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【原创+翻译】Headhunter Redemption 猎头者 救赎 攻略


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 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-25 18:45  ·  安徽 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Code Breaker系统:是一个图形渐变的游戏
Code Breaker 1
1) 第4行全选
2) 第5行全选
3) 第一行的5,第二行的4,第三行的3,第四行的2,第五行的1

Code Breaker 2
1) 第一行的5,第二行的5,第三行的5,第四行的5,第五行的5
2) 第三行的2,第四行的1和3,第五行的1.4.5
3) 第一行的2,第五行的2和5

Code Breaker 3
1) 第四行的1.2.3.4
2) 第一行4th and 5th,第二行 3rd and 4th. 第三行 2nd and 3rd ,第四行1st and 2nd. 第五行 1st
3) 第一行 5th, 第二行 5th ,第三行 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th

Code Break 4:
1) 第四行: 5th  第五行: 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th
2)第一行: 2nd , 第二行: 2nd , 第三行: 2nd , 第四行: 3rd, 4th, 5th

Code Breaker 5
1)第一行: 5th, 第二行: 5th, 第三行: 5th, 第四行: 5th, 第五行全选
2)第一行: 3rd, 4th, 第二行: 2nd, 第三行: 5th, 第四行: 3rd, 第五行: 1st

Code Breaker 6
1)第四行: 1st, 第五行: 3rd, 4th, 5th
2)第一行: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th 第二行: 1st, 4th
3)第一行: 1st, 2nd 第二行: 1st, 2nd 第三行: 1st


main cpu***的踩方格

Stern Weapons Facility
F1, F3, G3, G4, H4, H5, F5, F9, D9, D8, B8, B7, C7, C6, D6, and D1.
D8, D6, E6, E5, H5, H2, C2, C3, B3, and B8.
Furnace B1:密码在传送带的导弹上
Research and Execution

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2630 点
5 点
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-29 16:41  ·  安徽 | 显示全部楼层
As the opening level starts, it’s your typical training level to get you accustomed to the controls. Head around the corner to the far end of the building and there will be a pair of sunglasses on the ground there. Walk near them and a scene will play. This is your IRIS that you will use through out the game. Now you can head over to the shooting range and fire off a few as well as grab the ammo there. Head to the ladder around the left corner and hop across the boxes. Here you will learn the menu from using the D-pad. Hop down and head to the boxes directly ahead to grab the ledge and shimmy on them. When you are done, head back to where you started and use the computer with the hand print there. After the next scene, you will be on your own in action.

Mission One: Stern Weapons Facility
Now you will be introduced to a nifty little feature that lets you scan everything you see. Press the white button and you will be able to get a description of things in your surrounding area. Move forward and to the right and look on the catwalk beside the door there. On the catwalk will be some mines. Shoot them and they will all blow up. Grab the ammo on the ground beside you and then head to the left and up the stairs. Follow them around and enter the door there. Walk up to the body there for a short scene. After it is over, use the computer there and the door on the left will open, releasing some enemies. Head out of the room and go down the stairs to take them out.

When both drop, go through the door they came through and follow the corridor around to the first door on the right. Enter the locker room and grab the ammo. Head back out and continue to the corner. Now you will learn how to wall hug and peek around corners. Do it and pop the guard there and the next two that will come. After they are down, continue down the corridor, through the fog and up the stairs to the next door. Go through and you will be told how to sneak around and take out enemies from behind. Do that if you like, but I prefer shooting them all.

When all five are down for the count, make your way forward and to the left up along the alley there. Shoot the canister there and it will blow the cover off the ladder entrance in the middle of the walkway. Also you can head around the corner to the right ahead of you to grab an adrenaline booster. Climb down the ladder there and enter the door. Follow the underground corpse filled corridor to the first junction. To the left will be two guards patrolling the hallway there. Pop them and make a left down there. You’ll pass a laser covered door that you need a code to enter. Make a right at the end of the hallway and follow it to the next room on the right. Enter the control room there and use the computer and it will show you the large door open up above ground.

Make your way back to the ladder and climb up. Take out the new enemies that appear and head for the large door on the right. Enter it as it opens and you will be at sector B access. Enter the door on the left and shoot the mines in front of you. Go through the next door and you will come out to sector B area. Kill the enemies out here and then head to the right of where you entered. Climb the boxes there and hop across to the next. Drop down on the other side of the fence and then hop up the next set to reach an open window. Hop inside the building and across the gap to grab an AK (auto-Kill) machine gun. Take out the guard below and climb down the ladder and grab the power cell there. Grab the ammo as well and then operate the control panel next to the door.

Go through to the area outside and there will be a few more enemies that appear. Take them out and head over the power generator and drop in the power cell to open a hatch in storage room 5. Enter the building again and run down the ramp to the bottom. Grab the ammo there and then enter the main room. Go to the right to grab an ID Badge and to use the computer there. It will show where the next batch of enemies are so go through the laser blocked door by using the control panel beside it and head there. When you go through the door you should recognize where you are, but if not yet, make a right at the first hallway and you will. Take out the guards there and use code 1170 on the laser barred door on the left. The ID card had the code if you took a look at it.

Enter the door there and pop the few enemies in here. After they are all down, the big baddy will enter. To take this guy down, you need to shoot and move and repeat. Don’t let him fore his rocket at you while you are standing there firing at him or after you have finished firing. Fire at him and then run to a new spot. Sneak around as well and he will search for you instead of heading right for your position. The best way to take him down is to head to the opposite end of the room and fire from behind a block. When he fires at you, you’ll have more time to move away from his rocket. Go to the left or right and then slip up along the wall to the end where he was while he moves to where you were. Repeat that pattern over and over until he finally drops. Watch the scene and the mission will end.

Mission Two: Path to Below
After the scene, make your way forward to the control panel for the lift and activate it. Ride the lift down until it stops and then turn around and hop down to the platform there. Head to the right and climb down the ladder and enter the corridor there. Kill the two inmates that are patrolling and enter the door at the end. Enter the ventilation chamber and head along the catwalk to the right. Use the computer there and it will tell you that all the lights on the control panel need to be lit up for the bridge to extend. Go to the control panel to the left and enter ABDE for the code. After the bridge extends head across and take out the few enemies that appear there. Enter the door at the far end and follow the hallway to the next door.

Go through and kill the 4 enemies that appear in here as well as the one at the far end that climbs the stairs. After they are all dead, grab the adrenaline boost from the box on the left and make your way down the steps. Turn to the left at the bottom and use the box there for cover as you take out the inmate on the left side. When he goes down, make your way to the next crate and take down two more enemies. Climb the crates on the right of the doorway to grab some ammo and then head through the door there. Follow the corridor to a stack of crates and there will be a fuel can behind it. Shoot it to blow a hole in the wall and then go through. Follow the hallway out to a valve handle. Turn it to shut off the flames and then follow the corridor back and to the right through the door there so you can cross the bridge with the flame going on and off.

