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[共享] [共享][MAG] 奖章,绶带 全攻略 (英文,转载)


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 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-20 09:26  ·  上海 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


This guide will help you for getting every ribbon and every medal in the game. Since you'll need all of them to get the platinum trophy of MAG, you gonna see tactics and tips to get easily every ribbon and medal. Most of them are acquired with time, but this guide gonna help to speed it up.

You'll need to get some ribbons multiple times in order to get a trophy. Also, a note about repairs: if you do most of the job on a single objective (bunker, gate, mortar, AAA, etc.), it will count for you. And if something you destroyed is repaired, then you blow it up again, it will count for 2 things destroyed.

1. Grim Reaper
Get 35 kills

Where to get it: everywhere
This one is frequently earn by skilled players. If you're skilled enough, you can get 35 kills quite easily with any weapon on any mode. However, if you consider yourself being not really a killing machine, there's another great way to get some kills.

You'll have to be at least level 15 to be a Squad Leader and play in Acquisition or Domination. You gonna have to put some mortar barrage or cluster bomb in an area full of enemies. Just look at the map and try to search an area where there's many enemies. To ensure free kills, use your mortars/cluster bombs on enemy spawn points:
- Main base, behind the lettered objectives
- Bunkers
- Helicopters and Parachute landing zones

You'll get plenty of kills without firing a single round of your weapon. However you'll probably still need to get some kills when battling, because you won't get everything by throwing mortar barrages and airstrikes at the face of enemies.

2. Purple Heart
Get 30 deaths

Where to get it: everywhere
This ribbon is the easiest to earn: you'll have to die 30 times. You probably already have it when reading this guide. Many not-so-skilled players have it. However, if you're a die hard, an ultra-skilled player with a 10:1 kill/death ratio and you need some deaths to get this ribbon, just throw some grenades at your feet near the spawn point, or run to the enemy side and let them kill you.

3. Mr. Badwrench
Destroy 5 vehicles

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination map
Getting this ribbon can be hard since destroying a vehicle can be quite hard and considering many people try to destroy it at the same time. I strongly advise to be in Acquisition mode considering this mode is very vehicle-based.

To increase your "vehicle destroyed" count, you'll need to get the final blow. That can be quite tricky to get since shooting three rockets (the rockets that you have) isn't enough to destroy the vehicle. So try to wait a bit when a vehicle is attacked, then fire every rocket to get the final blow. Grenades and mines are also effective on vehicles, so use them.

Another great way to get vehicle kills, and alone, is to be a Squad Leader in Defense, and use the Guided Artillery (in defense). If you see a vehicle stuck somewhere, throw a Guided Artillery, you'll get one vehicle down.

In attack, in Platoon Leader attacking this time, destroy the motor pools with the Precision Strike (the AAA must be down). If you're lucky, you can blow two vehicles at once. You can also sneak around and plant explosives on motor pools.

You'll need to get this ribbon 3 times to win  Junkyard Jockey.

4. Butterfingers
Kill yourself 5 times

Where to get it: everywhere
Very simple to get. Just launch a game (Suppression is perfect), go in a place near the spawn point, and throw grenades at your feet. Guaranteed results.

5. Bunker Buster
Destroy 3 bunkers

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination map (when attacking)
Destroying bunkers can be tough, since everyone will try to blow them up, and considering bunkers are the first enemy spawn point, this could be tough to get. To have a bunker destroyed to your count, you must plant the explosives and these explosives must blow up the bunker. There's, however, two great ways to get this ribbon easily.

The first way is to be a Platoon Leader, and use the Precision Strike (when, of course, the AAA is down). Using the Precision Strike guarantee the destruction of any objective, and you can use it every 5 minutes. If any bunker is up, unleash the fury on it: congrats, you got a bunker blown up. Repeat this 3 times to get the ribbon.

Note: You can't destroy the bunkers with the Precision Strike in an area where the triple-A is still up : your strike will fail.

The second way is much more for Solid S*** and Sam Fisher fans. Yeah, sneaking. This can be tough to get at the beginning of a map, since the action is focused on the first points and the bunkers. You'll need to know the maps and how to get around the bunkers to take them from behind. It's perfectly possible to do it alone, however you'll need some skills.

Note: if you destroy a bunker, that gets repaired, and you destroy it again, it will count for 2 bunkers destroyed.

You'll need to get this ribbon 3 times to win  Efficiency Engineer.

