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 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-24 19:01  ·  香港 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Shigeru Miyamoto

IGN: Were you happy with your E3 2005 showing?

Shigeru Miyamoto: At our presentation this year I think we were able to show a lot of content, so that was good. Right now in Japan we are engaged in a lot of DS challenges, trying to do a lot of things with that, and I think we were able to show you what we've been doing with the DS.

IGNcube: Are there any particular games for DS that you're particularly proud of now, and what about future DS software?

Shigeru Miyamoto  
Shigeru Miyamoto: We're showing on the show floor three games that we're really excited about. Super Mario Bros, which allows for two-player side-scrolling at the same time on different systems. With Animal Crossing on the DS you have that wireless function with four people playing at the same time. And Mario Kart DS, of course, you have eight people racing at the same time and on the Internet you have four-person multiplayer. These are games that are really utilizing good DS functionality. And there's one other game that I'd like to talk about.

[Opens DS system and displays new game in which players are asked text trivia questions and are required to handwrite the answers.]

This is something that we think will appeal to players of all ages - something that you pick up right away and is easy to get into. It might not qualify as a game per se. (Oh, and another game that fits this criteria is Nintendogs, which we showed you yesterday.) We're looking at creating more of this software in Japan and what I've got here and am showing you now is one that's sort of a brain-teaser or brain exercise software.

We use the touch screen to write out answers to problems that the game poses to you and we use the voice recognition software to verbally answer questions or to record sounds. Other products coming out in Japan for DS include a Japanese-to-English and English-to-Japanese dictionary, which is coming out soon. It runs simultaneously with the Pictochat function so that if I've got my dictionary with me I can cut and paste verbatim whatever it translates and then send it to someone else via Pictochat. Also, in Japan there are a lot of entry examinations for different schools at the elementary level. We have a piece of software based on those tests and you can have eight players at the same time trying to answer all of the questions, which is pretty funny. So these things all represent other possibilities of grabbing people who play games, but also those that don't. I don't think anyone who plays these needs to be a gamer per se but they will still enjoy this type of software.

As far as the Revolution is concerned, development is going really well. But at the same time, this is a trade show and we want to concentrate on our business for this year. So rather than rush out in a panic and try to get a bunch of information out to people, we want to give out some of the general concepts and we're going to save everything else for when we're all set. Next year, when it's the year of the Revolution, we'll bring out everything from under the wrapping paper.

IGNcube: Speaking about Revolution, we have many questions. At a trade show like E3, it seems that perception is so important. You say that it's not the time to reveal Revolution in full. But with major showings from Microsoft's and Sony's next-generation consoles, do you feel that it hurts Nintendo to remain quiet? That people may incorrectly assume that Nintendo is quiet because it isn't prepared to compete with or lags behind its competition?

Shigeru Miyamoto: You know, I didn't get a chance to see the Sony and Microsoft presentations for myself, but from what I've heard from people it sounds like they are going to be using cutting-edge technology, as are we. However, the way that they are planning on implementing that technology is obviously very different from the route that we're going to be taking. On the business side of things I see where we're going and I see where they're going and I'm not worried at all. I don't think it's going to influence us at all. We're good to go.

IGNcube: We don't have any "tech specs" for Revolution. We don't have an educated idea or an estimate of how powerful the machine will be. Can you shed some light?

Shigeru Miyamoto: Let me pose a question to you. When we launched the Nintendo DS, we didn't really say too much about its power. Do you think we've suffered?

IGNcube: No. Definitely not.

Shigeru Miyamoto: We're kind of in a strange period where power is the crux of whether or not something is going to be successful. So again, that seems a little bit odd. If we rely solely on power of console to dictate to where we're going with games, I think that tends to suppress the creativity of designers. They tend to rely solely on what the technology allows them to do instead of thinking of new and creative ideas.

The way we are approaching the development of Revolution is we pose the questions to ourselves: why is the home console necessary? What functions in a home console would make everyone in the family say, "Yeah, we need that and want that." We pose those questions and the answers to those questions are what's guiding our development.

