| Ice Water(终极绝杀) | Win a solo game in overtime vs. the CPU.(单机模式,把比赛拖入加时赛并取得胜利) | 30G |
 | Well Rounded Player(多面手) | Get a triple double with your player in a solo Be a Pro game vs. the CPU.(在Be a Pro模式中扮演一名球员并达成三双) | 50G |
 | Super GM(豪华管理层) | Fully upgrade your Dynasty Mode™ team staff.(在王朝模式中将队伍管理人员的数值升满) | 100G |
 | Perimeter Man(打篮球从娃娃抓起) | Fully complete all of the Guard Station challenges in the NBA LIVE Academy.(在NBA学院中完成所有Guard Station的挑战关卡) | 50G |
 | BMOC(梦八训练营) | Fully complete all of the Big Man Station challenges in the NBA LIVE Academy.( 在NBA学院中完成所有Big Man Station的挑战关卡) | 50G |
 | Team Player(团队合作) | Fully complete all of the Team-Play Station'challenges in the NBA LIVE Academy.( 在NBA学院中完成所有Team-Play Station的挑战关卡) | 50G |
 | Created a Monster(自创金手指型球员) | Score over 60 points with a created player in a solo game vs. the CPU(自创一名球员,并在比赛中得分超过60分) | 25G |
 | The Past is Present(经典回顾) | Play and win a solo NBA LIVE Rewind Game vs. the CPU(完成一场NBA历史上的经典比赛) | 25G |
 | Game of the Week(本周最佳) | Play and win a Game of the Week ranked match online.(在线上打一场Game of the Week比赛并获胜) | 30G |
 | BAP MVP(全场最佳) | Win a Be a Pro game,receiving an 80 or higher Be a Pro rating with your player solo vs. the CPU.(赢得一场Be a Pro game,并且你所控制的那名球员在赛后评分要达到80分以上) | 30G |
 | David and Goliath(光脚的不怕穿鞋的) | Defeat any team rated 10 points or higher in a solo match on Superstar diffi***y vs. the CPU.(在最高难度下,击败一只平均数值比你高出10分的球队) | 50G |
 | MVP(最有价值球员) | A player on your Dynasty Mode™ team wins the MVP of the regular season.(在王朝模式中,你队中一名队员获得常规赛最有价值球员) | 30G |
 | NBA Finals MVP(最有价值球员) | A player on your Dynasty Mode™ teams wins the NBA Finals MVP (在王朝模式中,你队中一名队员获得总决赛最有价值球员) | 30G |
 | All-Star(入选全明星赛) | A player on your Dynasty Mode™ team makes the NBA All-Star Game(在王朝模式中,你队中一名队员入选全明星赛) | 20G |
| All-NBA (入选最佳阵容) | A player on your Dynasty Mode™ team makes the All-NBA team(在王朝模式中,你队中一名队员入选NBA最佳阵容) | 20G |
 | Clutch(关键先生) | On Superstar diffi***y vs. the CPU,make two free throws in a row with under two minutes remaining(在最高难度下,在比赛最后两分钟时连续两次罚球命中) | 20G |
 | G.O.A.T.(横扫篮坛) | Win by at least 20 points in solo game on Superstar diffi***y vs. the CPU(在最高难度下以20分以上的差距赢得一场比赛) | 60G |
 | The Comeback Kid(神奇逆转) | Win a solo game after being down by 20 points vs. the CPU(在落后20分的情况下赢得比赛) | 40G |
 | Shock the World(大冷门) | Defeat Team USA in a solo match in the FIBA World Championship tournament vs. the CPU(在世界男篮锦标赛中击败美国队) | 30G |
 | The Grinder(网战时间) | Play 20 ranked matches online.(在线上打20场比赛) | 100G |
 | Club Victory(团体冠军) | Play and win a Team Play Club match(赢得一场Team Play的比赛) | 50G |
 | Cool Off(蔫了,真蔫了) | Shut down a hot Shot Streak by keeping his point total under 10 vs. the CPU (minimum 10 min. Q)(将对方选手的得分控制在10分以内,单节至少设定在10分钟) | 50G |
 | Old School(NBA进化史) | Win a game with no dunks or 3 point shots in a solo game vs. the CPU(早期NBA比赛没有3分的设定,也没有扣篮,以不扣篮不投3分的情况赢得一场比赛) | 60G |