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本帖最后由 19801111 于 2012-7-16 13:47 编辑

Skill Points Guide

1.Prehistoric Rampage
Planet Oozla
-As you head to the Megacorp store their will be a little lake next to your
fighter. Above it are four pterodactyl. Shoot them all down to get the
skill point.

2.Smash and Grab
Planet Oozla
-Inside the Megacorp Store, just break everything that can be broken.

3.Wrench Ninja: Blade to Blade
Maktar Nebula
-Beat Chainblade in the Arena using only your wrench.

Maktar Nebula
-Break as much stuff (lights, boxes, etc.) in the level as possible. Eventually
you will get the skill point. Be through.

5.2B Hit Or Not 2B Hit
Maktar Nebula
-Defeat the B2 Brawler without taking any damage in the arena.

6.Clank Needs A New Pair Of Shoes
Maktar Nebula
-Find a slot machine until you win 300 bolts. After the 300 keep on hitting it
until you get three bars to get the skill point.

7.Destroy All Breakables
Planet Endako
-Same as #4. Break stuff on the planet until you get it.

8.Operate Heavy Machinery
Planet Endako
-Use the cranes to destroy 10 robots.

9.Speed Demon
Planet Barlow
-Get a time of 2:10 in the hoverbike race. Recommend the third challenge so that
the shortcut tunnel will be open but other riders will not fire on you.

10.Planet Buster
Planet Notak
-Blow up the giant floating planet in the shopping district. Shoot the two
satellites and the pieces of the floating rings around the planet to expose it.
Blast away.

11.You Can Break A Snow Dan
Planet Siberius
-Around the first garage there with be a snowman. Blow it up

12.Heal Your Chi
Planet Tabora
-Collect 100 crystals in the desert. Very Hard. Recommend the hovercraft to

13.Robo Rampage
Planet Dobbo
-Destroy every building in the city as Giant Clank during the boss battle.

14.Dukes Up
Planet Dobbo
-Use only Giant Clanks punch attacks to beat the boss.

15.Old School
Planet Dobbo
-Kill all enemies on Dobbo using only the following weapons: Omniwrench 8000,
Decoy Glove, Tesla Claw, Visibomb Gun, Bomb Glove and The Walloper. Note: Giant
Clank mission and the enemies in it do not count.

16.That's Impossible
Planet Joba
-Beat the "Impossible Challenge" in the Megacorp games. Use Carbonox Armor, Full
Nanotech and RYNO II. It will help.

17.How Fast Was That?
Planet Joba
-Get a time of 2:27 in the hoverbike race. Again use Challenge 3.

18.Wrench Ninja II:Massacre
Planet Joba
-Kill all enemies in level with only the wrench and without dying.

19.Bye Bye Birdies
Planet Joba
-Kill 12 of the birds on the planet. Pulse Rifle works the best.

20.Nothing To See Here
Planet Todano
-Destroy the 4 large rockets in the beginning area.

21.You're My Hero
Planet Todano
-Protect all 10 tourists from squirrels.

22.Try To Sleep
Planet Todano
-Turn 16 squirrels into sheep with the sheepinator

23.No Shocking Developments
Planet Boldan
-Grind the power cable and lumber yard without taking damage.

24.Moving Violation
Planet Snivelak
-Shoot down 14 ships from the sky.

25.Midtown Insanity
Planet Damosel
-Grind the train rails without taking any damage.

26.Safety Deposit
Planet Damosel
-Protect the 4 civilians in the bank from the robots.

27.Be A Moon Child
Planet Greblin
-Mine all 101 crystals in the ice field.

28.Nano To The Max
-Level up to Maximum nanotech amount. (80)

29.Nice Ride
-Buy all weapons, shields, and upgrades for your ship.

30.Weapon Envy
-All weapons, all fully upgraded.