IGNcube: Can you give us an update on Mario 128?

Shigeru Miyamoto: [Chuckles] I'm just really sorry. I think I've given people the wrong impression with Mario 128. With all the questions I'm getting about this, I really feel like I've done people a disservice. In regards to Mario 128, we're currently doing a lot of Mario experiments back in Kyoto. We are definitely going to have a new Mario for Revolution. Whether or not that's 128 or not, I can't really say. It might be a new Sunshine. We're not sure. We're doing a lot of Mario tests right now for the Revolution.

IGNcube: Is Super Smash Bros. for Revolution deep in development or has work just started on the project?

Shigeru Miyamoto: Well, the original Smash Bros. was developed when Mr. Iwata was over at HAL and I was a designer here at Nintendo. Now, of course, Mr. Iwata is the president of Nintendo. I really don't have much to do with Super Smash Bros. It's pretty much him.

IGNcube: You are a producer on Metroid Prime 3 for Revolution. Can you tell us about the game?

Shigeru Miyamoto: I've been working on the Metroid series with Mr. Tanabe. He's pretty much in charge of where that's going right now. I've been really trying to focus more on the Zelda, Mario and new DS titles, and I'm not really in a position to talk about them right now.

IGNcube: Speaking of Zelda, does the game story parallel that of the movie Ladyhawke?

Shigeru Miyamoto: Our game should not be paralleling that movie very closely, no. That's not our intention. In regard to the animals in the game, it's an RPG and the more of those natural elements -- in this case represented by the wolf and the haw -- the more we expand the realm of the RPG and give ourselves room to grow and fill into. We thought that by adding these animals it would help us create a larger and more realistic world.

IGNcube: Do we have to wait until E3 2006 for more Revolution info, or do you have a new Space World coming later this year?

Shigeru Miyamoto: That hasn't been determined. We haven't decided yet. I'm sure that there will be information that we'll get out somewhere, somehow, through developers or something. I'm sure there will be some leaks. But next year at E3, everything will be public as far as Revolution is concerned. It will all be out there, which should tell you that we're well into it. It's not that we don't have anything. So next year you'll get it all.
IGNcube: Have Revolution development kits gone out yet?

Shigeru Miyamoto: We have not sent out development kits to developers yet. However, development kits for the Nintendo Revolution are very similar to the ones for the GameCube. So we feel that the environments are so similar that they will be able to start development very quickly upon receiving the development kits for Revolution.

IGNcube: Can you tell us when you'll send out Revolution development kits?

Shigeru Miyamoto: As far as when we're going to be sending out development kits, we don't have set schedule at this point. But I think that if you look at it, the "development kits" that a lot of other companies are sending out, are those really the ones with the latest chips? Are those the ones that have all the latest technology? It's hard to say. I don't think we're going to be that much different from other companies when they are sending out their actual finished development kits. I think we'll be able to send the development kits in a timeframe that pleases the developers. It's going to be in a time when it fits their development schedules well.

IGNcube: We're all assuming that the revolutionary aspect of Revolution is the controller. Do you know what the Revolution is yet or are you still trying to figure that out?

Shigeru Miyamoto: [Laughs] You're doubting me, aren't you? I can see that you're over there mistrusting my word. I understand. [Laughs]

Of course. It's set in stone. It has been determined. I'd love to show it to you. I'd love to be able to show you the features of the Revolution controller and tell you about them. However, unfortunately if we do that too early those ideas would be stolen. We know that from past history. Analog stick. Boom - gone. Rumble Pak. We bring it out and everybody has to have rumble. We got the wireless out first and now there's wireless everywhere. So we have to keep it under wraps.

IGNcube: Coming back to power. We apologize, but if we don't get some answers our readers are going to go insane. What are the tech specs for Revolution? Or, to put it another way, is Revolution as powerful as Xbox 360?

