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本帖最后由 painkiller 于 2011-3-12 19:45 编辑
1. Master Craftsman 25G
Crafted all of the items from a single crafting tree 制造同样种类的所有物品(比如把所有的药水全做一次,前提是得到所有药水的配方以及满足材料要求,貌似药水是最简单的,只有6个)
2. Mogul 25G
Had 100 or more sovereigns in your purse 兜兜里有100金,后期很容易达成
3. Crowning Glory 25G
Became the viscount of Kirkwall 最后一仗选择帮助Meredith完成游戏
4. Dedicated 15G
Reached Level 10 达到等级10
5. A Friend in Need 5G
Upgraded the armor of one of your party members 升级一个队友的装备
6. Enchanter 5G
Enchanted an item 强化一件装备
7. Immigrant 5G
Became a resident of Kirkwall 剧情
8. Delver of the Deep 10G
Explored the Deep Roads 剧情
9. Brithright 15G
Kicked the slavers out of your ancestral mansion 剧情
10. Specialized 25G
Learned two class specializations 解开两个职业专精,主角特有的最右边的三个职业(只能解锁其中两个)
11. I Got Your Back 25G
Completely upgraded the armor of one of your party members升级一个队友的装甲到满级(有时防具店有卖升级队友的东西,也可以捡到,最高4级)
12. Legendary 50G
Reached Level 20 达到级别20,正常通关没问题
13. Financier 10G
Became a partner in a Deep Roads expedition 剧情
14. Talented 5G
Upgraded a spell or talent 提升一个技能
15. Tag Team 5G
Used teamwork to perform a cross-class combo 完成一次组合技能,比如法师冻住敌人,战士上去用重斩
16. That Thing Has Legs 25G
Found and killed a varterral 任务有2只,问题不大
17. Weapon Master 25G
Mastered a weapon style 把一个职业技能树升满
18. Unstoppable 50G
Completed a full year in Kirkwall without any party member being knocked unconscious 完成一个章节并且不被击晕(还是不死一次?不太确定)
19. Craftsman 5G
Acquired your first crafting recipe 取得一个
20. Dragon Slayer 25G
Found and killed a high dragon 杀死一只high dragon(第三章矿山任务)
21. Exorist 25G
Found and killed the undying Xebenkeck 第二章chantry接到的任务,破坏5本书(一定要选destroy,至于得到奖励属性点然后把身上的书毁掉的办法是否可行,没试过),另外4本的位置viscount's keep,野外3个地图(the bone pit,sundermount,the wounded coast)各有一个隐藏洞穴
22. Demon Slayer 25G
Found and killed the ancient demon, Hybris
23. Chantry Historian 25G
Found all four chapters of "The History of the Chantry," by Brother Genitivi 找到4本The History of the Chantry,貌似都在Chantry,第一章拿到1,第二章拿到2,3,第三章拿到4,3很容易漏掉,在夜晚进入Chantry并被袭击的任务中捡到,任务过后就被赶出去了
24. A Worthy Rival 25G
Earned the Arishok's respect 第二章最后的主线任务,和Arishok族人开战前(不是和他单挑前)的最后一次对话,注意和Arishok的对话,要选择最直接正直的回答(尽量站在Arishok的角度回答问题),对话前存一次档,如果对话完了没解开成就请读档
25. Great Minds Think Alike 50G
Earned the friendship or rivalry of four party members 让4名队友的好感同时都到最顶端(-100也行)
26. Friend 25G
Earned the friendship of one of your party members 一名队友好感度100
27. Rival 25G
Earned the rivalry of one of your party members 一名队友好感度-100(游戏开始选法师的话,弟弟很容易和你敌对变成-100)
28. Romantic 25G
Completed a romance with one of your party members 和一个队友完成罗曼史(上床),并且要在快通关的时候(最后决战和每个队友分别对话的那段)才能解开这个成就,4个队友可以和你上床,A男法师,精灵法师MM,精灵战士GG,盗贼MM
29. Epic 50G
Completed Dragon Age II twice, or completed it once with a save imported from Dragon Age Origins
30. Champion of Kirkwall 20G
Completed Dragon Age II 完成一次游戏
31. Mercenary 10G
Allied yourself with the mercenaries upon arriving in Kirkwall 游戏序章进kirkwall的时候选择帮助mercenaries
32. Nefarious 10G
Allied yourself with the smugglers upon arriving in Kirkwall 同上,选择smugglers,二选一,可以事前存档,然后分别完
33. Flirtatious 5G
Flirted with one of your party members to begin a romance 和一个队友调情,Romantic成就的前戏
34. Mass Exodus 25G
Reached Kirkwall with each character class across multiple playthroughs 选择每个职业到达Kirkwall(序章),开几个职
35. Knowledgeable 25G
Unlocked 100 codex entries 获得100个词条,没啥问题,平时多捡书看
36. Treasure Hunter 25G
Opened 50 chests 开50个箱子
37. Darkness Falls 5G
Toggled the map from day to night 在大地图转换日夜,L2/LT或者R2/RT
38. Explorer 5G
Left Kirkwall to explore the outlying regions 剧情
39. Spelunker 25G
Visited 10 caves in Kirkwall and the surrounding area 探索10个洞穴
40. Full House 10G
Recruited four party members 收到4名队友
41. Friends in High Places 15G
Met Grand Cleric Elthina, Viscount Dumar, Knight-Commander Meredith, and First Enchanter Orsino 剧情
42. Gift Giver 5G
Gave a gift to one of your party members 给一个队友礼物,礼物到处都是,商业也能买到,应该不会错过
43. Supplier 25G
Found every variety of crafting resources 找到所有的制造材料,注意第二章的时候一定要带上Fenris去野外走走(每个野外地图都进去一次看看,如果触发了任务loading画面是不同的!没触发请换个地图),会触发专属任务,这个任务的途中是可以捡到2个材料的,过期就没了
44. Archeologist 50G
During each year in Kirkwall, discovered 3 secret messages from the Band of Three 这个不知道怎么解的,平时多注意看
45. Tale Within a Tale 5G
Listened to Varric begin his tale of the Champion of Kirkwall 剧情
Stone Cold 5G
Defeated the rock wraith on your expedition into the Deep Roads. 剧情
King of the Hill 10G
Defeated the Arishok. 第二章结束的时候选择和Arishok单挑并且打败他
Conqueror 15G
Defeated Meredith, knight-commander of Kirkwall's Templars. 剧情
Arcane Defender 25G
Sided with the mages five times. 站在mage的立场五次,所有和templar/mage立场的选择都偏向mage(比如放走mage啊,帮助mage之类的),有关的任务有wayward sun,act of mercy,enemies among us,night terrors,best served cold,on the loose,showdown,以及Meredith/Orsino针锋相对的对话中偏向orsino,第三章刚开始对话后就能解开成就了
Mage Hunter 25G
Sided with the templars five times. 同上,反过来而已,要解开两个成就大概就只能打两次了
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