Big Head Ratchet----------------5 Skill Points
Ratchet in a Tuxedo-------------7 Skill Points
Big Head Clank------------------10 Skill Points
Levels Are Mirrored-------------12 Skill Points
NPC's have Big Heads------------15 Skill Points
Ratchet in Clown Costume--------20 Skill Points
Big Head Enemies-----------------25 Skill Points
Beach Costume--------------------30 Skill Points
Snow Costume---------------------Beat Impossible Challenge on Joba

Ship Upgrades Opened By Skill Points

Scooped Nose------18 Skill Points
Split Nose--------26 Skill Points

Basic Paint Jobs--------3 Skill Points
-Blargian Red
-Lombax Orange
-Yeedil Yellow
-Orxon Green
-Quark Green
-Bogon Blue
-Pokitaru Purple
-Snagglebeast Brown
-Drek's Black Heart

Other Paint Jobs
Space Storm-----------10 Skill Points
Warp Streak-----------10 Skill Points
Supernova-------------10 Skill Points
Silent Strike---------15 Skill Points
Solar Wind------------15 Skill Points
Dark Nebula-----------15 Skill Points
Neutron Star----------19 Skill Points
Star Traveler---------19 Skill Points
Lunar Eclipse---------25 Skill Points
Clowner---------------25 Skill Points
Plaidtastic-----------29 Skill Points
Prepster--------------29 Skill Points
Insomniac Special-----29 Skill Points

Platinum Bolt Guide

Planet Oozla: 2 Platinum Bolts

1. Right after purchasing the tractor beam from the scientist you
will need to use it to move two small and medium sized pillars into
position to climb the cliff to the right. Instead move the pillars
with the tractor beam to the cliff on the left. Put the small
pillar on the left side and the middle sized one the right of the
left cliff. Double jump to the top. It will be right there.

2. After you have completed the missions in the swamp return to
your ship. Take the path to the right of the ship and follow it
down, across the platforms in the swamp. At the end will be a dragon
boat. Ride it until you reach a small cave, inside is a P.Bolt. Use
the dragon boat to return to the beginning.

Maktar Nebula: 2 Platinum Bolts

1. After the section where Ratchet has to shimmy sideways along the
edge on the left path from the start you will end up on a platform
with a group of Brutes and a small crane to the right side of the
platform. Kill the brutes and head to the crane platform. You
should be able to spot it easily. The jump is tricky so if you
can't make it return once you have Clank and his Boost Jump.

2. REQUIRES CLANK. With Clank return to the Jamming Array in the space
above using the path to the right of your ship. Take the Limo to
the array above. Directly behind the drivers side of the Limo is a
small platform just high enough that Ratchet can't make it on his
own. Boost Jump up to the platform and in the center will be a Hyper-Jump
Pad. Jump straight up and you'll hit it at the peak of the jump.

Evert van Aart writes:
Jump on top of the Limo,ê and jump on top of the 'rocket' of the
Limo that's nearest to the platform. You can then make it onto the
platform with the jump pad.

Planet Endako: 2 Platinum Bolts

1. In the section where you are operating a crate for the second
time to open the door next to the crane control there will be crane
in the last room. Pick it up and move it to the middle room against
the wall below a doorway obscured by the camera. If you need to
leave the crane console and locate the door manually. Return to
the console and pick up the explosive crate and drop it on top of
the other crate. It will explode and remove the door. Behind the
door is the P.Bolt. Leave the console and use the first crate to
enter the little area exposed by the blast. Grab the P.Bolt.

2. On your way to Clanks Apartment you will encounter a Thugs-4-Less
Helicopter. A little bit after that there will be a ledge that looks
like a total drop off but isn't. (Just start checking the ledges
after the helicopter) The P.Bolt will be on a lower ledge below.

Planet Barlow: 2 Platinum Bolts

1. During any of the hoverbike races there is a easy P.Bolt to get.
After the water section when the course turns to the right take a
sharp left and it will be right in front of you. (This is the one in
the Demo)

2. After exiting the water silo, stop and turn around. See the little
tiny ledge around the silo? Jump onto it and shimmy around the entire
edge. Drop onto the ground at the back of the platform and swingshot
your way across to the rotating platforms. Enter a cave right in
front of you, kill off the hoard of Hounds of Death and grab the
P.Bolt farther in the cave.

Feltzin System: 1 Platinum Bolt

3. In the fourth challenge where you race Ace Bunyon through the asteroid
field there is a P.Bolt at the finish line but only if you fly through
all 50 rings during the race.

Planet Notak: 3 Platinum Bolts

1. After the enemies in the display case and the Attack Ship in the area
with all the glass (Promenade) There will be a "Megacorp" glass sign.
Break it and behind it will be alcove with a P.Bolt.

2. Near your ship and the vendor you will see a bridge that leads to the
wharf area. Cross the bridge and turn to the left sharply. Head towards
the buildings and follow the grass behind the buildings. At the rear
of the buildings, between the two will be the P.Bolt.