Run across and to the right will be some mines. Shoot them and when you do, another flame jet will appear. Enter the small room to the right of the bridge and grab the health pack there. Look up and scan the light above you. After you do, you will be able to shoot the sparking part of the light above you and it will swing down and smash through the wall. Enter there and grab the weapon upgrade and turn the valve handle to shut off the flames and open the door beside you. Go through and head down the catwalk and shoot the mines that are up ahead. Enter the hallway and follow it around to find a few more enemies. You can shoot the exhaust vents on the wall to take out the enemies quicker if you feel like being crafty.

When you reach the end of the corridor, walk out onto the catwalk and take the ladder down avoiding the 4 jets of flame as you go. When you get passed the 4th, a scene will play and you will have dropped your card. Way to go butter fingers. Head along the catwalk and cross the bridge in the center. When you come to the debris blocking the path, drop off the edge to the left and shimmy past it. Climb back up and make your way to the laser covered door. Enter it ignoring the staircase on the left for now. Go to the computer on the right and it will be a checkpoint. Save and then grab the valve wheel on the crate and the ammo in the corner.

Head aback out and make your way to the left. Hug the wall when you reach the railing and walk along the ledge to the second platform. Use the wheel there and the crates at the bottom of the staircase you were at earlier will rise. Head back over there and continue along the catwalk to another stack of crates blocking the path. Hop over them and take out all the inmates that arrive along the way. Head down the stairs when you reach them and follow the catwalk along to another set. Kill the inmates at the bottom and then head for the stack of crates just past the steel door. Scan the clamp holding the crates and then shoot it. Climb over to get ammo and a boost. Head back to the Steel door and turn the handle to raise it and enter. Go through the opening there and up the stairs.

Scan the clamp on the box there and then shoot it so it drops through the floor. Hop through the hole and you will be in a locker room. Use the computer there for a checkpoint and then grab the ammo. Scan the Padlocks on the cover for the ladder and then shoot them off. Slide down the ladder and like last time there will be 4 jet flames to watch out for. When you reach the bottom, shoot the proxy mines or the barrels and they will blow the fan at the end. When it is blown wide open, a rush of enemies will enter. Kill them and then head through the opening to the end of the bridge there. Look up and to the right and there will be two plates that attach the crane arm to the wall. Shoot it and the crane will fall into the pit below. Head back to the right of the opening to the Power generator control there. Use the code BCDE to extend the bridge and head across.

Take out the enemies there and a scene will play when you enter the door there. Follow the hallway through the opening in the wall and take out the enemies along the corridor. When you get to the end, enter the door there and take out the enemy on the right that will come down the stairs and the one up top on the second floor. You can either use stealth here or go guns blazing but the guy on the second floor will toss down grenades at you if hew knows you are there. When both are down, hop up the crates to the right, and jump over to the second floor ledge. Shimmy left and climb up on to it. Activate the switch at the red lights and open the door below. Head through to start the third mission.

Mission Three: Power and Recycling
Make your way down the hall here and take out the two guards patrolling. Grab the large health at the end of the hall and then head down the stairs to the door where you will get a warning about Toxic air. Open the door and immediately scan the window on the side of the hall. After you do, shot it and the gas will start to leave. Kill the inmates in this hallway and continue to the junction ahead on the left. If you continue down the hall a bit to the crate on the left, there will be some machine gun ammo there to grab. Head down the hall on the left and go through the door. Head down the stairs and you will enter the yard. When you get outside, a scene will play.

After Jack tells you to get to the control room and to get the code breaker. In the area ahead there are 5 inmates patrolling. Stay behind your box there and lure them over to you. Take them down one by one and then head over to the far left to the computer terminal to get a map update and a checkpoint. Save and head up the stairs on the left and head right to the door there that opens. Enter the room and grab the circuit card from the back corner and make your way back down the stairs. Head to the far left (right of where you entered) and go through the door there. Follow the stairs up and kill the guard coming down. Go through the door at the top and take out the guard in the surveillance room. Use the terminal there to start up the power in the center of the yard.

Head back out to the yard and use your scan to look at the part that rose up into the generator. After you look at it, walk to the terminal on the generator and you will place the circuit card into it. Now some of the area is electrified and will be a big ouchie if you touch it. Head up stairs to the door that is now unlocked and take out the guard that appears before you get there. When he’s down, enter the door and take out the inmate at the computer. Grab the ammo and then enter the elevator. Take it for a ride down and head left when you get out. Take out the guards standing around the corner and then enter the room they were guarding when they are down. Grab the Shockwave 5000 from the back corner and head back out of the room through the opposite door across from where you entered. Shoot the barrel to the left and it will blow a hole in the wall.

Enter there and then scan the fuse box up near the ceiling. Use the shock gun on it and it will shirt out the door down the hall behind you. Head there and go through and follow the stairs down. When you reach the bottom, there will be a room around the corner with a few inmates in it. I didn’t alert them at all but they still rushed out to get me. Take them down and then enter the room either through the door or the windows and then use the terminals there. One terminal will be to regulate the voltage to the security doors and one will need a battery to operate. Scan the windows across from the windows you climbed through and then shoot them. Hop out to the hallway and make a right to get the battery there. Climb back in the room and use the generator at the end of the room to place the battery in it.

Now you will need to set the voltage to what the door needs to open. Head back out the same window you just climbed through and make a left this time. Follow the corridor all the way to the end and there will be a door there with 130V about it. Head back to the generator and enter -10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 to open the door. Hop out the window and make your way down the hall to the door that is now open. Go through and a scene will play. After you are told to get to the reactor chamber, some enemies will rush in through the top door ways on each side and then finally the door on the bottom. Kill them all and before you leave, pick up the Code Disc Level One from beside the terminal and use the code breaker by pressing right on the D-pad. The codes first two codes that show up are simple follow the pattern codes. The third is a bit trickier but is just a forward slash from the bottom left corner to the top right corner.

After all 4 codes are in; you will have security access level 1. Enter the elevator across from where you entered and ride up to the yard again. Exit and head right. Use the crate there for cover as an Inmate comes down the stairs. Take him out and grab his ammo. Head up the ladder around the corner to enter the yard again. There will be quite a few more enemies in the yard. Take them out and then hop on top of the large crate near the stairs and then hop across to the next crate over the electricity. Enter the door there and grab a utility belt, boost and ammo. Head out and make your way back into the door that leads to the surveillance room. Instead of heading up the stairs, go through the door at the bottom. Grab the health pack on the other side and enter the elevator.

Take it down and walk forward a few steps for a scene. Grab the versatile Explosives there and ammo and use the terminal to learn about the power distributors and save. Now you need to destroy three of the Power Distributors. Make your way back up to the yard and out the door. Walk across the bridge and climb down the ladder on the right. Hop over the gap and go around the corner to see the first distributor. Place an explosive there and then step a pace back and shoot it. You can look at the map there to see where the other two distributors are. Head back up the ladder and for the next two there will be two fans you need to blow up to get to the distributors. The first will be up the stairs to the second floor of the building across from where you entered and all the way to the far right. You’ll need to wall hug to get there and then blow up the fan. Enter the hole and then blow the distributor.

