• Addressed an issue with attack dogs causing them to "warp" under rare circumstances.
• Fixed an exploit allowing players to purchased locked classified weapons
• Fixed an exploit that allowed players to get above 15th Prestige using Combat Training/Player Match menus.
• Improvements to spawn system.
• Addressed some bugs with Custom Game Settings for CTF related to Touch Return Disabled
• Added Rezurrection DLC support (Launching August 23 first on Xbox 360!)
• Check for the Moon theme and Zombies soundtrack in the in-game store once you've downloaded the new DLC!
• Addressed an issue with attack dogs causing them to "warp" under rare circumstances.
• Fixed an exploit allowing players to purchased locked classified weapons
• Fixed an exploit that allowed players to get above 15th Prestige using Combat Training/Player Match menus.
• Improvements to spawn system.
• IAddressed some bugs with Custom Game Settings for CTF related to Touch Return Disabled
• Players can now select other clan tag colors besides red/white if they are unlocked.
• Addressed an exploit where players were resetting their Winstreak and Killstreak stats.
• Fixed exploit earning XP in local split screen.
• When the Circle button is set with “enter” functionality, it now works properly on the Challenges menu.