原版成就/奖杯 |
Last of Your Line | 10 | Bronze | ? ? ?Completed the Human Noble origin story |
完成 人类贵族的新手任务 |
Corrupted | 10 | Bronze | ? ? Completed the Dalish Elf origin story |
完成森林精灵的新手任务 |
Conscripted | 10 | Bronze | ? ? Completed the City Elf origin story |
完成城市精灵的新手任务 |
Harrowed | 10 | Bronze | ? ? Completed the Magi origin story |
完成法师的新手任务 |
Casteless | 10 | Bronze | ? ? Completed the Dwarf Commoner origin story |
完成矮人平民的新手任务 |
Kinslayer | 10 | Bronze | ? ? Completed the Dwarf Noble origin story |
完成矮人贵族的新手任务 |
Last of the Wardens | 20 | Bronze | ? ? Completed Ostagar |
完成Ostagar任务(主线) |
Standard-Bearer | 20 | Bronze | ? ? Used the Grey Warden treaties to recruit all possible allies |
完成所有4个联盟任务(主线) |
Hero of Redcliffe | 20 | Bronze | ? ? Completed "The Arl of Redcliffe" |
完成The Arl of Redcliffe任务(主线) |
Rabble-Rouser | 20 | Bronze | ? ? Completed "The Landsmeet" |
完成The Landsmeet任务(主线) |
Mercenary | 20 | Bronze | ? ? Complete 15 job-board quests |
完成15个悬赏任务 |
Recruiter | 20 | Bronze | ? ? Across all playthroughs,recruited all party members |
招募所有队友(注:不需要包括DLC的石头人,但是必须要在The Landsmeet任务结尾时选择让Loghain入队) |
Hopelessly Romantic | 20 | Bronze | ? ? Across all playthroughs, experienced all possible romances |
和所有可能的队友(一共四个)发展恋情(注:通关一次肯定不行,需要至少两次通关才能解锁) |
Perfectionist | 50 | Bronze | ? ? Across all playthroughs,discovered all possible endings |
达成所有可能的大结局(注:和上一个成就一样,需要通关多次才行。四种结局是:1. 按Morrigan说的去做;2. 牺牲自己;3. 牺牲Allistair;4. 牺牲Loghain) |
Educated | 10 | Bronze | ? ? Used a tome to improve the main character's attributes,talents,spells,or skills |
使用一次技能书 |
Magic Sympathizer | 20 | Bronze | ? ? Sided with the mages in "Broken Circle" |
在Broken Circle任务里和法师结盟(注:因为该任务里是法师和圣殿骑士二选一,所以必须要事先存档,或者玩两遍,如果不想玩两遍的话,在杀掉boss Uldred之后马上存档,和First Enchanter Irving一起下楼,在和圣殿骑士头头对话时,可以选择让法师继续留在法师塔里,这样得到法师帮助,读档后再选择把法师交给骑士处置,这样得到骑士帮助,解除下一个成就) |
Annulment Invoker | 20 | Bronze | ? ? Sided with the templars in "Broken Circle" |
在Broken Circle任务里和圣殿骑士结盟(注:见上一成就) |
Slayer | 20 | Bronze | ? ? Sided with the werewolves in "Nature of the Beast" |
在Nature of the Beast任务里和狼人结盟(注:因为该任务里是狼人和精灵二选一,所以必须要在和lady说话之前事先存档,要和狼人结盟,一定要杀光所有精灵,不只是杀那个Zathrain) |
Poacher | 20 | Bronze | ? ? Sided with the elves in "Nature of the Beast" |
在Nature of the Beast任务里和精灵结盟(注:见上一成就) |
Sacrilegious | 20 | Bronze | ? ? Sided with the Cult of Andraste in "The Urn Of Sacred Ashes" |
同意用龙血玷污圣灰(注:可以在和Kolgrim对话的时候选择同意,然后拿着龙血进神殿,进行到脱下所有装备时存档,上台来到圣灰前,可以选择玷污也可以不理会,分别对应这个和下一个成就) |
Ceremonialist | 20 | Bronze | ? ? Defied the Cult of Andraste in "The Urn of Sacred Ashes" |
不同意用龙血玷污圣灰(注:见上一成就) |
Bhelen's Ally | 20 | Bronze | ? ? Sided with Bhelen in "A Paragon of Her Kind" |
矮人城任务里让王子Bhelen当王(注:这和玩家最初的选择没有关系,只要在拿到王冠之后存档,到了议会上,想让谁当王都行) |
Harrowmont's Ally | 20 | Bronze | ? ? Sided with Harrowmont in "A Paragon of Her Kind" |
矮人城任务里让Harrowmont当王(注:见上一成就) |
Liberator | 20 | Bronze | ? ? Destroyed the Anvil of the Void |
毁掉Anvil of the Void(注:选择和Cailidin一边就会毁掉Anvil of the Void,可以在和Cailidin对话之前存档,然后选择和Cailidin/Branka分别对应这个和下个成就) |
Pragmatist | 20 | Bronze | ? ? Preserved the Anvil of the Void |
保留Anvil of the Void(注:见上一成就) |
Heavy Hitter | 10 | Bronze | ? ? Main character inflicted 250 damage with a single hit |
玩家角色打出250伤害的一击(注:法师/Berserker/弓箭手都是推荐角色,难度选择easy也有帮助) |
