本帖最后由 etimes2001 于 2013-5-25 11:07 编辑
Microsoft just released an ambiguous statement about the future of used games sales on the Xbox One. Indirect unofficial Microsoft sources are now saying that while the system will require regular checks for online connectivity, there won't be a fee for used games. Unidentified sources have told Polygon that while it is true that the system will require online connectivity of some kind, most details are still up in the air. Special circumstances may be enacted for players who do not have Internet access, like active-duty soldiers serving in war zones. As far as used games go, Polygon said, "The Xbox One will automatically authenticate a game using an encryption code built into a game's disc, when it is installed on the machine. That authentication on the console's hard drive tied to the game is then verified regularly through an internet connection. When a person sells the game or it is installed and played on another system, the game is deauthenticated on the original machine until the disc is brought back and used to re-authenticate the installation." We continue to not have any concrete details about how online and used games will work on the Xbox One, but we should know more by E3. For more on the Xbox One, head to our hub to read up on all of our coverage. [Source: Polygon]
GI的新闻,简单来说就是Xbox One二手游戏不会收费。当你买了新游戏后,光盘会和主机绑定,并通过网络进行频繁验证。如果你将盘卖掉或转手,安装在其他主机上,那么原主的机子会和光盘解绑,无法再进入游戏了。除非将光盘拿回后重新认证。 |