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Overlord on the XBox 360
By: Cheryl Rosado
Email: [email protected]
Gamertag: Drksnider (actually it's my husband's ^^)
Version 0.5
The Evil and More Evil Walkthroughs
I. Intro
II. Updates
III. "Evil/Good" Walkthrough
IV. "Evil/Evil" Walkthrough
V. Achievements
VI. Credits
I. Introduction
Overlord is an Action/Adventure game by Codemasters and Triumph Studios, rated
T for Teen. It's uber fun and hard to put down. There might not be much
publicity for it, but it's definately a great game. You can either be an evil
overlord or a super duper evil overlord. It's your choice. If you want to
find out more information, refer to the game manual or a forum like the ones
found on gamefaqs.com, neoseeker.com, and others.
Everything written in the walkthrough is from my own experience playing the
game unless otherwise noted. Yes, the wording is pretty much word for word
in the separate walkthroughs, but I did go through and tweak it for good or
evil, so don't worry. Please don't take from this walkthrough, but don't
hesitate to email if you have anything to add and I will give credit where
credit is due. Thankies! :D
II. Updates
07/01/07 - I've gotten a little farther and I'm still working on the game.
(I would have gotten even farther if I hadn't gotten sick yesterday T.T)
Hopefully it'll be enough to help out for now. I'll be updating more as I
finish things! :D
06/29/07 - First Update, haven't finished the whole walkthrough yet, but it
should get you started. I have the basic outline set up and I'm currently
working hard to get the game finished and as many acheivements as I can get.
Part of the evil walkthrough and part of the really evil walkthrough are done.
III. "Evil/Good" Walkthrough
The reason I'm calling it "Evil/Good" is from the old Dungeons and Dragons
terminology, also can be known as "Chaotic Good". All it means is that it's
the lesser evil path that'll ultimately end in getting the "Zero Corruption"
achievement. (At least I hope it will... ^^;) Now then, let's get started.
So, you start out with a cutscene of you getting suited up and ready for
evilness! Once you gain control, head down the stairs toward your minions.
Try your axe out a little if you'd like on the little mushroom patches along
the way. It doesn't get you anything, but smashing stuff is fun! ^^
Another scene will greet you once you reach the spawning pit. As the on
screen tutorial suggests, hold down LT to lock onto the Minion Gate and hold
B to summon your little minions. You can summon only three minions at first,
but later you can summon more :D.
Once you summon them up, you will get two choices, follow Gnarl to learn how
to fight or go up the stairs to the throne room. There's nothing else in this
area, so choose one and let's get going!
Follow Gnarl:
Stupid Jester! This guy is just begging for a whippin. So give it to him!
It's just a big tutorial, so let's do it. Press A to attack at first. Then
they throw in hold down LT to lock on while pressing A to attack. Then hold
down RT to get your minions to attack the Jester. Sweep them with the right
thumbstick. Have them go up the ramp to the left and follow the path right
until they attack the Jester. Holding B brings them back to you. Then sweep
them around again, the same way though a bit farther to the right this time.
Now, finally we can move on!
Throne Room:
It's a bit... beaten up... O.o So, on with getting that Tower Heart!
You can beat up the Jester here in the throne room all you want...hee hee.
Tower Heart:
Once you get here, there's nothing to do but summon them minions! Oh! Look!
Little sheepies! Try out your bad ass minions on them. Kill all the sheep
you can and walk all the way to the end. Turn right for a little alcove with
jars to break. Don't break them yourself!! Send in the minions to do your
dirty work. They might just find something nice.
After that, make sure you killed all the sheep and harvested all the lifeforce
before moving on. Oh, and ignore that thing in the water for now, it must be
for something later on. Go back to the minion portal and grab a few more
minions. Now you can control 5 of them! Yay! Go to the fallen pillar on the
road that Gnarl has been bugging you about for a while and use your minions
to move it. Just target it with LT and use RT to make your minions move it
for you.
Bob's Farm:
Poor Bob. Halflings have taken over his farm it appears. And even the
pumpkins are against him... o.o Ok... Umm, well our minions can remedy such
a situation! Might as well use them to break some sunflowers and pots as well
as the pumpkins. You might notice your minions donning some snazzy new
pumpkin headwear! They will continue to upgrade their weapons and armor as
they find it, either by killing things or breaking things.
So once it's all smashed up, approach the farm house, send your minions in,
and kill the wee lil halfling that runs out. Now, let's leave poor, crazy,
ol' Bob to fix up his farm. Continue along the path, breaking things of
course as you go. Sweep them across the tree bridge to the left toward the
jars to see if they can find some new equipment and money.
Continue along breaking the mushrooms and you'll come across some sleeping
halflings. Kill them! Keep going until you get a scene showing the Tower
Heart! Clear out the pumpkins and put your minions to work bringing it home.
Go ahead and break the wall in their path with your axe. Follow them along
and head into the warp gate. Now you'll get a scene telling you that you
have to find a crane. But, you'll be able to summon 10 minions and you'll
gain the fireball spell (which you can use with the X button).
The Crane:
Before heading back through the gate, head down the stairs. The Tower Heart
is pretty, but not only does it look nice and open portals for you, it also
has another function! Walk up to it and press A to find out more information
on your minions, and also your corruption level. Since we're supposed to be
"good", keep this at 0%! (You can also check your corruption level by
pressing the back button to view your quests)
Now then, back up to the throne room and through the gate. Head to Mellow
Hills. Summon some minions and it's time to go sheep killin once again!
Get that lifeforce! Lifeforce = minions. Those jars over by the sheep are
also back, so go ahead and break em.
It's up to you whether you wanna walk back around the farm or take the
shortcut from last time. I chose to go back through the farm because the
stuffies to break had respawned. Follow the path until you get to the
fallen pillar that requires 10 minions to push. Now that you have them,
have them move it! Watch another scene. Now we gotta prove we ain't
Ok well, walk up to the wheat field and set it aflame! Send in your minions
once the fire is out to grab what's left. Follow the path around to another
wheat field. Before setting it on fire, turn right for a little alcove of
jars. Break em and then cross the bridge. Burn them little halfling
buggers. Run up and grab the treasure. Have your minions kill the loose
halflings that didn't die in the fire.
Gnarl will now start talk about killing innocents. For this walkthrough,
DON'T KILL ANYONE INNOCENT!!! Walk a little past the people there and on
the right, break the jars, and on the left, the barrels. Further down,
you'll find a Blood Pit. Sacrifice the minions if you need life. I didn't
at this point, but you might need some.
Carefully head around the corner, summoning more minions if you need to.
Kill the halflings that come at you. On the left are some more halflings
that'll throw stones at you, bust em up. Kill the ones also that are in
front of the gate. Don't turn the wheel there yet. Instead, head to the
right. Loot the barrels and chests, then kill the sheepies to harvest more
lifeforce. Now head back to the wheel and have your minions turn it. Go on
through the gate.
Slave Camp:
A new waypoint and a new spawn point, how nice! Take advantage if you need.
Break the mushrooms. Head up a bit and around the large log on the right
side to break some barrels. Don't hurt the people here. Up a little bit
in the top right corner are a few more barrels to break. Then turn the
corner and up a little for some more barrels on your right. Kill the
halflings here.
In this next area are a ton of halflings. Head to the left side first to
take care of some annoying stone throwing guys. There's a few crates toward
the back also. Then go back to where you came in and to the other side of
the area. More halflings to kill! Once they're dead, let the prisoners out
of the cage in the center of the area. (Turn the wheel)
Heading up, you will find more halflings. To the left is a blood pit and a
spawn point. To the right are more halflings to kill! And... a nasty troll.
Sic your minions on it and support them to lessen the chance some will die
during the fight. If they do, just spawn some more. Afterwards, go right
and up the stairs for a chest and some barrels. Go to the gate and turn
the wheel. Yay! We found our crane! Break the boxes and then use your
minions to bring the crane to the waypoint. Before heading back to your
tower, head up the stairs there and turn the wheel to free the slaves.
Go ahead through the Tower Gate to see the reconstruction effort. Now we
need to get ourselves a mistress. You can head down to the dungeon to
fight some stuff if you want to, but I chose not to until I get a more...
respectable horde. Other than that, nothing new yet.
Head through the gate back to Meadow Hills again. Make your way down and
around the path again to the gates of the city of Spree. By the way, the
sheep and jars are back if you wanna partake.
Retrieve the Food:
Return to Spree and break the barrier blocking the town. You'll be given a
new quest by Archie. Your destination is the Halfling Homes. So head to
the right and have your minions turn the wheel to open the gate to the next
area. Break the barrels and kill the halflings. Turn left for a chest and
right for some barrels. Before moving on, from the broken wall there, head
right and you'll find a domination spell on the right. Grab it, turn the
wheel to open the bridge, and let your minions bring it back to the
waypoint. Head back to the path that leads to the halflings, then proceed
down the path. Kill the halflings, there's ground trooops and the ones that
throw rocks at ya. Pillage the barrels and jars and continue along the
path. Then you'll see a halfling house. Lord of the Rings anyone? Now go
ahead and send your minions into these houses to loot and kill the halflings
you see running around. Now head down the stairs.
Crash the Halflings' party:
Continue down the stairs and you'll see a bunch of halflings to kill and
another troll. I don't know aobut you, but I lost a bunch of minions here
><, well the spawning pit isn't too far away at least, so if you need, run
back and grab some more before killing the rest of the halflings. Now that
they're dead, it's time to gather... provisions! So, go ahead and break all
of the jars and barrels, and loot the houses as well. We can't go through
that gate just yet, so head between the houses to the big ol' halfling house.
Get the treasure outside then turn the wheel. Head on inside.
Halfling Homes:
Once you get in here, pretty much everything is breakable, so break the door
down, kill the halflings, and break anything you find. :D Go through the
stairs on the left side of the room. Kill the sleeping halflings at the
bottom of the room and break all of the jars and anything else you find to
break. That's all you can do in this room, so head back to the previous
room, down the stairs and break down the door in the center.
Go ahead and kill the halflings behind the door. You'll need to go right
because the gate ahead is closed and the wheel is upstairs. So then, head
right throught the opening. Breaking the bouncing pots will yield some rats
that will go ahead and attack the halflings, so kill both! Now, sweep your
minions though the center and have them break the stuff up the ramp. Now
then, keep heading right and around the corner.
You'll see a halfling come out of the small opening, whenever you see those,
have your minions destroy them or else more will come out. Go ahead and turn
the wheel on the left side of the room, but before going throught he gate it
opened, head to the right side of the room, sweep your minions down the ramp
there, and continue on down the hall. Follow the pretty linear path, killing
the few stray halflings until you get to the other side of the entrance room
that you couldn't get to when you first walked in.
