Use “The Dude” to score 30 Strikes in Bowling 使用“the dude”保龄击中30次全中
D-Town Destruction(铜)
Get 2000000 score in Paindemonium and Aftermath在Paindemonium and Aftermath模式一次过获取2000000分
Pain in the Park(铜)
Get 2000000 score in Abusement and After Hours 在Abusement and After Hours模式一次过获取2000000分
Combo Mambo
Get 15x Combo in Paindemonium/ Aftermath /Block Party /Demolition 在Paindemonium Aftermath/Block Party/Demolition模式实施15连击
Horsin’ a Clown(铜)
Take the Clown for a ride on the Roller Coaster 抓住小丑投进过山车
Make 30 “Eat It!” shots in “Call da Shot” 在call da shot做出30次eat it射击
Get 100 Strikes in Bowling 100次保龄全中
Pain and Mane
Play 100 Games of Trauma or Horse 用trauma或者jouse进行100次游戏
Attention Spam
Get every type of PAIN (Groin /Head/ Arm/ Hand/ Leg/ Foot and Body) combo in Paindemonium/Aftermath/Block Party/Demolition. 在以上模式取得全身创伤
Get Exploded 200 times with any female launchable add-on character 任何付费女角色玩炸弹模式200次
Harder Dick’s Balls(银)
Get all of Dicks Balls in the Block Party Dumpster w/o reset 在block party模式将四个***'sball(***丸。。)一次过投入后面的垃圾桶(不能reset)
Rodeo Clown(银)
Use Ed to Explode 500 barrels in Clown Toss 使用ed引爆500桶炸弹对付小丑
Ninja pwn(银)
Hit the Target Stuffed Ninja in every Amusement Park Mode 在Amusement Park 模式击中每一个小丑
2 Mill Club(银)
Get “Pain in the Park” and “D-Town Destruction” 获取“Pain in the Park”与“D-Town Destruction”模式
Get Painful Bullseye Trophy with Scurv Dogg or Hung Lo add-on characters 用Scurv Dogg或者Hung Lo角色取得疼痛准心奖杯
King of Pain(金)
Get All Downtown Trophies plus Trill and Grenade-a-Maid 取得downtown全部奖杯以及trill和Grenade-a-Maid奖杯
Affliction Addiction(金)
Get One 100 Million Points in Downtown 在downtown取得1亿分
Gettin’ Hoff(金)
Use Tuxedo Hoff to get 69 million in any PAINdemonium Mode 使用hoff获得六千九百点零零万在任何PAINdemonium模式
Street Rider(银)
Use any Street Fighter?character to travel 2 miles while grabbing a vehicle 使用任何街霸角色抱车跑2米
Score 60 Monkeys in Spank the Monkey Painful with Buzz 用buzz射击60只演讲的猴子
Helmet PI(铜)
Give the Gladiator a ride in the Sports Car 让角斗士坐上车
Camera Boom(铜)
Hit 50 Cameras with Explosions 炸弹炸掉50个摄像头
Glass Lass(铜)
Break 500 panes of glass with any female launchable in Mime Toss 小丑抛模式里用任何女性角色打破500个玻璃窗
Use a *** to blow up the Castle Tower 使用***炸毁Castle Tower
Sore Spots DLC Trophies
Sore Spotting(金)
Find and hit the alien artifact in both PAIN Reunion and Sports Day and the Sports trophy in both PROBE and Afterglow 在PAIN Reunion、Sports Day射杀异形并获得PROBE、Afterglow、sports day奖杯
Secret Santa(银)
Open all the unlocked lockers in PAIN Reunion using Santa 用圣诞老人打开全部PAIN Reunion模式的储物柜
Complete Mad Science! PAINFUL without grabbing 不用抱紧动作完成Mad Science! PAINFUL 模式
Lo Touch(铜)
Grab teleporting Hung Lo in PAIN Reunion 在PAIN Reunion抓抱teleporting Hung Lo
Everyone’s a Winner(铜)
Get a negative distance on the Anvil Toss in PAINalympics 于PAINalympics模式得到导航距离中的Anvil Toss