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本帖最后由 游戏性玩家 于 2014-11-14 11:02 编辑
http://www.gamespot.com/articles ... gamin/1100-6423542/
Miyamoto Talks "Boring" Sameness In Gaming Today
Gamespot网站报道,任天堂游戏制作人宫本茂在接受英国The Telegraph报纸采访时,表示现在的游戏类型单调,让人感觉无聊,而唯独任天堂仍在致力于提供全新游戏体验给玩家,这是一种情怀。

In an interview with The Telegraph, Miyamoto said he understands the business appeal of the approach other companies take to game development, but said he aims to separate Nintendo by creating brand new experiences for players.
"What the other companies are doing makes business sense," Miyamoto said. "But it's boring. The same games appear on every system. At Nintendo, we want an environment where game creators can collaborate and think of ideas for games that could have never happened before."