Pillage the room, then have your minions grab the giant pile o' cash! They
will bring it back to the entrance to the waypoint and then we'll be richer!
Now then, once they're done, we can finally head to the gate we opened. So
head there now, it's just up from the entrance area. Immediately head left
into the dungeon room where some poor peasants have been put in a cage. They
don't wanna be lunchies, so let's save em. First go around and kill the
sleeping halflings guarding them. Go ahead and sweep your minions through
the small opening by the entrance toward the halfling hole to close it up
before finally turning the wheel. Once free, the peasants will mention the
food. Go ahead and pillage the rest of the room before proceeding.
Once you're done, go back out and continue down the hall. Break the door
down, then go though and head to the left side of the room. Before smashing
the pumpkins, plug up those halfling holes and break the stuff. Smashing the
pumpkin will reveal another tower object! Have your minions take it to the
waypoint. Now you can summon 15 minions! I like the sound of that!
Return to the room you found the tower object (if you followed your minions)
and examine that red wheel. Two spokes are missing and we gotta go find them
to be able to turn it. So, let's get started.
Go smash the door on the right and kill the halflings behind it. Head up
the stairs on the left side, (ignore the path forward for now) to see a room
full of sleeping halflings. Kill them, loot the area, then break down the
door here. Head through, kill more halflings, and you'll find the first
spoke very easily noticeable in the middle of the halflings and stuff to
break. Now send a minion to carry it back and let's proceed.
Continue down the hall, breaking stuff as you go until you come to a wheel.
Turn it and let's go back to the path we skipped before. Take this path now
and head through the gate you just opened up. You'll see the spoke in plain
view, but to get it you'll need to sweep your minions around the room.
Don't forget to plug up the halfling holes as well. Once you're finished
sweeping around, it's time to head back to the red wheel and turn it. Head
on through the door.
Halfling Homes (2):
Break the jars and stuff. Head down the path and break the things on the
sides of the door before moving on. When you go through the door...omg...
the whole room is full of halflings! Well, slowly progress through the
room, killing halflings little by little and plugging up their holes.
There's a lot of loot here too, and a wheel to turn. Take your time to make
sure you get everything you can. It's beneficial to start out on the left
side first and work your way right, but that's just me.
Anyway, once you're ready to move on, turn the wheel and head through the
door. Head around the path and you'll see a fat, tubby halfling chef coming
out from down the hall. Kill him and head down the path he came from.
You'll see a bunch of chefs in the kitchen area, but before taking them out,
you can break the baskets to let the rats out to weaken them before we take
them on.
Keep heading down the hall, breaking more jars and barrels. There's a mana
pit if you need it and go ahead and kill the halfling chefs. Proceed through
the kitchen and you'll see the food! Before grabbing it, turn the wheel and
pillage the rest of the room. Now send your minions to pick up the food and
follow while they carry it. You'll see the people of Spree thankful to you
for getting their food back. So just walk over to the platform and recall
your minions. The people will take the food back.
Now then, since that is settled, let's get out of here. Head back to Spree.
(I returned to the tower, then warped back to Mellow Hills so I could gather
more lifeforce from sheepies.)
Remember Crashing the Halfling Party?:
Time to head back to the Halfling Village and to the gate we couldn't go
though before. Go ahead and loot the halfling house and turn the wheel.
When you head into the party area, you'll see the... lovely Melvin. Eww...
>< Your minions will be bewitched, so either you'll need to do the killing
yourself, you can let your minions die and summon new ones that won't dance
around, or kill the fiddler. My only thing is, we're supposed to be good,
and I don't know if killing the fiddler gets us corruption... >< so I just
let my minions die and summoned new ones.
Kill Melvin Underbelly:
We need to kill tons of halflings in this area and it's a pain I think.
We also need to find two red spokes to turn the red wheel so we can follow
Melvin. One of them is on the right side around the bend near some halfling
houses. Kill, pillage, and grab it! Near here is a spawning pit and a
blood pit, so use them if you need. Head on up past the pits and you'll
find an area with a giant barrier of fire around some object that you can't
get until we find the red minions. So, don't send the ones you have into it.
However, up on a platform here is the next red spoke. Grab it and let's
turn the wheel. Some halflings will pop out, so get rid of them and head
into the house.
Melvin's Kitchen:
Once inside, go left and kill the sheep. Break stuff! Head through the
opening and Gnarl will tell you that the red minions are here! Yay! So,
let's turn the wheel for now. Sweep your minions around to it and turn it
to fry the chefs. So now go around the room breaking stuff until you get to
another wheel. Turn it and go through the gate. Break the many barrels and
food and stuff. Go around the bend and you'll see Melvin... Grossness...
To kill Melvin, send your minions to attack, supporting with your axe or
your fire until he starts to roll around the room. At that point, recall
your minions quickly and move away from him so they don't get squished.
Once his hp is low, smack his butt. Eww... Now that that's over with, head
through the door and on the right side you can replenish your minions. Now
head up through the next door and discover the red minions home!
Retrieve the Red Minions Hive:
Head to the left side of the room and turn the wheel. Now you can summon
red minions! So put some browns away and grab some reds. Sweep the reds
into the fire barrier next to the spawning pit. So now we can walk through.
Let's collect some red lifeforce. Have your reds attack some buggies and
grab the red lifeforce. When you walk into the next area, you'll see the
Red Minion Hive. You need 10 red minions to move it. So we need to kill
some more bugs in the lava with the red minions.
Once you have 10 reds, use them to carry the hive. Follow along on the path
until you get to some halflings. Use your reds to burn em up. More
halflings will appear, so use all your minions on them. Now let's carry
the hive a little farther. Continue to follow them until you get to a room
with chefs. Position your reds on the left side and have them hold to shoot
the chefs. Now select the browns and sweep them to the wheel on the right
side of the room. Once they're dead, carry the hive the rest of the way.
Now we need to head back out so we can use the reds on that burning barrier
near the halfling party. So head through the waypoint to the tower.
Use this waypoint inside the tower to go to Mellow Hills and you'll see a
girl that tells you the sheepies are breeding faster now that Melvin is dead.
So, go ahead and go sheep hunting! Once your done though, head back to the
halfling party area through Spree again. Use the red minions on the fire
barrier that we left alone earlier to get... a lot of money! Now then...
(My game messed up here at this point and even though I killed Melvin, it
showed the same scene where you first see him again ^^; But when I went
back in, Melvin was still dead, but I was able to get more red lifeforce!)
Finding a Mistress:
Return to Spree. Head to another of the gates at the back of the town and
a man will tell you about a mysterious lady and Castle Spree being under
attack. Well, open the gate and let's check it out. Head down the path
and you'll see the castle on fire. Go up and kill the buggies for some more
red lifeforce. Use your reds on the next fire barrier. Keep heading up the
path and kill the bugs and the raider. Keep heading up, the castle
drawbridge is closed at the moment. Make a right and kill more raiders.
Use the reds on this next fire barrier. Sweep your minions in but be careful
because another raider will pop out, so kill him before turning the wheel.
Now then, turn the wheel and head into the castle via the drawbridge.
Be careful, a few raiders will pop out, and when I say a few, I mean at least
7 of them.. ^^;. Now then, which way first? If you head up the stairs on
either side, you'll find some jars to break. Heading back down the stairs,
the fire barrier that you see is closing off the dungeon entrance, but before
heading down there, head to the right to an opening, killing the raiders
along the way. Over here is a waypoint, a brown spawn pit, a mana shrine and
around the corner is an object that your minions can bring back to the
waypoint. So do that to recover and object that will increase your hp!
Nice! So now we can head into the dungeon area. Use the reds to get rid of
that fire barrier.
The dungeons of Spree:
First thing, remove the fire wall with your reds. You'll get your first
glimpse of your mistress. Now then, down the stairs and kill the horrible
raiders that forced the people to lock themselves in that cell. Now we gotta
get luggage... what are we, bell boys? Oh well... Ok then let's loot the
room before moving on. Head to the left side to an opening where there's
some buggies and lots of stuffies to break and pillage. Don't forget to
break the fire barrier to free the people. Then head back and we'll go
right from the entrance now. Break the fire wall with the reds, kill the
stuffies, and head up the stairs for another fire barrier. Break this one
and head around to the campfire. Shoot through it to kill the guys easily
with your reds then break it! Have the red break the next campfire too and
kill the guys there. Keep heading around the path for some treasure!
Now head down the stairs by breaking more fire barriers. Go around breaking
the rest of the barriers in your way and killing the raiders until you get
to the wheel. This will open the gate below. Have your reds fling some
fire down to kill the raiders that pop out and head all the way back around
to the entrance area, killing stuffies along the way.
Head through the gate you just opened when you turned the wheel, up from
the entrance. Make sure you have reds with you and head down the stairs.
This ugly evil eye is what's spawning the raiders. So you need to position
some of your reds on the far stairs so they can attack the eye from a
distance. Go around to the other side and position more reds on the other
side of the eye. Then attack the other stuff with your browns until the eye
is dead.
Bring the luggage back to your sweetheart! Now then, she'll be sprucing up
your Tower of Evil while you're doing your dirty work. So, go up the stairs
next to your throne and check it out. You can customize your tower if you
like. Now then, once you're finished, your next objective seems to be
Heaven's Peak. BUT FIRST....
Retrieve the First Tower Smelter:
Now that we have reds at our disposal, we can retrieve the steel smelter!
Head back to Spree and take the gate that we haven't opened yet and you'll
get a quest! Head to the right around the bend and you'll see a ruined sort
of building. In here is the smelter! Use the reds to break the barrier
around the smelter and bring it out. While walking it out and around, those
darn peasants will close the gate on you. Ahh well, kill the halflings here
and then run around to the left side of the area where the sheep are, killing
the knee-biters as you go. Turn the wheel here and bring the smelter to the
waypoint, stopping now and then to kill the halflings. So now, go ahead and
forge some stuffies if you'd like and let's be on our way. Not to Heaven's
Peak yet though...
Head back to the place where you found the steel smelter behind Spree.
Head up to the middle of the area this time and you'll see a scene with
some peasants complaining about roots. Keep heading down the road and use
some reds to break through the barrier. Keep going to a new area.
So let's explore shall we? Head to the right to two... dead telepathic
elves? O.o Okies, now we gotta kill us some rabid unicorns... So head
to the left of the elves to the first one and kill it. Keep heading along
DROWN!!!! Now then, sweep your minions across the small plant bridge there
on the left side and hold them there while you walk across the water. Recall
them and kill the second unicorn there. Grab the jars then break the barrier
here for a new minion spell. Turn the wheel here to make a bridge. Have
your minions bring the spell across the bridge and to the waypoint.