Shigeru Miyamoto: You know, in regard to the power of the Nintendo Revolution versus, say, the Xbox 360, we're looking at making a small, quiet, affordable console. If you look at trying to incorporate all that, of course we might not have the horsepower that some other companies have, but if you look at the numbers that they're throwing out, are those numbers going to be used in-game? I mean, those are just numbers that somebody just crunched up on a calculator. We could throw out a bunch of numbers, too, but what we're going to do is wait until our chips are done and we're going to find out how everything in the game is running, what its peak performance is, and those are the numbers that we're going to release because those are the numbers that really count.

I do think it's very irresponsible for people to say, "This is what we're running on. This is the power of our machine," when they're not even running on final boards. I think the professional's job is to not believe those numbers.

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for GameCube

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for GameCube  
IGNcube: Will you make Kid Icarus for Revolution?

Shigeru Miyamoto: Well, I'm actually working really closely right now with the director of the [original] game. Now, whether or not when we get the Revolution all set up and everything is finalized, well who knows? That might be one of those characters where everybody says, "Hey, with the way our console is designed, that would be a perfect match." My question to you is, if we made this game would you buy it?

IGNcube: Absolutely.

Shigeru Miyamoto: Well, we obviously can't ignore that. Okay, we'll get the Eggplant Wizard coming back.

IGNcube: Can you talk about Revolution's download service? What games will we be able to download?

Shigeru Miyamoto: We have not set a price or determined a list of software for the Nintendo Revolution download service. But, we're looking at this as a consumer service and not so much from the business end. What we want to do is provide the product that is going to make the Revolution the console that people want in their homes. So it actually might be driven from the consumer end rather than from us. You know, the games that they most want might be the ones that we do. From a technological point, we can do any of them. It's just, we haven't determined which ones we'll do yet.

IGNcube: Can we expect Nintendo to collaborate with more third parties on Revolution games?

Shigeru Miyamoto: At this point, we've only been talking with a few companies. However, if other companies come forward and they want to join us to work with us to create games, of course that would be great for us. One thing we want to make sure that we don't do is have too many games of the same type or genre. We don't want too many games involving the same themes or characters.

IGNcube: Will Revolution appeal to the mainstream gamer over the hardcore one?

Shigeru Miyamoto: Our goal with Revolution is to appeal to all gamers -- the casual gamer and the hardcore gamer. On top of that, we really want to get non-gamers involved as well. So it's a console that we want people to feel comfortable with and happy that they have in their home. So for example, you might bring you DS home, turn it on, sit down next to the Revolution and there is some connectivity that allows you to play something that's better than it was with separate components. Our goal really is to build a system that appeals to everybody.

Revolution may come in different colors

IGNcube: Have you seen or played any non-Nintendo games at this year's E3 that have impressed you?

Shigeru Miyamoto: I haven't seen any other software yet. I haven't left this room [laughs]. As far as the other company's software, I've heard that Sony brought out a whole bunch of stuff that looked really pretty, but I haven't heard that any of it is playable. So let me ask you something: have you seen anything on the show floor that's really pretty and playable?

IGNcube: Yes. The game that first comes to mind is Okami from Capcom. It's amazing.

Shigeru Miyamoto: What is that on?

IGNcube: PlayStation 2.

Shigeru Miyamoto: Anything for PlayStation 3, that was playable?

IGNcube: Nothing playable. Unfortunately, some of the PS3 demos were rendered. But there's no doubt it's going to be a beast of a machine. You don't have to speak specifically on the title or titles, but is there a game for Revolution that validates to you the path you seem to be taking with the console?

Shigeru Miyamoto: In the development of the Revolution, I can't really elaborate on anything that explains why this is the specific path for us. We know this is the path for us. I just can't give you specific details that maybe reaffirms for you that we feel comfortable. What thing I can say is that Sony and Microsoft are going down the same road. They have chosen their path and they're sticking to it. They're going down that road together. We have chosen the road less traveled and we're happy with that. We do think that is a good thing.

IGNcube: Do you think Revolution will alienate gamers?

