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Ace Combat War Time Line(ZT)




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 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-15 16:46  ·  江苏 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



Alvin H Davenport出生


联邦时代(指Belka, Ustio等国组成的联邦)的***以Belka公国作为领导. 随着各国军事经费的增加, 军事自主权被渐渐移交给其东方的邦国.作为结果, Belka在那些地区的驻军逐渐撤回国内.

Kei Nagase出生


由于社会与经济的不稳定现状, Belka开始修订联邦法律. 其后, 数个东方的邦国对新法的诸多条目感到不满, 纷纷分裂出联邦. Ustio公国是最后一个分裂的地区.


Belka联邦将一些土地卖给东方的邻国. 同时, 国内发生了经济萧条, 失业率剧增. 为了稳定经济, Belka决定将五大湖区的北方及南方两部分让与Osea (其实是Osea的趁火打劫).

以民族定居区域为分野, Belka与东方的邻国正式划定国界.

由于失败的经济政策, Belka国进入了内乱的状态. 民众普遍要求***秩序. 在混乱中一个极端***政府掌权. 其政党名称是 “Belka祖国工人党”.

Hans Grimm出生



Glibert Park出生于三月六日.


一颗小行星, 标号为 “1994XF04”, 并在后来被命名为 “Ulysses”, 被发现正在接近地球. Usea政府呼吁全球重视这个问题.

1995: (皇牌空战)


1995: (皇牌空战零)

Belka祖国工人党打出了 “回归伟大, 强盛, 和正义(orthodox, 做正统解)的Belka”口号, 造成了社会上法律, 行政秩序事实上的丧失. 在扩充军备的同时, 一种名为V-2的秘密武器开始进行开发. 同时, 最高***作出决定, 认为之前的东方各国分裂行为是违反宪法的, 从而单方面取消了它们的合法性. “修订后的联邦法是违反宪法的. 东方各国的独立是外国侵略性干涉的后果!” Belka的部队进行了总动员并在边界部署完毕.

普遍的意见认为Belka之所以作出这样的决定, 其动因在于原来属于Belka的荒凉土地下发现了大量的矿藏.

Belka联邦军队跨过边界并侵略了之前联邦中的各国, 如Ustio, Sapin等. 南方国家的军事联盟在完全失去了对Belka的空中优势后纷纷撤退. Belka联邦军占领了大量土地并继续前进.

Osea进行了反击. 当战争地域变的更加广泛后, Belka空军逐渐丧失了对其陆军的掩护能力. 它们的锋芒渐渐失去, 给了对手重新组织反击的机会. 在一旁观望的国家也纷纷加入了反对Belka的阵营, 当然, 多是出于取得Belka自然资源的考虑. 在战争开始后一个月中, Belka的战线开始被洞穿.

很快的, 独立国家的领土开始被解放, 战争逐渐回到了开始的平衡状态.

南Belka的很多城市宣布了投降以免除报复. 但是, 北方的Belka人仍然进行了卓绝的抵抗并在Sudenter市的阻击站中取得了让撤退部队集结的时间. 于是Sudenter成为了最后的战场而Stier Castle成为了最后的Belka堡垒.

在Waldreich, 最终的决战降临了. 联盟军使用了三个师的兵力攻占了Sudenter市并掉头追击向山中撤退的Belka残兵败将.

在Waldreich山口, Belka释放了七枚核弹并严重的影响了联盟军的士气. 在联盟军的背后, Belka的军队突破Sudenter的包围圈并进行了最后的冲锋.

核弹爆炸的后果是一切电子通讯都被干扰中断了. 在一片无法组织的混乱中, 一场***的磨损战开始了.

在残酷的战斗之后, 联盟军取得了最终的胜利. Waldreich以南的Belka军被解除了武装. Belka战争结束, 曾经的联邦被分解, Belka的国土被分割占领.

在战斗结束后, 一些Belka的高级将领通过地道逃跑以躲避国际审判. 同时, 他们希望完成的V-2计划导致了V-2神话的诞生. 一些技术军官在地下组织秘密继续开发V-2并成立了*** “无疆的世界”. 这个组织由许多国家的军人组成. 他们的计划最终失败了. 但是一些Belka******者却组成了 “Gray Man” 组织, 不断在未来的15年间影响着Osea和Yuktobania这样大国的***, 意图进行他们的报复. 他们的势力强大,控制包括原来是Belka军工企业的Grunder工业公司。


Abyssal Dision出生于十月十日.

1999: (皇牌空战2)

在一次世界和平会议中, 一场军事***在North Point发生. 这个事件导致了正常政府的瓦解和军政府的上台. ***军随即开始发动对外战争, 占领了Usea大陆的许多地区. 在***军的绝对优势之前, ***组建了特种飞行队 “Scarface”来进行反击. 在一系列的胜利之后, ***部队将***军驱逐到了 Port Edward. 之后, 决战在由许多敌军防卫的St.Ark首都进行. 战争在摧毁了一个由***军建造的秘密堡垒后结束. 敌人的大规模杀伤性武器计划被阻止. 然而, 由于连续的军事行动, Erusea国的军事实力大大提高, 打破了Usea大陆上的势力平衡.


在1999年七月八日, 被发现的五年之后, Ulysses突破Roche Limit并解体为上千块小陨石, 并撞向地球. 多于500000人在头两周内死亡. 其损失大概是Usea大陆18个月的总GDP. 较小的陨石在其后很多年里持续下落.