Head back to the elf ghosties. Break the barrier here, head up the path
killing the nasty little forest creatures along the way. You'll see a scene
as to what's going on here.
Kill Oberon:
So now we gotta kill this guy. We can't go left because of the poison
plants, so let's head right and bread the barrier. You'll see a health pit
here, but more importantly, you'll see a root with a pulsating white ball of
light at the end. Target it and have your minions destroy it. A new quest
will pop up and we'll need to destroy five more of the root nodes. Now then,
head back around the next bend that was previously blocked by the root.
There are some poison plants here, but as you approach a little, you'll see
a green minion and some more demonic forest creatures. Kill the creatures
and head around the path until you see a few magical creatures and Gnarl
will point out a poison pod. Use a minion to bring it over and blow them up.
Now sweep your minions across both of the bridges there and tell them to
hold position up there. Walk across the water to the other side and recall
them. Walk up and kill the next magical creature with another pod. Break
down the barrier here and head on in. Sweep your minions over the plant
bridge here and to the left telling them to hold across the water from you.
Head across the water and loot the area.
Follow the path around, sweeping your minions across yet another bridge to
kill the forest creatures there. Bring them back and you'll see another
poison pod and some more magical creatures. Use the poison pod again to kill
the dancing creatures. Now break down the barrier here. Use yet another
poison plant to kill even more magical creatures. Break another barrier
Before following the green minions into the cave, grab the tower object
there. Make the minions turn the wheel and carry it back to the waypoint to
get an increased mana bar! Yay! Now head back to the cave via the newly
found shortcut.
Viridian Caverns:
So head on in and follow the greens around. You'll get some green lifeforce
from the monsters in this cave, so stock up! Just keep following the greens
and don't walk into the poisonous plants, take the paths around them. Once
you get to the room with the giant block in the middle, head to the right
and carefully sweep your minions down the vine and have them move the block
to make a bridge. Now go back around to where the completed bridge is and
cross it.
Follow the greens some more until they walk into a branch on the right with
poison gas. Wait until the gas receeds then follow through killing the
buggies. Keep following, dodging the gas until you come to a barrier.
Break it and you'll find a blood pit if needed, some spawning pits, and if
you walk around the bend you can have your minions push the block you saw on
your way in. It'll bridge the gap on the far end of the room. Now head to
the path next to the archway there and follow it around, dodging more gas
sprays. Break the barrier here.
Head up and over the path we made and...Finally! We can summon greens! :D
So summon some greens up (at least 7) and let's start moving that green hive.
Get the greens to clear the poison plants from around the hive, then have
them carry it. Follow them around until they get to more poison gas. Have
them clear it out and continue along. Kill the bugs as they appear and clear
the gasses. As you are going along, you'll see a troll. You'll need to
sweep some green minions down to where it is and around it's back to kill
it. Once it's dead, use them to turn the wheel and bridge the gap. Have
the greens continue to bring the hive to the waypoint!
More Oberon nodes:
Now that we have greens, there's so much we can do! But for now, you might
wanna gather some more lifeforce, forge, and whatever. Once you're ready
to move on, go ahead back to Evernight, to the entrance of Viridian Caverns.
Don't go in however, we're going to sweep our greens over to the poison field
surrounding another root node. Attack the node, kill the bugs that come out
and go ahead and break the rest of the poison barriers blocking your way.
Keep heading up the path until you get back to the area with the weird tree.
Turn immediately right for a shield spell. Carry it back to the waypoint.
Now you can cast a shield upon yourself to protect against oncoming enemies.
Now head back to Oberon's tree again and under the root with the poison
barrier. Break this down and head around the building and down the stairs.
Head right and around the path breaking the things there until you come to a
barrier and a large monster carrying a rather large mace. He'll break the
barrier down himself, so go ahead and kill him (he's not too bad).
Continue along. Head up the stairs to the right to the semi-broken door.
Break it down the rest of the way to find a treasure trove! Get all of the
gold and lifeforce, then head back out and continue along the path.
You'll see here a large courtyard and in the back is another root node.
Let's carefully kill all of the enemies here that are guarding it. Make sure
to kill the priesties before they resurrect the other monsters. Before
breaking the node, make use of the mana/blood pits, as well as replenishing
your minions. Once you break it, the other side of the courtyard is
crawling with enemies again! Carefully kill all of these guys, taking out
the priests ASAP.
The way I did this was to draw the little archer creatures to you, kill them,
and when the priests come to resurrect, kill them quickly. Just try not to
alert the minotaur looking things until most of the other stuff is dead.
Once that's done, you'll see a red wheel next to the platform where the
spawning pits are located. The missing spoke is on the ground right down
the stairs next to it. So pick it up, put it back on, and let's turn that
wheel! It will open the door down the stairs. Go on through and break the
jars on the other side. Head around the path until you find another tower
object! This one will allow you to command 20 minions! Finally! :D
Now we can't go any farther without the blues, unfortunately. So let's head
now to Heaven's Peak.
Heaven's Peak:
Head up a little and the guys there will talk about how the city is closed
off and they'll mention a Sir William. Head on into the camp. You'll witness
one of the refugees turn into a zombie if you walk up a little. Head
toward the back of the camp and one of the guys will call you over. He'll
show you a way into the city, but now you really need those blues! Head back
out the way you came in and to the left is a little road leading to a LOT
of sheep! Since we're being good, don't go killing any or the farmer will
attack you, you'll kill him, and you'll get evilness points!! ><
Keep heading along until you reach a rusted looking gate. Head through and
you'll be in a cemetary. Kill the zombies that appear (break the doors to
the mausoleums if you wish for extra lootage) then keep heading along the
path. Head past the other mausoleums to where more zombies will come out of
the ground. Dispose of them and on the right side is a poison barrier. Break
this down and kill the zombies.
Head around to the left side of the platform where more zombies are located.
Run up the stairs, taking out the zombie priests and grab the tower object.
Follow your minions around, turning the wheel when you come to it. You'll
recieve a larger health bar! Now that's more respectable!
Now let's head back to where we found this tower object with at least 10 red
minions. Go to the fallen pillar on the side where there are a ton of fire
barriers. Use 10 reds to move it asideand then have them dissapate the
barriers. Go around the area breaking barriers, killing bugs, and gathering
some much needed red lifeforce. There's a red minion pit to the left in the
back of the area.
Now that that's over with, let's head to get some blues! Head back to the
Refugee camp. Go to the back and break down the barrier there. Kill the
MANY zombies that greet you there. Head up to the left a little to find a
succubus. Kill her with your minions and support as needed. A little past
her is another group of spawning pits and a waypoint.
Now, go back to where you killed the succubus and follow the path around to
get another tower object! Bring it back to the waypoint and now your mana
is increased! Now go back to where we found this mana object. Send some
greens over the fallen log to dissapate the poison. Send all your guys to
the other side now and hold them there. Take the path through the water to
join up with them. Before heading into the cave there, you might wanna turn
around and knock the wall behind you to form a bridge for easier access.
The Moist Hollows:
So walk into the cave, follow the blues around, and see a scene showing their
special ability. That could come in handy! Head around the path, killing
some birdies as you go. Collect 10 blue lifeforce. Then you might wanna put
your other guys away (outside) so they don't drown. At the end of the path
you'll find the blue minion hive next to a blue spawn pit. Summon at least
10 blues and have them grab the hive.
The blues have stopped and can't go any farther yet. So head down the other
available path to see some more blues in danger! :O So let's save em!
Recall your blues carrying the hive, spawn more minions from the spawning pits
here and put them to work. First have your minions hold position down the
ramp, but back a little away from the water. Select a blue minion, target
one of the eggs you see in the middle of the water, and have him grab it. Use
it to lure the birds to your other minions so they can kill them. This will
be a strategy used in many places, you'll find. Now the blues are safe!
Now return to the blue hive and put your other minions back. Have them pick
the hive back up and break the mushrooms and stuff blocking their path. Now
you'll find out that the blues are magic resistand and only they can kill
wisps. So kill some and keep going, clearing more mushrooms. Before
going too far, you'll come across a path leading left to a bunch of wisps.
Yay! Blue lifeforce! Loot the room before heading up the path in the back
of the room. Kill the birds and have your minions pull the block here.
Return now to the hive. Have the minions pull this block out at the bottom
here and continue along the path with the hive, clearing out more mushrooms.
There's a blue spawn pit here. Up here you will find a giant water serpent.
Time to kill it.
What I did here was, go to the right where the brown pit is, summon some
browns while still having some blues to resurrect. Send your blues down the
minion path, but not too close to the serpent. Now, take your browns and
move up to the serpent until he attacks, then move back quickly, sending
your browns to attack its head and supporting with your weapon. Have your
blues resurrect the ones that die if they can. Just keep this strategy up
until it dies. If you have a better way, go ahead :D.
Now then, carry the hive farther and break more mushrooms. Kill the bugs and
kill the froggies up the path. Continue along until you get to some
geysers. Guide your minions through to the wheel to form a bridge for the
hive to cross. Using the guard marker here is very useful. Break any
mushrooms along the way that hinders your blues carrying the hive. You'll
see a brown spawning pit here and another geyser blocking your path.
So take the path right with some browns and blues. Kill the wisps and frogs
and have your blues pull the block down in the water at the end of the road.
Head back to the brown spawn pit and take the path that is across from it,
it's kinda hidden, for some blue bugs, barrels and a giant pile of money!
You can't bring it back yet, but your can come back for it. Now take the
path to the left of the waterfall-geyser and you'll come to a broken bridge.
The only 2 ways I can think of doing this here is to either have 1 blue take
the egg away from the wheel so the others can turn it, or just kill the
birds with your fireballs so they can turn it. Once the bridge is completed,
head across and move the rock.
Return to the hive. Move it along the road, clearing more mushrooms out
of the way. Finally they'll find a waypoint to put it in. Yay! Now go back
and grab that giant bag of cash.
Outside the cave:
Now you can head outside through the water. There is so much we can do now.
But first we need to take care of all the birds out in the water there.
If you head to the left around the path, you'll find the waypoint in the
swamp where you can summon more minions. Head to where the birds are and
position your minions on land while you draw birds to them to kill.
Once that's done, you can grab that giant bag of treasure. If you head into
the water with your blues, and follow it under the castle bridge, there's
a bunch of stuff to loot. Keep going and there's a blue spawn pit. Head up
the path on land and you'll be back in the cemetary. So let's grab 10 blues
and head over to the sewer gate. Before moving the downed pillar, you might
want to grab some more minions and set up a guard marker on land. (You'll
see why!)
