Bonus missions + weapon upgrades
level 1 - kill irsish boss -extra costume.
level 2 - kill some guy easy to find buy some of the ghost suits. in a walkway connecting two buildings weapons upgrade.
level 3 - none.
level 4 - destroy 2 crates 1 to left at start and 1 exact opposite side of map where you start. weapon upgrade somewhere near 1 of the crates.
level 5 - none.
level 6 - weapon upgrade at top of mansion
level 7 - run to the other side of map there will be a man behind curtains kill him. weapon in middle of map cant miss it.
level 8 - destroy 3 cars with weapons in them 2 near start 1 at the other side of map. weapon upgrade right behind you at start.
level 9 - kill 8 prostitutes
level 10 - behind the machine men.
level 11 - in the area where you get the maul when u first enter at the gate on the other side there is a man cowering shoot him with the speargun or plasmacaster.
level 12 - at the start on the left side there is 3 ppl in a room wait until they leave and 1 will come out underneath you kill him
level 13 - weapon upgrade in a small corridor on fire.
level 14 kill all the snipers at the area where you have to kill lieutenants
level 15 - ignore the first lot of enemies and proceed to find who you have to kill
level 16 - none
level 17 - kill the scientist with symbol over his head at the place where you get 1 for the retinal scanner
level 18 - in this missions all doors on left side require someone for retinal scanner the 3rd one along has the man you have to kill. in the other 3 rooms on left and the area where you retrieve weapons are weapon upgrades
level 19 - none
level 20 - activate 3 beacons 1 at first boss 1 at prototpe ulysees and 1 before you kill the last rocket trooper. weapon upgrade close to one of the last beacons
level 21 - kill all prototype ulysees
level 22 - kill first 8 guards without alerting any of them. weapon upgrade is on top of the church.
level 23 - none.
level 24 - deactivate cooling fans in order colling fan 1-4. at the end when you have to destroy the last thing its right by it
level 25 - kill 50 aliens.
level 26 - destroy the computer up top. at the start the weapon upgrade is on your right
level 27 - none
level 1 - pred 1 costume
level 2 - health upgrade. wristblade upgrade
level 3 - none
level 4 - energy upgrade. combistick upgrade
level 5 - none
level 6 - speargun upgrade
level 7 - armour upgrade. glaive.
level 8 - shoulder cannon upgrade. ritual armour costume
level 9 - bandolier upgrade
level 10 - wristblades
level 11 - health upgrade. maul
level 12 - energy upgrade
level 13 - glaive upgrade
level 14 - avp costume
level 15 - dark blade costume
level 16 - none
level 17 - armour upgrade
level 18 - speargun, combistick, smart disc and maul upgrade. bandolier upgrade
level 19 - none
level 20 - health upgrade. glaive upgrade
level 21 - energy upgrade
level 22 - shoulder cannon upgrade. armour upgrade
level 23 - none
level 24 - bandolier upgrade. smart disc upgrade
level 25 - pred 2 costume
level 26 - dark blood costume. maul upgrade
level 27 - none
thats what you actually get for each of those missions
Xbox Live Gamertag: Squeezymilk