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楼主 |
发表于 2015-10-27 12:05 · 捷克
自2011年DQMJ2以来,《勇者斗恶龙 HEROS》是第一款登陆北美的DQ
(leverage , DQ牵引PS4装机量→推出更***S4 DQ新作的一种策略)
He also said developers plan to leverage the PS4's popularity to create more new Dragon Quest in their native Japan.
"We really are looking to expand on the series in a number of different ways, and we're not just looking to expand into North American but more in Asia as well," he said through a translator. "Using the PlayStation platform is one big way of doing that. So we'll look at how the game does and how that's working, and then maybe use that to think seriously about which of the previous Dragon Quest titles we want to bring out to other regions."
目前只确定可以在PS4上玩到《最终幻想VII 重制版》,其他平台还未考虑所以未定。SQEX的PS4新作陆续登场,要是能牵引硬件,带动业界就好了 |