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发表于 2011-8-4 13:14 · 广西
我可以很確定的告訴你,我手上就有好幾片 zephyr,GPU 和 xenon 一模一樣,zephyr 全部是 2007 年產的,那個時候 TSMC 還沒量產 80nm GPU,他和 xenon 只有 ANA 和 fan connector 的差異。
另外,你說 CPU 也是 80nm,那我只能理解為你沒有實際看過 zephyr 了,而且 TSMC 從來就沒有投片過 80nm Xbox 360 CPU,哪裡來的 80nm CPU。
你如果不相信,覺得我在鬼扯,可以移步看 wiki 上的介紹:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xbox_360_hardware
anandtech 上也有相關介紹: http://www.anandtech.com/show/2682/1
他原文還提到 2008 年的時候 microsoft 還在出貨 zephyr
Sneaky Microsoft: Still Shipping Zephyrs
In my Jasper hunting I came across a strange beast, I found an Xbox 360 Pro with lot number 0843X. I figured it was new enough that it could be a Jasper, but looking at the 12V current rating I found that it was a 16.5A unit. I thought perhaps it was mislabeled and I'd heard about some newer systems having a 16.5A 12V rating, so I thought I'd buy it and take a closer look.
Once I got it home I confirmed: the machine was a Zephyr, that's the original Xbox 360 hardware with HDMI support, meaning a 90nm CPU, 90nm GPU and 90nm eDRAM - the very configuration most likely to Red Ring. I'm guessing it's a reworked Xbox 360 that never made it out of the factory in the first place due to an instant failure; something Microsoft fixed and sent out at a much later date.
Even if you don't care about getting a Jasper, it may be worth looking into what it is you are getting to make sure that you're not stuck with a box that's more likely to fail.
原文: http://www.anandtech.com/show/2682/2
Opus 是去掉 HDMI 的 Falcon,用在返修主機裡,IO 部分和 Xenon 保持一致,這樣可以直接裝在 xenon 的 case 裡,Opus 和 Falcon 的質量沒有差異。 |