Move the pillar that's blocking the sewer gate and O.O a LOT of zombies
will appear! Lure them to your guys on shore and get rid of them. Before
heading in there, let's return to Mellow Hills for a minute. (I know...
that came out of no where...) If you follow the path around past the
entrance to Spree and keep going toward the slave camps to the brown
minion spawn pit next to the blood pit, there will be a path that's kinda
hidden behind the brown spawn pit. Head around that path and to the shore.
Send some blues over to grab the tower object. Bring it back, making the
bridge to the waypoint for more minion control! Now head back to Heaven's
Peak to the sewer entrance.
The Understreets:
Head up the path until you see two stairways, one leading left and one right.
Up on the right and around the path is a bunch of loot. The one on the left
however, leads to a whole bunch of zombies. O.o I just went up and slowly
killed them with my overlord (health regeneration armor really helps). Once
they're dead, head around the path and you'll find barrels and chests to
pillage. Keep heading around until you see the brown and blue spawning
pits. Now you'll see some boombo birds and eggs guarding a red spoke, but
leave it for now.
First grab some browns and blues and turn around heading throught he door
blocked by mushrooms and barrels. Go through there, around the path and kill
the zombies. It's so much easier with help... Here's the red wheel and we
need 3 spokes. Loot the platform that you're on then head back to the
previous room with the birds.
So, set up your guard markers, send a blue to get an egg, bring it back and
let your browns kill the birds while the rest of the blues res. Retrieve
the red spoke. Two more to go. From the red wheel, head down the stairs and
head left. Set up a guard marker here and break down the barrier in the
water. Lure the zombies over to your minions and then head up the next set
of stairs once they're dead. Kill the bugs, loot, and break down the door.
Kill the zombie priests then break the barrier to the right. Grab the 2nd
red spoke then return here. Send your minions over to turn the wheel in this
room. Head through the door you opened there and to the right killing the
bugs. Leave your guys here and head in the water. You'll find a bunch of
zombies to lure them to your minions and head back in. To the right is an
area to loot. Head back down the water path and around to a bunch of bugs
and lootage. If you head up the stairs you'll see a red spawning pit there.
Grab a red guy and break the fire barrier there to the rest of your horde.
Now I think you can sweep your minions out the door here down to where the
zombie priests and final spoke are, but I didn't do it this way. What I did
was, I headed back to the red wheel and to the spot where you break the
barrier leading to the zombies. If you take that path over and around,
killing the zombies, you'll get to that same platform where the final spoke
is. Have a blue grab it and return it to the red wheel. Now we can turn it
and move on.
Go through the gate and you'll see a member of the Silent Order, so loot and
then head left. The people will be happy that you cleared the path behind
you and return to town. There are some spawning pits and a waypoint here.
So loot the area and put away all but the blues. Head to the back of the
and down some stairs. Kill the bugs for blue lifeforce if you wish then
follow the path up some more stairs and a blue spawn pit. If you try to
sweep your minions to turn the wheel, another water serpent will appear. ^^;
The best solution I have here is to take a full battalion of blues over and
try to turn the wheel before the serpent eats them all. Walk through the
gate you opened. There will be a brown spawn pit down the way a little.
Now if you want to take out the hydra, do it from this direction. Either
walk over and take it out yourself, which takes a long time but you won't
lose minions, or position your blues near the water to resurrect while you
and your browns attack from the higher platform when it attacks. Either way
kill it. Leave the 3 giant sacks of cash for now. (We're coming right back)
Turn back around and head around the path on land until you reach a room full
of more zombies. There are some spawning pits around to help you out. Also
in the middle of this room is another spell so take it to the waypoint for
the Confusion spell! Loot the room and then head back to the 3 giant sacks
o' cash. Bring them back and head outside to Heaven's Peak town.
Heaven's Peak:
When you head into this area, you'll get the quest for the new smelter. If
you turn the wheel here, you'll get another quest to kill Sir William. Ok
then, when you turned the wheel, you opened the drawbridge. So head out of
the city and grab some minions, making sure to have at least 1 red.
Go back into the city and into the Understreets again. Kill the stuff in
the room, pillage, and then head down the stairs to the left from the
entrance. Break the fire barrier here and head down into the 2nd level.
Understreets (2):
Once you enter, loot the room. Kill some bugs and zombies. Head along the
path, killing more zombies as you go. Head around killing stuff and
looting. Once you get to the room with the wheel, turn it and head to the
gate it opened. Kill more stuffies and grab more lootage. Follow the path
further around for a mana pit if you need it, and keep heading down. More
spawning pits are around here. Keep heading until you see a scene with the
military zombie controlling the others. Head in and smash them, killing the
Zombie Lord first. Pillage the room then turn the wheel up on the platform.
Head through the door it opened, looting as you go. Head around the path
where you'll find more spawn pits, kill the zombies and turn this wheel.
Follow the path around more and from the gate you opened, head left to
the durium smelter! Head through the waypoint and forge!
Heaven's Peak City:
From the drawbridge where you enter the city, head left following the road.
On the left side is another tower object. Now you have the flamethrower
spell! So head back into the city once you're done putting it into the
waypoint. On the left side of town up some stairs is some barrels and a fire
barrier. You'll see a scene of some starving people and we have to help.
Break the barrels and the fire barrier and you'll see some dark knights.
If you try to kill these knights, they will keep being resurrected by the
priests in the back. So what I did was place a guard marker there and let
my minions distract the knights while I ran up the stairs behind them. Kill
a few of the priests around there and you'll see a scene. Now you're their
"god". And the fighting will cease.
Head back down the stairs and follow the path next to you around until you
find a large sack o' cash! Carry it to the waypoint. Now if you turn the
wheel that was right next to the cash, it will just lead to another
drawbridge that'll loop around back to the original waypoint of this area.
Head back to the main part of town and down the stairs. Head around to the
left and to the path between the 2 stairways. Make a left up here and go
around the building there. Head left through the hole in the wall. Turn
right and walk down toward a bunch of zombies and a wheel. Sweep your
minions over to turn the wheel. This will make a bridge to where the zombies
are. Head across and kill them, then down the path to fight boombo birds
and more zombies. You'll notice another tower object there. Sweep your blues
to grab it and bring it back for more mana!
Now it's time to head back to the city entrance to the right side of town.
Break the fire barrier and kill the zombies. Head down the path, turning left
and up the stairs, killing more zombies. Break the fire barrier here and
you'll see some people. They will turn into zombies and attack you. Kill
them and break the fire barriers around. On the path, to the right are
some spawning pits if you need them. Go up the stairs until you find the
Halfway to Heaven Inn.
Halfway to Heaven Inn:
Head inside and you'll see a scene if you walk over to the barrels to the
left. Break those barrels to be able to follow the mysterious figure in the
red cloak. Head through the door there and around the path. Break the
barrels in your way and kill the rats. Send your minions through the minion-
sized hole there more more lootage. Break the door on the left for a blood
pit. The other door is the way on. Loot around before continuing.
Break the door down here to see the red cloaked guy head through a gate.
Unfortunately it'll close by the time we can move again. There's a lot of
red-cloaked people in here, and they call themselve the Order of the Red
Dawn. Breaking the door on the left side will yield you another tower
object. This time it's more minion control! So bring it back.
The door on the right of the room leads to some more loot, but more
importantly, it leads to the wheel we need to turn to open that gate. Head
to the back of the room and sweep your minions through the small opening
towards the right to the wheel. Once the door is open, the Red Dawn people
will start to attack you, so take them out. Head through the gate there and
up the stairs to the left.
Kill the Succubus Queen:
Now you'll be in a large room with a large wheel. The wheel opens the door
across from where you enter. Before opening it though, let's head through
opening on the right. Break the door at the end of the hall for rats,
some loot, and a red spawning pit. Continue up the stairs to a small wheel.
This gate leads back to the bar. So return to the room with the big wheel
and turn it. When you do, the Red Dawn people will attack you again. Kill
them then head through the gate and kill the succubus.
Find Velvet:
Well, now we need to find Velvet, but before we do, let's grab the statue
and take it back with us. (I don't know what it does.) Leave the bar for
now. Once outside, head down the stairs to the right down the path. There
is a wall here that we can break down to form a bridge. Heading down this
path, you will come across many zombies, so kill them. It leads right around
to the castle, and our next destination. Head on in and follow the linear
path up the stairs and you'll see spawning pits. Head inside.
Angelis Keep:
Head in and you'll be yelled at by a smug, arrogant man. This is Sir
William and he's the one we've been chasing in the red cloak. He'll run away
again, so kill the Red Dawn guys. Loot the area, then go through the door
Sir William escaped through. Kill a ton of Red Dawn guys until you see a
scene with Sir William. He'll challenge you, so let's kick some butt!
Attack him until he leaves. Kill the Red Dawn people that come out, then
follow where Sir William went.
You'll come across a room with 2 succubus. >< Kill them with your minions,
your fire, your weapon, just kill them! Continue along the path until you
see a red wheel missing a spoke. The room beyond the door here contains
Velvet, who you can hear if you walk up to it. We can't go in yet, so head
around the path still and FINALLY we get to kill this jerk.
Sir William is very easy, just hack 'n slash him with your weapon while your
minions go to town on him. Just dodge his attacks as best you can, and he'll
drop. Break the statues if you wish, some contain money. Grab the red
spoke so we can turn the wheel. Go back and turn it and you'll see a
scene. Now you have a choice. Do you keep Rose, or dump her for Velvet?
Since we're good this time, you must choose Rose. Just turn the wheel and
ignore the bed. Go ahead and upgrade your tower more and you'll get some...
appreciation from your mistress!
Kill Oberon Part 2:
Now we can get back to the Oberon business. Head back to Evernight and over
to Oberon's tree. Head down the path on the right side until you get to
some water. Bring some blues to pull that block you see in the water there.
Head through the water, following the path to another root node. Break it.
Keep going along the path until you get to the Elves' Sacred Grove. This is
important!! Don't use fire here (or red minions) or you WILL burn the
tree and get corruption points. Kill the bloody unicorns (either with your
Overlord or head back a little and grab some minions out of the spawning pits
near the grove) and get the tower object for more life!
More to come.
IV. "Evil/Evil" Walkthrough
An "Evil/Evil" character is just as the name suggests. It's purely, plainly
evil. Also taken from Dungeons and Dragons terminology, also can be known
as "Chaotic Evil". It'll hopefully follow the most evil, diabolical path in
the game and ultimately end in getting the "Full Corruption" acheivement.
