thin Ice.
-Fixes occasional issue whereby player could not interact with torch unlocking secret
Stash at arena during quest titled Get Junior.
-Fixes issue whereby objective for quest titled Contract: The Mystery of the Byways
Murders could be labeled as failed if player reached Byways prematurely.
-Fixes issue whereby Nidas could be spawned incorrectly at start of Skellige segment
of quest titled 「黑珍珠/ Black Pearl」.
-Fixes issue whereby player could leave intended gameplay area in underwater world
in quest titled Through Time and Space.
-Adds new romancerelated segments in conversations with Triss and Yen in quest
titled The Sunstone.
-Fixes infinite loading screen occuring after thrid gwent victory at Vegelbud Manor
during quest titled A Matter of Life and Death.
-Fixes issue whereby wraiths failed to spawn as intended during fight against
botchling in quest titled 「家家有本難唸的經 / Family Matters」 if Axii Sign was attempted and failed.
-Fixes issue whereby messenger sent by witch hunters would be revived briefly after
being killed during quest titled Count Reuven's Treasure.
-Fixes issue where messenger sent by witch hunters would stand idle instead of lying
on floor as intended after scene during quest titled Count Reuven's Treasure.
-Fixes issue whereby quest titled Payback could not be completed if player first visited
stable and found related key.
-Fixes issue whereby Keira Metz failed encase herself in magic shield when attacked
by rats in quest titled Wandering in the Dark.
-Fixes issue whereby Ciri failed to follow Yennefer into laboratory during quest titled
Child of the Elder Blood.
-Fixes infinite loading screen occurring after horse race scene in quest titled Ciri's
Story: The Race.
-Fixes issue whereby Keira Metz's wraith during quest titled Wandering in the Dark
dealt damage not commensurate with level classification.
-Fixes issue whereby player could abandon designated game area of Tir na Lia in
quest titled Through Time and Space.
-Fixes prolonged loading screen occuring after cut scene in quest titled The Calm
Before the Storm.
-Fixes issue whereby door in quest titled Scavenger Hunt: Bear School Gear could be
permanently locked if chest was looted before lever in throne room was pulled.
-Fixes issue whereby Cleaver's thugs could appear on second floor of Whoreson's
Casino during quest titled Get Junior though said thugs were not encountered
outside as intended.
-Fixes issue where, on higher diff***y settings, katakan monster in quest titled Now or
Never healed too quickly.
-Fixes issue whereby Geralt and Yennefer were teleported to different room in cut
scene during quest titled Redania's Most Wanted.
-Fixes issue in New Game + mode whereby Dandelion dealt excessive damage
during quest titled Cabaret.
-Fixes issue whereby Sofus took 280 crowns instead of 140 if player agreed to fight
during quest titled The Play's the Thing.
-Fixes issue whereby Geralt and Triss were teleported to different part of room after
cut scene in quest titled Redania's Most Wanted.
-Fixes infinite loading screen occuring when catching Abbe Faria past tunnel and
before ladder in quest titled 「大逃亡/ The Great Escape」. |