6. Gold Field Engineer
Repair 3 bunkers

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination map (when defending)
This one is easier than destroying 3 bunkers. It's better to do it when your team is already defending the "lettered objectives" in Domination, when every bunker is destroyed. You'll need to learn the map a bit to know where to sneak undetected (since enemies will come with parachutes and helicopters) to the bunkers and repair them. Try to work as hidden as possible so no one can see you.

When you have finished on a bunker, repair the other one next to it. But beware, after the first bunker is repaired, the enemy will know someone is repairing and some players will probably try to find you.

7. Silver Field Engineer
Repair 3 bridges

Where to get it: Valor Acquisition and Domination maps (when attacking)
What's a mother-effing bridge? Well, if you haven't played the Valor maps, you don't know what it is. The bridge is something similar to a roadblock, but in reverse: the defending team must destroy it to prevent enemy APCs to go further, and the attacking team must repair it.

And it's gonna be your job to repair it to get this ribbon. Don't worry, it's pretty simple to get. The defending team will probably blow up the bridge as soon as the game starts. The best way to do it is to take an APC (just wait at the APC spawn point to take one), place it on the bridge, then repair the bridge while in cover behind it. You'll repair this bridge very quickly, it shouldn't take more than 10 seconds with the repair upgrade. And considering the Valor team will blow up the bridge again, just do this operation two more times. In the 30 minutes of a Domination mpa, you should have the time.

8. Wrecking Crew
Destroy 3 roadblocks

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination map (when attacking)
A roadblock is the big iron bars in a middle of a road. They, like their name says, block the road and prevent any APC to go further. This one is quite simple to get on Acquisition mode since there's plenty of roadblocks, and if you sneak around, get the three roadblocks around the escort vehicle base to get this ribbon easily.

Also planting explosives on roadblocks is quite fast (a couple of seconds), so you won't be really in danger while planting.

9. Bronze Field Engineer
Repair 3 roadblocks

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination map (when defending)
Like above, except you'll need to repair instead of destroying. Acquisition maps is still perfect for it, since people must destroy the roadblocks to capture the escort vehicles. Just stay aware of every roadblock destroyed and be on the case on every occasion. You'll get these repairs quickly.

10. Party Crasher
Destroy 3 gates

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination map (when attacking)
This one is very easy to get on Domination. When you arrive to the "lettered objectives", there's gates preventing people to get inside. Planting explosives on gates is quick, and it can kill enemies behind. The best way is to sneak around and be aware of enemies. When the action is focused around the bunkers, the center zone with lettered objectives will be empty. And you'll find plenty of gates to blow up! And of course, sensor arrays, mortar batteries, motor pools...

You also can do it right in the action when the lettered objectives are unlocked. However you need to be the first on the case, so beware. That's why the first method is better. And you can get the Marauder ribbon if you blow enough things.

11. Gate Keeper
Repair 3 gates

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination map (when defending)
If someone does the job to get the Party Crasher ribbon like above (you'll see it on the map, by looking to the grey gate icons), just respawn to the main base, equip your repair tool, then repair the gates. You won't have to fool around much since repairing all gates on one single lettered objective is enough..

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-20 09:26  ·  上海 | 显示全部楼层
12. Mortar Demolition
Destroy 3 mortar batteries

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination map (when attacking)
The tactic is pretty much the same as the bunkers, but there's only one mortar battery in your area. Remember you can blow up the same mortar battery three times to get the ribbon. The best way is to be a Platoon Leader, and use your Precision Strike to blow the mortars (when the triple-A is down). You can use the Precision Strike every five minutes, so you should have all the time in Domination.

You'll need to get this ribbon for  Boom Town.

13. Mortar Support
Repair 3 mortar batteries

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination map (when defending)
This one is easier than repairing the bunkers, since the mortar batteries are much closer from the main base. Just respawn on the main base and repair the mortar batteries that are destroyed. Beware of enemies that can sneak around and kill you.

14. Total Blackout
Destroy 3 sensor arrays

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination map (when attacking)
Like ribbon 12 "Mortar Demolition", but replace the mortar batteries by the sensor arrays.

You'll need to get this ribbon for  Boom Town.

15. Network Support
Repair 3 sensor arrays

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination map (when defending)
Like ribbon 13 "Mortar Support", but replace the mortar batteries by the sensor arrays.

16. Marauder
Plant 10 explosives

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination map (when attacking)
If you're a real "Party Crasher" (ribbon 10), you'll probably get this ribbon easily. Just be the first on every objective you find (bunker, mortars, AAA...) and plant the explosives. Don't worry if the charge is disarmed, it will still count. However, doing the method for "Party Crasher" is very worthy and much easier since there's plenty of objectives to blow up in the center of the map. And you'll probably be always the first one to plant the explosives... Because you're the only one.

