中文成就表 |
成就 | 简介 | 解锁方法 | 成就分 | 奖杯等级 |
蒼の力を受けし者 | 50个奖杯全获得 | 50个奖杯全获得后自动解除 | - | 白金杯 |
頑張った!/Dante | [ARCADE] 以最高难度完成街机模式 | 最高难度,1 ROUND制和选用擅用角色,续关可 | 30 | 银杯 |
よく頑張った!/Leonidas | [SCORE ATTACK] 完成分数挑战模式 | 无续关打12场,最后四场是BOSS级角色,2P乱入大法可,选TAGER,2D伺候,击中对手并反弹回来时用SP2,反复运用并多加防御即可,详细新的可参考99楼"区区在下 XD"心得,57楼"djlain"兄,58楼"luo_tao0378"兄和100楼"crazyjojo660"版大滴心得 | 40 | 金杯 |
真・ハクメン推参!/I Am the Just Sword | [ARCADE / SCORE ATTACK] 在街机/分数挑战模式中打败"HAKUMEN/白面" | 街机模式或分数挑战模式,任何难度,打败"HAKUMEN/白面"即可,难度和场数不会影响,建议直接完成分数挑战模式即可解除 | 20 | 铜杯 |
これでいっしょだね/Murakumo Activated... | [ARCADE / SCORE ATTACK] 在街机/分数挑战模式中打败"NEW-13/NU-13/牛.13" | 街机模式或分数挑战模式,任何难度,打败"NEW-13/NU-13/牛.13"即可,难度和场数不会影响,建议直接完成分数挑战模式即可解除 | 20 | 铜杯 |
本当の親友探し/Wanderer | [Player Match] 游玩Player Match1次 | 找朋友玩1场PLAYER MATCH即可 | 10 | 铜杯 |
僕にとっては通過点に過ぎない/Warrior | [Player Match] 游玩Player Match150次 | 找有根性的朋友玩150场PLAYER MATCH即可 | 30 | 银杯 |
力を隠した傍観者/Voyeur | [Player Match] Player Match中观战20次以上 | PLAYER MATCH中观战20次 | 10 | 铜杯 |
カグツチの覇者/Ruler of Kagutsuchi | [Ranked Match / Player Match] 曾经在网战中和全部角色对战 | 找朋友一起刷,选同一个角色打一次即可,可避免遗忘了还有哪一个角色没战过 | 10 | 铜杯 |
初体験(///)/Be Gentle... It's My First Time. | [Ranked Match] 游玩Ranked Match1次 | 找朋友一起玩一场RANKED MATCH即可 | 10 | 铜杯 |
こんなにも早く覚醒が…/That Was Incredible! | [Ranked Match] Ranked Match获得首次胜利 | 同上,但必须获得胜利,找朋友一起解 | 10 | 铜杯 |
静まれ、俺の…!!/You Brute! | [Ranked Match] Ranked Match连续获得3次胜利 | 同上,找朋友一起解,由于需要连续胜3场,一方先让赛3场,同时刷上面那个成就,接着轮到另一方让赛3场 | 20 | 铜杯 |
百の贖罪/100 Trials | [Ranked Match] 游玩Ranked Match100次以上 | 找有根性的朋友玩100场 RANKED MATCH即可 | 20 | 银杯 |
弐百の贖罪/200 Trials | [Ranked Match] 游玩Ranked Match200次以上 | 同上,找有根性的朋友玩200场 RANKED MATCH即可 | 40 | 金杯 |
Hなのはないよ?!/Hands Where I Can See Them | [GALLERY] 收集50张以上GALLERY的CG图 | 注明了只算CG图而已....解了大部分隐藏成就会获得1X张SP CG,再通过所有角色的街机模式/故事模式必定超过50张,再进入GALLERY内即可解除 | 30 | 铜杯 |
技の怪盗/I Like to Watch | [REPLAY THEATER] 收集5个以上重播记录 | 到排名榜内下载5个以上REPLAY片段再于REPLAY内观看即可 | 10 | 铜杯 |
Hello World !/Hello World ! | [STORY] 进入故事模式看完片头自动解除 | 故事模式看完片头即可 | 10 | 铜杯 |
俺に努力は似合わない/You're the Best! Around! | [TRAINING] 训练模式中累计100万伤害值 | 有空无聊进入训练模式玩玩/练连段顺便龟吧.......耗时间成就 | 20 | 铜杯 |