在Ulysses悲剧发生后的三年, Erusea军开始侵略一个叫做San Salvacion的中立国家 (类似瑞士). 由于San Salvacion的战略重要性,这个国家曾一度成为战场。经过了猛烈的空地协同作战后San Salvacion的首都终于被攻陷。连同战略要地一起,名为Stone Henge的反陨星轨道炮也落入Erusea手中。Stone Henge原本是由国际共同开发,用于击毁未在大气层中烧尽的陨星碎片的。


作为对于侵略的回应,各个邻国组建了ISAF (独立国家联合军)。不过Erusea却已经将Stone Henge改造为防空武器,射程包括了整个大陆。联合军由于没有空中控制权,陆军只能被步步逼退至大陆东方。之后,他们被迫在North Point建立了最后的指挥中心-一个在Usea大陆东方的孤立小岛。


虽然处于绝对劣势,ISAF还是发动了有效的反击。他们见缝插针的向大陆进击。第一个陷落的设施是Rigley Airbase,也是Erusea用以对North Point进行远程轰炸的基地。这次进攻打破了摧毁North Point的计划,于是Erusea调动了“无敌舰队”到东岸来防御ISAF的全面进攻。

ISAF又进攻了称为“Northern Eye”的位于Schenzna山脉的大型雷达设施。Erusea用这里的雷达对ISAF撤退进行监视和跟踪。没有了Northern Eye, ISAF成功地撤退了所有滞留在大陆的兵力,并准备反击。

Erusea的无敌舰队到达了Comberth港集结以准备对North Point进行攻击。ISAF的情报得知了敌军的空中补给线路便对齐进行了攻击。这次进攻大大推迟了Erusea的攻击计划。


从此ISAF便开始较为自由地进行攻击行动。但是在一次攻击太阳能电站的过程中,由于受Stone Henge炮击,ISAF空军损失了大量飞机。ISAF意识到Erusea仍然拥有制空权。


成功的发射卫星之后,ISAF在Usea南部进行了大规模的反攻登陆。在出动陆军前去占领Stone Henge的同时,空军成功地摧毁了Isalis丛林地区的Erusea军火基地。

之后,Stone Henge的设计者一家联络了ISAF并要求宽容和接收。ISAF同意了他们的要求并要求他们通过Ixiom航空公司的702和701号客机前来投奔。然而在途中客机被得知秘密通讯的Erusea空军攻击。很幸运的,在该空域正好有一架ISAF的巡逻飞机,出色地击毁了所有敌人保护了客机的安全。

在对Stone Henge的总攻当中,冒着难以置信的轨道炮火力及黄色中队的威胁,一个代号Mobius One的ISAF飞机成功独自摧毁了轨道炮。同时他还击落了一架黄色Su-37。

当Stone Henge终于被消灭后,却传来了令人不安的消息。一架在战斗机掩护下突破Erusea防空设施的侦察机带来了新的超级武器Megalith的照片。同一时候,ISAF的部队在Usea北岸登陆。虽然受到巡航导弹的袭击,大多数部队仍然安全登陆。

解放San Salvacion首都的战斗在Usea标准时间晚上0点开始。黄色中队与其他Erusea部队进行了英勇的抵抗,但仍然被联军的优势兵力打退。前来进行焦土政策的轰炸机也被全数击落。

最后的正面战场的军事对决在Whiskey Corridor展开。在空军的掩护下,所有的ISAF陆军部队突破了Whiskey Corridor,几乎全灭Erusea部队。他们直逼Erusea首都:Ferbanti.

Erusea最高司令部在一片恐慌中将所有的残部召回Ferbanti。他们用障碍堵住了所有的道路,炸断了所有的主要桥梁,并在关键点设防。一支由Mobius One率领的空军中队取得了制空权。最终ISAF部队保卫了Erusea的军事总部。一些高级将领企图承旋翼飞机逃跑却被击落。两艘Erusea的巨型潜艇,虽然被巧妙地部署在被海水淹没的地区中(海堤被炸),但均被空军炸毁。

黄色中队也来到Ferbanti决一死战。Mobius One单骑挑战五架黄色Su-37并将它们击落。

最后的Erusea狂热分子来到Megalith, 企图用这里的导弹将陨星碎片击落与对手同归于尽。然而ISAF的特种部队潜入了Megalith并在控制室作了手脚导致导弹无法按时发射。Mobius One飞入设施将导弹炸毁。从此Mobius这个名字成为了历史上的传奇。三年的Usea大陆战争终于结束了。

2007:(皇牌空战5:Operation Katina)

大陆战争结束两年后,Erusea的政府由Usea进行了改革,成立了Euro-asia合众国。然而,一些Erusea军政府的遗老却不满现状再次挑起事端。Usea派出了传奇飞行员Mobius One单机在预警机Sky eye的配合下扑灭了***。Usea大陆再次和平,而且两国彻底合并为一国,对抗心理随着时间平息了下来。


Gabriel W. Clarkson在Oxform大学完成了国际***科学的博士学位。

Keith Brian出生于5月19日。


Yuktobania, Belka战争中的老盟友,出于不明原因对Osea开战。


看到己方不断被压制,Osea用武备武装了Arkbird,一个在地球轨道上的巨型航天飞机。在对Sand Island的进攻中,由于Arkbird的激光武器,Yuktobania的Scinfaxi和海军被消灭。

于是Osea总统准备前往位于Usea的North Point进行谈判以取得和平。但是Harling总统的飞机受到了攻击并迫降。从此他的职务由副总统进行代理,并再也没有出现。同时Osea发动了Operation Footprint等一系列对于Yuktobania的反击并占据了上风。

Arkbird在此时受到了Yuktobania的间谍系统攻击并被瘫痪。同时,Yuktobania境内的一所工程学院受到了据称是属于Osea的“War Dog中队”的攻击并造成大量平民死伤。虽然此中队受到了军事法庭的传训并被召回Oured City,Yuktobania的军人还是发动了针对Osea平民的袭击进行报复。

在一次Osea的登陆行动中,大量部队由于另一艘巨型潜艇Hrimfaxi的导弹攻击而损失。但是所幸War Dog中队攻击并击沉了Hrimfaxi,再次把实力的天平倾向了Osea一方。随着战争的进行,War Dog Squadron,或者对于Yuktobania军队来说的The Demon of Razgriz,逐渐以优异的战绩成为了Osea士气的中心。

后来的几个月中,Osea部队越发接近Yuktobania首都。然而他们被挡在了Cruik堡垒的高墙之下。Osea一共进行了三次进攻才攻下了这个据点。在这个***后War Dog中队被怀疑为敌方的间谍,并在他们逃跑的过程中被全数击落。