17. Bomb Squad
Disarm 5 explosives

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination map (when defending)
This one is tougher than getting Marauder, since everyone (except noobs) will try to defuse an active explosive charge. And sometimes, being the first isn't really easy. You can be lucky and disarm the 5 explosives normally, but an easy way to get it is to wait for a "Party Crasher" (you should know what I'm talking about now) who will try to blow up everything in the center of the map. But instead of letting him doing his job, follow his tracks and defuse his charges. Beware however, he'll know that you're defusing behind him, and he'll try to kill you. Don't kill him however, you need him to get these 5 explosives disarmed.

You'll need to get this ribbon 3 times to get  Close Call.

18. Master Engineer
Repair 250 units

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination map (when defending) + Valor map bridges (when attacking)
A "repair unit" is 1 HP of any building: bunker, mortar, AAA, etc. I need precisions on this one cause I'm not sure every building have 100 HP. However, to get it easily, just follow a "Party Crasher" and repair everything he blown up. Repairing gates is a great thing to get this ribbon.

You'll need to get this ribbon 5 times for  Triple Threat.

19. Silver Cross
Heal 250 units

Where to get it: everywhere
This ribbon is one of the easiest to earn. Considering everyone has 100 HP (some people have 120), be a medic and heal everyone who's wounded. However, getting a revive doesn't count towards this ribbon.

You'll need to get this ribbon 5 times for  Triple Threat and  Baby Need a Bandage?. If you have it 5 times, that counts for the 2 trophies so you don't need to have more, but be assured, you'll get more.

20. Purple Sidekick
15 assisted kills

Where to get it: everywhere
Getting 15 kill assists can be tough since many times, you'll kill the enemy instead of assisting someone for it. There's three simple ways to get it:

- Shooting a few bullets to the enemies with weak weapons without killing them, and let the others finish the job
- Being a driver of a vehicle, you'll get an assist for each kill made by the turret user
- Using poisonous gas grenades to hurt enemies, each kill done by another one is a nearly-guaranteed assist (thanks to LanceLloyd)

Note: if the guy you shoot is healed then killed, you WON'T have the kill assist. Try to get it with a real buddy in a group, so you can work each other.

You'll need to get this ribbon 2 times to get  Lil Buddy.

21. Longshot
Kill 3 enemies from at least 120 m distance

Where to get it: everywhere
To get kills at 120 meters, the best way to do that is to find an elevated place and snipe from here. Sabotage maps layout are perfect for sniping (that's why so many people play on sniper and stay near their spawn...). You'll have to get 3 people at 120 meters, and if you're a bit lost with distance, use the objective points as a reference. Having all sniper upgrades is strongly advised.

You'll need to get this ribbon for  Headhunter.

22. Silver Bullet
Kill 10 enemies via headshot

Where to get it: everywhere
Aim for the head, that's the word. If this ribbon can be earned with any weapon, it's much better to do it with a sniper rifle (with every upgrade if you can). You'll need some skill however to do 10 headshots. After some hours of playing, you should know where to aim to get headshots easily.

You'll need to get this ribbon 5 times for  Headhunter.

23. Golden Cross
Ressuscitate 15 teammates

Where to get it: everywhere
This is quite simple to earn if you have a squad who loves to die. You need to play as a medic and revive everyone who's down. Your biggest enemy will be the people who will prefer to bleed out. You can also revive an enemy you revived and died again, it will count for 2 revives, so use and abuse it.

You'll need to get this ribbon 5 times for  Baby Need a Bandage?.

24. Combat Mechanic
Repair 5 vehicles

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination map
This one can be tough to get, since repairing vehicles is hard, but with this technique, you'll get it easily. When you're attacking in these modes, you can respawn on the APCs, and when they are attacked, get out, take a little bit of cover and repair, repair, and repair. If you get shot, get inside as quick as possible to heal yourself.

25. AAA Demolition
Destroy 3 AA batteries

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination map (when attacking)
This one is one of the toughest ribbons to get. It's definitely the most guarded objective (beside of the bunkers), and everyone will try to destroy it. The best way is to do the sneaking technic : rush to the center of the map unnoticed (easier with an APC), then get the triple-As from behind. Considering the enemies will be focused on what's going on IN FRONT OF them, it will be too late for them to realize someone is blowing up the AAA. But beware, the AAA is mostly well guarded and you need to survive 20 seconds around the AAA to get it.