Bloodied | 10 | Bronze | ? ? Completed an origin story without the main character ever falling in battle |
完成新手任务的过程中,玩家角色没有被击倒过 |
Traveler | 30 | Bronze | ? ? Set foot in every area in the game |
到过游戏中的所有地方 |
Master of Arms | 20 | Silver | ? ? Main character achieved level 20 as a warrior |
玩家用战士达到20级 |
Shadow | 20 | Silver | ? ? Main character achieved level 20 as a rogue |
玩家用盗贼达到20级 |
Archmage | 20 | Silver | ? ? Main character achieved level 20 as a mage |
玩家用法师达到20级 |
Pilgrim | 10 | Bronze | ? ? Completed a Chanter's Board quest |
完成一个Chanter's Board的任务 |
Grey Warden | 20 | Bronze | ? ? Killed 100 darkspawn |
杀掉100个darkspawn(注:一切顺利的话,在Ostagar的灯塔任务完成之前就能达到) |
Master Warden | 20 | Silver | ? ? Killed 500 darkspawn |
杀掉500个darkspawn(注:一般会在第2个或第3个结盟任务中达到) |
Blight-Queller | 20 | Gold | ? ? Killed 1000 darkspawn |
杀掉1000个darkspawn(注:一次游戏不一定能达到,但是计数是累加的,所以在第二次游戏初期就能达到) |
Tinkerer | 10 | Bronze | ? ? Crafted an item |
自己做一样道具(注:可以是药瓶,陷阱或者毒药,在Lorthering肯定能解锁) |
Persuasive | 10 | Bronze | ? ? Succeeded at five diffi*** Persuasion attempts |
说服对方5次(注:只要对话里出现[Persuasion],选之就算,建议把玩家角色的Coercion技能加满,能让对话内容多很多) |
Silver Tongued | 20 | Bronze | ? ? Succeeded at 25 diffi*** Persuasion attempts |
说服对方25次 |
Bully | 10 | Bronze | ? ? Succeeded at five diffi*** Intimidate attempts |
恐吓对方5次(注:这个看玩家角色的力量值,用战士最简单,对话里选[intimidate]就行) |
Menacing | 20 | Bronze | ? ? Succeeded at 10 diffi*** Intimidate attempts |
恐吓对方10次(注:是10次,不是25次) |
First Knight | 10 | Bronze | ? ? Experienced the thrill of romance with Alistair |
和Alistair OOXX(注:Alistair只喜欢女的) |
Witch Gone Wild | 10 | Bronze | ? ? Experienced the thrill of romance with Morrigan |
和Morrigan OOXX(注:Morrigan只喜欢男的) |
Easy Lover | 10 | Bronze | ? ? Experienced the thrill of romance with Zevran |
和Zevran OOXX(注:男女都行) |
Wine,Woman,and Song | 10 | Bronze | ? ? Experienced the thrill of romance with Leliana |
和Leliana OOXX(注:男女都行) |
Veteran | 20 | Bronze | ? ? Main character learned a specialization |
主角学会一个进阶(注:7级之后才能学第一个) |
Elite | 30 | Bronze | ? ? Main character learned two specializations |
主角学会两个进阶(注:14级之后才能学第二个) |
A Dark Promise | 50 | Gold | ? ? Defeated the archdemon and,through a dark ritual with Morrigan,spared your own life |
同意进行Morrigan的仪式,再打败archdemon(注:无论是谁和Morrigan进行仪式都行) |
Defender | 20 | Bronze | ? ? Preserved the lives of half the troops at Denerim's Gates in "The Final Battle" |
在Denerim城门保卫战里,让一半(以上)的士兵生还(注:如果觉得困难,调低难度,或者干脆不招兵都行) |
Dragonslayer | 30 | Silver | ? ? Defeated the dragon guarding the Urn of Sacred Ashes |
在圣灰任务中,杀掉山上的那条龙(注:不一定要任务途中杀,以后再来也行) |
The Ultimate Sacrifice | 50 | Gold | ? ? Made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of Ferelden |
不进行Morrigan的仪式,打败最终boss,牺牲自己 |
The Ultimate Reward | - | Platinum | ? ? ?Completed all Bronze,Silver and Gold Trophies |
Warden's Keep DLC 成就/奖杯 |
Diabolist | 20 | Bronze | ? ? Took advantage of Avernus's research |
Avernus的房间之前,有放着一瓶药水,喝下即可(注:如果完成任务后走出城堡,那就回不来了) |
Master of the Peak | 20 | Bronze | ? ? Completed "Soldier's Peak" |
完成"Soldier's Peak" |
The Stone Prisoner DLC 成就/奖杯 |
Rock and a Hard Place | 20 | Bronze | ? ? Completed "The Golem in Honnleath" |
完成"The Golem in Honnleath"任务,招石头人为队友 |
Stone's Lament | 20 | Bronze | ? ? Completed "A Golem's Memories" |
完成石头人的个人任务(注:在完成矮人城王位任务之后,带石头人去Caridin's Cross,一进地图石头人就会告诉你一个新地点Cadash Thaig,那里就是任务所在地) |