Osea总统,在长期的失踪之后,又出现在了Oured City。他命令所有的Osea士兵立刻放下武器。很快,Yuktobania***也出现在了Oured City。他们共同向世界宣布了事实真相,说明了两国的战争其实是Belka挑起的。

Osea和Yuktobania军队,与War Dog中队-Ghost of Razgriz,开始向Belka的Sudenter挺进。他们成功地阻止了Belka秘密开发的V-2导弹的发射。在V-2发射设施被摧毁的时候,Belka Gray Man组织用出了他们最终的杀手锏:SOLG。那是一个地球轨道上的载有核弹的卫星。他们企图让SOLG坠毁在Oured City。在SOLG坠毁前,Razgriz中队击毁了它,连同八个企图阻止他们的Belka遗老。那八架飞机的飞行员被认为是Belka在Osea和Yuktobania为使战争进行下去而安插的间谍。

环太平洋战争结束了,世界回归了和平。Ghost of Razgriz的飞行员都消失了,他们再也没有出现。


Cynthia Bridgette Fitzgerald出生于二月9日。




Grunder工业公司改名为General Resource有限公司,在全球设有分公司。在其后的几年中企业发展蒸蒸日上。

Glibert Park从Beijin大学经济系毕业。他在其后加入了General Resource通用资源公司。




Gabriel W. Clarkson成为Usea的议会成员。



Fiona Chris Fitzgerald出生于一月26日。

Erich Jaeger出生于八月三十日


Abyssal Dision在Sandberry GR防御学院取得航空工程学位。之后加入了通用资源部队。


Osea政府公布了Ghost of Razgriz的全部资料,包括飞行数据,任务数据和简报等等。个人信息也被公布。四个飞行员的名字如下:Kei Nagase (RZ 2), Hans Grimm (RZ 3), Marcus Snow (RZ 4), 最后一个飞行员名为Blaze, 真实姓名无法查证。另有一个飞行员在November城的方位战中牺牲,名字为Alvin H Davenport。



Rena Hirose出生于4月4日。她出生时患有稀有银石症(Silver Stone Disease)。






在Usea内进行恐怖活动的组织被通用资源部队消灭。Abyssal Dision得到了“通用资源部队之Top Ace”的称号。


Keith Brian在Sandberry GR防御学院的附属中学毕业。他加入了通用资源公司并参军。


Rena Hirose被指认为少年航空天才。Rena以独一无二的九岁的年龄加入通用资源部队。加入后,Rena参加了“力量计划”。



Gabriel W. Clarkson当政 (NUN-*** 的投票成员)。

Gilbert Park得到了GR学院的推荐并调配到UPEO (联合和平保障组织)。







Neucom视觉系统,一个在电离层上广播信息的服务,投入使用。由于雇佣了才华横溢的员工,Neucom取得了长足发展。同时,一个新的计划由Neucom开始了,它被命名为“Night Raven”。在21岁时,Cynthia Bridgette Fitzgerald完成了Chopinbrook大学的基因工程学硕士学位。同年她加入了通用资源公司。


Neucom公司建立了一个全球卫星网以完成它的宇宙战略计划。Glibert Park成为了NUN(***)的UEPO(和平保障组织)的总指挥官。


Night Raven计划成功,而其内容仍然是一个机密。


Cynthia Bridgette Fitzgerald在通用资源工作4年后转到了Neucom公司。她成为NEU的一员。

Gabriel W.Clarkson成为UPEO的正式代表。

Rena Hirose完成了“力量计划”并从通用资源调至UEPO



Fiona Chris Fitzgerald完成了航空研究工程学上的硕士学位,于Edwards大学。






Rena Hirose得到了UPEO的诸多奖章,并加入了SARF

Erich Jaeger加入了SARF

Fiona Chris Fitzgerald加入了SARF




下一个转折点来自于UPEO的代表Clarkson前去主持Neucom和通用公司的和会。通用公司派出战机企图行刺Clarkson。在战斗中人们发现Clarkson事实上要投奔Neucom。于是UEPO的Park指挥官便要求战机(玩家)将Clarkson击落。(Hellocat 前Rot队长注:这里有两个选择,但是击落那个是野史,好孩子不学地!)但是飞行员拒绝命令,Clarkson安全脱离。


没有被Park控制的UEPO成员试图与Neucom和通用联合打败Ouroboros。Ouroboros有许多从两公司窃取的秘密武器。比如说X-49Night Raven的力量在打击浮城时得到了展现。








43 点
28959 点
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发表于 2006-4-15 16:55  ·  上海 | 显示全部楼层



8 点
3507 点
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发表于 2006-4-15 16:57  ·  新西兰 | 显示全部楼层

ITTC INC is established as Usea’s government-operated telephone and telegraph company.

Gabriel W. Clarkson is born February 29th, 1984.

The era of federalism with the Principality of Belka being the leader. As the military budget began to increase, political authority was delegated to the eastern countries. As a result, the troops stationed in those areas returned to Belka.

The Belkan government begins a Federal Law Review, in light of recent economic and social instabilities within their country. Following this, two eastern territories disagreed with many of the new Belkan Laws and began to break away from Belka. An example of this being The Republic of Ustio, the last territory to break away.

The Belkan Federation sold its remaining lands to the eastern neighboring countries. Simultaneously, the economy began to take a downturn and the number of the unemployed increased. Belka decided to cede its northern and southern part of the Great Lakes to Osea for the purpose of revitalizing the economy.

The lines were drawn between Belka and the two eastern independent countries according to each race.

The Belkan government enters a state of unrest. During this time the public calls for order to be restored. Amidst the chaos an Extreme-Right Wing government takes power in Belka. This group of Extremists is known as the "Belkan Homeland Worker's Party".

Belka enters a state of isolation.

Gilbert Park is born March 6th, 1992.

An asteroid, first labeled '1994XFO4', and later renamed 'Ulysses', was discovered approaching the Earth's atmosphere. The Usean government calls for the world's nations to meet on the subject.

