十月免费游戏:Valiant Hearts: The Great War(忠勇之心:伟大战争)
《忠勇之心:伟大战争(Valiant Hearts: The Great War)》由《雷曼:传奇》开发商育碧蒙彼利埃工作室开发。 育碧对于把款新作描述为“感人至深但又有点滑稽的冒险之旅”,剧情的创作灵感来源于第一次世界大战,讲述的是5位主角和他们的狗狗在西部战线所发生的故事。 本作和之前的《光之子(Child of Light)》一样,采用的都是育碧自家的UbiArt Framework引擎,视觉风格和《雷曼:传奇》类似,漫画书式的2D动画风格以及强烈的色彩反差。 “随着一战百年纪念的临近,我认为现在是时候去探寻这段独特但又几乎被人类遗忘的历史,”育碧创意总监Paul Tumelaire说道,“UbiArt Framework引擎在艺术定向方面帮了我们大忙,以角色为中心的叙事方式几能娱乐玩家同时也能在情感上面影响他们。”
十月下半月至十一月上半月(10.16-11.15) The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season (行尸走肉: 第一季完整版) 这次的《行尸走肉》不再以Rick Grimes为主角,走“与家人团聚”的任务路线,游戏故事将会追随一位由警方监护之下无奈与丧尸遭遇而得以逃脱的犯人——Lee Everett。Everett的伙伴是一位七岁小萝莉Clementine,据Telltale透露,这位小萝莉将在旅途上扮演类似于Everett的道德指引人。 和原著中的Rick Grimes一路杀出Atlanta不同,游戏里的主角将反其道而行,一路杀进去,所以在某些地方或者关键时刻,他们应该会与电视剧中的角色例如Lilly和Glenn碰面。 ------------------------------- ON XBOX 360 十月免费游戏: Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes(合金5:原爆点) 十月下半月(10.16-10.31) The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season (行尸走肉: 第一季完整版)
----------------------------------------------------------- 部分评论: Definitely a low rated games with gold this next month. I couldn't care less for The Walking dead except for the free achievements just for playing through the game. The only telltale games title I have ever had any fun with is Tales from the Borderlands, which so far is a masterpiece, I already have Ground Zeros on Xbox One from GWG so it will just be another game in my 360 library. By game I mean demo cause that is what it really is. Valiant Hearts is a game I have only heard the title to and I will be glad to add it to my library. All in all I cannot complain because free is free :D. Hopefully November will be better, but I am happy that I am even getting these. 楼主一句话翻译:这月有些坑,忠勇之心值得一玩,不过也别抱怨,毕竟免费,期待巨硬下月给力。
sad face I saw a fake leaked one and it was all horror games and I thought wow it's awesome they are halloween themed, but now I a ma bit upset because I own all of these. I must say though Valiant Hearts is such a beautiful and great game! such a good story and soundtrack! excellent game I am happy you all get a chance to play it now 楼主一句话翻译:遗憾的是,已购。不过都是好游戏,忠勇之心是佳作,你们能有机会玩到这游戏我很高兴。(这哥们像是直接谷歌语音转码的,心态不错)