For the third one you’ll need to go to the top of the stairs that lead to the second floor and there will be a stack of crates held up by a magnet. Use the Shockwave on it and it will drop the crates. Climb up and make your way over to the fan up there. Blow it and enter to blow the distributor and make your way back in the far door and down the lift again to the Power Condenser Chamber. Now that the power is off, you can head down the corridor and follow it around until you come to a set of stairs that will bring you down into a room with a few steam jets. The object in here is to get to the door in the far left corner, but to get there you need to access the control in the far right corner.

The two doors on the right side of the room hold two new weapons for you as well, the Jack Hammer pistol and frag grenades. When you hit the control in the far right corner, you will need to climb over some crates to get to the door in the far left corner. Do so and head through to enter the Monitor Station. Grab the large health there and save at the computer terminal. Make your way back out and head over to enter the door on the left now that the steam has stopped. Go down the stairs and follow the corridor around taking out the enemies as they come. Head through the door at the end and you will enter the induction chamber. Walk past each bolt of electricity as it fades until you get to the door. Enter the Reactor chamber and a few enemies will appear. Take them down and head for the control panel in the center.

After you press it, you’ll need to go to the three levers around the room and pull it back and forth to raise the conduit. After each one a rush of enemies will appear for you to take down. After the last one is up, a scene will play and you will have an objective of finding Che. Head back to the door you entered through and save at the terminal. Go through the door there and follow the corridor along and take out the rush of enemies that appear. When you reach the end, save and take the elevator up to the yard again. When you reach it the boss battle starts.

Battle with Fernando is practically the exact same as it was with the inmate in the first mission except this time you have a lot more room and better weapons. Use the machine gun until you run out of ammo and then fill him with the Jack hammer. Fernando will be eating the floor in no time. When he does bite the dust, grab his access card and then head over the door to the left of where you first entered the mission and go to that door and use the card to enter.

Mission Four: Tunnels to Manufacturing
Enter the large room and there will be two guards on the lower floor where you are and one up top. Take them all out and then head up the stairs at the far end. Make your way around to the door on the other side and enter to find Code disc 2. Use the code breaker and the first one is a simple 5 blocks down the right side. The second code is a "?" mark shape laying down, and finally the third is, in row one going across, the second block is lit and in the last row going across, block 2 and block 5 are lit. Once you have it cracked, head back down the stairs and go through the door there to find a tunnel. After the scene with Jack, start to make your way down it.

Make a right and you will eventually come to a fence. Scan the lock and then shoot it and head through and continue along to another open gate. When you enter here, you will run into Fernando’s brother, Ricardo, who gets took by some nasty little critters. Run away to start with and then start opening fire on them. They will jump at you and explode when they hit you. You might even want to use a boost before the battle starts to keep the damage low. Take them all out and then use the valve to open the door. Go through and grab the jack hammer bullets and save at the terminal. Scan the wall to the right of the terminal and then plant an explosive there. Blow it up and head out to kill the enemies outside. Watch out as you move farther out, there is a rocket launcher guard on the platform across from you.

Take them down quickly and then make your way right and jump over the gap. Drop down the far side and then shimmy across the broken bridge. Hop up the other side and then drop down the end edge to the platform below. Climb down the ladder and then make your way down the stairs to the ground. Head forward and look at the map to see a tunnel full of enemies. Use the scanner to scan the wall there and place some explosives there. Blow it up and some ticks will rush out. Kill them and then enter the loading area. Make your way to the right and watch out for the boxes. What you need to do here is stay on one side of the boxes that the laser isn’t one. Each laser alternates back and forth so you need to move accordingly. When you get to the end of the lasers, there will be a few ticks to the left of the area to take out.

After they are down, save at the terminal and then look at the far wall across from the boxes with the scanner. Place an explosive there and blow a hole in it. Head through and go past the door way to grab the small health pack there. Go back to the door way and sneak your way inside. When you enter a scene with Ralph will start. Seems he is pleased you took down the two brothers and is now gunning for you. The battle with Ralph is the exact same as the other boss battles so far except he uses a machine gun in stead of a rocket launcher. Use the same techniques to take him down however. Grab the fuse when he’s down. Look to the far end of the room where the fence is. There are two opening in the fence, one on the right and one on the left. The one on the left has a crate blocking it and the one on the right is open. Place the fuse in the pillar in the center of the room to activate the crate conveyor at the far side of the room. Watch the crates move and pull out the fuse out when the left gate is unblocked.

Go through the gate and climb up the crates on the other side to the catwalk up top. Use the terminal there and it will active the crate in the right opening above the crate conveyor. Head back down to the fuse panel and drop the fuse in and out to open the gate on the right side. Head through and then climb the box there to climb up to the opening. Head through the corridor there to end the mission.

Mission Five: Manufacturing
When you start there will be some enemies on the floor below you that can’t see you yet. Head forward and enter the room on the right to get some ammo. Head back out and make your way down the stairs and take out the three workers there patrolling. Head to the far right and there will be a room there that will open. Grab the health and ammo and operate the computer terminal when you exit. It will update your map to show you where the fuse panels are to use. Save and you will see that there are three fuse panels in this room. One will active the crates on one side of the room, another will operate the elevator to take you down to the furnace room and the third will lead to a corridor of lasers.

Take the lift down to the furnace and follow the stairs up and the corridor around to find a guard. Take him down and take his shotgun. Continue to the end of the hall and enter the furnace. Climb the ladder on the left and grab the fuse and grenade there. Head back to the elevator and take it back up to the assembly area. Grab the fuse from the panel next to the elevator and place it over at the crates panel. When the crates are active, head over to the large doors and place the second fuse in that panel. Now you will need to make your way down the corridor uses the crate as cover from the lasers. Use an adrenaline boost to save you some damage if you like but these lasers are much easier then the previous ones. Head to the end of the corridor after you pass the three lasers and go through the door there for a scene.

After the scene open fire on the enemies here while using the crate next to you for cover. When they are all dead, grab the ammo and the Blow Up gun. Head to the left and enter the control area there and activate the computers. When you do, you will be told that there are three production lines are needed to be completed to activate the assembly machine. Head around the conveyor belt in the center of the room and make your way to the large set of doors. Go through and you will be in a pentagon shaped room with a few doors. Grab the machine gun ammo and anti-toxin of the ground and head back out to the stairs on the right. Enter the doorway and it will take you to a toxic gas filled hallway. Unfortunately this time there are no windows to shoot out so use your anti-toxin. Head for the second door and enter.

Make your way around to the left of the room and around to find a shotgun guard. Take him down and then you can focus on the two other guards in the adjoining room. Take them down and gab the goodies around the room including the large health pack. When you have it al, go to the red control panel to activate the power generator. Use the code ACDE and it will activate the freight elevator. Head back out of the room with an anti-toxin on and head back to the assembly area. Kill the inmates that are at the end of the hall and continue through to the large room. Stay on the catwalk and kill the three enemies that come up the stairs to get you. When they are down, head for the large door you went through earlier and head for the freight elevator.