1995: Ace Combat/Air Combat
Mercenaries from around the world band together to defeat global terrorists, when the world militaries could not. The terrorists were annihilated.

1995: Ace Combat Zero
"The Belkan Worker's Party" took power within Belka. It took the lead with a slogan "Return of great, mighty and orthodox Belka", which brought about a de facto disappearance of the separation of legal, administrative, and judicial powers. Amidst the ongoing expansion of armaments, the development of a 'mass retaliation weapon "V2"' was launched in secret. Simultaneously, the Belkan Supreme Court judged the statehood of its former territory and invalidated it by stating as follows. "The federal law review was unconstitutional. The eastern states owed their statehood to the foreign countries' invasive interventionsim." Mobilization orders were issued throughout the entire country of Belka and the troops were stationed at the border.

There was a discovery of plentiful natural resources underneath the icy and untrodden alpine belts, which were once part of the Belkan land. The reason the Belkan Supreme Court canceled their statehood was to make up a justifiable cause to reclaim this domain.

The Belkan Federation force advance across their borders and into the formerly independent countries of Ustio, Sapin, etc. The southern independent states allied forces lost their air superiority to the Belkan Air Force and retreated. The Belkan Federation force occupied wide areas and continued advance.

Osea launches a counterattack. As the war area spread wider, the Belkan Air Force became less capable of providing cover for their ground troops. As a result, their onslaught halted, which gave Osea an opprtunity of regroup. The surrounding 'wait-and-see' countries hereby took part in the war, one-after-one, for the purpose of claiming interests of natural resources from the former Belkan territory. One month after the breakout of the war, Belka's frontlines began to be penetrated.

Soon, emancipation of the former independent countries had been achieved. The balance of power was back to what it was before the war.

South Belkan cities declared disarmament and surrendered to the Allied forces to avoid bloodshed. However, the northern region of Belka continued a steadfast resistance and gained time in the city of Sudentor for their entire army to complete retreat operations. Hence, Sudentor became the stage of the final battle and Stier Castle, the final stronghold of the Belkan force.

The do-or-die battle in Waldreich soon came. The allied force spared three divisions to capture the city of Sudentor and changed their heading to assault the Belkan troops struggling in the narrow path in the mountains.

The Belkans set off seven nuclear weapons in Waldreich mountains and confused the allied force who never expected them to do so on their own soil. Behind their back, the Belkan force penetrated the besiegers surrounding Sudentor and launched one final charge.

The aftermath of the nuclear explosion destroyed all electric communication links and made it completely impossible to analyze the situation, which led to a dreadful war of attrition.

After a fierce fighting, the allied force emerged victorious due to its superior potential. The Belkan force south of Waldreich was fully unarmed and the war was over. The Belkan Federation was dismembered and only a part of the Principality remained.

After the end of the war, some of the Belkan military officers went underground to escape from a war crimes court. Also, they wished that they had completed the development of V2 so much that a so- called V2 myth was born. Those technical officers who went underground relaunched its development after the war and formed the terrorist group "A World With No Boundaries", consisting of members among many nations. Their plans, along with the V2, was eventually downed. However, many Belkans who stayed devout to their Facist ideas went unnoticed and formed the "Gray Men", a shadow government-like group that used the power of Grunder Industries to influence politics in Osea and Yuktobania for the next 15 years, and resurrected the V2 Program.

Abyssal Dision is born October 10th, 1997.

1999: Ace Combat 2
During a world peace meeting, a coup d'etat takes place at North Point. This deposes the current government, and puts the military in power. The coup forces then expand outwards, taking over most of the Usean continent. Because of the massive power of the coup forces, the United Forces hire the Special Tactical Fighter Squadron: "Scarface" to supplant it's forces. After many victories, a two-pronged offensive is used to divide the enemy forces and drive them into Port Edwards. Then, the decisive battle takes place at St. Ark where the capitol is being defended by many enemy soldiers. The war ends with one final operation, the destruction of a secret fortress where the coup leaders have escaped, and a dangerous missile was being prepared for launch. Although it's an allied victory, the loss of many generals and soldiers gives Erusea much more strength than it had before the war.

On July 8th 1999, five years after being identified, Ulysses passed the Roche limit and split into more than a thousand pieces, which then plummeted to Earth. Over 500,000 people perished within the first two weeks, and damage was estimated to be the equivalent of 18 months of the total GDP for the entire continent of Usea. Smaller meteorites continued to fall intermittently for several more years.

Although the end of civilization as portrayed in science fiction literature did not occur, financial turmoil and the mass influx of refugees caused panic throughout the continent.

Three years after the tragedy of the Ulysses planet fall, Erusean forces began their invasion of San Salvacion, a neutral nation. San Salvacion, due to it's strategic location has been the site of many wars. After days of intense air raids and intense ground fighting for three days San Salvacion's capital finally fell to Erusian military forces. Along with this nation's strategic position, the Erusian military also gained hold of Stonehenge. 'Stonehenge', a huge rail gun, was originally developed to destroy asteroids that failed to burn up completely upon entering the atmosphere. It was a cooperative project developed and built by the international community.

In response to the attack, neighboring countries banded together to form the ISAF (Independent States Allied Force). However, the Erusean military modified Stonehenge, turning it into an anti-aircraft weapon, with a range covering the entire continent. The ISAF, without the option of air support, began retreating to the east in the face of heavy ground attacks. They we're then forced to re-establish a new HQ at North Point, a small island nation off USEA's eastern coast.

The Euro-Asian Public Network is established. This is a Usean Government operated broadcast system, allowing for announcements to be made across the entire continent.

Erusea takes Stonehenge despite ISAF and UN agreements and begins to open fire on Usean forces. The Erusian military then begins it's sweep across the Usean continent. The ISAF is caught completely by suprise and are easily pushed back by the onslaught. Despite many attempts to destory Stonehenge through Air Attacks, the ISAF Forces are inevitably forced to retreat towards the Usean East Coast. ISAF GHQ was moved from Los Canas to the neutral country of North Point off the Usean North Eastern Coast.

