Pure(42个奖杯) |
奖杯 |
Finished an event ( 铜杯) |
Complete an event. | 完成一个事件 |
Completed stage 1 ( 铜杯) |
Place first in all four events in Stage 1. | 第1关4个事件全部第一 |
Completed stage 2 ( 铜杯) |
Place first in all four events in Stage 2. | 第2关4个事件全部第一 |
Completed stage 3 ( 铜杯) |
Place first in all four events in Stage 3. | 第3关4个事件全部第一 |
Completed stage 4 ( 铜杯) |
Place first in all four events in Stage 4. | 第4关4个事件全部第一 |
Completed stage 5 ( 铜杯) |
Place first in all five events in Stage 5. | 第5关5个事件全部第一 |
Completed stage 6 ( 铜杯) |
Place first in all five events in Stage 6. | 第6关5个事件全部第一 |
Completed stage 7 ( 铜杯) |
Place first in all five events in Stage 7. | 第7关5个事件全部第一 |
Completed stage 8 ( 铜杯) |
Place first in all six events in Stage 8. | 第8关6个事件全部第一 |
Completed stage 9 ( 铜杯) |
Place first in all six events in Stage 9. | 第9关6个事件全部第一 |
Completed stage 10 ( 铜杯) |
Place first in all seven events in Stage 10. | 第10关7个事件全部第一 |
1 of a kind ( 铜杯) |
Build an ATV from scratch in the garage. | 车库中建造一个ATV |
Fully loaded ( 铜杯) |
Unlock and then fill all ten ATV slots in the garage. | 解锁然后把10个ATV插口填满 |
Mechanic ( 铜杯) |
Build five ATVs, each with a different engine. | 建造5个用不同引擎的ATV |
Flawless lap ( 铜杯) |
Complete a lap of a Race event in World Tour without dismounting. | World Tour中不下车完成一圈比赛 |
Flawless event ( 铜杯) |
Complete a World Tour event without dismounting. | 完成World Tour不下车 |
Nice combo! ( 铜杯) |
Perform a combo of at least 50,000 points. | 完成一个50000点的连击 |
You reckon? ( 铜杯) |
Pull a special trick on a sprint track. | 短跑跑道中发动一个特殊技巧 |
Hang time ( 铜杯) |
Spending 150+ seconds in the air and win the same event. | 赢得一场比赛并且在空中飞150秒 |
Learner driver ( 铜杯) |
Lap another rider in an offline sprint track event. | 和另一个驾驶员一起完成离线短跑跑道比赛 |
No pain, no gain ( 铜杯) |
Crash ten times and still win an event. | 撞10次仍然赢得比赛 |
Full speed ahead ( 铜杯) |
Hold down the gas for the entire event and finish in first place. | 全程加速然后获得第一 |
Show off ( 铜杯) |
Win a Race or Sprint event and cross the line while doing a Wheelie on every lap. | 赢得Race或Sprint Event,每次过终点线时都做wheelie |
Win online ( 铜杯) |
Come first in an online event. | 在一个在线比赛中排第一 |
Tricked out ( 银杯) |
Perform every normal trick in a single World Tour event. | 在一个World Tour比赛中上演全部正常特技 |
Specialised ( 银杯) |
Perform 8 different special tricks in a single World Tour event. | 在一个World Tour比赛中上演8个特殊特技 |
Freestyler ( 银杯) |
Extend a Freestyle session past the third lap. | 伸展一个Freestyle Session通过第3圈 |
Triple flip ( 银杯) |
Pull off a 1080 forward or backward rotation in a single jump. | 一个跳跃中旋转1080° |
Sick combo! ( 银杯) |
Perform a combo of at least 125,000 points. | 上演一个125000分的连击 |
You're special! ( 银杯) |
Perform every special trick in the game. | 上演每个特殊特技 |
Grease monkey ( 银杯) |
Earn a 1st place with every engine type in World Tour Mode. | World Tour模式中用每种引擎排第一 |
Comeback kid ( 银杯) |
Come from last place on the last lap to win a race event in World Tour Mode. | World Tour模式中在最后一圈从最后一名反超获胜 |
Fresh air ( 银杯) |
Win a Freestyle event with Fresh tricks only. | 只用Fresh特技赢得一个Freestyle比赛 |
No messing ( 银杯) |
Complete World Tour Mode while participating in a maximum of 42 events. | 参与全部42项比赛完成World Tour模式 |
Zero to hero ( 银杯) |
Aquire a special trick within 30 secs of a Race starting. | Race模式开始30秒内完成一个特殊特技 |
Two time! ( 银杯) |
Perform two special tricks in 1 jump. | 一个跳跃中使用两个特殊特技 |
Underdog ( 银杯) |
Use a class D engine to beat an opponent with a class A engine in a ranked match. | 在一个积分比赛中使用D级引擎击败一台使用A级引擎的对手 |
Online champ ( 银杯) |
Come first in a online championship. | 在线冠军杯赢得第一 |
Killer combo! ( 金杯) |
Perform a combo of at least 250,000 points. | 一个连击取得250000分 |
Pure perfection ( 金杯) |
Come first in every event in the Pure World Tour. | 每一个Pure World Tour中成为第一 |
5 in a row ( 金杯) |
Come first in 5 online events in a row. | 在线比赛连赢5局 |
Pure platinum ( 白金杯) |
Acquire all Pure trophies. | 取得所有奖杯 |