- 精华
- 0
- 帖子
- 33
- 威望
- 0 点
- 积分
- 45 点
- 种子
- 5 点
- 注册时间
- 2005-1-19
- 最后登录
- 2023-2-16
大约一个月前,又拿出KILLZONE来玩,以前只通过‘任务模式’中的EASY模式, 我个人认为这是个好游戏, 就选了一下‘战斗模式’,当然是玩离线的游戏,选了‘Team Deathmatch', 原本只是想看看是什么, 可是玩了以后,发现有些上瘾,每天晚上回家都要晚上一会儿, 其实就是和游戏机对战,很有意思。今天到坛子里找了一下,没看到有人谈论过’战斗模式‘, 如果你喜欢这个游戏,又忽略了’战斗模式‘的话,建议你在去玩一玩, 个人认为比’任务模式‘更过瘾。当然在’战斗模式‘中除’Team Deathmatch' 外还有其他游戏类型, 我个人推荐这个模式,我通常是玩4对4或6对6,难度为难,游戏支持最多8对8, 可以想象在一个小场景中,16个人的大乱斗会是如何火爆。
Game -->***--> OfflineXXXX --> One player --> profile name --> Game modes
Game modes
单人对战 (1对多)
This is simplest mode. It's simple and easy, and what抯 more is only kills count
(+1)towards your score so this is going to help new players learn the game a
lot. One thing that does count against your score is suicide which gets you a
negative 1 (-1) so be careful with your grenades and where you jump. This may
seem boring and repetitive, but if you ever played SOCOM or any other game with
no deathmatch you occasionally feel like you want to played deathmatch...but you
can't, so appreciate it.
Maps: All.
===[Team Deathmatch]============================================================
战队对战 (最多支持8对8, 难度可选easy, normal, hard 推荐尝试)
This is just like deathmatch except with teams. Just like before a kill will get
you 1 point (+1), and a suicide will get you meditative 1 (-1). Unlike before
team kills come in to effect. A team kill subtracts 1 point (-1) from your team,
and adds 1 point (+1) to the other team's score. Also, the team killed person
person will receive 1 death. Now on to your team's score, this doesn't count too
much towards your rank, but it does somewhat.
Maps: All.
This mode is much like SOCOM's Breach mode. One team has to complete an
objective while the other team must try to stop them from completing that
objective. A kill counts for 1 point (+1), and a team kill get's you negative 1
(-1). The team killed player gets a death and a suicide gets you negative 1
(-1). Completed the objective? Good for you you get 5 points (+5).
Maps: Delta Creek Canyon Crossing, Park Terminal, Southern Hills, Beachhead.
===[Defend & Destroy]===========================================================
This is similar to SOCOM's demolition mode, and is like Assault mode. Except
each team get's an objective and has to complete it while stopping the enemy
from completing their objective. Points are scored like Assault, but now you get
5 points (+5) for destroying an enemy held objective.
Maps: Delta Creek, Canyon Crossing, Park Terminal, Southern Hills, Beachhead.
===[Supply Drop]================================================================
This is a mode new to most games, and was probably made up by the creators. The
object is to get all the supply drops that were dropped by parachute on the
battlefield in your base simultaneously. The scoring is the same as always, but
now you get 5 points (+5) for bringing a supply drop to your base, however you
lose those 5 points if the supply drop is stolen (Yes you can steal supplies).
Your team's score is bumped up by 15 (+15) for every 15 seconds you have the
supply drop in your base.
Maps: Delta Creek, Vektan Slums, Core Shaft, Southern Hills, Beachhead.
Much like Supply drop except there are stationary areas you have to control at
the same time to win the game. The areas once controlled can be used for respawn
points for your team. The captor of the area will get 5 points (+5), but lose it
(-5) if it's captured by the other team. For every 15 seconds you control a
area you get 1 point (+1) for your team. Other scoring is the same as other
the modes.
Maps: Delta Creek, Canyon Crossing, Park Terminal, Orbital Station, Southern
Hills, Beachhead.
以上是我从Gamesopt 上找到的攻略中节选的关于‘战斗模式’中可选的游戏类型的英文介绍, 不同的游戏类型有不同的场景可选。. |