2004-2005: Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies
After the XFO4 Ulysses fragments fell on the USEA continent the super weapon created to destroy it, called "Stonehenge", becomes the catalyst of a war. The Republic of Erusea launches a war on the Independent States Allied Forces (ISAF). The ISAF is pushed back to the United States of Euro-Asia's (USEA) east coast and are nearly defeated. The ISAF, months later, counter attack Erusian Forces. The first facility to fall is the Rigley Air Base; a former ISAF facility taken over by Erusian forces to operate long range bombers. This attack knocked out Erusia's only chance to attack North Point and ISAF's GHQ. Erusian high command then dispatched their "Invincible" fleet to the East coast to prepare for an all out invasion of North Point and ISAF GHQ.

The ISAF then attack "The Northern Eye", a large radar facility a top Mount Schezna in the Northern area of USEA. This radar facility has been monitoring all ISAF movements and giving guidance to ground and air forces, to further delay an ISAF withdrawal from the continent. The Northern Eye is successfully disabled and ISAF forces withdraw from northern USEA to North Point, in order to prepare for an ISAF counterattack.

Erusea's "Invincible" Aegir Fleet reaches Comberth Harbor and to resupply and prepare for their push north to invade North Point. ISAF command knows that the 7th fleet guarding North Point cannot stop this fleet when they are under way, so resupply routes are targeted. The first routes to be attacked are Erusian air supply route corridors. Thought this slowed them it was not enough to stop the invasion.

The ISAF then executes a bold move and destroys the main petrol plant supplying the "Invincible" fleet and immobilizes them inside Comberth Harbor. An invasion of North Point is now delayed indefinitely. Seeing a prime opportunity ISAF orders a large scale air attack against the Aegir fleet. The Aegir fleet is destroyed, this is an amazing blow to the Erusian war machine.

Seeing the Erusian military staggering ISAF GHQ commits yet another bold move by attacking a large Solar Power Plant which is supplying Erusian forces. The attack is successful but many aircraft are lost in this battle when Stonehenge attacked unexpectedly. This reminded ISAF Leaders that Erusian still had air superiority over the mainland.

ISAF forces gathered at North Point and prepared of an invasion of the mainland to begin to push back Erusian forces. Before this invasion can occur a vital military satellite must be launched from the Riass Space Launch Facility in the Comona Islands; located in the south eastern sea of USEA. Also seeing the vitality of this launch Erusian high command orders all land and sea based aircraft to completely wipe out the entire facility. The largest air battle in history occurs on this day. It is said that over 200 aircraft from both sides had participated in this aerial battle. Erusian high command also deployed the Yellow Squadron; an ace squadron said to be the best of any military on the planet. Mid-way through the battle Erusian B-2As appeared, but were dispatched immediately. The Yellow Squadron was also forced to withdraw due to fuel consumption and their leader Yellow 13's aircraft was damaged badly.

The air battle ended in ISAF's favor and their satellite was launched Successfully. Now ISAF's invasion plans began and Erusian forces went on high alert. The ISAF invasion force took a foothold on the southern coast with a D-Day style landing on Caranda, Halle and Crowne beaches. After organizing their landed forces ISAF Command sent ground forces to retake Los Canas, a vital city outside of Stonehenge's range. At the same time air strikes against Isalis Fortress began. Isalis Fortress, a system of bases and positions dug into a mountainous terrain system; this fortress stands in the way of an ISAF advance. The ISAF air strike successfully knocked out the fortress, though Stonehenge fired at them. The ISAF successfully captured Los Canas and a forward HQ was established to further support an ISAF thrust inland.

The ISAF was then contacted by the creators of Stonehenge and their families asking for amnesty, as they were preparing to defect from Erusian control. The ISAF granted them amnesty and they defected via Air Ixiom flights 702 and 701; two civilian airliners. En route, however, they were attacked by FEAF (Federal Erusian Air Force) fighters. Luckily ISAF had one fighter in the area, which dispatched the pursuing fighters and the Air Liners landed safely at an ISAF Air Base. The creators of Stonehenge then helped ISAF High Command in making plans to destroy Stonehenge before Erusian High Command could deploy any more reinforcements. The ISAF sent a small air strike force to attack Stonehenge. The aircraft penetrated the Erusian air defense unseen and made their way into attacking range of Stonehenge.

The barrage from Stonehenge was fierce and the anti-air defenses were also very heavy. Air Forces deployed at Stonehenge were also putting up an amazing fight. However, Stonehenge fell to a single ISAF fighter; piloted by Mobius One. An ISAF pilot which had been participating in many pivotal battles before this attack, he was one of ISAF's highest scoring aces. As ISAF aircraft began to withdraw from Stonehenge the Yellow Squadron appeared and engaged them. During the battle a Yellow Squadron fighter was shot down and the squadron retreated. This fighter was also shot down by the pilot known as Mobius One.

With Stonehenge out of the way, ISAF forces began to advance on Erusian positions and push them back slowly. Mean while ISAF spy planes had been returning with photos of a new super weapon being built off the coast of Erusea. This alarmed ISAF HQ, they needed to end the war faster than ever before this super weapon, known as Megalith; is completed. A northern landing force is dispatched from North Point to secure northern USEA, but they are almost wiped out by cruise missiles from Erusian forces. The cruise missiles are shot down, along with a single Nuclear tipped cruise missile; this shows ISAF how desperate Erusian High Command is becoming. Now ISAF forces prepare to liberate San Salvacion.

The battle takes place at 0000hrs. or Midnight USEA Central Meantime. The fighting is fierce as ISAF forces, along with local resistance members, battle in the city streets. The Yellow Squadron along with other Erusian forces in San Salvacion, fought tooth and nail for the soverign country. However, their forces were being badly beaten and they were forced to withdraw from the city. As Erusian forces withdrew, Erusian High Command ordered Heavy Bombers to flatten the entire city. The aircraft were shot down and ISAF ground forces successfully captured the city. San Salvacion was free once again.