So, you start out with a cutscene of you getting suited up and ready for
evilness! Once you gain control, head down the stairs toward your minions.
Try your axe out a little if you'd like on the little mushroom patches along
the way. It doesn't get you anything, but smashing stuff is fun! ^^
Another scene will greet you once you reach the spawning pit. As the on
screen tutorial suggests, hold down LT to lock onto the Minion Gate and
hold B to summon your little minions. You can summon only three minions at
first, but later you can summon more :D.
Once you summon them up, you will get two choices, follow Gnarl to learn how
to fight or go up the stairs to the throne room. There's nothing else in
this area, so choose one and let's get going!
Follow Gnarl:
Stupid Jester! This guy is just begging for a whippin. So give it to him!
It's just a big tutorial, so let's do it. Press A to attack at first. Then
they throw in hold down LT to lock on while pressing A to attack. Then hold
down RT to get your minions to attack the Jester. Sweep them with the right
thumbstick. Have them go up the ramp to the left and follow the path right
until they attack the Jester. Holding B brings them back to you. Then sweep
them around again, the same way though a bit farther to the right this time.
Now, finally we can move on!
Throne Room:
It's a bit... beaten up... O.o So, on with getting that Tower Heart! You
can beat up the Jester here in the throne room all you want... hee hee.
Tower Heart:
Once you get here, there's nothing to do but summon them minions! Oh! Look!
Little sheepies! Try out your bad ass minions on them. Kill all the sheep
you can and walk all the way to the end. Turn right for a little alcove
with jars to break. Don't break them yourself!! Send in the minions to do
your dirty work. They might just find something nice.
After that, make sure you killed all the sheep and harvested all the
lifeforce before moving on. Oh, and ignore that thing in the water for now,
it must be for something later on. Go back to the minion portal and grab a
few more minions. Now you can control 5 of them! Yay! Go to the fallen
pillar on the road that Gnarl has been bugging you about for a while and use
your minions to move it. Just target it with LT and use RT to make your
minions move it for you.
Bob's Farm:
Poor Bob. Halflings have taken over his farm it appears. And even the
pumpkins are against him... o.o Ok... Umm, well our minions can remedy such
a situation! Might as well use them to break some sunflowers and pots as
well as the pumpkins. You might notice your minions donning some snazzy new
pumpkin headwear! They will continue to upgrade their weapons and armor as
they find it, either by killing things or breaking things.
(Note: You can probably kill Bob to get some corruption points, but I
didn't do it in my game. I like him too much cause he's hilarious! XD But
you might want to try it out and see if it gives you any?)
So once it's all smashed up, approach the farm house, send your minions in,
and kill the wee lil halfling that runs out. Now, let's leave poor, crazy,
ol' Bob to fix up his farm. Continue along the path, breaking things of
course as you go. Sweep them across the tree bridge to the left toward the
jars to see if they can find some new equipment and money.
Continue along breaking the mushrooms and you'll come across some sleeping
halflings. Kill them! Keep going until you get a scene showing the Tower
Heart! Clear out the pumpkins and put your minions to work bringing it home.
Go ahead and break the wall in their path with your axe. Follow them along
and head into the warp gate. Now you'll get a scene telling you that you
have to find a crane. But, you'll be able to summon 10 minions and you'll
gain the fireball spell (which you can use with the X button).
The Crane:
Before heading back through the gate, head down the stairs. The Tower Heart
is pretty, but not only does it look nice and open portals for you, it also
has another function! Walk up to it and press A to find out more
information on your minions, and also your corruption level. Since we're
supposed to be "good", keep this at 0%! (You can also check your corruption
level by pressing the back button to view your quests)
Now then, back up to the throne room and through the gate. Head to Mellow
Hills. Summon some minions and it's time to go sheep killin once again!
Get that lifeforce! Lifeforce = minions. Those jars over by the sheep are
also back, so go ahead and break em.
It's up to you whether you wanna walk back around the farm or take the
shortcut from last time. I chose to go back through the farm because the
stuffies to break had respawned. Follow the path until you get to the
fallen pillar that requires 10 minions to push. Now that you have them,
have them move it! Watch another scene. Now we gotta prove we ain't
Ok well, walk up to the wheat field and set it aflame! Send in your minions
once the fire is out to grab what's left. Follow the path around to another
wheat field. Before setting it on fire, turn right for a little alcove of
jars. Break em and then cross the bridge. Burn them little halfling
buggers. Run up and grab the treasure. Have your minions kill the loose
halflings that didn't die in the fire.
Gnarl will now start talk about killing innocents. For this walkthrough,
KILL ANYONE THAT'S AN INNOCENT!! Kill all of the people here, (it's fun to
kill the one dude by setting the wheat on fire... hee hee) and on the right,
break the jars, and on the left, the barrels. Further down, you'll find a
Blood Pit. Sacrifice the minions if you need life. I didn't at this point,
but you might need some.
Carefully head around the corner, summoning more minions if you need to.
Kill the halflings that come at you. On the left are some more halflings
that'll throw stones at you, bust em up. Kill the ones also that are in
front of the gate. Don't turn the wheel there yet. Instead, head to the
right. Loot the barrels and chests, then kill the sheepies to harvest more
lifeforce. Now head back to the wheel and have your minions turn it. Go
on through the gate.
Slave Camp:
A new waypoint and a new spawn point, how nice! Take advantage if you need.
Break the mushrooms. Head up a bit and around the large log on the right
side to break some barrels. Kill these people if you feel like it. Up a
little bit in the top right corner are a few more barrels to break. Then
turn the corner and up a little for some more barrels on your right. Kill
the halflings here.
In this next area are a ton of halflings. Head to the left side first to
take care of some annoying stone throwing guys. There's a few crates
toward the back also. Then go back to where you came in and to the other
side of the area. More halflings to kill! Once they're dead, let the
prisoners out of the cage in the center of the area. (Turn the wheel)
(By the way, just leave them alive until they go back to spree, you don't
get any corruption anyway for it... >.>)
Heading up, you will find more halflings. To the left is a blood pit and
a spawn point. To the right are more halflings to kill! And... a nasty
troll. Sic your minions on it and support them to lessen the chance some
will die during the fight. If they do, just spawn some more. Afterwards,
go right and up the stairs for a chest and some barrels. Go to the gate
and turn the wheel. Yay! We found our crane! Break the boxes and then
use your minions to bring the crane to the waypoint. Before heading back
to your tower, head up the stairs there and turn the wheel to free the
slaves, just cause you hafta...
Go ahead through the Tower Gate to see the reconstruction effort. Now we
need to get ourselves a mistress. You can head down to the dungeon to
fight some stuff if you want to, but I chose not to until I get a more...
respectable horde. Other than that, nothing new yet.
Head through the gate back to Meadow Hills again. Make your way down and
around the path again to the gates of the city of Spree. By the way, the
sheep and jars are back if you wanna partake.
Retrieve the Food:
Return to Spree and break the barrier blocking the town. You'll be given
a new quest by Archie. Your destination is the Halfling Homes. Before
moving on, let's ransack every house in town for corruption. Also killing
your first peasant will get you corruption. For even more corruption, kill
10 women. Kill 20 peasants here in total for even more corruption. (You'll
need to kill 100 peasants to get the next corruption) Also if you kill
enough peasants in Spree, you'll end up suppressing them for even more
corruption. Now that that's taken care of, let's move on.
So head to the right (from the entrance) and have your minions turn the
wheel to open the gate to the next area. Break the barrels and kill the
halflings. Turn left for a chest and right for some barrels. Before moving
on, from the broken wall there, head right and you'll find a domination
spell on the right. Grab it, turn the wheel to open the bridge, and let
your minions bring it back to the waypoint. Head back to the path that
leads to the halflings, then proceed down the path. Kill the halflings,
there's ground trooops and the ones that throw rocks at ya. Pillage the
barrels and jars and continue along the path. Then you'll see a halfling
house. Lord of the Rings anyone? Now go ahead and send your minions into
these houses to loot and kill the halflings you see running around. Now
head down the stairs.
Crash the Halflings' party:
Continue down the stairs and you'll see a bunch of halflings to kill and
another troll. I don't know aobut you, but I lost a bunch of minions here
><, well the spawning pit isn't too far away at least, so if you need, run
back and grab some more before killing the rest of the halflings. Now that
they're dead, it's time to gather... provisions! So, go ahead and break all
of the jars and barrels, and loot the houses as well. We can't go through
that gate just yet, so head between the houses to the big ol' halfling
house. Get the treasure outside then turn the wheel. Head on inside.
Halfling Homes:
Once you get in here, pretty much everything is breakable, so break the
door down, kill the halflings, and break anything you find. :D Go through
the stairs on the left side of the room. Kill the sleeping halflings at
the bottom of the room and break all of the jars and anything else you find
to break. That's all you can do in this room, so head back to the previous
roon, down the stairs and break down the door in the center.
Go ahead and kill the halflings behind the door. You'll need to go right
because the gate ahead is closed and the wheel is upstairs. So then, head
right throught the opening. Breaking the bouncing pots will yield some
rats that will go ahead and attack the halflings, so kill both! Now, sweep
your minions though the center and have them break the stuff up the ramp.
Now then, keep heading right and around the corner.
You'll see a halfling come out of the small opening, whenever you see
those, have your minions destroy them or else more will come out. Go
ahead and turn the wheel on the left side of the room, but before going
throught he gate it opened, head to the right side of the room, sweep
your minions down the ramp there, and continue on down the hall. Follow
the pretty linear path, killing the few stray halflings until you get to
the other side of the entrance room that you couldn't get to when you
first walked in.
Pillage the room, then have your minions grab the giant pile o' cash! They
will bring it back to the entrance to the waypoint and then we'll be
richer! Now then, once they're done, we can finally head to the gate we
opened. So head there now, it's just up from the entrance area.
Immediately head left into the dungeon room where some poor peasants have
been put in a cage. They don't wanna be lunchies, so let's save em.
First go around and kill the sleeping halflings guarding them. Go ahead
and sweep your minions through the small opening by the entrance toward
the halfling hole to close it up before finally turning the wheel. Once
free, the peasants will mention the food. Go ahead and pillage the rest of
the room before proceeding.
Once you're done, go back out and continue down the hall. Break the door
down, then go though and head to the left side of the room. Before smashing
the pumpkins, plug up those halfling holes and break the stuff. Smashing
the pumpkin will reveal another tower object! Have your minions take it to
the waypoint. Now you can summon 15 minions! I like the sound of that!
Return to the room you found the tower object (if you followed your minions)
and examine that red wheel. Two spokes are missing and we gotta go find
them to be able to turn it. So, let's get started.
