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发表于 2015-5-26 21:47 · 北京
俺はガンダム 发表于 2015-5-26 20:18 
怎麼Owlman都有 這遊戲還沒平行世界啊
里面还有普罗米修斯,catman等,所以你只看看就好了,等于他是几乎把所有反蝙蝠都列出来了,底下还有一些人说贝恩咋没有啦 ,还有说Either the Arkham Knight is a clone of Joker that Amanda Waller promised Harley (as a bribe for her to work as a double agent on the suicide squad against Scarecrow.) Or Arkham Knight is Bruce Wayne, and you actually play as an impostor using batman's suit and tech. ( theory 1 is more likely than two.) I guess it's kinda like Red X from Teen Titans.这2种理论的 ,还有相信小丑会回归的,(漫画里都火化了,当然我之前忘了在哪听到的,说阿卡姆骑士的漫画和游戏不是一个世界的 我擦嘞)所以,看看就好,还有***小队阿卡姆之城里好像就有彩蛋了,或者我记错是猛禽小队的 |