Now Erusian High Command began to amass their troops at the Whiskey Corridor, a desert that lies between the Lambert and Amber mountain ranges. This is the only route within ISAF range to send in their ground forces to attack the Erusian homeland. After regrouping at San Salvacion ISAF GHQ ordered all ground forces to break through the Whiskey Corridor. This battle became one of the largest ground battles in world history. Though they fought valiantly, the Erusian forces were almost completely wiped out. This was thanks to immense air support from ISAF air force pilots, including Mobius One; now an ISAF national hero. A road to the Erusian capital city of Farbanti, now opened.

Erusian High Command, in a complete panic order all available forces back to Farbanti. The ISAF now gather their remaining troops and nearby naval and air forces and commence a siege of Farbanti. The ISAF air force faced the brunt of the load by being assigned to aide ground forces, destroy all vital bridges, secure a ground route and claim air superiority all at once. The leader of this aerial unit is Mobius One. The battle lasts for what seems to be forever and the losses are mounting on each side. However the ISAF get an upper hand when bridges are destroyed, cutting off any reinforcement the Erusian military had coming. ISAF ground forces penetrated their defense lines and encircled the Erusian GHQ. ISAF Naval forces, still shelling any and all Erusian military positions; also chocked any escape routes by the sea. Two large Erusian submarines, in the submerged metro-are were sunk and helicopters carrying high ranking Erusian officers were also shot down. However, it is believed that a third submarine had escaped during the first moments of the battle.

The Yellow Squadron had arrived over Farbanti and were ready to fight until the end. Only one fighter, Mobius One, engaged them. An epic aerial battle ensues and Mobius One shoots down all five of the Yellow Squadron aircraft, along with their leader Yellow 13. The Erusian Supreme Commander is also killed in the battle. The remaining Erusian forces surrender and the war is beginning to end. However, it was not over yet.

Many young Erusian officers and fanatical Erusian soldiers then take over Megalith. Megalith a rocket launch facility that is able to shoot down asteroid fragments in orbit. While a final air strike was being prepared an ISAF special operations team was sent to infiltrate Megalith and take over the control room to open heat vents in Megalith to allow for it's destruction. It was only possible to destroy it from the inside, Mobius One was chosen for this unearthly task. The squadron for this mission was newly named and they went down in history as, The Mobius Squadron.

The Mobius Squadron attacked Megalith in a full frontal assault. They were met by a newly formed Yellow Squadron which put up a stiff opposition. The aerial battle was extremely intense and the special forces were suffering casualties. However, the Mobius Squadron dispatched the tenacious Yellow Squadron and began their attack on Megalith. Mobius One flew into Megalith three times and destroyed power generators, which aided the special force team within Megalith to get into the control room. The team then opened the main heat vent to the main missile silo. Mobius One then flew into the silo and destroyed the large missile. This finally ended the Erusian threat, the three year continental war finally ended.

2007: Ace Combat: Operation Katina
It has been two years since the Continetal war. Erusea's government is under reform by the governments of the ISAF. However, some of Erusea's military do not approve of this forced reform and rise up to attack the ISAF, once again. The 'Free Erusea' military has a munitions factory at their disposal .A single aircraft, along with the support of a single AWACS are dispatched by ISAF HQ. The ace pilot Mobius 1 is selected alone for this mission, since ISAF GHQ has made the astounding announcement that Mobius 1's fighting ability matches that of an entire fighter squadron. AWACS Sky Eye has also been dispatched in order to fully accommodate Mobius 1's capabilities.

The Erusian threat is neutralized. Erusian unmanned aircraft were discovered by ISAF forces and are being used to further advance their Air Force's technological strength; Erusian advanced aircraft, known as X-02s, were also dispatched. The Erusian government reform proceeded smoothly and hostilities have ceased on the Usean continent for now.

Gabriel W. Clarkson completes his doctorate in International Political Science Research at the Oxform University.

Keith Brian is born May 19th, 2010.

2010: Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War
Yuktobania, an ally of Osea since the Belkan War in 1995, declares war on Osea for reasons unknown.

The Yuktobanian military opens the war with attacks on multiple Osean air bases and naval ports. The Osean military was caught off guard and were stunned and reeling. As the Yuktobanian attacks continued the Osean military scrambled to compose themselves for a counterattack. However, the Yuktobanian attacks failed to destroy the Osean fleet in Port St. Hewlett. As Osea moved its aircraft carriers to counterattack, the Yuktobanian Navy deployed their large underwater carrier submarine 'Scinfaxi' and destroyed two of the three carriers, ending Osea's first attempt at counterattack.

Seeing that their forces were being pushed back, Osea armed the Arkbird, a large maneuverable spacecraft capable of attacking from orbit, to counter the great Yuktobanian might. The Scinfaxi was engaged by the Arkbird and destroyed, along with an entire Yuktobanian invasion fleet.

Osean forces quickly recomposed themselves and launched Operation Footprint; the mission to invade and occupy the Yuktobanian mainland. Following the success of Operation Footprint the Osean army began to attack the Yuktobanian military in their own country. As the war began to pick up the Osean military seemed to have the upper hand. The Osean president decided to travel to the neutral country of North Point of the North eastern coast of the Usean continent, to hold peace talks; but his aircraft was attacked and forced to make an emergency landing. Soon after this, his actions were carried out by his Vice-President during is absence. The president wasn't seen after this incident for months to come.

The Arkbird was damaged by spies and was put out of commission, balancing the powers once again. During the fighting a Yuktobanian engineering college was attacked by an Osean unit, the suspected unit in question known as the "Wardog Squadron" was sent back to the Osean capital city, Oured, for questioning. During their trials, a Yuktobanian special forces unit attacked Bana City and Apito International Airport in Osea. This further escalated the war.

The Osean military attempted to take over the capital of Yuktobania, but missile attacks from the 'Hrimfaxi', the Scinfaxi sister ship; halted them. However, it too was soon destroyed.

As the war continued to drag on, the "Wardog Squadron", better known by the Yuktobanians as the "Demons of Razgriz", had become the Osean military's center of moral.