3. After the second bolt continue on until you reach a Dynamo Activator.
Ignore it and clean out the surround area of enemies. Once they are
gone activate the dynamo and you will have 20 sec. to reach the door
that the dynamo opened on the upper level. Inside the temporarily
opened door is the P.Bolt.

Planet Siberius: 2 Platinum Bolts

1. After killing the first few MSR II's and descending on a elevator you'll
see a small column with a tractor beam target on it. Tractor the column and
take it up on the elevator with you. Take the column with you on the path
to the right until you reach the gap in the path. Plant the column on the
edge and boost jump to the top of the column. From the top of the column
you should see a hanger above with the P.Bolt inside. This is the same
place the two flame-thrower bots jumped from your first time on this path.

2. From the same elevator mentioned above go to the nearby edge and look
down. You will see a building will a gray roof slightly to the left.
Double Jump up and glide down to the roof. It looks like it's to far away
but you will make it. Drop down into the fenced yard and the P.Bolt will
be along side the building kind of near a snowdrift. To get out just jump
onto the roof and jump over to the other side of the fence.

Planet Tabora: 3 Platinum Bolts

1. In the Northeast section of the desert. Search thoroughly, because while
its in plain sight the desert is big and the Bolt blends in from a distance.
Use the tops of the big dunes and the Pulse Rifle/Vaporizer's Zoom scope to help.

2. Inside the mining facilities where the platforms need to be frozen to
advance jump on the last platform and freeze the first platform. Jump on
top of the very first and now highest platform. Double-jump towards the
alcove on the left in which the P.Bolt is.

3. At the very end of the Momentum Glider course is a P.Bolt. Very easy to get.

Planet Dobbo: 2 Platinum Bolts

1. In the final room of the momentum glider course pull up as son as you
enter the final room. The P.Bolt is in the middle of a diamond of pipes
at the top of the room.

2. Before the Dynamo activators after a series of swingshots and
platform jumping there is a small air vent. Use a spiderbot to enter
the vent and take a right. You will see a floor switch that the spiderbot
will trigger. This will open a door farther along the path and the P.Bolt
is inside.

Hrugis Cloud: 1 Platinum Bolt

1. A P.Bolt will appear at the finish line if you fly through all 65
rings during the race against Bunyan

Planet Joba: 2 Platinum Bolts

1. Along the main path there will be a swingshot target after the turret.
You will need to look pretty hard to find it. Double jump up to get
enough air and fire the swingshot at the peak of the jump to grab on
to the target. Swing across to the edge and fight your way to the
floor switch. Hit it and then kill the Saur-beast that comes raging
out. Inside the cave is a P.Bolt.

2. Right after you get the Levitator fly straight up to the tall tower
on the left and the P.Bolt will be right on top. Glide back down.

Planet Todano: 3 Platinum Bolts

1. Follow the robotic Fizzwidget at the end of the tour it gives into
the little building. Inside is a P.Bolt.

2. In the room with a inspector bot, and two tractor columns and two
force fields, use the column to block the fields and tractor the
inspector bot onto the pad in open the door. Then get in between
the force fields and pull the columns into the middle with you. Use
them as stairs to reach an opening above. Follow the path until you
reach a small building. The P.Bolt is inside.

3. At the next point that requires a inspector bot scan, stop. Move
the tractor beam column next to the conveyor belt on the right wall.
On the end of the conveyor belt there is a small air duct. Send a
spiderbot into the vent and follow it until you reach a floor switch.
Hit it then return to Ratchet. Double-Jump up to the conveyor belt
above the one you're on. Go to the end of this belt and enter the
small room to get the P.Bolt.

Planet Boldan: 3 Platinum Bolts

1. From the ship take the center path and follow it until you reach
a glass wall with a spiderbot sized opening. Deploy a Spiderbot to hit
the floor switch and then walk around to the other side of the building
and enter the now-open door. Inside is a P.Bolt.

2. There is a P.Bolt after the section past the Armor Vendor where Ratchet
walks down the side of a building with his gravity boots. Take the
elevator up. Go to the edge of the platform above and look over the
edge. The P.Bolt will be in plain sight on a lower ledge. Glide down
to it.

3. This bolt cannot be gotten the first time through. Return to the
planet and go to the room where Ratchet & Clank were captured. Use your
swingshot to reach the upper ledge of the room and grab the P.Bolt up there.

Planet Aranos: 1 Platinum Bolt

1. At the ship look down off the platform toward the underside of the
base and on a ledge in the distance is a P.Bolt. Glide down to it. There
is a Levitator pad on the same ledge as the P.Bolt so that you can get
back up.