Shigeru Miyamoto: No, I don't think we're going to alienate gamers at all. I think if you look at the stuff we have on Nintendo DS, which is really different from anything else out there, people are playing that and really enjoying it. There is going to be software for Revolution that you will not be able to play or experience anywhere else, on any other console, and I think people will find it enjoyable




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发表于 2005-5-24 19:04  ·  福建 | 显示全部楼层
又看到,我家的MODEN 了,,,,,,,,,,

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发表于 2005-5-24 19:11  ·  安徽 | 显示全部楼层



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发表于 2005-5-24 21:28  ·  辽宁 | 显示全部楼层
天书 现世!!!!!!!!!!!!寒!!!!!!!

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发表于 2005-5-24 21:30  ·  北京 | 显示全部楼层



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发表于 2005-5-24 21:31  ·  上海 | 显示全部楼层


Mist Walker最高执行官

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发表于 2005-5-25 01:36  ·  广东 | 显示全部楼层
IGN: 你对~感到快乐你的 E3 2005 成绩吗?

Shigeru Miyamoto: 今年在我们的发表我认为我们是能***表演许多内容, 所以很好。 现在在日本我们被专注许多 DS 挑战,尝试用~做许多事物那,而且我认为我们能够向~说明你我们有用  DS 做什么。

IGNcube: 为 DS 有任何的特别游戏你特别地是骄傲的吗现在,而且将来的 DS 软件怎麽样?

Shigeru Miyamoto

Shigeru Miyamoto: 我们正在我们真的对~感到兴奋的表演地板三场游戏上展现。 超级马里 Bros, 同时在不同的系统上考虑到二个运动员的横向卷桥。 藉由动物在 DS 之上横越你有无线电用  四个人同时玩动作。 而且 Mario 跑步 DS, 当然,你有八个人同时赛跑而且在英特网***有四个人的可多人玩的。 这些是正在真的利用好的 DS 功能性的游戏。 而且有我想要谈论的一场其他的游戏。

[ 打开 DS 系统而且显示新的游戏哪一运动员被问本文琐事问题并且要 handwrite 答案.]

这是某物我们想将会投合运动员的心意有各种不同的年龄 - 某物你现在拾起而且是容易进入的。 它就本身而言不可能取得资格如一场游戏。 (哦,而且适合标准的另外一场游戏是 Nintendogs, 我们昨天向~说明了你)。 我们正在看着在日本创造这个软件的更多,而且我已经到达在这里并且现在正在展现你什么是种脑- 惹人者或脑练习软件的一。

我们使用触觉荧屏写出游戏姿势对你和我们使用声音承认软件口述的回答问题或记录声音的对於~的答案问题。 其他的产品在日本为 DS 出来包括日本人-到- 英国人和英国人-到- 日本的字典, 正在很快出来。它同时的由于 Pictochat 功能跑以便 是否我已经被我得到我的字典我能减少而且逐字地用浆糊黏它经由 Pictochat 翻译然後送  它给其他人无论什么。 也,在日本在初步的水平有不同的学校许多进入考试。 我们在那些之上建立一个软件测试,而且同时你能有八个运动员尝试回答所有的问题, 是相当好笑的。 如此这些事物全部表现其他的可能性抓玩游戏的人们 , 但是也那些以致於不。我不  想玩这些的任何人需要就本身而言当一个玩游戏者但是他们将会仍然享受软件的这个类型。

就***而言,发展正在真的很好地去。 但是同时,这是一个试映,而且我们想要今年专注於我们的生意。如此并非匆促在外在一阵恐慌方面而且试着去在外对人们得到一束 数据,我们想要耗尽 一些一般的观念,而且我们将要 解救其他每件事物,因为我们全都是何时设定。 明年,当现在是***的年时候, 我们从在包装纸纸之下将会出版每件事物。


Mist Walker最高执行官

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发表于 2005-5-25 01:37  ·  广东 | 显示全部楼层
IGNcube: 说有关***的事,我们有许多问题。 在一个试映相似的 E3,它像是知觉是如此重要。 你说揭露全部的***不是时候。但是由于主要的成绩从微软的和 Sony's 下一个- 世代控制台语语语语语,你感觉它伤害任天堂保持安静吗? 那个人们可能不正确的承担因为它不准备要 , 所以任天堂是安静的竞争由于或落后在它的竞争之后?

