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发表于 2012-3-19 22:01 · 河南
本帖最后由 softstar001 于 2012-3-19 22:20 编辑
原文如下: (E文P-226)
Casting Speed: The normalized speed for casting a ful l ATB queue of
spells as a percentage of Serah's speed. This is an essential attribute, as
faster monsters will act and use their abilities far more often. All allies have
different casting animations for offensive and defensive spells. Therefore,
monsters in offensive roles (COM/RAV/SAB) conform to one scale, while
monsters in defensive roles (SYN/MED) adhere to another. The casting speed
of Serah is set at 100 (both offensive and defensive) and used as a reference
for comparison; for Noel it is 85 (offensive) and 80 (defensive). meaning that
Noel's casting speed is 15% and 20% slower when using offensive and
defensive spells respectively. The same principle applies to all tameable
monsters, though the casting speed value is irrelevant for Sentinels.
释放速度:消费一个ATB格而做出的动作的速度 对应所消耗的时间 速度越快耗时越短表现为动作越快
想必大家都能看出来 , 游戏中塞拉挥剑的速度是比少年快的 , 原因? 少年一个ATB砍两下嘛 ,最后一击还是多次
U本中也是这么说的 少年的速度是85 就是说比塞拉慢15%
白种CHICHU的速度为85 顶一下
鱼人APKALLU的速度是75 这个是俩翅膀各扇一下共2下的速度
仙人掌65 金红鸟80
最快的是炸弹系 170 可惜炸弹系没A 都是B 1格打出去只能回0.4离永动机还有距离
A职业要考虑的还有其他 , 例如移动走位速度 , 欧米家转向的速度 , 鱼人打完要往后跳一小步等等.....
例如遗迹005的罐子猫的速度仅仅为65 , 而绿白鸟为90
E紫鸟速度90 E小鬼速度105 嘛 大家可以理解为小鬼挥动下翅膀比紫鸟连抬头再跳再扇翅膀再落地快吧...
↓ ↓ ↓ TO楼下 分几次攻击攻击就分几段
欧米家分3次攻击每次1/3 鱼人2段每段攻击力1/2 |