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Sony initially funded and was slated to publish
the then untitled project by Team Bondi. The studio is headed by Brendan
McNamara, the creative force behind PS2 runaway success The Getaway, and
Sony wanted in on McNamara’s next project. But after having sunk $20 million
and many years into the project with no substantial result, Sony decided to
dump the property in 2005, even as Team Bondi started to see a mass exodus of
employees, leaving the studio in disarray, the Twitter posts recount.
Sony在最初出資並預定發行一個Team Bondi的未知計劃.這工作室是由
Brendan McNamara所領導,由PS2上造成大成功的The Getaway創意團隊所組成.而Sony希望
於是Sony不顧Team Bondi已經爆發大規模的離職潮,在2005年決定撤資,留下一團亂的
工作室. McNamara, it was posted, often felt outdone by Rockstar, first with GTA3
when he was working on The Getaway, and later by GTA: San Andreas when he
initially started work on LA Noire. Ironically, it was Rockstar who snapped
up LA Noire after it was dumped by Sony. But Sony had lost $20 million on the
project. Rockstar and Sony later reached an agreement that Sony would not
pursue the costs it had incurred in exchange for making LA Noire exclusive to
the PS3.
之前提到的McNamara,總是讓人覺得被Rockstar吃得死死的.先是當他在搞The Getaway
時他們搞了GTA3,然後在他開始搞LA Noire時,他們搞了GTA:San Andreas.但諷刺地是,在
LA Noire被Sony放棄以後,是Rockstar把它搶到手.Rocktar和Sony之後達成了一個協議,
Sony將不會討回已經花的錢,但LA Noire必須是PS3獨佔.Fast-forward to 2009, and Take-Two in its financial reports announced that
LA Noire would be a multi-platform release. That would leave Sony’s $20
million uncompensated; until E3 2009, that is. Rockstar’s decision to go
exclusive on the PS3 with Agent, its major new IP, may have sounded like a
baffling one, when they could easily sell more than twice the number by making
it multi-platform. But the revelations made on this anonymous Twitter account
do seem to put the pieces together.
很快地到了2009年,Take-Two在財報中宣布LA Noire將走向跨平台.這將使Sony的兩千
萬美金化為烏有; 一直到2009年E3, 令人困惑的.明明跨平台可以很輕易地達成兩倍的銷量
Incidentally, Rockstar recently announced on its official blog that LA Noire
will see a “big reveal” via a cover story next month, calling the game
“ground breaking and innovative, both in terms of the game’s design and the
amazing new technology to support it”.
布,LA Noire將以"封面故事"的形式進行重大訊息揭漏.並稱這遊戲"不論在遊戲設計或運用
科技上來看都是創新而有開創性的". |