本帖最后由 讴歌123 于 2012-4-27 23:53 编辑
育碧确认Rayman Legends泄露视频属实,由蒙彼利埃工作室开发。但泄露视频并不能代表最终成品,也不能代表是任天堂次世代主机Wii U的最终版本。声明全文如下:
"An internal video showing images of Rayman Origins' sequel has leaked over the Internet. This video was intended as a purely internal demonstrative video, and in NO way represents the final game, the final console or their features. This video was destined for internal production teams who often create game prototypes with work in progress development kits. Ubisoft confirms the development of Rayman Legends handled by Michel Ancel and his team in Montpellier." |