Go smash the door on the right and kill the halflings behind it. Head up
the stairs on the left side, (ignore the path forward for now) to see a
room full of sleeping halflings. Kill them, loot the area, then break down
the door here. Head through, kill more halflings, and you'll find the first
spoke very easily noticeable in the middle of the halflings and stuff to
break. Now send a minion to carry it back and let's proceed.
Continue down the hall, breaking stuff as you go until you come to a wheel.
Turn it and let's go back to the path we skipped before. Take this path
now and head through the gate you just opened up. You'll see the spoke in
plain view, but to get it you'll need to sweep your minions around the room.
Don't forget to plug up the halfling holes as well. Once you're finished
sweeping around, it's time to head back to the red wheel and turn it. Head
on through the door.
Halfling Homes (2):
Break the jars and stuff. Head down the path and break the things on the
sides of the door before moving on. When you go through the door... omg...
the whole room is full of halflings! Well, slowly progress through the
room, killing halflings little by little and plugging up their holes.
There's a lot of loot here too, and a wheel to turn. Take your time to
make sure you get everything you can. It's beneficial to start out on the
left side first and work your way right, but that's just me.
Anyway, once you're ready to move on, turn the wheel and head through the
door. Head around the path and you'll see a fat, tubby halfling chef coming
out from down the hall. Kill him and head down the path he came from.
You'll see a bunch of chefs in the kitchen area, but before taking them out,
you can break the baskets to let the rats out to weaken them before we take
them on.
Keep heading down the hall, breaking more jars and barrels. There's a mana
pit if you need it and go ahead and kill the halfling chefs. Proceed
through the kitchen and you'll see the food! Before grabbing it, turn the
wheel and pillage the rest of the room. Now send your minions to pick up
the food and follow while they carry it. You'll see the people of Spree
thankful to you for getting their food back. So just go ahead and kill
them and bring the food back to your waypoint.
Now then, since that is settled, let's get out of here. Head back to Spree.
(I returned to the tower, then warped back to Mellow Hills so I could gather
more lifeforce from sheepies.)
Find the Servents:
Take the portal to Mellow Hills where some man will tell you to take the
woman in the stocks. She'll put up a small fight... and I do mean small.
o.o So, thus begins the quest for finding 10 servents. Oh and, they all
look the same and when you approach them, they'll all refuse to go with you
and that's how you know they're the right women. So, target this first one
and tell your minions to attack. They'll bring her by force to the portal.
(By the way, you might want to accompany your minions when they bring the
women back, otherwise they might lose her. If this happens, just simply
head back to the tower to reset their positions and find her again.)
The second servent is by the sheep in the beginning. The third servent is
just past Bob's Farm. There's another one in the town of Spree, just to the
left of the entrance. There's another servent near Archie. Go on ahead and
pillage Spree again! :D There's another servent near a house that's near
the dude that tells you about castle Spree being under attack.
Go toward the slave camp and you'll see one on the right side before the
peasants. Kill the peasants too for fun!! Keep on going down the path and
to the area to the right of the gate that leads to the slave camp (where the
sheep are) for another servent. Make SURE you follow your minions as they
bring this one back, because they'll be ambushed by peasants and another
servent girl. So kill the peasants, grab both servent girls and bring them
to the waypoint. So now there's one left. She's in the farm area of Spree
where they talk about the elves. You need to knock down the gate by the
sheep and grab her.
Finding a Mistress:
Return to Spree. Head to another of the gates at the back of the town and
a man will tell you about a mysterious lady and Castle Spree being under
attack. Well, open the gate and let's check it out. Head down the path
and you'll see the castle on fire. Go up and kill the buggies for some more
red lifeforce. Use your reds on the next fire barrier. Keep heading up the
path and kill the bugs and the raider. Keep heading up, the castle
drawbridge is closed at the moment. Make a right and kill more raiders.
Use the reds on this next fire barrier. Sweep your minions in but be
careful because another raider will pop out, so kill him before turning
the wheel.
Now then, turn the wheel and head into the castle via the drawbridge. Be
careful, a few raiders will pop out, and when I say a few, I mean at least
7 of them.. ^^;. Now then, which way first? If you head up the stairs on
either side, you'll find some jars to break. Heading back down the stairs,
the fire barrier that you see is closing off the dungeon entrance, but before
heading down there, head to the right to an opening, killing the raiders
along the way. Over here is a waypoint, a brown spawn pit, a mana shrine
and around the corner is an object that your minions can bring back to the
waypoint. So do that to recover and object that will increase your hp!
Nice! So now we can head into the dungeon area. Use the reds to get rid of
that fire barrier.
The dungeons of Spree:
First thing, remove the fire wall with your reds. You'll get your first
glimpse of your mistress. Now then, down the stairs and kill the horrible
raiders that forced the people to lock themselves in that cell. Now we
gotta get luggage... what are we, bell boys? Oh well... Ok then let's loot
the room before moving on. Head to the left side to an opening where
there's some buggies and lots of stuffies to break and pillage. Don't forget
to break the fire barrier to free the people. And then kill em... Then
head back and we'll go right from the entrance now. Break the fire wall
with the reds, kill the stuffies, and head up the stairs for another fire
barrier. Break this one and head around to the campfire. Shoot through it
to kill the guys easily with your reds then break it! Have the red break
the next campfire too and kill the guys there. Keep heading around the path
for some treasure!
Now head down the stairs by breaking more fire barriers. Go around breaking
the rest of the barriers in your way and killing the raiders until you get
to the wheel. This will open the gate below. Have your reds fling some fire
down to kill the raiders that pop out and head all the way back around to
the entrance area, killing stuffies along the way.
Head through the gate you just opened when you turned the wheel, up from the
entrance. Make sure you have reds with you and head down the stairs. This
ugly evil eye is what's spawning the raiders. So you need to position some
of your reds on the far stairs so they can attack the eye from a distance.
Go around to the other side and position more reds on the other side of the
eye. Then attack the other stuff with your browns until the eye is dead.
Bring the luggage back to your sweetheart! Now then, she'll be sprucing up
your Tower of Evil while you're doing your dirty work. So, go up the stairs
next to your throne and check it out. You can customize your tower if you
like. Now then, once you're finished, your next objective seems to be
Heaven's Peak. BUT FIRST....
Retrieve the First Tower Smelter:
Now that we have reds at our disposal, we can retrieve the steel smelter!
Head back to Spree and take the gate that we haven't opened yet and you'll
get a quest! Head to the right around the bend and you'll see a ruined sort
of building. In here is the smelter! Use the reds to break the barrier
around the smelter and bring it out. While walking it out and around,
those darn peasants will close the gate on you. (Just go back later and
kill some more of em to make you feel better) Ahh well, kill the halflings
here and then run around to the left side of the area where the sheep are,
killing the knee-biters as you go. Turn the wheel here and bring the smelter
to the waypoint, stopping now and then to kill the halflings. So now, go
ahead and forge some stuffies if you'd like and let's be on our way. Not to
Heaven's Peak yet though...
Head back to the place where you found the steel smelter behind Spree.
Head up to the middle of the area this time and you'll see a scene with
some peasants complaining about roots. Keep heading down the road and use
some reds to break through the barrier. Keep going to a new area.
So let's explore shall we? Head to the right to two... dead telepathic
elves? O.o Okies, now we gotta kill us some rabid unicorns... So head to
the left of the elves to the first one and kill it. Keep heading along until
DROWN!!!! Now then, sweep your minions across the small plant bridge there
on the left side and hold them there while you walk across the water.
Recall them and kill the second unicorn there. Grab the jars then break
the barrier here for a new minion spell. Turn the wheel here to make a
bridge. Have your minions bring the spell across the bridge and to the
Head back to the elf ghosties. Break the barrier here, head up the path
killing the nasty little forest creatures along the way. You'll see a scene
as to what's going on here.
Kill Oberon:
So now we gotta kill this guy. We can't go left because of the poison
plants, so let's head right and bread the barrier. You'll see a health
pit here, but more importantly, you'll see a root with a pulsating white
ball of light at the end. Target it and have your minions destroy it.
A new quest will pop up and we'll need to destroy five more of the root
nodes. Now then, head back around the next bend that was previously blocked
by the root. There are some poison plants here, but as you approach a
little, you'll see a green minion and some more demonic forest creatures.
Kill the creatures and head around the path until you see a few magical
creatures and Gnarl will point out a poison pod. Use a minion to bring it
over and blow them up.
Now sweep your minions across both of the bridges there and tell them to
hold position up there. Walk across the water to the other side and
recall them. Walk up and kill the next magical creature with another pod.
Break down the barrier here and head on in. Sweep your minions over the
plant bridge here and to the left telling them to hold across the water
from you. Head across the water and loot the area.
Follow the path around, sweeping your minions across yet another bridge
to kill the forest creatures there. Bring them back and you'll see another
poison pod and some more magical creatures. Use the poison pod again to
kill the dancing creatures. Now break down the barrier here. Use yet
another poison plant to kill even more magical creatures. Break another
barrier here.
Before following the green minions into the cave, grab the tower object
there. Make the minions turn the wheel and carry it back to the waypoint
to get an increased mana bar! Yay! Now head back to the cave via the newly
found shortcut.
Viridian Caverns:
So head on in and follow the greens around. You'll get some green lifeforce
from the monsters in this cave, so stock up! Just keep following the greens
and don't walk into the poisonous plants, take the paths around them.
Once you get to the room with the giant block in the middle, head to the
right and carefully sweep your minions down the vine and have them move the
block to make a bridge. Now go back around to where the completed bridge is
and cross it.
Follow the greens some more until they walk into a branch on the right with
poison gas. Wait until the gas receeds then follow through killing the
buggies. Keep following, dodging the gas until you come to a barrier.
Break it and you'll find a blood pit if needed, some spawning pits, and if
you walk around the bend you can have your minions push the block you saw on
your way in. It'll bridge the gap on the far end of the room. Now head to
the path next to the archway there and follow it around, dodging more gas
sprays. Break the barrier here.
Head up and over the path we made and...Finally! We can summon greens! :D
So summon some greens up (at least 7) and let's start moving that green hive.
Get the greens to clear the poison plants from around the hive, then have
them carry it. Follow them around until they get to more poison gas. Have
them clear it out and continue along. Kill the bugs as they appear and clear
the gasses. As you are going along, you'll see a troll. You'll need to
sweep some green minions down to where it is and around it's back to kill it.
Once it's dead, use them to turn the wheel and bridge the gap. Have the
greens continue to bring the hive to the waypoint!
