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在进行翻译的时候看到已经有人把原文和视频丢到新闻区了,由于网络环境的问题视频一直传不到优酷上去,所以这里也借一下他的视频 https://bbs.luryl.com/thread-4530574-1-1.html
评测原文地址:http://www.eurogamer.net/article ... erformance-analysis
(在这个评测之前Digital Foundry还发了针对Xbox One版1.00和1.01的评测:http://www.eurogamer.net/article ... her-3-day-one-patch 也可以进行一下参考)
The Witcher 3 is a roaring success in the critical sphere, and despite some rough technical points it's one of the finest RPGs of this generation to date. However, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One each throw a curve-ball in their delivery of the game, particularly when it comes to the subject of performance. For those still mulling over which console version to go for, we can confirm both consoles offer world detail, shadows, lighting and alpha effects to a matching standard - but it's resolution and more importantly frame-rate that sets the two apart.
尽管在技术上存在一些不足之处,巫师3依然是目前为止本世代以来最好的RPG游戏之一。但在游戏的具体表现方面,无论是PS4还是Xbox One都有各自的问题。对于还在纠结入哪个平台的玩家来说,目前我们能够确定的是两个平台的地图细节、阴影、光照等特效都是一样的,这二者的差别之处在于游戏的分辨率、以及更加重要的帧率。
The first distinction is that PS4 caps its frame-rate at 30fps (with v-sync), while Xbox One runs with no cap at all to allow a variance between 30-40fps during play. This means Sony's machine is in theory capable of a smoother experience - with the cadence of frame delivery forced to a consistent rate. However there are issues on the Sony side side as well, and the net result is that neither feels truly smooth, though for very different reasons.
第一点区别在于PS4锁了30帧(外加垂直同步),Xbox One上没有锁帧,帧率一般在30-40之间徘徊,由于锁帧会强制使每一帧的刷新保持固定的频率所以理论上来说PS4的玩家会感觉画面更加平滑。但实际两边的画面都很难称得上完全流畅,原因也不尽相同。
To start with cut-scenes, a firm 30fps line is held on PS4 during an early griffin encounter, and in practice this gives us smoother motion compared to the 35fps read-out on Xbox One (higher frame-rate does not automatically mean a better experience overall, something we've covered in-depth before). However, the problem here is that if the PS4's frame-rate drops below this number, it instantly locks to 20fps. It's an instant switch, much like the double-buffer method of v-sync seen in Metal Gear Solid 4 on PS3. In one later scene involving heavy ice effects, it's notable that Xbox One does glance this 20fps figure at a similar moment, but unlike PS4 it's able to waver up and down the scale more freely. Meanwhile, Sony's platform is stuck at this value for long stretches of a scene.
从一段过场开始说吧,在遇到狮鹫的那里(视频的3分55秒开始,如果真想看出点什么来的话最好下载1080P@60FPS的网盘版)PS4版一直保持在30帧,Xbox One版在35帧左右,这里PS4版画面相对来说是更加流畅的(更高的帧率并不一定意味着更流畅的画面,这一点Digital Foundry在之前的文章http://www.eurogamer.net/article ... ate-vs-frame-pacing里探讨过。)(译者:不知道之前有没有人翻译过这篇文章,我也没太仔细看,其中大概分析了为什么某些情况下不锁帧或者说没有垂直同步的时候画面的流畅度反而会降低,与此同时锁帧带来的还有更高的输入延迟等)。而这里PS4的问题在于发生掉帧的时候会直接锁到20帧,情况类似于PS3上合金装备4的双缓冲垂直同步(http://www.eurogamer.net/videos/ ... ear-online-analysis )。比如在一个有冰冻的场景,虽然Xbox One的帧率也掉到过20左右但一直是在上下浮动的,而PS4则有很长的一段时间帧率锁到了20。
The PS4's approach causes the sensation of stutter to be worse at these stress points. Where performance is sub-30fps, Xbox One also retains a frame-rate advantage overall - and there's rarely a point in our analysis where Microsoft's hardware isn't ahead. That said, whenever PS4 does render at a clear 30fps, the presence of a cap and the resultant steady frame-pacing makes it the superior game in motion.
PS4的这一情况导致在压力比较大的场景中,PS4画面的卡顿感会更加严重,而当帧率都在30FPS以下的时候,总的来讲Xbox One在帧率方面是有优势的(实际上整个评测中Xbox One版的帧率没PS4版高的情况很罕见);换句话就是说一旦PS4版的帧率能够达到30,锁帧以及其导致的稳定的帧速,游戏的动态体验就会很好。
Actual gameplay paints a slightly different picture. A trip through the busy Novigrad city really puts both consoles through their paces, and Xbox One is essentially reduced to a 29-31fps range of fluctuations that produces stutter. By comparison, PS4 doesn't go over this line, but nor is it especially well optimized for large areas like this, with 25fps lurches seen at its worst. This is perhaps an issue of background streaming lots of new geometry and NPCs at each turn - as made evident by the heavy texture pop-in for each console. Sadly, each turn prompts Sony's platform to hiccup to 29fps as we canter forward, meaning it rarely feels much smoother than Microsoft's platform in a synced test, despite the frame-rate cap.
