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本帖最后由 bow_ol_bow 于 2011-8-30 00:11 编辑
COD:BO真是一个BUG不断的游戏啊,“想说爱你,真不容易”。在升级到1.07版本后,PS3的两个网战奖杯均出现了问题,一个是***模式下获得5次前3的奖杯,还有一个就是combat training模式下升级到10级的奖杯。
02/04/2011 补充另一个方法,感谢好友PSN: Lord_Evilpig提供。方法和下面的方法类似,就是利用双手柄,第一个手柄先拿5次第一,然后让第2个手柄再拿一次第一,奖杯就蹦出来了。这样的话就不需要***模式里的每个模式拿5次第一了,压力减少不少。
2、combat training模式下升级到10级的奖杯,这个是国外玩家遇到的,去官网论坛抱怨最多的一个BUG。下面有个链接和一个原文,我只大概翻译一下其中的一部分。其他的大家就自己去看吧。
这个解决方法就是利用分屏两手柄来获得奖杯。kazimodo99这个帐号已经是14级了,游戏开始的设置如下(Time limits : 30 min, Score limits : 30 000 pts, 2 friends against 9 ennemies, 2nd class diffi***y)然后呢,就是我用第一个手柄来玩,不管第2个手柄,然后杀人让第一个手柄控制的人物升级到15级。在第一个手柄控制的人物升级到15级后,我立刻换第2个手柄来玩,当我的第2个手柄控制的人物升级到15级后,bingo,这个可爱的奖杯终于蹦出来了。
http://www.ps3trophies.org/forum ... mbat-trophy-10.html
Absolutely wonderful .. it works guys. The newly-named "Holy_Shite work-around" works (what an appropriate name by the way) !! My trophy Ready for deployment just popped right in front of my stunned eyes a few minutes ago .
Just a reminder, here's my story : I've donwloaded the patch 1.07 a few days ago and start working on Combat Training solo right away. Reached level 10 and like a lot of users, the trophy didn't popped.
So I've contacted Activision and they gave me a few things to try (erase cache, erase patch, bla bla bla) nothings works. Until Holy_Shite came along with a work-around this week-end.
So I'd tried it. My main account kazimodo99 was already at level 14. So what I did, recommended by Holy_Shite was to set up a combat training session with 2 Controllers split screen and with those settings (Time limits : 30 min, Score limits : 30 000 pts, 2 friends against 9 ennemies, 2nd class diffi***y).
So the game starts. At first, I'm using my regular account player/controller one named kazimodo99 and walk aroung killing people until I levelled up. During that time, since I was playing solo, the 2nd controller/player was idle, not moving. As soon as I've levelled up (now to level 15), I changed controller (now playing with kazimodo(2) ). Since it is a copy of your initial account he is on level 14 as well. So basically, I start killing AI and levelled up to 15 as well.
And Bingo, as soon as I reached level 15 with my second controller.. Bingo : the trophy popped. Brilliant.. absolutely brilliant
Hope I'm explaining it well .. if not reached me and I'll try to guide you.
Thanks Holy_Shite and all the others who participate in the discussion. There is hope .. now let's work on the other glitchy trophy In the Money ...
1 down, 1 to go
Great work guys.
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