More Oberon nodes:
Now that we have greens, there's so much we can do! But for now, you might
wanna gather some more lifeforce, forge, and whatever. Once you're ready
to move on, go ahead back to Evernight, to the entrance of Viridian Caverns.
Don't go in however, we're going to sweep our greens over to the poison field
surrounding another root node. Attack the node, kill the bugs that come out
and go ahead and break the rest of the poison barriers blocking your way.
Keep heading up the path until you get back to the area with the weird tree.
Turn immediately right for a shield spell. Carry it back to the waypoint.
Now you can cast a shield upon yourself to protect against oncoming enemies.
Now head back to Oberon's tree again and under the root with the poison
barrier. Break this down and head around the building and down the stairs.
Head right and around the path breaking the things there until you come to a
barrier and a large monster carrying a rather large mace. He'll break the
barrier down himself, so go ahead and kill him (he's not too bad).
Continue along. Head up the stairs to the right to the semi-broken door.
Break it down the rest of the way to find a treasure trove! Get all of the
gold and lifeforce, then head back out and continue along the path.
You'll see here a large courtyard and in the back is another root node.
Let's carefully kill all of the enemies here that are guarding it. Make sure
to kill the priesties before they resurrect the other monsters. Before
breaking the node, make use of the mana/blood pits, as well as replenishing
your minions. Once you break it, the other side of the courtyard is
crawling with enemies again! Carefully kill all of these guys, taking out
the priests ASAP.
The way I did this was to draw the little archer creatures to you, kill them,
and when the priests come to resurrect, kill them quickly. Just try not to
alert the minotaur looking things until most of the other stuff is dead.
Once that's done, you'll see a red wheel next to the platform where the
spawning pits are located. The missing spoke is on the ground right down
the stairs next to it. So pick it up, put it back on, and let's turn that
wheel! It will open the door down the stairs. Go on through and break the
jars on the other side. Head around the path until you find another tower
object! This one will allow you to command 20 minions! Finally! :D
Now we can't go any farther without the blues, unfortunately. So let's head
now to Heaven's Peak.
Heaven's Peak:
Head up a little and the guys there will talk about how the city is closed
off and they'll mention a Sir William. Head on into the camp. You'll witness
one of the refugees turn into a zombie if you walk up a little. Head
toward the back of the camp and one of the guys will call you over. He'll
show you a way into the city, but now you really need those blues! Go ahead
and pillage the camp if you like. Head back out the way you came in and to
the left is a little road leading to a LOT of sheep! Since we're being evil,
go ahead and kill them, along with the farmer that's guarding them. You
should get more corruption for this.
Keep heading along until you reach a rusted looking gate. Head through and
you'll be in a cemetary. Kill the zombies that appear (break the doors to
the mausoleums if you wish for extra lootage) then keep heading along the
path. Head past the other mausoleums to where more zombies will come out of
the ground. Dispose of them and on the right side is a poison barrier. Break
this down and kill the zombies.
Head around to the left side of the platform where more zombies are located.
Run up the stairs, taking out the zombie priests and grab the tower object.
Follow your minions around, turning the wheel when you come to it. You'll
recieve a larger health bar! Now that's more respectable!
Now let's head back to where we found this tower object with at least 10 red
minions. Go to the fallen pillar on the side where there are a ton of fire
barriers. Use 10 reds to move it asideand then have them dissapate the
barriers. Go around the area breaking barriers, killing bugs, and gathering
some much needed red lifeforce. There's a red minion pit to the left in the
back of the area.
Now that that's over with, let's head to get some blues! Head back to the
Refugee camp. Go to the back and break down the barrier there. Kill the
MANY zombies that greet you there. Head up to the left a little to find a
succubus. Kill her with your minions and support as needed. A little past
her is another group of spawning pits and a waypoint.
Now, go back to where you killed the succubus and follow the path around to
get another tower object! Bring it back to the waypoint and now your mana
is increased! Now go back to where we found this mana object. Send some
greens over the fallen log to dissapate the poison. Send all your guys to
the other side now and hold them there. Take the path through the water to
join up with them. Before heading into the cave there, you might wanna turn
around and knock the wall behind you to form a bridge for easier access.
The Moist Hollows:
So walk into the cave, follow the blues around, and see a scene showing their
special ability. That could come in handy! Head around the path, killing
some birdies as you go. Collect 10 blue lifeforce. Then you might wanna put
your other guys away (outside) so they don't drown. At the end of the path
you'll find the blue minion hive next to a blue spawn pit. Summon at least
10 blues and have them grab the hive.
The blues have stopped and can't go any farther yet. So head down the other
available path to see some more blues in danger! :O So let's save em!
Recall your blues carrying the hive, spawn more minions from the spawning pits
here and put them to work. First have your minions hold position down the
ramp, but back a little away from the water. Select a blue minion, target
one of the eggs you see in the middle of the water, and have him grab it. Use
it to lure the birds to your other minions so they can kill them. This will
be a strategy used in many places, you'll find. Now the blues are safe!
Now return to the blue hive and put your other minions back. Have them pick
the hive back up and break the mushrooms and stuff blocking their path. Now
you'll find out that the blues are magic resistand and only they can kill
wisps. So kill some and keep going, clearing more mushrooms. Before
going too far, you'll come across a path leading left to a bunch of wisps.
Yay! Blue lifeforce! Loot the room before heading up the path in the back
of the room. Kill the birds and have your minions pull the block here.
Return now to the hive. Have the minions pull this block out at the bottom
here and continue along the path with the hive, clearing out more mushrooms.
There's a blue spawn pit here. Up here you will find a giant water serpent.
Time to kill it.
What I did here was, go to the right where the brown pit is, summon some
browns while still having some blues to resurrect. Send your blues down the
minion path, but not too close to the serpent. Now, take your browns and
move up to the serpent until he attacks, then move back quickly, sending
your browns to attack its head and supporting with your weapon. Have your
blues resurrect the ones that die if they can. Just keep this strategy up
until it dies. If you have a better way, go ahead :D.
Now then, carry the hive farther and break more mushrooms. Kill the bugs and
kill the froggies up the path. Continue along until you get to some
geysers. Guide your minions through to the wheel to form a bridge for the
hive to cross. Using the guard marker here is very useful. Break any
mushrooms along the way that hinders your blues carrying the hive. You'll
see a brown spawning pit here and another geyser blocking your path.
So take the path right with some browns and blues. Kill the wisps and frogs
and have your blues pull the block down in the water at the end of the road.
Head back to the brown spawn pit and take the path that is across from it,
it's kinda hidden, for some blue bugs, barrels and a giant pile of money!
You can't bring it back yet, but your can come back for it. Now take the
path to the left of the waterfall-geyser and you'll come to a broken bridge.
The only 2 ways I can think of doing this here is to either have 1 blue take
the egg away from the wheel so the others can turn it, or just kill the
birds with your fireballs so they can turn it. Once the bridge is completed,
head across and move the rock.
Return to the hive. Move it along the road, clearing more mushrooms out
of the way. Finally they'll find a waypoint to put it in. Yay! Now go back
and grab that giant bag of cash.
Outside the cave:
Now you can head outside through the water. There is so much we can do now.
But first we need to take care of all the birds out in the water there.
If you head to the left around the path, you'll find the waypoint in the
swamp where you can summon more minions. Head to where the birds are and
position your minions on land while you draw birds to them to kill.
Once that's done, you can grab that giant bag of treasure. If you head into
the water with your blues, and follow it under the castle bridge, there's
a bunch of stuff to loot. Keep going and there's a blue spawn pit. Head up
the path on land and you'll be back in the cemetary. So let's grab 10 blues
and head over to the sewer gate. Before moving the downed pillar, you might
want to grab some more minions and set up a guard marker on land. (You'll
see why!)
Move the pillar that's blocking the sewer gate and O.O a LOT of zombies
will appear! Lure them to your guys on shore and get rid of them. Before
heading in there, let's return to Mellow Hills for a minute. (I know...
that came out of no where...) If you follow the path around past the
entrance to Spree and keep going toward the slave camps to the brown
minion spawn pit next to the blood pit, there will be a path that's kinda
hidden behind the brown spawn pit. Head around that path and to the shore.
Send some blues over to grab the tower object. Bring it back, making the
bridge to the waypoint for more minion control! Now head back to Heaven's
Peak to the sewer entrance.
The Understreets:
Head up the path until you see two stairways, one leading left and one right.
Up on the right and around the path is a bunch of loot. The one on the left
however, leads to a whole bunch of zombies. O.o I just went up and slowly
killed them with my overlord (health regeneration armor really helps). Once
they're dead, head around the path and you'll find barrels and chests to
pillage. Keep heading around until you see the brown and blue spawning
pits. Now you'll see some boombo birds and eggs guarding a red spoke, but
leave it for now.
First grab some browns and blues and turn around heading throught he door
blocked by mushrooms and barrels. Go through there, around the path and kill
the zombies. It's so much easier with help... Here's the red wheel and we
need 3 spokes. Loot the platform that you're on then head back to the
previous room with the birds.
So, set up your guard markers, send a blue to get an egg, bring it back and
let your browns kill the birds while the rest of the blues res. Retrieve
the red spoke. Two more to go. From the red wheel, head down the stairs and
head left. Set up a guard marker here and break down the barrier in the
water. Lure the zombies over to your minions and then head up the next set
of stairs once they're dead. Kill the bugs, loot, and break down the door.
Kill the zombie priests then break the barrier to the right. Grab the 2nd
red spoke then return here. Send your minions over to turn the wheel in this
room. Head through the door you opened there and to the right killing the
bugs. Leave your guys here and head in the water. You'll find a bunch of
zombies to lure them to your minions and head back in. To the right is an
area to loot. Head back down the water path and around to a bunch of bugs
and lootage. If you head up the stairs you'll see a red spawning pit there.
Grab a red guy and break the fire barrier there to the rest of your horde.
Now I think you can sweep your minions out the door here down to where the
zombie priests and final spoke are, but I didn't do it this way. What I did
was, I headed back to the red wheel and to the spot where you break the
barrier leading to the zombies. If you take that path over and around,
killing the zombies, you'll get to that same platform where the final spoke
is. Have a blue grab it and return it to the red wheel. Now we can turn it
and move on.
Go through the gate and you'll see a member of the Silent Order, so loot and
then head left. The people will be happy that you cleared the path behind
you, if you'd like go ahead and kill em. There are some spawning pits and
a waypoint here. So loot the area and put away all but the blues. Head to
the back of the and down some stairs. Kill the bugs for blue lifeforce if
you wish then follow the path up some more stairs and a blue spawn pit.