Planet Gorn: 1 Platinum Bolt

1. Race Ace Bunyan and fly through all 53 rings to make a P.Bolt appear
at the finish line.

Planet Snivelak: 1 Platinum Bolt

1. In the next to the area with both Armor and Weapon vendors next to
it there are a bunch of dynamo activators. Stretch-Jump then Glide to
land of a platform beneath them. Use the Dynamo CONTINUOUSLY as you climb
the wall on the dynamo platforms. There will be a P.Bolt in a alcove at
the top. Stretch-Jump then Glide to get back down.

Planet Smolg: 2 Platinum Bolts.

1. In the part with all the crates in the warehouse use the dynamo to
turn the crate and jump up on top. You will see two crates that are
close enough to use your wall jump. Once on top you can see a P.Bolt.
Jump between the crates on your right, then Stretch-Jump to the P.Bolt.

2. At the third Levitator pad stop and fly towards the really high
platform to your left. The P.Bolt is on top.

Planet Damosel: 2 Platinum Bolts

1. Freeze the water in the bank fountain with the therminator and grind
the frozen fountain onto a platform with a P.Bolt. Take the taxi back.

2. Once you have the completed Hypnomatic use it on one of the Receiver
bots on the roof on the Megacorp Pyramid. Bring the bot down to the
front wall of the pyramid and put it in the exact middle. Detonate the
bot and it will reveal a P.Bolt in a hidden alcove.

Planet Grelbin: 3 Platinum Bolts

1. Out in the snowy wastes look on you map for two parallel lines. The
P.Bolt is right next to them. Look carefully.

2. At the end of the water area, dive deeper in the last water chamber
to find another little chamber. Enter it and rise to the top. Grab the P.Bolt.

3. Enter the tunnel behind the Armor Vendor and take the second left.
Use the Hypnomatic on the bot to open the door. Grab the P.Bolt inside.

Planet Yeedil: 2 Platinum Bolts

1. The very first bridge is a suspension bridge and you can grind the
supports up to the top and grab the P.Bolt.

2. After the room with waves of Troopers and a Hover** there is a
column with a tractor beam target. Move the column and climb the stairs
to the grind rail. Ride it to the P.Bolt at the end.

The Real Insomniac Muesum:
First, go to the "SYSTEM CONFIGURATION" change the time to "2:55am". Then, go to Silver City go through the Main Entrance take a left then another left go to the top of the fountain there will be a teleporter if you made it by "3:00am"

Note: "SYSTEM CONFIGURATION" is on your PS2, you have 5 minutes.

At the title screen hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and then press Square, Circle, Circle, Circle, Triangle, X and then press start. If you entered it correctly you will have unlimited everythig and all weapons and upgrades.

PS. This cheat only works if you are in challenge mode.

Paint Jobs:
Get skill points and visit Slim's.

Unlockable: How to Unlock:
Clowner - 25 skill points
Dark Nebula - 15 skill points
Insomniac Special - 29 skill points
Lunar Eclipse - 25 skill points
Neutron Star - 19 skill points
Paint Jobs - 3 skill points
Plaidtastic - 29 skill points
Scoop Nose - 18 skill points
Silent Strike - 15 skill points
Solar Wind - 15 skill points
Space storm - 10 skill points
Split Nose - 29 skill points
Star Traveler - 19 skill points
Super Paint Jobs - 10 skill points
Supernova - 10 skill points
Warp Streak - 10 skill points

Challenge Mode and Secrets:
After completing the game, Challenge mode and a lot of other features are open to you.

Unlockable: How to Unlock:
Challenge mode - Successfully complete the game once.
Mega Weapons - Buy from vendors in challenge mode, after getting a weapon's second form.
Most of Secrets Menu - Play challenge mode
Rejected Commercials - Get all weapons and modifications
Rest of Secrets Menu - See above, get all weapons second form+mods. Does not apply to Clank Zapper, Gagetron Weapons, R.Y.N.O II or Zodiac. These can have their first forms
Sketchbook - Beat game once, then enter challenge mode and it should be in the Cinematics menu
Ultra Weapons - Upgrade from Mega Weapons.

Skill Point:
Barlow Skill Points
"Speed demon" - Beat 1:45 in the hoverbike race.

Boldan Skill Points:
"No shocking developments" - Ride the grind rail without getting hit.
"Safety deposit" - Rescue all tourists at the bank.