Use the control panel to ride the elevator (see the big E on the map. The elevator is in the center). Ride it up and when you reach the top, there will be a few enemies surrounding the center lift. Take them down one by one on there ledges and after the orange workers are down, two machine gun inmates will appear. Take them down using the pillars outside the lift as cover. When they are both down, use the control panels across from the raised bridges to lower then so you can get across. Before you head across through, there is a ladder that will take you up to the roof of the lift to get health and ammo. Head across one of the bridges and enter the door there. There are two bridges and two doors to go through and they look alike but if you look on the map in the corner, one is ahead of the E and one is behind it.

The one behind it will take you down a corridor that will have turrets pop out of the ceiling. The turrets will pop out just before a stack of crates, so use that for cover and then just pop around the corner to take out the turrets after it fires at you. It won’t even touch you once. There will be two turrets and then a room at the end to grab the utility belt 2, mini-exploders and a terminal to save at. Save and then make your way out and to either the other bridge that is in front of the E on the radar map. Go across and enter the door to come to a gas filled corridor. Use an anti-toxin and follow the hallway around killing the enemies there. Enter the door at the end and grab the fuse and health pack off the ground. Plop the fuse in the panel to remove the gas and then grab the fuse again. Head back out to the lift and ride it down to the assembly floor 1. Walk out of the left and head for door A. Use the fuse in the panel there and go through.

Follow the corridor to the fabrication room and there will be about 4 enemies through out the room. Head forward and up the stairs there for cover and take out the guards as they come to you. When they are all dead, make your way down the stairs and go to the computer terminal at the machine with a large 2 on it. Read the message there and then you can save at the checkpoint. Head around the corner and down the ladder and make your way to the stairs at the far left going up and to the right. Follow the walkway to the room there and you will find blue print 2 in front of a computer. After you have it, go to the corner and turn on the laser. Head back out and up the ladder to machine 2.

Use the blue print on the now active laser cutter and you will need to enter the following coordinates in this order: F1, F3, G3, G4, H4, H5, F5, F9, D9, D8, B8, B7, C7, C6, D6, and D1. Basically you need to move from one coordinate to the next with out a diagonal line or crossing over an existing line. Also if you look at the light blue square next to the controls, there will be an image of what the outline will look like when completed successfully. Once you complete the lines, the part will be created. Head out of the room and make your way back to the lift. Grab the fuse and plop it in the panel at door B. Follow the corridor to the fuel room at the end and you will enter a room full of flames.

Head down the stairs on the right and take out the guard there. Use the computer terminal and it will tell you that you need to find two chemicals to put in a synthesizer. Make your way around the catwalk through the only path you can and take out the enemies as you come to them. You will need to hop over a pipe on your right and follow the path around until you see the first chemical lying in front of you. Grab it and head to the right and you will find the blueprints #1 there. Follow the stairs up and then creep up the ladder and follow the catwalk to a jumping puzzle with flames. Jump forward and then right, then wall hug and head across the wall to the next platform there. From there go left and then straight. Next jump left again and then hang off the edge.

Shimmy left and pull yourself up to the catwalk and kill the inmate with the shotgun. Grab the small health pack at the end and then follow the stairs down. Grab the frag grenades there and make your way along the walkway to the rear of the stairs. Grab the chemical B there and then head to the flame blocking the stairs. Use the valve and shut it off and head up. Use the Synthesizer there and a scene will play showing you using the two chemicals to create the second part of the assembly. Now that you have the second blueprint, head back out and make your way to door A again. Enter the fabrication room and head down the stairs to the machine with the 1. Use the blueprint on it and you will need to enter the codes in this order: D8, D6, E6, E5, H5, H2, C2, C3, B3, and B8. You use the same rules as before, not crossing the lines or using diagonals, but this time there are much fewer coordinates.

Once you enter them, head out of the room and enter room C. When you do, there will be a few enemies through out the room that you can take out before completing your objectives in here. When they are all down, head down the stairs in front of the door you entered and hop up to the right onto the walk way there. Head to the end and make a right and activate the panel there to raise some crates. Head back down the path and enter the opening that the crates opened. Follow it to the end and there will be another panel there to lift some more crates on the other side. Head back to the center walkway and follow it all the way to the end. Make a right and hop off the end. Follow the walkway here to the end and hit the switch on the left side. After it lifts the crate in the center there, drop down there and up the other side and over to the second switch you hit.

Press it again and then make your way through the center area again to the far walkway. Drop down the opening on the other side and grab the navigation unit and health pack there. Now you need to make your way back up the stairs you first entered near by hitting the first switch to move the crates out of the way. When you do, head down the walkway and head up the stairs. Make a right and go up the stairs at the far end. Follow the walkway around until you come to a terminal where you can enter the navigation until. When you do, look at the number above it and make your way back down the stairs and up the stairs on the right to the computer panel there. Use it and enter the letters that make up the number you saw above the navigation terminal, 204. For example, A, B, F, G, D is the number 2. Do that for all three numbers and hit next after each one. When you do, you will be told to head to the assembly machine to assemble the components.

Head back to the assembly room and kill the inmates that appear in here. When they are down, head to the assembly machine in the far corner and operate it to create a missile. After it is created, you will be told to get to weapons room b1. After the scene with Jack, make your way back to the large lift in the center and take it down to Furnace B1. When you get out at the bottom, take out the three enemies outside and place the fuse from the last door you were in, into the fuse panel next to the door here. You will be told to enter the access code to enter the door and you can get it 2417 from scanning the missile across from the lift. Go through the door to the right of the fuse panel and follow it to the end.

End the door there and take out the rocket launching inmate to the right. When he is down, continue all the way across the bridge to the next room and enter. Grab the third code disc and some ammo. Save and make your way back out of the room, across the bridge and into the room with the lift. Use the code breaker, the codes are:

Code Breaker 3
1) The first four blocks in row four.
2) The second code is Row 1: 4th and 5th block. Row 2: 3rd and 4th. Row 3: 2nd and 3rd Row 4: 1st and 2nd. Row 5: 1st block.
3) Row 1: 5th Row 2: 5th Row 3: 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th

Head back to the lift and go through the door that was locked earlier now that you have the codes. Follow the corridor around to the control room and use the machine there to enter the voltage of the transformer. It was 150V if you noticed as you ran across the bridge, so enter 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and the bucket will move out of the way. Head back through the lift room and grab the fuse when you pass it. Enter the other door to return to the room with the bridge. As you enter, hug the wall to the right and go across the ledge there. Go through the door and follow the hallways around to the elevator. Place the fuse in the panel and take the elevator up to the room you first started in.

