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在这个2d格斗游戏重新统治业界的时代,街霸4和超级街霸2remix以无与伦比的表现占据了无数格斗爱好者的思维,还有初来乍到的blazblue带给了西方人们迄今为止最华丽的对战体验……昔日的王者SNK PLAYMORE也以The King Of FightersXII去力争那些曾经的荣誉。最新作采用了手绘风格和非常丰富的奢华的场景,游戏看起来已经远远不是NEOGEO时代的模样了。
当然,这说得有点恐怖了……但是因为这个时代有很多优秀的同类游戏存在,我能给kof12最好的恭维就是“拳皇系列依然存在。”这是个平淡的,低成本的游戏--虽然它像一次回归原点的尝试,但是它无法让任何玩家体验到制作者希望的感觉。从细微的瑕疵(开战前 loading画面拖曳得感觉像半成品,非常不直观的训练菜单对新手是一种折磨)到刺眼的毛病(单人模式下困难难度依然面对的是极度低能的ai;网战的观战模式无法退出),kof12玩过后就让人感觉就是那种游戏随时会被成功赢得市场已经在树荫下乘凉的竞争对手踢出门外。
唯一能让我们从这款游戏里得到乐趣的方式恐怕只有叫上好友在家中一起对战了--如何你欣赏snk的角色设计,kof12也有着令人满意的2d角色拥有着 2d形象所应该有的所有基本要素。系列以往引以为傲的完美平衡度也荡然无存了。但是有那么多更好的选择在那,你为什么还要让自己忍受这么多呢?
译by jubao
付原文In an era where 2D fighting games once again reign supreme -- with Street Fighter IV and Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix collectively dominating the lion's mindshare, and new-kid-on-the-block BlazBlue mixing things up with creative new gameplay concepts and the genre's best netcode to date -- SNK Playmore dares to reinvent its flagship King of Fighters franchise for the times. This latest installment is packed with lavish new backgrounds and hand-drawn character art, eschewing the series' ailing Neo-Geo visuals.
Just one problem: The King of Fighters XII doesn't reinvent the series. It destroys it.
Yeah, that's a tad melodramatic... but in an era where the aforementioned stellar 2D fighting games exist, the best compliment I can offer KoF12 is "It certainly exists." It's a plain, no-frills fighter -- and while it's one thing to take a back-to-basics approach, this is one game that feels rushed in every conceivable way. From little nitpicks (pre-fight loading screens stutter in that "this game wasn't ready" way; unintuitive practice-mode menus are a pain to navigate) to glaring issues (single-player diffi***y levels all feature moronic A.I.; you can't exit the online spectator mode), KoF12 looks and plays like a game that got kicked out the door just in time to ride the coattails of its competitors' wild popularity.
But here's the kicker: KoF12's online play is (to put it mildly) atrocious. Spectator mode suckage aside, you can't filter prospective opponents by connection quality, you can't kick unwanted players from your lobbies, you can't view a friends-only leaderboard, and you can't filter saved match replays by user-defined criteria (but that's okay, since they're worthless anyway -- no player names are attached to saved match videos!). All of these very egregious flaws are moot, though, because KoF12 features the absolute worst netcode of any fighting game that exists on a current platform, to such an extreme degree that you may as well not bother with it at all. Matches range from "horribly laggy" to "near-literal slideshow," and given how far online fighters have come, it's frankly embarrassing to witness such terrible netcode making it into a retail product in 2009.
The only way you're likely to get any enjoyment out of King of Fighters XII is through local matches with friends -- and if you're that attached to SNK's characters, it is a decent 2D fighter that does all the basic things that you expect a 2D fighter to do. But with so many better options to choose from, why would you want to subject yourself to this?. |