If you try to sweep your minions to turn the wheel, another water serpent
will appear. ^^;
The best solution I have here is to take a full battalion of blues over and
try to turn the wheel before the serpent eats them all. Walk through the
gate you opened. There will be a brown spawn pit down the way a little.
Now if you want to take out the hydra, do it from this direction. Either
walk over and take it out yourself, which takes a long time but you won't
lose minions, or position your blues near the water to resurrect while you
and your browns attack from the higher platform when it attacks. Either way
kill it. Leave the 3 giant sacks of cash for now. (We're coming right back)
Turn back around and head around the path on land until you reach a room full
of more zombies. There are some spawning pits around to help you out. Also
in the middle of this room is another spell so take it to the waypoint for
the Confusion spell! Loot the room and then head back to the 3 giant sacks
o' cash. Bring them back and head outside to Heaven's Peak town.
Heaven's Peak:
When you head into this area, you'll get the quest for the new smelter. If
you turn the wheel here, you'll get another quest to kill Sir William. Ok
then, when you turned the wheel, you opened the drawbridge. So head out of
the city and grab some minions, making sure to have at least 1 red.
Go back into the city. You can kill the peasants and pillage the town
if you like, then go into the Understreets again. Kill the stuff in
the room, pillage, and then head down the stairs to the left from the
entrance. Break the fire barrier here and head down into the 2nd level.
Understreets (2):
Once you enter, loot the room. Kill some bugs and zombies. Head along the
path, killing more zombies as you go. Head around killing stuff and
looting. Once you get to the room with the wheel, turn it and head to the
gate it opened. Kill more stuffies and grab more lootage. Follow the path
further around for a mana pit if you need it, and keep heading down. More
spawning pits are around here. Keep heading until you see a scene with the
military zombie controlling the others. Head in and smash them, killing the
Zombie Lord first. Pillage the room then turn the wheel up on the platform.
Head through the door it opened, looting as you go. Head around the path
where you'll find more spawn pits, kill the zombies and turn this wheel.
Follow the path around more and from the gate you opened, head left to
the durium smelter! Head through the waypoint and forge!
Heaven's Peak City:
From the drawbridge where you enter the city, head left following the road.
On the left side is another tower object. Now you have the flamethrower
spell! So head back into the city once you're done putting it into the
waypoint. On the left side of town up some stairs is some barrels and a fire
barrier. You'll see a scene of some starving people.
Break the barrels (killing the starving peasants if you wish) and the fire
barrier and you'll see some dark knights. If you try to kill these knights,
they will keep being resurrected by the priests in the back. So what I did
was place a guard marker there and let my minions distract the knights while
I ran up the stairs behind them. Kill a few of the priests around there and
you'll see a scene. Now you're their "god". And the fighting will cease.
Head back down the stairs and follow the path next to you around until you
find a large sack o' cash! Carry it to the waypoint. Now if you turn the
wheel that was right next to the cash, it will just lead to another
drawbridge that'll loop around back to the original waypoint of this area.
Head back to the main part of town and down the stairs. Head around to the
left and to the path between the 2 stairways. Make a left up here and go
around the building there. Head left through the hole in the wall. Turn
right and walk down toward a bunch of zombies and a wheel. Sweep your
minions over to turn the wheel. This will make a bridge to where the zombies
are. Head across and kill them, then down the path to fight boombo birds
and more zombies. You'll notice another tower object there. Sweep your blues
to grab it and bring it back for more mana!
Now it's time to head back to the city entrance to the right side of town.
Break the fire barrier and kill the zombies. Head down the path, turning left
and up the stairs, killing more zombies. Break the fire barrier here and
you'll see some people. They will turn into zombies and attack you. Kill
them and break the fire barriers around. On the path, to the right are
some spawning pits if you need them. Go up the stairs until you find the
Halfway to Heaven Inn.
Halfway to Heaven Inn:
Head inside and you'll see a scene if you walk over to the barrels to the
left. Break those barrels to be able to follow the mysterious figure in the
red cloak. Before heading through the door, kill a few people here and you
will get more corruption points for starting a "Bar Brawl". Head through the
door there and around the path. Break the barrels in your way and kill the
rats. Send your minions through the minion-sized hole there more more
lootage. Break the door on the left for a blood pit. The other door is the
way on. Loot around before continuing.
Break the door down here to see the red cloaked guy head through a gate.
Unfortunately it'll close by the time we can move again. There's a lot of
red-cloaked people in here, and they call themselve the Order of the Red
Dawn. Go ahead and kill them, they'll attack you later anyways. Breaking
the door on the left side will yield you another tower object. This time
it's more minion control! So bring it back.
The door on the right of the room leads to some more loot, but more
importantly, it leads to the wheel we need to turn to open that gate. Head
to the back of the room and sweep your minions through the small opening
towards the right to the wheel. Head through the gate there and up the
stairs to the left.
Kill the Succubus Queen:
Now you'll be in a large room with a large wheel. The wheel opens the door
across from where you enter. Before opening it though, kill the Red Dawn
people and then let's head through opening on the right. Break the door at
the end of the hall for rats, some loot, and a red spawning pit. Continue
up the stairs to a small wheel. This gate leads back to the bar. So return
to the room with the big wheel and turn it. Head through the gate and kill
the succubus.
Find Velvet:
Well, now we need to find Velvet, but before we do, let's grab the statue
and take it back with us. (I don't know what it does.) Leave the bar for
now. Once outside, head down the stairs to the right down the path. There
is a wall here that we can break down to form a bridge. Heading down this
path, you will come across many zombies, so kill them. It leads right around
to the castle, and our next destination. Head on in and follow the linear
path up the stairs and you'll see spawning pits. Head inside.
Angelis Keep:
Head in and you'll be yelled at by a smug, arrogant man. This is Sir
William and he's the one we've been chasing in the red cloak. He'll run away
again, so kill the Red Dawn guys. Loot the area, then go through the door
Sir William escaped through. Kill a ton of Red Dawn guys until you see a
scene with Sir William. He'll challenge you, so let's kick some butt!
Attack him until he leaves. Kill the Red Dawn people that come out, then
follow where Sir William went.
You'll come across a room with 2 succubus. >< Kill them with your minions,
your fire, your weapon, just kill them! Continue along the path until you
see a red wheel missing a spoke. The room beyond the door here contains
Velvet, who you can hear if you walk up to it. We can't go in yet, so head
around the path still and FINALLY we get to kill this jerk.
Sir William is very easy, just hack 'n slash him with your weapon while your
minions go to town on him. Just dodge his attacks as best you can, and he'll
drop. Break the statues if you wish, some contain money. Grab the red
spoke so we can turn the wheel. Go back and turn it and you'll see a
scene. Now you have a choice. Do you keep Rose, or dump her for Velvet?
Since we're evil this time, you must choose Velvet. Just ignore the wheel
and have your minions grab the bed. Go ahead and upgrade your tower more
and you'll get some...appreciation from your new mistress! Before heading
on, return to Heaven's Peak and ransack every house for more corruption.
(Don't forget to kill the people too!)
Kill Oberon Part 2:
Now we can get back to the Oberon business. Head back to Evernight and over
to Oberon's tree. Head down the path on the right side until you get to
some water. Bring some blues to pull that block you see in the water there.
Head through the water, following the path to another root node. Break it.
Keep going along the path until you get to the Elves' Sacred Grove. This is
important!! Make sure to use fire here (or red minions) on the grass around
here so you burn the tree and get corruption points. It will kill the
bloody unicorns also, so go ahead and get the tower object for more life!
More to come.
V. Achievements
This is taken from the gamefaqs.com site under Codes and Secrets for
Overlord. It can also be found at xbox360achievements.com or pretty much
any other information site for Overlord. The achievements are as follows:
10 Wins in Pillage (30 points) Win 10 ranked Pillage matches
10 Wins in Slaughter (30 points) Win 10 ranked Slaughter matches
50 Wins in Pillage (40 points) Win 50 ranked Pillage matches
50 Wins in Slaughter (40 points) Win 50 ranked Slaughter matches
Amass Minions (10 points) Harvest lots of Lifeforce
Arcanium Smelter (20 points) Retrieve the most Powerful Smelter
Blue Minions (10 points) Retrieve the Blue Hive
Compete in Pillage (10 points) Complete a ranked Pillage match
Compete in Slaughter (10 points) Complete a ranked Slaughter match
Defeat Goldo (20 points) End a Hero's obsession
Defeat Jewel (20 points) Steal a Hero
Defeat Kahn (20 points) Get angry with a Hero
Defeat Melvin (20 points) Puncture a Hero
Defeat Oberon (20 points) Put a Hero to sleep. Permenantly.
Defeat Sir William (20 points) Cure a Hero of life.
Defeat the Wizard (50 points) Defeat the 7th Hero
Dungeon Dabbler (20 points) Defeat half the Dungeon Creatures
Dungeon Overlord (30 points) Defeat all the Dungeon Creatures
Durium Smelther (15 points) Retrieve a powerful Smelter
Full Arcanium (20 points) Forge a full Arcanium set
Full Corruption (50 points) Win with the blackest heart
Full Durium (10 points) Forge a full Durium set
Green Minions (10 points) Retrieve the Green Hive Minion
Harvester (10 points) Harvest Lifeforce
Minion Hoarder (15 points) Harvest a huge amount of Lifeforce
Minion Multitude (40 points) Harvest a massive amount of Lifeforce
Mistress Master (40 points) Fulfill your Mistress's wishes
Obtain a Mistress (20 points) Get yourself a little company and
some help spending your money
Power up the Tower (10 points) Retrieve the Tower Heart to power up
the Tower
Rebuild the Tower (10 points) Retrieve a Crane to start rebuilding
the Tower
Red Minions (10 points) Retrieve the Red Hive
Retrieve the Food (10 points) Retrieve the Food, but will you keep
or return it?
Steel Smelter (10 points) Retrieve a Smelter
Superior Survivor (20 points) Last for 15 minutes in Survival
Survivor (10 points) Last for 5 minutes in Survival
Tower Master (40 points) Collect all the Tower Objects
Ultimate Arcanium (40 points) Forge an Ultimately Imbued Arcanium
Ultimate Durium (20 points) Forge and Ultimately Imbued Durium
Ultimate Horde (40 points) Get a full Horde, fully equipped
Ultimate Steel (10 points) Forge an Ultimately Imbued Steel Set
Ultimate Survivor (30 points) Last for 30 minutes in Survival
Win in Pillage (20 points) Win a ranked Pillage match
Win in Slaughter (20 points) Win a ranked Slaughter match
Zero Corruption (50 points) Win with the clearest conscience
VI. Credits
More to come.
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