Enter the storage room under the stairs and grab the loads of ammo there and the Amuze Emblem. Make your way back out and back to the lift and take it back down to the furnace room. Grab the fuse as you leave the elevator and enter the furnace room. Climb the ladder and replace the fuse you took earlier to reactivate the rotating bridge. Climb back down and shimmy your way back across the ledge to the bridge in the center. Activate the computer in the center and the bridge twill turn. Head to the door on the right and go through to reach the smelting chamber. When you enter, a scene with Che will play. To take out Che, you need to do some fancy foot work. She will stay behind her shield for most of the battle and will only be open to attacks seldom.

When she walks towards you, constantly have your finger on the right trigger and keep her locked on. When she comes close, roll out of the way twice to the side and usually after the second roll you will have a short opening to nail her with a few shots. Use the machine gun since there is plenty of ammo for it through out the room. When she tosses her grenades at you, simply keep on side stepping out of the way until she finishes and she will start walking towards you again. Continue this pattern over and over until she drops. Sometimes she will raise flames while she is tossing grenades and this is a bit tougher to dodge. Watch the pattern of the flame as it moves and move forward or backwards to get out of the way. Once Che is down for good, a scene will play and the mission will end.

Mission Six: Ground Level
Now that you are in control of Jack, you have some new weapons to use. Make your way forward to the ladder at the end of the alley and shoot down the ladder there to reach the drainage channel. Make your way forward and when you enter the next area four inmates will appear from all around. Take them all down and head for the ladder in the far right corner from where you entered. Some more enemies will appear as you approach so take them down as well. Climb the ladder after you grab the frag grenades under it and head up the ramp on the left to reach a health pack. Continue along the walkway and save at the save point.

Continue around the corridor and take out the four enemies as you come across them. Climb down the ladder to the alley way there and head around the corner to the left to grab an adrenaline boost. Head back down the other way and two inmates will appear. Take them down and continue around the next corner to face a few more. When you reach the next ladder, an enemy will appear from behind you. Take him down and continue to the terminal there to save and across the catwalk. Scan the three locks on the gate around the corner and then shoot each to go through. Grab the large health pack there and then head around the corner to trigger a scene.

After it is over, take out the 5 enemies that ambush you and then head for the valve handle across from where you entered and it will tell you that it needs a handle. Head to the far left and in the back corner will be a small room with the handle in it. Grab it and head back to the door and use the handle. Turn it to open the door and go through. Watch the scene about Jack’s son and the mission will end.

Mission Seven: Tunnels to Entertainment
Now that you are back in control of Leeza, you have Che with you. She explains to you that to get across No Man’s Land, you’ll need to pick off the ticks as she runs across the ground to cut off the power to the beams below. You now have a sniper rifle to use to help protect Che. The easiest way is to not zoom in too tight on Che and stay back a bit so you can see a good area around her. With the sniper rifle you can either fire shots or missiles. You can only fire four missiles at once and then you need to wait for them to reload. I found the missiles the easiest as you can lock on to four ticks and then fire and take them all out at once. Once you get Che safely to the other side, Grab the ammo on the walkway and then slide down the ladder to the left.

Now you need to make your way across the ground and take out the ticks. Use a boost and then just run non-stop through the sandy ground to the door at the far end. Don’t bother waiting and trying to kill all the ticks. Open the door at the end and go through to reach a save terminal. Slide down the ladder after saving and you will now not be able to use your map due to “excessive humidity”. Go to the right and follow the tunnel to the right. When you make your way down, you will be introduced to a new enemy called an Arachnid. Like bigger ticks, these guys will curl up and defend them selves when they get hit a lot. Take them out and continue down the hall there.

Follow it right and then left and you will come to a bridge. As you cross, three ticks will be on the other side. Take them out and continue forward and then to the left. Take out more Arachnids as they appear and head right. Some more ticks will appear as you move down the hall but continue to the end and make a right. As you enter the hallway there, a turret will drop from the ceiling. Use the stack of crates there as cover like the previous times and take it out. Continue to the left and some more arachnids will show up. Take them down as well and continue to the junction where ticks will come from the left and straight ahead. Make your way straight to the end, or go to the left to grab some explosives.

When you reach the end of the corridor, make a left and follow it around to another bridge. Take out the ticks and arachnid there and head right. Hop over the small fence there and you will come to a dead end. Scan the wall and then blow it up with explosives and your map will now start to work. Head through the opening and save at the checkpoint to the left. Make your way around the catwalk to the platform with the ladder and climb down. When you walk towards the center of the room, 5 arachnids will start to move. Take them down, grenades being the easiest way. After those 5 are down, three more will appear as they blow open a hole in the wall. Kill them and enter the opening they made and turn the valve handle.

Make your way to the corner of the room with a stack of crates and a health pack. Scan the lock on the ladder above and then shoot it to release it. Climb up and head to the right. Drop of the edge at the stack of crates and then shimmy over to the other side of them. Climb up and go through the door. At the end of the hall, to the left will be some ticks chewing on a body and to the right some arachnids will burst through the bars there. Take them all out and continue to the right. Follow the corridor through the doorway and some more arachnids will attack. Blow past them and when you move forward you will get a message that the tracking beacon is near. Continue past the door on the right and go straight through the door at the end.

As you enter a scene will play and you will be dropped down a floor afterwards. Head through the only hallway you can and follow it around killing the spiders that appear. Make your way around the corner and you’ll come to a turret. Use the rolling technique to not get hit and continue on. Make a right and hop up the ledge there to a valve and a door. Turn it to open it and grab the health pack there. Go through the door and it will be the door you passed earlier. Head to the right and you’ll enter the room where you encountered Redwood before. Scan the round blinking lights to each side of the door on the opposite side and then zap them with the shockwave. Head across the bridge and save at the terminal there. Go through the door and then up the stairs on the right to reach the large door control. Press it and then run down the stairs and through the large door to end the mission.

Mission Eight: Entertainment
Make your way forward and the hang a left or right and go down the stairs there. At the bottom, scan the opposite wall and it will be destructible. Plant an explosive there and blow it up. Scan he fuse box inside and then zap it with the shockwave. When you do, the door at the top of the stairs to the left will be accessible. Go up and through the door there and when you reach the terminal on the left a scene will play. Save there and head forward down the hall. There will be a circuit panel on the wall at the end that you can scan and then zap. When you do, it will deactivate the lasers blocking the door at the end of the hall, but will also activate the lasers moving up and down the corridor. Take out the enemies there first to get all of their ammo and then blow the panel. Use the crates to get past the lasers and enter the door on the right at the end of the hall.

Head up the stairs and enter the studio. Take the stairs to the left down and there will be a save terminal there as well as a saloon type of doorway. Grab the boost from behind the crates and then enter the saloon doors to trigger a scene. Now that you are in the Wild West, use the corner to the left for cover and take out the gunslingers on the street. When they are all down, head to the end of the street and some more will enter from the right side. Take them out and enter the opening they made. Climb the ladder and make your way back out to the ledge. Go to the end and drop off the edge to reach the street. When you do, a scene will play to show the door behind you and another cowboy. Take him down and take a look at the marks above the door.