Shigeru Miyamoto: 你知道,我不  得到一个机会为自己看见 Sony 和微软发表, 但是从我所有收到~的信它听起来像他们一样的人们正在去使用锐利- 边缘技术, 如同是我们。 然而, 他们正在一实现计划的方式技术明显的我们正在去拿的路径非常不同。 在事物的生意边上我看见我们要去哪里,而且我看见他们要去哪里,而且我不担忧全然。 我不  认为它将要 全然影响我们。 我们是好去的。

IGNcube: 我们为***没有任何的 "科技投机" 。 我们没有受过教育的主意或一个机器将会是多麽的有力估计。 你能使吗一些流出光?

Shigeru Miyamoto: 让我对~造成一个问题你。 当我们发射了任天堂 DS 的时候,我们没有真的有关它的力量说太多。 你认为我们有遭受吗?

IGNcube: 号码明确的不。

Shigeru Miyamoto: 我们很亲切在一个力量是紧要关头的奇怪时期内是否某物要去成功。 如此再一次 , 以致於像是小一点点奇数的。 如果我们独自地在控制台语的力量之上信赖听写到我们正在与游戏搭配 哪里, 我认为容易***设计者的创造力。 他们容易 独自地信赖在什么技术允许他们做而不是想到新的和有创造力的主意之上。

对我们自己我们正在接近***的发展方式是我们姿势问题: 家控制台语为什么必需的? 功能所用一个家控制台语在家庭中会使每个人的说,"是的, 我们需要和需要那." 我们姿势那些询问,而且对於~的答案那些问题是正在指导我们的发展东西  。

IGNcube: 你能给我们 Mario 128 上的更新吗?

Shigeru Miyamoto: [吃吃的笑声] 我仅仅真的难过。 我认为我有用~给人们错误的印象 Mario 128 。 藉由所有的问题我正在得到有关这的事,我真的感觉像我有做人们一个伤害。 关於 Mario 128 ,我们现在正在做在京都回来的许多 Mario 实验。 我们正在明确的去为***有新的 Mario 。 是否那是 128,我不能真的说。 它可能是新的阳光。 我们不确定。 我们正在现在为***做许多 Mario 测试。

IGNcube: 超级破碎 Bros 是吗。 因为***深的在发展中或仅仅工作在计画上开始?

Shigeru Miyamoto: 好吧,最初的破碎 Bros。 当 Iwata 先生过度是在 Henry 的昵称时候 , 被发展,而且我在任天堂是一个设计者这里。 现在,当然, Iwata 先生是任天堂的董事长。 我真的不  和~大有关系超级破碎 Bros 。 它是非常他。

IGNcube: 你是在 Metroid 精华 3 之上为***一位生产者。 你能告诉我们关於游戏吗?

Shigeru Miyamoto: 我有和 Tanabe 先生处理 Metroid 系列。 现在他非常是掌管那要去哪里。我一直真的更在 Zelda , Mario 和新的 DS 名称上尝试集中,而且我不是真的在一个位置中现在谈论他们。

IGNcube: 说到 Zelda,做游戏故事平行电影 Ladyhawke 的?

Shigeru Miyamoto: 我们的游戏不应该是非常接近地与那场电影平行,不是我们的意图号码。 关於动物在游戏中,它是 RPG 和那些天然的元素更多 -- 在这个被狼和 haw 表现的情形中 -- 我们扩张 RPG 的王国并且给我们自己房间的更多生长而且填充进入之内。 我们想藉由增加这些动物它会帮助我们产生一个比较大和更现实世界。

IGNcube:我们必须为较多的***信息等候到 E3 2006 吗,或你今年稍后让一个新的空间世界就要来的吗?