除过场之外,实际游戏的场景两个主机的表现也有一些不同。例如在骑马穿过繁华的Novigrad城时,Xbox One的帧率在29-31之间徘徊,造成了一些卡顿感;PS4版同样在面对这种大场面的时候有些力不从心,最低掉到过25帧。这种情况可能是因为这个过程中需要加载大量的模型、纹理以及NPC导致的问题。在快速转向回正之后PS4的画面帧率会掉到29以下,所以尽管PS4锁了帧但在同步测试中流畅度不如Xbox One。
In open spaces, rapid gallops through forests produces similar results; regular single-frame drops on PS4 disrupt motion, while Xbox One runs above 30fps to cause its own frame-pacing issues. In battle, both platforms flatten at around 30fps, while a lengthy fight with a griffin shows bigger drops once we cast alpha-based spells such as Igni. The end effect is the same: neither console version feels as smooth as it should, and each is prone to big dips during gameplay.
在比较空旷的地形,快速穿过森林的测试两个平台的情况差不多,PS4有零星的掉帧,Xbox One依然有帧率一直在30以上而带来的问题(解释在前文中提到了)。战斗过程中,两个平台的帧率都在30左右,在同狮鹫的战斗中,使用到了与粒子效果有关的Igni时帧率有一定的下降。两个平台都会有掉帧的情况出现,流畅度方面的表现不能令人满意。
The Witcher 3's stand-out visual feature is its density of foliage, and neither PS4 or Xbox One let up in this area. However, Microsoft's platform loses out on clarity the further you look into the distance - its 1600x900 resolution here blurring over details to the left side, compared to the PS4's sharper 1920x1080 resolve.
巫师3中的植被密度是游戏的一个亮点,两个平台在这一方面的情况都很不错。然而相比PS4的1080P,Xbox One的900P导致远景以及细节会模糊一些。
Each console version uses CD Projekt Red's own post-process anti-aliasing method, which falls close to the standards of FXAA, albeit with a temporal component for reducing pixel-pop in motion. Curiously, Xbox One's dynamic resolution rarely goes much higher than 900p during gameplay - and the promised 1080p is a rarity.
两个平台上用的都是CD Project自己的抗锯齿,效果类似于FXAA,而且还有通过前后帧的分析来减少运动带来的像素感的功能。奇怪的是,Xbox One虽然是动态分辨率但实际上分辨率很少高于900P,说好的1080P那就更罕见了。
Foliage draw distance is identical between the two, as shown across the mountain expanses on the left. Likewise, texture filtering across the wooden boards ahead is a match.
As for shadows, we get a matching grade of quality here with only minor dithering present towards their edges. Ambient occlusion is also in effect on each.
Character models are like-for-like in terms of geometric detail. This up-close shot of Geralt shows no difference, though the PC release's tessellation presets may offer a minor visual boost.
As is a running trend with The Witcher 3's console presets, textures map resolution is also indistinguishable between PS4 and Xbox One.
Aliasing is kept to a minimum thanks to the game's post-process AA. However, stair-stepping artefacts are easier to spot on Microsoft's platform at points owing to the reduction in resolution overall.
游戏的抗锯齿使得锯齿很不明显,但这里的对比中可以看出由于分辨率较低,Xbox One的画面中石头栏杆的边缘有较为明显的锯齿。
Last but not least, each console gets the full works as far as lighting effects are concerned - bloom and crepuscular rays being an eye-catcher at dawn and dusk.
Overall, the fact Xbox One tends to holds a higher frame-rate is misleading in terms of the quality of the end experience; a capped 30fps is by far the preferred option in this case and we still hope to see it implemented in a future update. The PS4 release has the right tactic, but it lets itself down by being unable to stream in world geometry or render effects at a perfect 30fps to take advantage of this. The perceived effect is a judder to motion on both consoles, for cut-scenes and gameplay, though PS4 is capable of smoother passages of play at times. When it comes to performance, and factoring in the game's superior 1920x1080 output, Sony's hardware is a preference - but it's not the clear choice we had expected.
总的来说,Xbox One虽然帧率更高但最终的游戏体验却不是很好,锁30帧应该是最好的选择了,我们希望在之后的更新中能实现这一点。PS4锁30帧的策略是正确的,但为了特效而无法保证稳定30帧可以说是没有利用好这个优势。两个平台的过场和实际游戏中都有可以察觉到的卡顿,但PS4在大部分时候更流畅一些,再加上原生1080P的游戏画面,索尼的主机用来玩巫师3也许更有优势,但优势并没有我们之前想象的那么明显。
Our full analysis of The Witcher 3 is en route now the PC release is out, where we'll cover how PS4 and Xbox One hold up to its best graphics settings. As a frame of reference, these consoles already appear to lurk at the PC's mid-point in terms of overall quality - with extras like velocity-based motion blur, chromatic aberration, bloom, and light shafts all engaged. On the visual front the PC's likely set for an expected win, but the hardware required to run at its 'uber' foliage preset and its Nvidia Hairworks fur effects could be a sticking point - even for more capable graphics hardware.
我们对于巫师3的完整评测会在测试完PC版之后放出。(剩下的懒得翻了) |