You'll need to get this ribbon for  Boom Town.

26. AAA Support
Repair 3 AAA batteries

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination map (when defending)
Repairing AAA should be easier than destroying them. The hardest however will be to survive and do the repairs alone. Because when the triple-A is destroyed, you can be surrounded by ennemies because of the airdrops or the helicopters. I strongly advise to repair the AAA when the enemy is trying to capture the lettered objectives, but beware of the airdrops: people can see you repairing the AAA and kill you.

27. Combat Assault
Kill 30 enemies with an Assault Rifle

Where to get it: everywhere
You'll need to get 30 kills with any Assault Rifle to get the trophy. You gonna need some skills to get it, and I strongly advise to do it on a defensive map (because your positions are much better). Getting every upgrade is also great for aiming and killing.

You'll need to get this ribbon 5 times for  Devil Dog.

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-20 09:27  ·  上海 | 显示全部楼层
28. Combat Fragger
Kill 10 enemies with Grenades

Where to get it: everywhere
You can get this ONLY with the hand grenades. All you need to do is to know how you want to put the grenade when thrown. The best way to do it is to go on Suppression mode, then training to throw grenades. After some training, you'll manage to get 10 grenade kills and get the ribbon.

You'll need to get this ribbon 5 times for  A Whole Lotta Hurt.

29. Combat Melee
Kill 15 enemies with the Knife

Where to get it: everywhere
To get it easily, get the knife skills, so you can knife faster and further (and believe me this will REALLY help you in many situations). The best way to get 15 kills is to go on Suppression mode, sneak on the other side of the map, and knife every f**king sniper you see (and maybe some normal soldiers). With some talent, you can even get 30 knife kills.

You'll need to get this ribbon 5 times to get  In Your Face.

30. Combat Machine Gun
Kill 30 enemies with a Machine Gun

Where to get it: everywhere
Like the "Combat Assault" ribbon but replace the assault rifle by a machine gun. Should be easier thanks to the larger magazines, and the firepower is similar to the assault rifles.

You'll need to get this ribbon 5 times for  A Whole Lotta Hurt.

31. Miners
Place 30 mines

Where to get it: everywhere
This is quite simple: take land mines and anti-vehicular mines, place everything near the spawn point, then die, and do it again. You'll put 30 mines in a matter of minutes and get the ribbon.

32. Combat Launcher
Kill 5 enemies with a Rocket Launcher

Where to get it: everywhere
Getting this ribbon require you to have some precision. The rockets doesn't have much splash damage, so you nearly have to do a direct hit to kill someone. However getting 5 kills isn't really hard. Suppression mode is perfect for it.

33. Combat Shotgun
Kill 30 enemies with a Shotgun

Where to get it: everywhere
Like the assault rifle and the machine gun, however you'll need to be closer from the enemies. The power of the Shotgun is quite enough to one-hit kill nearly everyone at close range, so try to take them from behind. Getting all upgrades advised.

34. Combat Sidearm
Kill 30 enemies with a Sidearm

Where to get it: everywhere
The Sidearm ribbon is quite tricky. There's nearly no ammo, a limited firepower, and you can be killed easily facing machine guns. And you'll have to get 30 kills in a round !

Here's a good strategy to get this ribbon. First, get all the upgrades: the little SMG and Suppressor, and the Stealth upgrade. Then go in Domination, and your aim will be to get one kill per minute. You'll need to sneak around and flank behind enemies to get them. Considering a face-to-face confrontation will be lost in many cases, getting enemies from behind will be easier.

This ribbon is also frequently done in boosting sessions.

You'll need to get this ribbon 5 times for  Devil Dog.

35. Combat Sniper
Kill 30 enemies with a Sniper Rifle

Where to get it: everywhere
This one is like assault rifle, machine gun, and shotgun, however you'll have to snipe 30 enemies. Getting every sniper upgrade is advised, especially the last sniper rifle and the last scope. As always, go in Domination and aim for 1 kill/minute. If you don't feel being a good sniper, you can use the SVER first sniper (the SASR) and use it like an assault rifle.

36. Combat SMG
Kill 30 enemies with an SMG

Where to get it: everywhere
Same method as ribbons 27, 30, 33 and 35: take every upgrade, use your aiming skills, train in Suppression mode, and try to simply get 30 kills in Domination to have more time.

37. Armchair General
Kill 30 enemies with the Bunker Turret

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination map (when defending)
The hardest in this ribbon isn't killing the enemies (since the bunker turret has a huge firepower), but having luck. Many people will want to get the control of the turret, and you'll need to be the first. When the game starts, just button bash Triangle and pray to get into the turret first. Also, you need to have a good view of the area, and pray for having many players going towards your bunker. Then kill enemies as much as you can.