The Osean ground forces then attempted a second attack against the Yuktobanian capital, but a large fortress stood in their way. The Cruik Fortress had halted two of their first attacks, but the Osean ground forces eventually broke through and headed towards the capital. After the operation's success the Wardog squadron was wanted for being suspected spies and the squadron attempted to escape. However, they were all reportedly shot down.

Though they lost their pillar of morale, the Osean military continued their fighting in the Yuktobanian capital, Cinigrad. During the fighting, rumors of an unknown aircraft unit attacking targets in Belka began to circulate. The Arkbird was repaired by the Belkans, who attempted to use it to detonate a nuclear missle on the Yuktobanian city of Okchaburst. However, four unknown aircrafts attacked and destroyed the Arkbird, dropping it into the Ceres Ocean. The four black aircrafts were said to be seen in Yuktobania as well; more rumors began to circulate and speculations began.

These rumors came into light when ships of the third Osean Fleet attempted to head to Yuktobania with someone claiming to be the Yuktobanian Prime Minister. When the 3rd Osean fleet was attacked four unknown Black Aircraft single handedly sunk an entire Yuktobanian fleet, along with an Osean fleet also attempting to sink them for allegedly "betraying their country by teaming up with the enemy".

The President of Osea, being saved from abduction from Belka, had re-appeared in the capital of Oured and began to order all Osean units to stand down immediately. He called upon the Yuktobanian Prime Minister and they met in Oured for a special broadcast. During this broadcast, they unveiled the existence of another country being responsible for the war engineering it from the start. This country was Belka. Both the Osean President and the Yuktobanian Prime Minister called upon their forces to halt their fighting against one another and silence the catalysts of the war.

With the combined Osean and Yuktobanian forces, along with the "Ghosts of Razgriz" - the Wardog Squadron - they attacked a facility in North Osea to stop the catalysts once and for all. As the facility fell, the SOLG, a large orbital cannon under construction during the last war; was used against them. Despite this, the catalysts were defeated. In yet another act of defiance, the SOLG was programmed to fall onto the Osean capital city of Oured. The "Ghosts of Razgriz" engaged the falling SOLG, along with eight aircraft from Belka and destroyed the SOLG before it hit Oured.

The eight aircraft were rumored to be two secret Belkan Black Operation’s units within Osea and Yuktobania, which were helping in keeping the war going.

The war finally came to a close and peace had returned to the countries of Osea and Yuktobania. The pilots known as the "Ghosts of Razgriz" disappeared after the war ended; they were never seen again.

Cynthia Bridgitte Fitzgerald is born on February 9th, 2012.

An Osean Peace convention is held with countires around the world. President Harling makes an announcement stating that the events during the Circum-Pacific war would be released in 2020.

Grunder Industries in South Belka/North Osea become General Resource LTD and begin new projects with companies’ world wide. The General Resource's business grows substantially over the years to come.

Gilbert Park graduates from Beijin University's economics department. He joins General Resource soon after.

A story about the now world famous "Demons of Razgriz" is released in Osea.

General Resource announces plans to form the "General Resource Defense Force" (GRDF).

Gabriel W. Clarkson becomes an assembly member in the USEA.

The General Resource Defense Force (GRDF) is formed.

Erich Jaeger is born August 30th, 2016.

Fiona Chris Fitzgerald is born January 26th, 2016.

Abyssal Dision graduates from the Sandberry GR Defense College with a degree in Aerospace Engineering. He joins General Resource and is assigned to the GRDF.

The Osean government publicly de-classifies information of the "Ghosts of Razgriz". Along with flight data, mission statements and other military data, personal identities are revealed. The four pilots are named as followed: Kei Nagase (RZ Two), Hans Grimm (RZ Three) Marcus Snow (RZ Four) and the last pilot only known as 'Blaze'. Information of this pilot is extremly sketchy and otherwise in accurate. One pilot was killed in action when the air raid at Novermber City was occuring. His name was Alvin H. Davenport.

A new Era begins. Many of the world's countries are being taken over by World Wide Corperations, such as Neucom INC. and General Redource LTD. Many country's governmental systems are rendered useless and merely become shadows of their former selves. The first to fall to this "Wave of Corperate Reform" is the United States of Euro- Asia.

Rena Hirose is born April 4th, 2021. She is born with the rare Silver Stone Disease.

The ITTC INC is privatized and open for a new owner.

The ITTC INC is bought out by General Resource.

A terrorist faction operating within the USEA is suppressed by the General Resource Defense Force. Abyssal Dision gains the title of "GRDF's Top Ace", due to his meritorious service.

Keith Brian graduates as a senior in a High School affiliated with Sandberry GR Defense College. He joins General Resource LTD and enrolls in the GRDF.

Rena Hirose is certified as a Child Prodigy of Aviation. Rena joins General Resource at the un-heard of age of Nine; when she joins she participates in the "Power Project".

The ITTC INC expands it’s services to include Video Mail and Video Phone Services. It also allows the exchange of images, voice and text information on the Electrosphere in real time.

Gabriel W. Clarkson becomes assumes the office of a NUN voting member.

Gilbert Park receives recommendations from GR and transferred to UPEO after he successfully filled several important posts at all of the corporations in General Resource Group.

2032: Ace Combat Advance
General Resources LTD launches the Air Strike Force to attack the UAD (United Air Defense) for a "cross if interests".The UAD sent a single plane to destroy the attacking Air Strike Force and bring General Resource LTD to its knees. The General Resource threat was neutralized.

The Erusian Air and Space Administration (EASA) becomes Neucom Inc. A large Aerospace company is acquired immediately after their inauguration. The Comona Island Rocket Launch Facility becomes the first installation under the Neucom name. The launch facility is re-named the 'Riass Space Center".

General Resource announces it's release of "Data Swallow", a computer operating system. This system includes a browser which allows access to various information in the Electrosphere. This is made possible by an application in "Data Swallow" known as 'Peek-A-Boom'. It searches the Electrosphere by using a selected keyword and display the relevant data with a color image.

