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今天我跟各位分享几个FIFA15 UT安全性的提升体验。下面的连接是我们近期对金币买卖所进行的一些举措:
Trade Offer
Trade Offer:允许好友间以物以物的一个功能。物品挂牌后会有Trade Offer选项,买家选择Trade Offer后可以选择自己交易栏中的任意0-3个物品以及金币,以交换此物品。此功能需要双方为好友关系,非好友不能使用此功能。
FIFA15UT中将不会出现Trade Offer功能。
虽然正常的玩家会与好友互相交换玩时用到这个功能,但是这也是金币卖家来转移资金的一个方法,或者是钓鱼者偷球员和金币的一个途径,或者是有一些骗子来引诱大家来bid球员到一个更高的价格,比如bid价格不满意他们的价格他们会采取Trade Offer来挽回损失,所以我们决定在FIFA15中去掉这个功能。
Transfer Targets
Transfer Targets将被设定成50个上限,这就意味着你最多只能同时bid50个物品。注意这是在EAFC买过Transfer Targets数据增加相关道具的前提下,也就是说理论上Transfer Targets的上限就是50.
Origin 登录验证
Origin登录验证是我们最近提出的另一个提升安全性的措施,以保护玩家们在非信任主机或者PC上登陆UT。在FUT 15 web app上线前,我们会上线这个验证,请查看以下链接来设置:
Hello, FIFA fans.
Today we’d like to share a few in-game changes that are coming to FUT 15 as part of our ongoing initiative to improve security and the FIFA 15 experience. This is related to our recent article regarding coin selling and buying: http://help.ea.com/en/article/fighting-cheaters-in-fifa-how-you-can-stay-safe/.
Trade Offers
We’ll be removing Trade Offers from FIFA 15 Ultimate Team.
Although some honest players used this feature to trade with friends, it became one of the methods used by coin sellers to sell and move coins. Account phishers also abused Trade Offers by moving stolen players and coins after wrongfully gaining access to unsuspecting FUT player accounts.
This will also address “bid bumping”, where people would try and trick others into bidding far more than they wanted for a player item.
It was a tough decision, but this is the right step towards improving security, showing cheaters the red card, and keeping FUT safe for all FIFA fans.
Transfer Targets
The maximum number of Transfer Targets in FUT 15 will be set 50 player items after utilizing the EAS FC unlockable boosts. This means that you will be allowed to bid on up to 50 players at a time.
Origin Login Verification
Origin Login Verification is an extra layer of security that protects your FUT account from being accessed outside of your home console and PC. In order to ensure increased security for our fans, Origin Login Verification will be mandatory in the near future before you access the FUT 15 Web App. Find out how to set it up here: <http://help.ea.com/en/article/fi ... login-verification/ >
We’ll be sure to keep you updated on all matters regarding security in FUT. Stay tuned on Twitter for any further information, and thanks for your understanding as we work to improve your experience with FIFA 15.
The FIFA Team