Damosel Skill Points:
"Midtown madness" - Go grinding without getting hit.

Dobbo Skill Points:
"Dukes up" - Kill the mech with only melee attacks.
"Old skool" - Kill all enemies with only the weapons from Ratchet and Clank 1.

Endako Skill Points:
"Nothing to see here" - Destroy all Megacorp rockets during the tour.
"Destroy all breakables" - Bust up the Circular City.
"Operate heavy machinery" - Destroy 10 robots with the crane.

Grelbin Skill Points:
"Be a moon child" - Mine all moonstones.

Joba Skill Points:
"That's impossible!" - Beat the impossible challenge.
"How fast was that?" - Beat 2:05 in the hoverbike race.
"Wrench Ninja II: Massacre" - Kill all enemies with only the wrench.
"Bye bye birdies" - Kill 12 birds.

Maktar Nebula Skill Points:
"Wrench Ninja: Blade to Blade" - Defeat Chainblade with only the wrench.
"Vandalize" - Bust up the Maktar Resort.
"2B or not 2B hit" - Kill B2 Brawler without getting hit.
"Clank needs a new pair of shoes" - Win 300 bolts from a slot machine.

Noob Skill Points:
"Robo rampage" - Turn Lunar City into a parking lot.

Notak Skill Points:
"Planet buster" - Destroy the large floating globe.

Oozla Skill Points:
"Prehistoric rampage" - Shoot 4 pterodactyls.
"Smash and grab" - Bust up the Megacorp store.

Siberius Skill Points:
"You can break a Snow Dan" - Kill the Snow Dan.

Snivelak Skill Points:
"Moving violation" - Destroy 14 ships.

Tabora Skill Points:
"Heal your chi" - Get all crystals.

Todano Skill Points:
"You're my hero" - Rescue all tourists.
"Try to sleep" - Turn 16 squirrels into sheep.

Other Skill Points:
"Nano to the max!" - Max out Ratchet's nanotech.
"Weapon envy" - Get all weapons and upgrades.
"Nice ride" - Upgrade all parts of Ratchet's ship.

Free Weapons:
If you have a completed game save of Ratchet & Clank (if which you acquired the weapons) on the memory card you saved Going Commando to, you will get the 5 returning weapons for free.

More Ratchet And Clank: Going Commando Skill Point:
Unlockable: How to Unlock:

Beach Boy - Get 30 Skill Points
Big Head Clank - Get 10 Skill Points
Big Head Ratchet - Earn 5 skill points
Clown Suit - Get 20 Skill Points
Enemies have big heads - Get 25 Skill Points
Mirrored Levels - Get 12 Skill Points
NPCs have big heads - Get 15 Skill Points
Ratchet in a Tux skin - Earn 7 skill points

Keep moving with Charge Boots:
The Charge Boots will propel you for a short time. However, if you hold R1 you will keep going and can move yourself around.

Clank Shocker:
The Clank Shocker can be upgraded into the Clank Zapper. The recommended area to do this is is Planet Smolg. The enemies have a lot of Nanomites and are not very diffi***. The zapper has a built-in acid type of mod, even though it is red.
Quick start in hoverbike races

As soon as the light turns green, hold R1 + X . This may require some practice.

Strong attack:
Have at least have the OmniWrench 10000. To kill some stronger enemies, use the jump/vertical slash by pressing X to jump then Square.

Cheaper RYNO 2:
Do not save to get the RYNO 2 before you defeat the Protopet. After you defeat it, the Gadetron vendor will have the RYNO 2, and it will be 1,000,000 Bolts instead of the normal 1,500,000 Bolts.

Defeating the Boss on Snivelak:
Send in the **bot before the fights starts. Use all of your ammunition and he will have half his health when you fight.

Easy battle arenas win:
To kill enemies easier in battle arenas, go to the middle of the arena and put upgraded turrets around you. You should win every time, and sometimes not get hit.

Get Snow Skin:
Complete all levels of the Impossible Challenge.

Skill Points:
Get 5 Skill Points -  Acquire Big Head Ratchet.
Get 7 Skill Points - Acquire Tux Skin for Ratchet.
Get 10 Skill Points - Acquire Big Head Clank.
Get 12 Skill Points - Acquire Mirrored levels.
Get 15 Skill Points - Acquire Big Head NPCs.
Get 20 Skill Points - Acquire Clown Outfit.
Get 25 Skill Points - Acquire Big Head Foes.
Get 30 Skill Points - Acquire Beach Boy.

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