Shigeru Miyamoto: 不有被决定。 我们没有决定。 我确定以将会有我们将会某处滚出去的数据,不知何故, 经过开发者或某物。 我确定将会有一些漏洞。 但是明年在 E3 ,每件事物同样地将会是公众的远当***是关心的。 它全部将会是外面的那里, 应该告诉你我们进入它之内很好。 我们没有任何事就是不。 你将会全部有它的如此往後年。
IGNcube: 有***发展被外出 的装备?

Shigeru Miyamoto: 我们没有送出对开发者的发展装备。 然而,发展装备为任天堂***为 GameCube 对~是非常相似的一些。 因此我们感觉环境是如此的相似以致於他们将会可以 在为***收到发展装备之上非常快地开始发展。

IGNcube: 当你将会送出***发展装备的时候 , 你能告诉我们吗?

Shigeru Miyamoto: 同样地远的当做当我们将要 送出发展装备的时候,我们在点不  让组合预定。但是我认为如果你看着它,"发展装备"那家许多其他的公司正在送出,那些真的是有最近的薯条一些吗? 那些是有所有的最新技术的一些吗? 它是难说的。我不  认为我们正在去那麽多不同的其他公司当他们正在送出他们的真实完成的发展装备的时候。 我认为我们将会可以 在使~高兴开发者的 timeframe 中送发展装备。 当它适合他们的发展时间表好的时候 , 它正在去在次中。

IGNcube: 所有的我们是傲慢***的***方面是控制器。 你仍然知道***是什麽吗或是你仍然正在尝试理解  那?

Shigeru Miyamoto: 你正在怀疑我的 , 你不是? 我能看见你是那里不信任我所说的话。 我了解。 [笑]

当然。 它是放置在石头。 它有被决定。 我将会爱将它展示给你看。 我将会爱可以 给你看***控制器的特征而且告诉你关於他们。 然而,不幸地是否我们做太早那些主意会被偷。 我们从过去的历史知道那。 类比根。 繁荣 - 离去。 发隆隆声 Pak 。 我们带来出它,而且每个人都必须有隆隆声。 我们使无线电外面的第一,而且现在各处有无线电。 因此我们在外套之下必须保存它。

IGNcube: 回来有力量。 我们道歉,但是否我们不  让一些答案我们的读者是前进变患精神病。 ***的科技投机是什么? 或, 放它另外的一个方法, ***同样地是有力的吗如 Xbox 360?

Shigeru Miyamoto: 你知道, 关於任天堂***的力量对,说,Xbox 360,我们正在看着制造小的,安静的,和可负担的控制台语。如果你看着尝试合并全部那,当然我们可能没有马力一些其他的公司有,但是如果你看着他们正在丢出的数字,是那些数字去被用在-游戏? 我方法,那些是某人仅仅向上在一个计算者上嘎扎嘎扎的咬嚼正直的数字。我们也可以丢外面的一束 数字,但是我们将要 做什么是等候直到我们的薯条被做,而且我们将要 发现每件事物如何在游戏中正在跑,因为那些是数字以真的计算 , 所以它的山顶表现是什么,而且那些是我们将要 释放的数字。

我确实认为它对人们是非常不负责任的说,"这是我们所正在流逝 的。 这是我们的机器力量," 当他们是的时候不甚至最后的董事会上的赛跑。 我认为专业人士的工作要不相信那些数字。


Mist Walker最高执行官

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发表于 2005-5-25 01:38  ·  广东 | 显示全部楼层
Zelda 的传说: 曙光公主为 GameCube

Zelda 的传说: 曙光公主为 GameCube

IGNcube: 你将会为***制造小孩 Icarus 吗?

Shigeru Miyamoto: 好吧,我实际上正在现在接近地和指导者真的工作那 [最初的]游戏。 现在, 是否当我们向上全部得到***组合,而且每件事物被使结束的时候, 好的谁知道? 那可能是那些~的其中一个每个人都说的个性,"嗨,由于方式我们的控制台语被设计, 会是一个完美的比赛." 是否我们制造这场游戏你会买它吗,对你的我问题是?