弱い自分との決別/Legionnaire | 网战等级提升至10级 | 找朋友一起玩Ranked Match刷至10级顺便刷场数.......根性成就 | 20 | 铜杯 |
さらなる力の渇望/Praetorian Guardsman | 网战等级提升至30级 | 找朋友一起玩Ranked Match刷至30级顺便刷场数.......根性成就 | 30 | 银杯 |
見せてやるよ、蒼の力を…!/Welcome to the Azure Nightmare | [ARCADE / SCORE ATTACK] 在街机/分数挑战模式中打败"觉醒.RAGNA" | 街机模式或分数挑战模式,任何难度,打败"觉醒.RAGNA"即可,难度不会影响,场数保险起见打3盘2胜制,"觉醒.RAGNA"出现条件为10次超必K.O+没输任何一场,建议直接完成分数挑战模式即可解除 | 30 | 银杯 |
これで勝ったつもり?/Victory Is an Illusion | [ARCADE / SCORE ATTACK] 在街机/分数挑战模式中打败"觉醒.RACHEL" | 街机模式或分数挑战模式,任何难度,打败"觉醒.RACHEL"即可,难度和场数不会影响,"NEW-13/NU-13/牛.13"街机模式最终战必定遇上,建议直接完成分数挑战模式即可解除 | 30 | 银杯 |
悪魔の小手/Devil's Advocate | 用RAGNA的招式"Gauntlet Hades"100次以上 | 用RAGNA的214+B / SP2 100次以上即可 | 20 | 铜杯 |
氷サーファー/Ride the Icening | 1回合/ROUND中用JIN的"Musou Senshouzan"或"Tosshougeki"20次以上然后打败对手 | 用JIN的214+A/B/C(前者)或214+D(后者) / SP2 20次以上然后打败对手 | 10 | 铜杯 |
大事なことなので/This Is Important... | 用NOEL打LITCHI时听NOEL喊"放开那只熊猫!"100次以上 | 打LITCHI时用236+A/B/C / SP1 100次以上即可 | 20 | 铜杯 |
私はいつでも上から目線/Spoonful of Sugar | 用RACHEL在空中漂浮25秒 | 2P大法,两人同选RACHEL,二段跳按住C慢速降落,快着地时再用上+D,2P可在1P快着地时帮忙吹风,可减缓下降时间,4-5次左右即可 | 20 | 铜杯 |
おや?チビカカたちの様子が.../Cat-a-pult | 用TAOKAKA的招式"Kitty Litter Special!"把小猫丢出去 | 用TAOKAKA的214 +A/B/C / SP2 直到不小心把小猫丢出去并击中对手 XD | 10 | 铜杯 |
これが磁力の力だ!/Irresistible | 1场/MATCH内用TAGER的招式"Spark Bolt"击中对手6次以上 | 用TAGER的421+B可加快储满BARRIER糟下方的特殊气糟,再用41236+D击中对手6次即可 | 10 | 铜杯 |
トリプル役満/Hat-Trick | 1场对战/MATCH用LITCHI的招式"Thirteen Orphans" "The Great Wheel" and "All Green"这3招 | 2P大法,把时间调无限,刻意让2P把血量削弱以方便自动加气糟模式启动,再用LITCHI的三招超必(无需顺序使用)/SP3,SP4和置棍状态下632146+D击中对手即可 | 10 | 铜杯 |
キレイなアラクネ/Beautiful Arakune | 用ARAKUNE不减血/PERFECT获得一场胜利 | 2P大法,ARAKUNE不减血获胜 | 20 | 铜杯 |
拙者の怒りが有頂天/Bangarang! | 两人同时选用BANG并一起发动"风林火山" | 2P大法,两人同选BANG,各自用D键打对方4次以储全风,林,火,山,再互殴让气糟达到50%情况下先后发动"风林火山" | 20 | 铜杯 |
姉さんは僕が守るんだ…/I Can Rebuild Her... | 1回合/ROUND中用CARL的姐姐 - NIRVANA被打爆再修好3次 | 2P大法,把对战时间调无限,1P选CARL,按D控制姐姐NIRVANA,2P持续攻击直到BARRIER糟下方的NIRVANA血糟清光,重复3次即可 | 10 | 铜杯 |
悠久の六英雄/It's over 10K! | HAKUMEN于不使用AH(ASTRAL HEAT)的情况下打出1万伤害 | 2P大法,2P选TAGER,开场后TAGER用SP1打HAKUMEN4-5次让他处于加速气糟储蓄状态,两人再移动到版边,1P气糟满后发动超必.梦幻/214214+D,然后632146+C(C按着不放),集气满后会自动放出,再顺序输入SP1 (这一段须目压,否则总攻击力会无法超过1万) > SP2 (这一段须目压,否则连段有可能中断) > SP2 > SP1即可或参考61楼"luo_tao0378"滴心得,训练模式和UNLIMITED版解除不能 | 30 | 铜杯 |