The Neucom Visual System; a program broadcasting service on the "Electrosphere", becomes operational. The NVS becomes Neucom's main broadcasting system.

Neucom Inc. grows by leaps and bounds. Due to their employment of excellent and talented research staffs, despite their nationality and research origins. Examples of this being Bankrupt government-operated Agencies and corporate development/research teams made obsolete, due to governmental down sizing.

A new project is begun by Neucom Inc. This project is a joint effort of various Neucom fields. The project is only known as "Night Raven".

At the age of 21, Cynthia Bridgitte Fitzgerald completes the Master's program in Genetic Engineering at Chopinbrook University. In the same year, she joins General Resource Ltd.

Neucom Inc. establishes a global satellite network in order to network plans for it's Space strategy.

Gilbert Park becomes the Supreme Commander of the NUN's UPEO

Project Night Raven is a success. However, information about the completed project is still highly classified.

Cynthia Bridgitte Fitzgerald transfers to Neucom INC, after four years of service in General Resource. She enrolls in NEU.

Gabriel W. Clarkson becomes the official representative of the UPEO.

Rena Hirose completes her work in the "Power Project" and transfers from General Resource into the UPEO.

Neucom INC. announces their new product the “Nano-byte” This Nano scaled technology can adapt to extreme conditions and self-replicate. This makes them great for construction, and space development; as well as a new energy source replacing nuclear energy.

Fiona Chris Fitzgerald completes the Master of Arts (MA) program in Aviation Engineering and Research; as the graduate school of Edwards University.

Neucom Inc. completes construction of "Megafloat", a large floating city located in the Usean Sea. It can be said that: "Neucom makes the impossible, possible".

After graduating with an International Political Science degree from Oxform University, Erich Jaeger takes a position at UPEO.

Fiona Chris Fitzgerald joins the UPEO.

In light of recent hostilities rising on the Usean continent, Neucom Inc. forms a Self Defense Force known as the 'Neucom Emergency Unit' (NEU).

The UPEO announces the formation of the "Special Armed Response Forces" (SARF).

Rena Hirose receives multiple medals from the UPEO for many special operations results. She joins the SARF as a pilot.

Erich Jaeger joins the SARF as a pilot.

Fiona Chris Fitzgerald joins the SARF as a pilot.

2043-2044: Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere
War breaks out between General Resource and Neucom. A third power, The United Peace Enforcement Organization, "UPEO, is struggling to mediate the conflict. The war begins with several attacks made by Neucom against General Resource, which are reprisals for several incidents that occured previously. During the first clashes, UPEO sides with General Resource against Neucom, and many refer to it as a "Paper Tiger". During one incident, the player has the choice to join General Resource with the ace pilot Dision. Although a cease-fire is signed quickly into the conflict, General Resource launches a secret attack on Neucom forces. During this time, the forces of UPEO attempt to defend Neucom.

One of the first turning points occurs in a terrorist attack on Axel Bay. A UI-4052 airship was loaded with chemical weapons by an unknown group, and is to crash into the city and poison it. The group seems to want to bring nobility to a world corrupted by greed. Although at some cost to the city, the airship is stopped from crashing into the city.

The next turning point occurs when UPEO representitve Clarkson is sent out to host an abitration between Neucom and General Resource. General Resource sends out fighter aircraft to destroy Clarkson. It turns out that he is trying to escape to Neucom, and join the corporation. Commander Park, head of the UPEO's armed forces, orders that he be executed. The player has the choice of either defending him and joining Neucom, or staying with UPEO by letting his aircraft get shot down.

The war gets increasingly bloodier, and civilian casualties begin to mount. During the peak of the agression, another faction emerges during a coup d'etat in all 3 organizations. This group, Ouroboros, a massive terrorist group, is so powerful that it could possibly defeat all 3 other groups. Ouroboros operatives were entrenched deep inside each unit, and it turns out that Commander Park is one of their leaders. Park then supplies them with many goods, and uses many of the forces of UPEO as his private bodyguard.

The forces of UPEO that have not sided with Park's attempt to make an alliance with General Resource and Neucom to take down Ouroboros. Ouroboros has many secret weapons stolen from General Resource and Neucom, and this is displayed when the X-49 Night Raven destroys Megafloat, a massive floating city constructed by Neucom.

During a massive battle afterwards, the alliance manages to destroy the UI-4053 Sphyrna and the Ouroboros fleet that attempted to capture Megafloat. The X-49 escapes, along with the UI-4054, a secret stealth aircraft. Both are piloted by characters that the player has encountered before.

After one final battle, both aircraft are destroyed. Although the alliance wins the war, all three sides have taken heavy losses.

The game has multiple endings, although the victor of the war can't be changed, the fate of many characters can. It is assumed that the ending where the player stayed loyal to UPEO is the canon ending.

2045: Optional final mission of Ace Combat 3
In early 2045, after the War of General Resource and Neucom Inc.; the UPEO is called upon once again to settle a last conflict. Eight of Neucom's new XR-900 Geopelia's, modeled after the X-49; lift off from a Neucom Air Base and begin to attack Port Edwards. After a UPEO Pilot hacks into one of the XR-900s, he uses the Geopelia to engage the others and shoots them all down.

It is rumored that the XR-900s were programmed by the Ouroboros, but no proof can be found.



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发表于 2006-4-15 16:59  ·  广西 | 显示全部楼层
在LU也看到相同的东西~~~不过标题是“Rot小队前队长Detlef Fleischer的历史系课程大纲”~~~~这是从Wikipedia翻译而来的吧?



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发表于 2006-4-15 17:03  ·  新西兰 | 显示全部楼层
下面是引用w9d8h3于2006-04-15 16:59发表的:
貌似在LU也看到相同的年表~~~不过标题是“Rot小队前队长Detlef Fleischer的历史系课程大纲”~~~~



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发表于 2006-4-15 17:08  ·  广西 | 显示全部楼层
下面是引用nt_nsxz于2006-04-15 17:03发表的:





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Kei Nagase出生


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