本帖最后由 zzyydd 于 2011-3-9 22:55 编辑
God of War 4?
For gaming fans thinkingthat God Of War 3 will bethe last we see of thisgreat epic, thinkagain...
God Of War 4 has beenrevealed.
Kratos will spark off aviolent battle betweenthe Gods and the Titans.And will eventually standon their ruins to be theGod Of Gods.
But, not for long . . .
With Zeus gone, thebalance of the world isshakened. And Kratos whowill listen to no one'scounsel except his ownunleashes the nightmarethat Zeus had kept at bay. . . The nightmare thatAthena had warned wouldcome with the fall ofZeus . . .
Chaos ruled the worldbefore the Titans andGods existed and in theend there will be onlyChaos. . .
Kratos understands thatChaos is a destructivenon-entity which simplycannot be vanquishedwith his powerful blades.So he embarks on ajourney which Zeus hadnever attempted . . .because Zeus never hadthe Sister's Loom ofTime.
Kratos travels back andforth in Time to unravelthe mystery, the root,the cause, the creationof Chaos . . . And hefinally arrives at thetime and place whereChaos was born . . .
Want to know when and where?
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