Head to the end of the street and there will be a large slot machine there. Now you will need to try and stop each of the three rows of symbols on the order of symbols that were above the door. It may take a few tries as it’s a little tricky at first but when all three are right, the door at the end of the street will open. Head for the door and two more enemies will appear on the second floor. Take them down and go through the door to reach the studio access hallway. Enter the door at the end and you will enter an S&M studio. Kill the leather clad enemies in here and head to the left. Grab the camo-tech mine to the right of the door and then head through. Save at the terminal there and you will get an alert that the tracking signal has been detected.

Go through the door there and a scene will play. Now you need to make your way to Psycho Star’s office. Make your way through the large doors on the right and enter the props room. After a scene you will be in a battle with a wannabe comic. The battle with him is the same as it was with Fernando and Ricardo. Simply creep around the boxes and take him out from a distance. After he drops, take the security level 4 card and use the code breaker on it.

Code Break 4:
1) Row 4: 5th block, Row 5: 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th blocks
2)Row 1: 2nd , Row 2: 2nd , Row 3: 2nd , Row 4: 3rd, 4th, 5th blocks
3)Row 3: Full row, Row 4: Full row

Once all three of those codes are in, you will have access to level 4 doors. Head back through the door you came through and enter the large doors. When you are back in the room with the truck, go through the security door and take out the guards in there. Head for the terminal on the right wall and save. Next make your way to the large door at the end of the room which will be the sci-fi access and will have some lasers moving about in the hallway. Stick to the left side and run under the laser when it is the highest point. Do that for all three and then enter the sci-fi studio and a scene will play. Kill the guards in here and then you will be shown 5 controls in the right corner of the room with red buttons on top of them. You need to press the fourth one from left to release a ladder to get out of the room, but the second one will also open a door to the left of the room for health and ammo.

If you press any of the others, then a rush of ticks will come out. Climb up the ladder and make your way around the catwalk and take out the enemy that appears. Grab the utility belt 3 before heading up the stairs there. Once you have it, head up the stairs and go through the door. Grab the health pack and make your way around the corner and down the hall. Ignore the door on the right for now and head to the end of the hall. Enter the communications center and take out the enemies in there. When they are down, go through the next door and enter the security center. Take out each of the three guards in here quietly and then use the terminal at the far end in the center. When you save your game, then go to the left and use the computer under the TV screen that has pink stars around it. This is just a game of memory where you need to match three symbols. For me, I matched three stars that were the last two blocks in the first row and the second last block in the fourth row.

When they are matched, it will tell you that slot machine number two is activated. Head back out of the room and into the hallway to the door that will now be on you left. Enter it and follow the corridor to the end. Make a left and take down the guards in the hallway here. When they are dead, make your way forward and look at the door to the right. Make a note of the symbols above it and then use the slot machine there to open the door. When it is open, enter the door behind you and a scene will play. Now you need to hit the Jail cell and find Hank Jr. Grab the health and the Enhanced Vision Mode in the center of the room. Make your way to the terminal to save and then out of the room.

Head to the right and enter the door there. Use the EVM by pressing the right stick and you will see the hidden mines at the far end of the room. Shoot them and then go through the next door. Make a left down the hall to come to an elevator. Take it down to B1 and you will be back down in the prop storage room. Take a few steps out of the lift and look to the left with the scanner. Blow the wall up there and then use the EVM to look at the vent. It will be a circuit panel that you can scan. Do so and then zap it and the Psycho Star image will raise on the opposite side to reveal a slot machine. Head to Prop storage room B that has the truck in it and on the right will be the door that the slot will open and has three pink stars above it. Head back to the slot machine and enter the symbols.

When you get it, head to the door and go through to enter the horror studio. When you enter the studio, there will be a large statue in the center of the room and three paintings on each wall. The paintings can be flipped to reveal either a sunny picture or a picture with two people and the moon behind them. To figure out which order to turn each painting, look at the stained glass window behind the desk. Down each side it will give you the position that each painting should be in. Grab the green herb, which is no doubt kudos to Resident Evil, from beside the desk and move the paintings according to the glass. When you have them all right, the statue will move and code disk 5 is yours.

Code Breaker 5
1)Row 1: 5th, Row 2: 5th, Row 3: 5th, Row 4: 5th, Row 5: Full
2)Row 1: 3rd, 4th, Row 2: 2nd, Row 3: 5th, Row 4: 3rd, Row 5: 1st
3)Row 3: Full, Row 5: Full

Head back out of the horror studio to prop storage B and kill the shotgun guard there. When he’s down, make your way back towards the slot machine and continue through the large doors until you come to the invisible lasers. Use the EVM to get past them and then you will be right back out side where you started. Head down the stairs and use the EVM to look at the vent opposite where you blew up the circuit panel earlier. Blow this one up with the zap gun and head up the stairs and to the right through the level 5 door. Head down the hallway and use the crates on the right for cover as you take out the turret. Head around the corner and take out the next turret there. Grab the large health pack and enter the door on the right to enter the prison.

Use the terminal there to save and grab the goodies around the room. Enter the door beside the terminal and a scene with Hank will play. After you have the codes, you need to make your way back up to the control room where you just were. Make your way through the door to the right of the cell and it will take you back to the storage room. Go right and hop in the elevator and go up. Make a left and then go through the door there. Kill the two guards in the hallway and make your way around to the Control Room. Enter it and a scene will begin.

Now you have to face off against Psycho Star and his many doubles. This battle is actually pretty easy. All you need to do is go to a corner, kneel and aim. Just sit there and Star will only ever hit you with his laser attack. As the battle goes on, Star with create duplicates of him self and they will all charge at you. As long as you are in the corner, they won’t touch you. Keep your cross hair locked on Star and fire when he stands still. When he has his doubles up, one shot will kill them. Move from duplicate to duplicate and pop them all when you can to remove the chance of being hit by the laser. When you have nail Star enough times, He’ll drop and the mission ending scene will begin.

Mission Nine: Stern Corporation HQ
Now that you are back in control of Jack, you need to take out some enemies in this matrix-esque building lobby. Take out the first set of enemies there and after they are dead, the elevator will bring in a second rush. Take them all out and pick up all the ammo you can. Head for the elevator and a scene will play with Hank Jr. Grab the ammo behind the desk and then enter the elevator. Ride up to the board room and a scene will play. Afterwards, use the terminal at the end of the room to learn of Stern Corp.’s plans.

Head through the door and follow the stairs up to the roof. Grab the large health pack and go up the next set of stairs. When you reach the roof, a scene will play with Hank hr. and then the battle will begin. Hank is as easy as the other Bosses in the game so far. Simply treat him the same way you did Fernando and Ricardo and he will drop in no time. Since he uses a shotgun, the farther way from him you are the better. Fill him with lead from your machine gun to end the mission.