You'll probably get more enemies on S.V.E.R. maps since the grounds are much more open, and you can shoot enemies easier. Also, try to keep the bunkers at all costs, so if the bunker is threatened by an explosive, don't even hesitate to get out and try to defuse the charge. How could you have the ribbon if there's no bunkers? BEWARE OF TURRET STEALERS! Playing with an entire group as a squad really helps since you can request the turret at any time.

38. Rocket Man
Kill 5 enemies with the Turret Rocket

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination map (when defending)
Same as ribbon 37, but you'll need to use your rockets (R2). Remember the rockets doesn't have much splash damage. You should focus on APCs to get kills (since they are respawn points), and if there isn't, just shoot on soldiers and try to get them. This ribbon is easier to earn than the other.

39. Road Rage
Run over 5 enemies

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination map
You'll need to drive a vehicle to get this ribbon. The hardest part will be to manoeuver the APC in the map, and trying to run over enemies (because when you see them, it's very likely that they will hide in a place where you can't go). Just try to take APCs as much as you can (being in defense on Domination is great thanks to the motor pools), and drive, drive, drive on crowded areas.

40. Screaming Eagle
Parachute 15 times

Where to get it: everywhere except Suppression (when attacking)
To get this, you'll need to die a lot when the airdrop is unlocked. So you need to have the C point unlocked in Sabotage, or the AAA down in Acquisition and Domination (be careful however, you can be in a zone where it's an helicopter who drops you and that ISN'T a parachute jump). I prefer Sabotage mode, however to get parachuted 15 times, you need to die 15 times when the C point is unlocked.

To not lose time, try to kill yourself as soon as you land (grenade at the feet), so you can take a new wave of respawn and jump again.

If you get every ribbon at least once, you'll earn  Chest Candy!

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-20 09:27  ·  上海 | 显示全部楼层
Many medals are earned by time playing. However, to get them faster, use the same tactics provided in the ribbons guide and use them into many games.

1. Grim Reaper
Kill 2000 enemies

Where to get it: everywhere
This will come over time: you just have to kill 2000 enemies with any weapon. Just play and play, you'll get it.

You'll need this medal for  Double Trouble and  Triple Threat.

2. Purple Heart
Die 1000 times

Where to get it: everywhere
Like Grim Reaper, but in the other way: die 1000 times. That doesn't mean you must die 1000 times in a row without killing someone, but you'll probably get it quickly by playing.

3. Vanguard
Complete 100 primary objectives

Where to get it: everywhere except Suppression
The primary objectives are the lettered objectives in Sabotage and Domination, capturing escort vehicles in Acquisition, and the cooling towers in Domination. To complete a primary objective, you must "plant" the objective and hold it for 20 seconds.

That also works in defense, when you retake a captured point. However, if the objective is being captured but you "defuse" it within the 20 seconds, that won't count for a primary objective completion.

4. Mr Bandwrench
Destroy 500 vehicles

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination maps
This one comes over time, but you'll truly need an anti-vehicular equipment for it: RPG, grenades, mines. Use turrets and airstrikes too, and the Guided Artillery (when Platoon Leader) will help you too. If you play Acquisition frequently, you'll mostly face vehicles and logically you'll destroy more.

What's considered as a vehicle: APC, Escort Vehicle, Helicopter.

5. Butterfingers
Kill yourself 100 times

Where to get it: everywhere
It's quite simple to earn. Get in any mode, and throw grenades at your feet. Repeat this 100 times.

6. Bunker Buster
Destroy 200 bunkers

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination maps (when attacking)
This will come faster than you imagine. Destroying 200 bunkers SEEMS to be long. However, considering the bunkers are mostly the first thing to destroy when attacking, you'll probably be on the front line to get them. Use your sneaking tactics, your shooting skills and the Precision Strike when the triple-A's down to destroy bunkers one after another. This will come over a very long time, but if you want to get it faster, just focus on the bunkers.

Note: if every bunker in your affected battle area is destroyed, what not destroying the bunkers in other areas? And you'll provide some help!

7. Gold Field Engineer
Repair 200 bunkers

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination maps (when defending)
This one will probably come as fast as the Bunker Buster medal. If you're defending, when the bunkers are blown up quickly, your mission is to repair them. And considering the bunkers are blown up multiple times in a single game, you can, with skill and patience, repair like 8 to 10 bunkers in a game. Just be aware of enemy soldiers who'll try to get you.

