(转自A9)This patch will allow you to play new wave 3 x360 games on iX1.4x and 1.5. This WILL NOT prevent you from being banned from xbox live, but will allow you to play these new Wave 3 games without updating your firmware. Such a patch is good for those who do not want to upgrade, or are already banned from Xbox Live.
DO NOT play the patched game on XBL!
DO NOT have the game in while connected to XBL! Booted or not!
There's a method out there using Muleter and abgx - quite an involved process; This patch is as easy as a 2 clicks of mouse and accomplishes the same thing.
It is highly recommended that you upgrade your firmware to 1.51 if you want to safely play the wave 3 games on XBL without fear of being banned.
This patch is to be considered as a temporary solution only.