Mission Ten: Maze Studios
Now that you are controlling Leeza in her prison cell, you need to find a way out. Just wait a few seconds and the cell door will open for you. Wasn’t that easy? Go to the cell on the left and right to find your IRIS and a small health pack. Head down the stairs on the other side and go through the large door there. Save at the terminal in the arena access and read about the maze there. Save and go through the door to enter the arena and grab the pistol in the center. When you do, a scene will play and Psycho Star will tell you that there are three trials to go through and the first is a maze.

After the scene, step on the lighted circle on the floor and poles will rise up with electrical barriers between them. Throw on your EVM and you will see where the barriers are and aren’t and will be able to run through the maze rather quick. You will need to move quickly though because after a certain amount of time, the gate at the far end will close and you’ll have to try again. Once you get through the gate, save at the terminal and go through to the next door to enter the Laser Fair. Now you will need to move from square to square to hit each of the lights shinning upwards in the corners. Each time you walk over the light in the corner, it will light a star above the door. You need to light up ten stars for the door to open.

Each square on the floor will either be a star or not. The ones that aren’t stars will hurt you a lot. The ones that are stars will not but they will go from being a dark star to a bright star and when they get very bright, they will turn into a hurting square. Also there will be a laser moving around the room that will follow you. As long as you don’t stand around too long, it won’t be a problem. Move from dark star to dark star to get to the lights in the corners and finally when you get ten of them, the door will open for you. Hop up to the ledge and walk to the next terminal to save. The next room is the toughest one yet and is a battle royal. There will be stacks of blocks in the room that will drop one block at a time as you defeat each wave of enemies.

First there will be regular gunners, then machine gunners and finally shotgunners. When they are all dead and the light in the center is lit, take some time to run around the area and grab the Repeater gun and all the ammo there. Also there is a health pack across from the door way that keeps respawning. Fill up your health and then collect 4 more for back up and then hit the light in the center. When you do a scene will play and you will face the last opponent in the arena, the Mantis. As it comes out, keep running to the side and let it attack you. When it misses, run behind it and use the repeater to fire a few rounds into its ass. Try to get off as many as you can until he gets free and then run some more. Keep repeating that same pattern until he is dead.

Mission Eleven: Abandoned Subway System
Make your way forward around the corridor and to the ladder you’ll reach on the right. Slide down avoiding the fire and when you hit the bottom, climb up the half wall to the hallway there. Make a right and enter the station. Across from you will be an inactive terminal and a train to the right that has no power. Make your way to the fenced area and shot off the padlock to enter. Here will be a generator that needs a power cell to become active. Head back out and hop down to the track. Make your way along them and take out the ticks that start to appear. When they are dead, continue past the valve-less control on the left. Continue along the tracks and on the right side you will find the valve handle and some explosives. Continue down the tracks and some arachnids will bust a hole in the wall.

Kill them and the ones that come up behind you and enter the opening to get the power cell. Return to the door that needs the valve wheel and use it to get the power cord. Head back to the station concourse and to the generator. Place the power cell in it and then the data port terminal will be active. Save there and use the power cord on the train. After the doors open, enter it and hop out the back. Follow the tunnel along to kill some more ticks. When you get near the end of the tunnel, scan the right side for a weak wall and then plant some explosives there. Blow it up and enter the opening to come to a gate on the right. Pop it open and then shot the relay with the shockwave to open the door that was down the tunnel a bit.

Enter the tunnel to go to that door and three arachnids will attack. Take them out and continue to the door. Since it will probably be closed now, you’ll need to go back and zap the relay again and then run really fast to the door. Climb down the ladder and avoid the flames. When you reach the bottom, run past the lasers using the pillars for cover and enter the door at the end. Now there will be a few more lasers to get past that are pretty simple to do. Once you go through the next door there will be even more lasers and a wheel-less valve control. Use and explosive to blow up the wall on the right and enter the opening there to get a handle. Use it and raise the pillars in the center of the room.

Now make your way past the lasers again to the far door but you need to hurry since the pillars will slowly lower after a little bit. Once you get through the doors, save at the terminal and then climb down the ladder there avoiding the flames that jet out. Enter the tunnel at the bottom and kill the arachnids there. Make your way along and a turret will pop down. Take it out while rolling back and forth and another turret will appear to the left. Use the box for cover and then you will need to hit 4 relays in the area to open the next door. Two relays can be seen with the ***d eye, but two you need to use the EVM to see them.

One will be beside where the second turret was and the other will be around the corner above where the machine gun ammo was. When you hit all four with the zapper, the door will open for you. Head through the corridor and then when you reach the ladder on the left, climb down and end the mission.

Mission Twelve: Research and Execution
Make your way forward and grab the large health pack around the corner. Continue along and take out the guard before entering the large room. Take out the next guard on the second floor and then head up there to hit the door switch. Head down the stairs and go through the now open door to enter the Identification area. Walk forward and the electricity will subside when it thinks you are Christopher Wade. Go through the next door and you will enter Colony Reception. Take out the two guards there and there will be a door straight ahead and then an elevator to both the left and right. Go to the elevator to the right and take it down to chemical Research.

Follow the hallway around and take out the guards in the hallway. Go through the door at the end and you will enter Research Area A. Kill the many enemies in here and use the terminal at the far end in the center to save. Make your way back along the right side hallway from where you entered and go into the door on the left to enter the center area. Kill the unknown creature in here and grab security card 6. Crack the codes and head out the door.

Security Code 6
1)Row 4: 1st, Row 5: 3rd, 4th, 5th
2)Row 1: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th Row 2: 1st, 4th
3)Row 1: 1st, 2nd Row 2: 1st, 2nd Row 3: 1st

Head out of the room and make your way back out into the hallway and up the stairs. Go through the hallway to return to the elevator and the turrets will now be active. Take them out and hop in the elevator and go back up to the lobby. Take out the guards here and then go straight to the next elevator. Take it down to research B1 and follow the hallway around to the research area B that is just laid out exactly like A was. Head to the right and go down the stairs and enter the room on the left. Take out the two guards inside and grab the RE-ZX1 compressor and the Amuze emblem in the opposite corners.

Head back out of the room and make a left and head around the corner. Take out the rest of the enemies in here and continue along to the door in the next hallway. Enter it and you will enter specimen storage for a quick scene with Che. Save at the terminal in there and then head to the corner where the vent above is blowing. Look up and scan the locks on the grate and then shoot them. When the cover opens, a ladder will come down. Climb up it and follow the vent around to a ladder. Slide down and then take out the enemies here. Head for the door on the left and enter the control room.

After the scene, use the terminal and then head back out to the door to the left of the elevator and follow it into research area A. Kill the enemies there and then head down the stairs on the left and enter the door there on the right. Kill the few more enemies in here and then walk over the control panel near the red arrow on the floor to get an anti-toxin from the cabinet there. Head out onto the hall and then enter the door to the right. Use the toxin and run through the gas filled hall to the door at the end. When you enter the room where Leeza was, grab the remote trigger off the ground as well as the anti toxin so you can get back out.