対象の殲滅を開始します/Activate Termination Protocol | 用"NEW-13/NU-13/牛.13"达成60 HITS以上连段 | 注意该成就的打成条件的60 HITS以上连段是以红色显示的HEAT才算,暗红色显示的HEAT不算,选TAGER当对手,靠近版边时发动236236D (X2),冲到敌人面前6C,2C,JC,训练模式解除可能 | 30 | 铜杯 |
反逆衝動/Duh Dun DUNNN! | [STORY] 故事模式中看过真.结局 | 全角色故事模式任意ENDING看过后开启HAKUMEN和NU-13的故事模式,再通了HAKUMEN和NU-13的故事模式后会出现???故事模式,通了???故事模式后真.结局出现 | 30 | 铜杯 |
元は取った!/Carpal Tunnel | 总游玩时间超过25小时 | 就是龟时间,方法任君选择,开游戏放着不管或玩分歧路线不知不觉中开启,看个人喜好决定早晚开启 | 20 | 铜杯 |
はぁと☆ぶれいく/You Never Forget Your First | 第一次把BARRIER糟打崩 | 2P大法,2P先把BARRIER糟用光(也可直接A+B+C+D/发动BB技),然后一直处于防御状态,1P持续攻击把时间计下的防御槽蓄满到一端(您是1P就把防御槽蓄成全蓝,反之全红)和防御槽左方类似"8"字的气糟处于闪耀状态即可 | 10 | 铜杯 |
テーレッテー♪/It's Go Time | 第一次使用AH(ASTRAL HEAT)技 | 需用任意角色在街机模式破关一次开启个人AH技,再达成AH发动条件,发动条件为最后回合/ROUND,对手血量20%以下和能量糟满,满足条件后按SP4并击中对手既可 | 10 | 铜杯 |
この技はつかいたくなかったんだがな…/Discouraging Finish! | 全角色AH(ASTRAL HEAT)技使用 | 同上,满足条件后按SP4并击中对手既可,需要全角色至少发动过一次,部分角色的AH(ASTRAL HEAT)技需在街机模式破关一次开启 | 30 | 银杯 |
刹那、その閃き/Their Numbers Count for Nothing | 使用IB(INSTANT BLOCK)300次 | 被攻击瞬间输入4,全身闪白光表示成功,2P大法,时间调无限,同时1P按4,2P按A/轻攻击,发动300次以上即可,训练模式解除不能 | 20 | 铜杯 |
完璧超人現る/Nothing's Gonna Keep You Down | 不减血/PERFECT获得30场胜利 | 不减血获胜30场即可,2P大法+BEGINNER难度伺候 | 30 | 银杯 |
不確定無意識の反撃/Stop Hitting Yourself | 使用CA(COUNTER ASSAULT)技30次 | 防御时按6+A+B,会消耗一半能量糟,发动30次即可,训练模式解除不能 | 20 | 铜杯 |
本気(マジ)はここからだ/Restraining Order | 使用BB(BARRIER BURST)技30次以上 | A+B+C+D同时输入,BARRIER糟会在该回合/ROUND消失,发动30次即可,训练模式解除不能 | 20 | 铜杯 |
まだ終わりじゃねぇぞ/Animation Conservation | 使用RC(RAPID CANCEL)技100次以上 | 攻击中输入A+B+C发动,会消耗一半能量糟,发动100次以上即可,训练模式解除不能 | 20 | 铜杯 |
くっ! 力の解放を抑えられない!/Designated Driver | 使用DD(DISTORTION DRIVE)技100次以上 | 使用超必100次以上,会消耗一半能量糟,训练模式解除不能 | 30 | 铜杯 |
まさか、これほどとは.../This Just Got Real | DOUBLE K.O 同時死亡 | 1P选RAGNA,2P选ARAKUNE,两人都打到血量剩下一条线左右时,2P ARAKUNE空发BEAM超杀,1P RAGNA使用214A冲过去即便同時死亡了 | 20 | 铜杯 |
俺の色に染まれ/In Living Color | 选用单一角色的全12种颜色服装 | 选角色时按START调出颜色表,同一个角色选在表内选过全12种颜色的服装才能开启,颜色表以外的选色确定不能解除这成就 | 10 | 铜杯 |
先手必勝/I'm faster than anybody! | [Ranked / Player Match] 连续5场对战中都获得先发攻击/1ST STRIKE | 网战中找朋友一起解,打5场先让对方/己方先制攻击,可和连胜3场一起解 | 20 | 铜杯 |