However if you're frequently facing noob teams who can't get past the first objectives in Domination, I can't do anything for you. Except maybe give an advice: switch faction when going Veteran!

8. Silver Field Engineer
Repair 100 bridges

Where to get it: Valor Acquisition and Domination maps + SVER Domination map (when attacking)
This one will be tough to get since the Valor maps are rarely played, and you'll need some luck to be on the 2nd platoon for SVER Domination map. You have just to use the same tactic as the ribbon of the same name : getting an APC and take cover behind it while repairing.

9. Wrecking Crew
Destroy 200 roadblocks

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination maps (when attacking)
To get this one, you gonna have to blow some shit up on the roads, you know, the big things blocking your APCs. Strong advice: there's plenty of roadblocks in Acquisition mode, so play a lot in this mode to get this medal faster. Remember: there's always a roadblock to blow up.

10. Bronze Field Engineer
Repair 200 roadblocks

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination maps (when defending)
Instead of destroying, you'll have to repair roadblocks. Again, play in Acquisition a lot to get this medal faster. Remember: there's always a roadblock blown up.

11. Party Crasher
Destroy 200 gates

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination maps (when attacking)
Getting this one can be easy if you follow the Party Crasher ribbon guide. Domination is a perfect mode since there's plenty of gates! Just sneak to the center of the map, and blow up every mother-effing gate.

12. Gate Keeper
Repair 200 gates

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination maps (when defending)
You'll like enemy Party Crashers. Just wait for them to do their job, and repair behind them. Do this again and again.

13. Mortar Demolition
Destroy 200 mortar batteries

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination maps (when attacking)
This one will be slower to get considering there's only 2 or 4 mortar batteries on the ground (instead of 16 bunkers, and countless gates). Like many ribbons and medals, sneaking will be your best friend, and the Precision Strike will be your first ally.

14. Mortar Support
Repair 200 mortar batteries

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination maps (when defending)
Repairing a mortar battery is easier than repairing a bunker or an AAA, considering its proximity to the main base. Just use the same tactic as the Mortar Support ribbon and everything will be alright after hours of play.

15. Total Blackout
Destroy 200 sensor arrays

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination maps (when attacking)
Same as Mortar Demolition, but replace mortars by sensor arrays.

16. Network Support
Repair 200 sensor arrays

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination maps (when defending)
Same as Mortar Support, but replace mortars by sensor arrays.

17. Marauder
Plant 500 explosives

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination maps (when attacking)
Like many medals, follow the Marauder Ribbon guide for getting this medal fast.

18. Bomb Squad
Disarm 250 explosives

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination maps (when defending)
Like many medals, follow the Bomb Squad Ribbon guide for getting this medal fast.

19. Master Engineer
Repair 10,000 things

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination maps (when defending) + Valor maps bridges (when attacking)
Just repair, repair, and repair. Everything you see blown up, and everything else you see. Vehicles. Buildings. Gates. Everything must be repaired.
FYI: A "thing" is 1 HP of a building. I think every building has 100 HP.

20. Silver Cross
Heal 10,000 units

Where to get it: everywhere
Just heal, heal, heal. Beware: healing doesn't mean reviving! Just heal wounded people, using your mighty medkit. One "unit" is 1 HP, and everyone has at least 100 HP (some have 120 HP using the skill on the skill tree).

21. Leader of Men
Earn 1000 Leadership points

Where to get it: everywhere
To earn these points, you must be Squad Leader, Platoon Leader or OIC. You can't really boost it, except by being a very good leader. You can also earn leadership points (LP) in Suppression (thanks to N43). You earn:
- 3 LP for a defeat
- 8 LP for a minor victory
- 10 LP for a major victory.

22. Purple Sidekick
2000 Kill assists

Where to get it: everywhere
This one will come over time, but to boost it, use the technic on the ribbon of the same name: just wound enemies without killing them, and let others doing the rest.

23. Streaker
15 Uninterrupted kills

Where to get it: everywhere
To have it, you must have a 15 killstreak once. Can be quite hard if you're playing normally, since a death stops your killstreak and a revive will take back your killstreak to zero. However, there are some ways to get it easily:
- Using airstrikes on crowded areas when you are far from the action
- Using bunker turrets
- (A great way to get it) Using an APC turret near an objective on Acquisition or Domination.

If you are outside everytime, you'll probably struggle to get this medal and trophy, but it can work if you're a good sniper. You can also, if you're skilled, get a real 15 killstreak.