Use the terminal there to save and your map will be updated with the location of Dispatch. You’ll see you can get to it through Research Area B. Head through the door and run through the fog to the door at the end. Make your way to the right and go up the stairs and through the door on the right there to enter the main crossroads again. Now you will notice green line running along the walls that leads to conductors. There are two of them along these hallways and you need to place an explosive at each one. Head back to the center room where the two green lines meet at the laser fence and use the trigger to blow the explosives. Go through the doorway and call the elevator down.

Hop in and ride it to the chief’s office. Enter the office and then make your way over to the data port terminal. Use it and the door will unlock as well as slide open a bookcase in the next room. Go through the door and before you go through the bookcase, grab the recorded memo off the ground next to the terminal there. When you have it, then go through the bookcase to find recoded memo 2. Listen to it and then hop back in the elevator and make your way back to the center door in Research Area B. Go to the large door at the end of the hall and you’ll need to play each memo on the panels beside the door. When you do, it’ll open and you can enter the elevator there.

Go down to the Zoo and take out the guard just outside the elevator. Continue to follow the hallway around and take out two more guards until you come to a terminal near a door. Use it and save and then head through the biomech Zoo and into Candy Floss’s chambers. When you enter Candy Floss’s chambers a scene will play and then the battle will begin. To take down Candy Floss you need to lower the shield he has around him. To do this, shoot the shield generators in each corner of the room that is lit up. At first it will only be one generator and then 2, 3 and finally all four. Each time one goes down, switch to your EVM and then fire at Candy Floss. No matter how much damage you give him, he will not die until all four generators have been taken down.

He will also launch gas clouds at you while he has his shield up, so make sure you keep moving and don’t stop. Once in a while when the shield goes down, there will also be unknown creatures that will come out from the hatches in the walls. Try to stay away from them and keep firing at Candy Floss until his shield goes up and then take them down. Once he goes down for good, use the date port terminal in the room and save. Open the door to get back out to the Zoo and the creatures will now be free. Toss a grenade or two to where they are gathered and then lure the rest into the lair where you just fought candy floss.

When they are dead, continue through the hallway and kill the ticks and turrets until you reach the elevator you came down earlier. Go through the emergency door that is now open and a scene will start.

Mission Thirteen: Liberty
Now you need to follow MW3M as he leads you to Liberty. Kill the ticks and arachnids along the way. Head across the bridge and you will enter Liberty. After the scene, there will be an IQ test that you need to pass to continue. Save at the terminal on the opposite side and then do the test. If you fail, a swarm of ticks will come out to play. The test is a series of questions that deal with symbols and patterns. If you get it wrong the firs time, it will ask the same questions the next time you take the test. After you pass the IQ test, two Mantises’ will come out to attack. Take them down like you did previously and grab the neutralizers when they are down. Use them on the red circles beside the large door and go through.

Follow the catwalk along and kill the creatures that come out of the doors on the side. When you reach the Main Bus door at the end, go through for a scene. After the chat with Leeza, you will be in a battle with a few more Mantises’. When they are down, head for the door leading to the assimilation chamber and follow the catwalks along jumping over the gaps and killing the creature that come out of the doors until you eventually reach the elevator. Take it down to Assimilation Chamber B1. 4 switches to open the door on the far left. Ignore the 4 mantises and run through the door that got blown open to trigger a scene. After the scene is over save at the terminal which now looks different on the wall and grab the ammo from the wall beside it that opens up and the large health beside it.

Head for the door that leads to Elevator A and go up to the Main Bus. Head across the room to the Presidential Chambers and grab the Neural Transmitter from the right of the room. Head back out and down the elevator again to Liberty Core. Kill the few creatures that come out form the doors and place the Transmitter on the red circle and then enter the elevator in the center of the room. Travel down to the Central Processor and run to the far end of the room. After the long scene, two more Mantises’ will come out to play. Kill them and then enter the co-processor A room on the left. When you enter, there will be another scene to watch. Afterwards there will be some arachnids in the room as well as another elevator. Take them out and enter the elevator.

Take it up to synthesis access and follow the catwalk along until a scene plays. After it is over, continue along to the door and save at the terminal there. As you enter a scene will play and you will have to square off against a boss names Unknown Juvenile. While he isn’t though toughest boss ever, it does take a bit of time to take him down. Juvenile has two main attacks to get you with. One is to run at you and swipe which you can easily evade by rolling or running to the side. The other attack is to fire proximity mines at you. To take him down, you need to sneak around the center and fire the shockwave into his back to take down the small heath bar. When it is fully down, then you can start attacking him from the front to deplete his large heath bar on the left.

When he goes down to half his health, he will run over to a panel on the wall and refill some of his health. Use the shockwave to blast the object above it before he gets too much health. Continue this pattern over and over and the big fellow will eventually drop to his knees and end the battle.

Mission 14: Liberty Pt.2
Make your way across the catwalks to the elevator at the end. Make your way down to Co-processor A and hop on top of the block there as the laser goes across the floor. Stand on there until a scene shows you the door in the corner to Processor B open. Go through and there will be a laser moving back and forth as well as some more that you can see with the EVM. Crouch so the laser doesn’t hit you and then roll past each of the lasers as they move out of the way. Save at the terminal at the far side and then head through the door. Kill the few unknowns in here and proceed to the Co-Processor Bus room and the right.

Enter there and run along the catwalk to avoid the rockets that are being fired at you. Enter the next room and kill more unknowns and go through the door on the right after grabbing all the loot. Again crouch and roll past the laser and enter Processor D. Immediately hop up on the blocks there to avoid the laser spanning the floor and kill the arachnids. When they are dead, the door in the right corner will open. Go through it and you will face two mantises. Kill them and take their neural transmitters and put them in the red circles on the wall. Hop in the elevator and take it down to the Core antechamber.

Now you will enter a room with red squares on the floor and three doors around the room, one with a save terminal beside it. Save and then you will need to step on certain squares to open the side doors to get transmitters. Look above the door beside the terminal and there will be a picture with squares. Use the EVM and it will show you green and black squares. These are the two sequences to open the two doors. Step on all the green squares and grab the transmitter and then use the terminal to rest them. Step on all the black ones on the sign to open the second door and grab the transmitter there. Once you have both, go through the door and enter the Core.

Now you have to fight against the core or 6808 if you’d rather call it. To destroy it, you need to blow apart the metal wall in the center that covers the generator there. After you have access to the generator, you need to use the shockwave on it to make the red hand print control active. Once it is active, run over to it and you will need to enter the same code that is shown to you in a limited amount of time. The codes are simple directions on the d-pad, left and right triggers and X, Y, A and B. After each time you enter the three codes, the test is complete. You need to do it four times and each time a wall is removed from rotating around the core and a laser is added. Continue destroying the generator by using the walls for cover and rolling to get past the lasers without being hit. Once you finally complete the 4th test, the ending scene will play.



I Will Be The One

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