もうやめて! 相手の体力は0よ!/It's the Only Way to Be Sure | K.O对手后继续攻击做出20 HITS连段 | 2P大法,用"NEW-13/NU-13/牛.13" 的把对手打剩一丁点血,再用超必236236+D,第1 HITS击中对手死亡后余下的20多HITS(TAGER限定)会自动招呼到对手身上,如果怕不能达成20HITS以上滴话,可在超必发动后多补几下D | 10 | 铜杯 |
このままタイムアップでもいいんだが?/Words Hurt Too | 让对手领先5千血量的情况下被对手挑拨 | 2P大法,2P把1P的血量削至一半以下(由于个角色的血量不同,保险起见削至一半以下)后挑拨1P即可 | 30 | 银杯 |
ぬるぬる魔人/Greased Pig | 成功解投50次 | 2P大法,2P用投技招呼1P,1P瞬间输入B+C,成功50次即可,训练模式解除不能 | 10 | 铜杯 |
英文成就表 |
成就 | 简介 | 成就分 |
Dante | [ARCADE] Beat Arcade mode on the highest diffi***y. | 30 |
Leonidas | [SCORE ATTACK] Beat Score Attack mode. | 40 |
I Am the Just Sword | [ARCADE / SCORE ATTACK] Defeat Hakumen in Arcade / Score Attack mode. | 20 |
Murakumo Activated... | [ARCADE / SCORE ATTACK] Defeat v-13 in Arcade / Score Attack mode. | 20 |
Wanderer | [Player Match] Experience a Player Match. | 10 |
Warrior | [Player Match] Experience is power. | 30 |
Voyeur | [Player Match] Learn from the mistakes of others. | 10 |
Ruler of Kagutsuchi | [Ranked Match / Player Match] Fight against different opponents. | 10 |
Be Gentle... It's My First Time. | [Ranked Match] Experience a Ranked Match. | 10 |
That Was Incredible! | [Ranked Match] Conquer a Ranked Match. | 10 |
You Brute! | [Ranked Match] Win several Ranked Matches in a row. | 20 |
100 Trials | [Ranked Match] Strive higher in Ranked Matches. | 20 |
200 Trials | [Ranked Match] Strive even higher in Ranked Matches. | 40 |
Hands Where I Can See Them | [GALLERY] Collect more art! | 30 |
I Like to Watch | [REPLAY THEATER] Collect replay data. | 10 |
Hello World ! | [STORY] Understand the truth of the story. | 10 |
You're the Best! Around! | [TRAINING] You still have much to learn. | 20 |
Legionnaire | Increase your level. | 20 |
Praetorian Guardsman | Increase your level even more. | 30 |
Welcome to the Azure Nightmare | [ARCADE / SCORE ATTACK] Defeated "Unlimited" Ragna and obtained the power of darkness. | 30 |
Victory Is an Illusion | [ARCADE / SCORE ATTACK] Defeated "Unlimited" Rachel. | 30 |
Devil's Advocate | Used Ragna's "Gauntlet Hades" over 100 times. | 20 |
Ride the Icening | Used Musou Senshouzan or Tosshougeki over 20 times in one round and finished the opponent off. | 10 |