If you get this medal, you'll get  The Streaker.

24. Longshot
Kill 50 enemies from at least 120 m

Where to get it: everywhere
This one will be pretty easy to get if you frequently play sniper. Just aim steady, see far away, get the last scope and the last rifle, and kill enemies so far away that they won't understand how they died! Use the distance from the objectives to have a reference.

0 点
472 点
5 点
 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-20 09:28  ·  上海 | 显示全部楼层
25. Skeet Practice
Kill 100 parachuting enemies

Where to get it: everywhere except Suppression (when defending)
You'll have to kill 100 parachutists. If you're a good sniper, you can get them easily. If not, try to be close to the landing zone and kill the enemies while they are still in the air. You only have to get 100 of them, so it will come with time.

Do this on Sabotage mode, since everytime the A & B points are captured, the enemy team will always have a parachute spawn for the C point.

Note: In Acquisition/Domination, bunker and vehicle turrets are awesome for that.

You'll get  Target Practice when doing this medal (you need 25 parachutists down to get this trophy).

26. Silver Bullet
1000 Headshots

Where to get it: everywhere
You'll need to get headshots again and again in order to get this trophy. Remember: you can get headshots with any non-explosive weapon. So kill kill kill and aim for the head. Also, if you're a sniper, train your aiming.

27. Golden Cross
500 Teammates Ressuscitated

Where to get it: everywhere
This medal is similar to the Silver Cross, but you'll need to revive 500 teammates. Simple as that. So when you see someone down, put it back up on his feet immediately!

You'll need this medal for  Double Trouble.

28. Combat Mechanic
Repair 100 vehicles

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination maps
Equip your repair tool and fix every ally vehicle you can see. Better do it when attacking since you can benefit from the APC spawn points.

29. AAA Demolition
Destroy 200 AA Batteries

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination maps (when attacking)
This one will be very tough and long to get since the AA batteries are heavily guarded, and everyone wants to takes it down. The best way to get triple-As easily is still the "sneaking through enemy lines" strategy.

30. AAA Support
Repair 200 AA Batteries

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination maps (when defending)
This one will be as diffi*** to earn as the medal just above, because people will try to repair it at the same time, and enemies will try to keep it destroyed. You'll need much patience to get this one.

31. Vehicle Support
Repair 200 motor pools

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination maps (when defending)
Same as Mortar Demolition, but replace mortars by motor pools.

32. Bad Commute
Destroy 200 motor pools

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination maps (when attacking)
Same as Mortar Demolition, but replace mortars by motor pools.

33. Assault Master
Kill 1000 enemies with an Assault Rifle

Where to get it: everywhere
Self-explanatory. There's no real way to boost it, your skill will only do the difference. Play a lot, and focus on one target: killing enemies. Get also every upgrade to kill easily.

34. Master Fragger
Kill 500 enemies with Grenades

Where to get it: everywhere
Self-explanatory. ONLY WITH HAND GRENADES. Try to learn where grenades land when thrown, to get precise targets, by doing many Suppression games.

35. Melee Master
Kill 1000 enemies with the Knife

Where to get it: everywhere
Self-explanatory. Use the Melee ribbon tactic to get 1000 kills fast.

36. Machine Gun Master
Kill 1000 enemies with a Machine Gun

Where to get it: everywhere
Self-explanatory. No way to boost it, except improving your skills and playing a lot. Getting all upgrades is a strong advice.

37. Miners
1000 Mines placed

Where to get it: everywhere
Use the Miners ribbon tactic to get this medal quickly. You can plant up to 300 mines in a game using the 30 minutes planting mines, so 4 Domination games will be okay.

38. Launch Master Specialist
Kill 250 enemies with a Rocket Launcher

Where to get it: everywhere
Self-explanatory. Do it preferably in Acquisition or Domination, since there are vehicles.

39. Shotgun Master Specialist
Kill 1000 enemies with a Shotgun

Where to get it: everywhere
Self-explanatory. Same as above: Suppression mode abuse and every upgrade.

40. Sidearm Master Specialist
Kill 1000 enemies with a Sidearm

Where to get it: everywhere
Self-explanatory. You'll probably get this one while trying to get the Sidearm ribbon.

41. Sniper Master Specialist
Kill 1000 enemies with a Sniper Rifle

Where to get it: everywhere
Self-explanatory. Suppression is great, but Sabotage defense maps are better to get more kills. As always, get all upgrades for maximum efficiency.

You'll need this medal for  Headhunter.