IGNcube: 完全地。

Shigeru Miyamoto: 好吧,我们明显的不能不理睬那。 好,我们将会拿男巫回来给茄子。

IGNcube: 你能谈论***的下载服务吗? 什么游戏将会我们是能***下载?

Shigeru Miyamoto: 我们为任天堂***下载服务不已经设定价格或决定了一连串的软件。 但是, 我们正在看着这如同一个消费者服务和不这麽多从生意结束。 我们所想要做的是提供将要 作***人们在他们的家中想要的控制台的产品。 如此它实际上从消费者结束可能被驱使不愿从我们。 你知道, 游戏他们大部分需要可能是我们做的一些。 从科技的点,我们能做他们之中的任何一个。 它很正直,我们没有决定我们将会做哪一一些。

IGNcube: 我们能预期任天堂和***游戏上的较多第三者合作吗?

Shigeru Miyamoto: 在点,我们只有和一些公司说话。然而,如果其他的公司挺身而出 ,而且他们想要叁加我们和我们工作产生游戏,当然那会对我们是很棒的。 我们想要确定的一件事物我们不  做是已经相同的类型或类的太多游戏。 我们不  想要太多游戏包括相同的主题或个性。

IGNcube: ***将会投合主流玩游戏者的心意过 hardcore 一吗?

Shigeru Miyamoto: 有***的我们目标要投合所有的玩游戏者的心意 -- 偶然的玩游戏者和 hardcore 玩游戏者。 在~之上那, 我们真的想要争取非玩游戏者积极叁与的也。 因此我们想要人们对~感到舒服的是一俐 控制台和快乐的他们在他们的家中有。如此举例来说,你可能把你 DS 带回家,把它打开,紧邻***坐下和有允许你玩的一些连接性比它好的某物是由于分开的成份。 我们的目标真的要建立一个投合每个人的心意系统。


Mist Walker最高执行官

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发表于 2005-5-25 01:39  ·  广东 | 显示全部楼层

IGNcube: 你在有使你有印象的今年 E3 看到或玩任何的非任天堂游戏了吗?

Shigeru Miyamoto: 我没有看到任何其他的软件。 我没有留下这个房间 [笑].如远的如另一个公司的软件,我有听到 Sony 带来了外面的一整个的束 看起来真的漂亮东西,但是我没有听到它之中的任何一个是可玩的。 如此让我问你某物: 你在真的漂亮和可玩的表演地板上看到任何事了吗?

IGNcube: 是的。 游戏首先到达 介意是来自 Capcom 的 Okami。 它是令人惊异的。

Shigeru Miyamoto: 那是在什么之上?

IGNcube: PlayStation 2.

Shigeru Miyamoto: 任何事为 PlayStation 3 ,那是可玩的?

IGNcube: 可玩的无。 不幸地,一些 PS3 测试品被提出。 但是没有怀疑它将要 是机器的一只畜牲。 你不  须明确地在名称或名称上说,但是为对你有效你像是用  控制台拿的路径***有一场游戏吗?

Shigeru Miyamoto: 在***的发展中,我不能真的详述 解释这为什麽是我们的特定路径的任何事。 我们知道这是我们的路径。 我就是不能给你特效药细节以也许为你再断言我们觉得舒服。 我能说什么事物是 Sony 和微软正在下来相同的道路。 他们有选择他们的路径,而且他们正在黏住 它。 他们正在一起下来那条道路。 我们有选择被旅行的道路比较少量,而且我们对~感到满意那。 我们确实认为是一件好的事物。

IGNcube: 你认为***将会使玩游戏者疏远吗?

Shigeru Miyamoto: 不,我不  认为我们将要 全然使玩游戏者疏远。 如果你看着我们在任天堂 DS 之上有的东西,我想,真的不同於别的东西外面的那里,人们正在玩那并且正在真的享受它。那里将要 是你将不对玩或经历其它各地是能干的***软件,在任何其他的控制台语之上,而且我认为人们将会找它可享受的
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