This Is Important... | Heard Noel say "Hands off the panda!" over 100 times. | 20 |
Spoonful of Sugar | Stayed afloat for over 25 seconds with Rachel. | 20 |
Cat-a-pult | Threw a Kaka kitten using Taokaka's "Kitty Litter Special!". | 10 |
Irresistible | Hit the opponent with Tager's "Spark Bolt" more than six times in one round. | 10 |
Hat-Trick | In one match successfully pulled off "Thirteen Orphans" "The Great Wheel" and "All Green". | 10 |
Beautiful Arakune | Had a perfect match using Arakune. | 20 |
Bangarang! | Fought against Bang as Bang and both activated the "Fu-Rin-Ka-Zan". | 20 |
I Can Rebuild Her... | As Carl decommissioned Nirvana three times in one round. | 10 |
It's over 10K! | Dealt over 10K damage using Hakumen without the use of an Astral Heat. | 30 |
Activate Termination Protocol | Completed a 60+ hit combo using Nu. | 30 |
Duh Dun DUNNN! | [STORY] Saw the True Ending. | 30 |
Carpal Tunnel | Exceed a total playtime of 25 hours. | 20 |
You Never Forget Your First | Performed your first Barrier Crush. | 10 |
It's Go Time | Performed your first Astral Heat. | 10 |
Discouraging Finish! | Use an Astral Finish with every character | 30 |
Their Numbers Count for Nothing | Performed an instant block 300 times. | 20 |
Nothing's Gonna Keep You Down | Earned a Perfect victory 30 times. | 30 |
Stop Hitting Yourself | Used Counter Assault 30 times. | 20 |
Restraining Order | Used Barrier Burst over 30 times. | 20 |
Animation Conservation | Used Rapid Cancel over 100 times. | 20 |
Designated Driver | Used Distortion Drive over 100 times. | 30 |
This Just Got Real | Caused a Double Down to occur. | 20 |
In Living Color | Used all the color palettes of a single character. | 10 |
I'm faster than anybody! | [Ranked / Player Match] Get "First Strike" five times in a row. | 20 |
It's the Only Way to Be Sure | Performed a 20 hit combo after the round is over. | 10 |
Words Hurt Too | Let your opponent get a 5K hit-point lead on you then taunt you. | 30 |
Greased Pig | Successfully escaped 50 throws. | 10 |