42. SMG Master Specialist
Kill 1000 enemies with an SMG

Where to get it: everywhere
Self-explanatory. Suppression mode, all upgrades and improving skills. You know what to do, soldier.

43. Armchair General
Kill 1000 enemies with a bunker Turret

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination maps (when defending)
Self-explanatory. Just camp in every bunker turret and kill enemies as soon as you see them.

You'll get  Mea Culpa while getting this medal (you need 50 kills in a turret).

44. Rocket Man
Kill 1000 enemies with a bunker Rocket

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination maps (when defending)
Self-explanatory. However killing enemies with rockets is harder than using the regular turret. It will take much more time.

45. Road Rage
Run over 250 enemies

Where to get it: every Acquisition and Domination maps
Just drive around the maps and aim for everything's moving. Try to not run over your allies however. Crowded areas are perfect for this.

46. Grizzled Veteran
Complete 100 battles

Where to get it: everywhere
Self-explanatory. You just need to complete 100 battles (lost or won), so it's a very easy medal.

47. Thors Hammer
Win 100 Attacking battles

Where to get it: everywhere except Suppression (when attacking)
Self-explanatory. Comes over time and very easy to get. Easier when being S.V.E.R.

48. Athenas Shield
Win 100 Defending battles

Where to get it: everywhere except Suppression (when defending)
Self-explanatory. Comes over time and very easy to get. Easier when being S.V.E.R.

49. Golden Gallipolli
Lose 100 Attacking battles

Where to get it: everywhere except Suppression (when attacking)
Self-explanatory. Comes over time and very easy to get. Easier when being Valor or Raven.

50. Alamo
Lose 100 Defending battles

Where to get it: everywhere except Suppression (when defending)
Self-explanatory. Comes over time and very easy to get. Easier when being Valor or Raven.

51. Elite Trooper
100 Major victories

Where to get it: everywhere
Here's the conditions for major victories:
- Suppression: wipe the enemy reinforcements while your team have more than 50% of their reinforcements (nearly impossible)
- Sabotage defense: leave the C point locked all the game
- Sabotage attack: capture the C point in less than 10 minutes
- Acquisition defense: the enemy team must not capture any vehicle.
- Acquisition attack: capture the 2 vehicles in less than 10 minutes
- Domination defense: less than 50% overall damage at the end of the game
- Domination attack: destroy the facility in less than 15 minutes.

This will come over time, and you'll probably get many medals before getting this one.

52. Gold Command
Win 100 battles as Squad Leader

Where to get it: everywhere
You just need to win 100 battles as a Squad Leader (and ONLY SQUAD LEADER, thanks to immikeulate). Simple and will come over time.

You'll get  Take Me To Your Leader after winning one battle as a Squad Leader.

53. Gold MVP
1st Place MVP 25 times or more

Where to get it: everywhere
This one can be easy to get if you're a good medic. Just play and heal as much as you can, try to get some additional objectives, get FRAGO bonuses, and you'll be MVP nearly all the time. Being a medic is a good way to xp too. This one is quite easy to earn when you know this method.

54. Silver MVP
2nd Place MVP 25 times or more

Where to get it: everywhere
Same as above, but you'll need someone better than you in the platoon.

55. Bronze MVP
3rd Place MVP 25 times or more

Where to get it: everywhere
Same as above, but you'll need 2 people better than you in the platoon.

56. Top Squad
Get the top squad award 25 times or more

Where to get it: everywhere
If you have good medics in your squad, you'll get this medal very quickly. Better do it with a clan or in an 8-player organized group.

57. Comeback Kid
Spawn 1000 times

Where to get it: everywhere
To spawn 1000 times, you'll need to die at least 1000 times, so you'll get the Purple Heart medal before this one. A spawn is everytime you comeback on the battlefield: respawn in the main base, in a bunker, in an helicopter, in an APC, or doing an HALO jump. Being revived isn't counted as a spawn.

58. Screaming Eagle
Parachute 500 times

Where to get it: everywhere except Suppression (when attacking)
Just play Sabotage everytime and try to get to the C point, you'll be in parachute every time you respawn. Will come over time.


Akira905 Studio

38 点
128818 点
2477 点
发表于 2010-5-20 09:34  ·  浙江 | 显示全部楼层



0 点
186 点
5 点
发表于 2010-5-20 09:53  ·  江苏 | 显示全部楼层
要是有配圖就好了,我拿的最多的是Long shot,100多個了。



16 点
587362 点
114 点
发表于 2010-5-21 08:32  ·  浙江 | 显示全部楼层
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