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本帖最后由 alex76 于 2014-5-15 16:54 编辑
在福布斯的一个访问中,微软XBOX市场和战略副总裁Yusuf Mehdi在解释为何xbox one销售量与ps4有相当差距时,回答:
问:“无论ps4还是xbox one都卖得非常好,但当前的确也有了一些销量差距。你认为这主要是因为价格么?现在非捆绑(去掉kinect)的xbox one价格已经降低,你们认为(销量)会在sony那边收复一些失地么?
答:“销售差距是很难评估的。他们(sony)当前销售的区域比我们多。他们当前在40+的市场(卖次时代主机),我们在13个。而且玩家们一直以来对xbox 360的满意度比ps3要高,所以他们对于短期内升级xbox360的需求比较低。我们可以给出很多数字(证明这点)。我们一直听到xbox粉丝们说:“嗯,我们是想要一台xbox one,但是在$499的价格,我可能要多等一段时间才能买得起。” 我认为我们会让玩家现在就行动起来买xbox one,以后再买kincect。所以我真的认为(降价)会增加用户接受度,尽快让更多的玩家加入xboxone。”
Q:Both the PS4 and Xbox One have sold very well, but there’s been a bit of a sales gap. Do you view that it’s mostly due to the cost, and now that the price is lower on the unbundled Xbox One, you’ll gain a bit of ground on Sony?
A:It’s hard to really assess the gap in sales. They’re in many more markets right now than we are. They’re in 40+ markets, we’re in 13. People have been more satisfied with the Xbox 360 than the PS3, so in that respect people have less of a need to upgrade in the short term due to regular updates for the Xbox 360. We could point to any number of things. That said, we’ve heard from a lot of our Xbox fans who say, “Hey look, I want an Xbox One, but at $499, I probably have to wait a little while before I can afford to get one.” I do think we’re going to get people now who move over, and then buy the Kinect later. So I do think the [price point] broadens the appeal and hopefully brings more people to Xbox One sooner.
http://www.forbes.com/sites/inse ... plit-with-kinect-2/
另注:原文其实是当前微软去kinect事件后最详细的官方表态,还回答了去kinect后主机差异化怎样表现,未来kinect是否还是重点发展等问题,太长不翻了,有空的同学可以翻译看看。 |