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DLC 2 女王任务开箱子 (来自reddit.com)


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-5-16 10:48  ·  香港 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Locations we've found so far. Feel free to add your own finds in the comments, I'll try to add them all!

- What are Ether chests? Ether chests were added in patch 1.2.0 today (5/15/2015). After defeating one of the Wanted Fallens from the Queen's Wrath bounties you will be given a buff that lasts a little above 1min, during this buffs duration you need to find the newly spawned chest in the area you are in.

- What do these Ether chests contain? So far people have found ammo synthesis, rare and legendary engrams, materials, and Prison of Elder's Treasure Chest Keys!

- What do the keys look like? Picture: http://imgur.com/5oKcN2C | Video Proof: https://youtu.be/ZRzUo9XQTwc?t=3m57s (credits to /u/ElementZer0)

- Do I need the bounty to be able to get the key buff to open the chests? No. You can take part in the event with the bounty, without the bounty, and even after you've completed the bounty and still get the buff to open the chest.

(The Forgotten Shores) Drevis, Wolf Baroness:

•6 Locations mapped. http://i.imgur.com/sq2OnLU.jpg (credits to /u/Xannder_ and /u/TheWiggleBox)

•Wrecked ship near Randal the Vandal. http://i.imgur.com/tqJPZV8.gifv

•Under the first large wrecked ship you encounter upon entering the Forgotten Shores http://i.imgur.com/ZtTm7t9.jpg (credits to /u/tyrant247)

•On top of a rock by the water that leads to the golden chest. http://imgur.com/vRH98zi

(Skywatch) Kalik-12:

•4 Locations mapped. http://i.imgur.com/Moy3Sul.png (credits to /u/Chippy569)

•In front of the truck by the helipad. http://i.imgur.com/WnpUvuj.gifv

•By the small shed near the helipad and behind the one above ^ http://i.imgur.com/alj9Fpz.jpg (credits to /u/D3M4NUF4CTUR3DFX)

•Behind the fence to the left when you come out of the door from Lunar Complex http://i.imgur.com/HzXKNZR.jpg (credits to /u/sldfghtrike and /u/Me007gold)

•Chest on top of the building that leads to the Terrestrial Complex. https://youtu.be/XXrB5WcpcJw?t=40s (credits to /u/solidifys and /u/Chippy569) http://i.imgur.com/Y9ymsbs.jpg (credits to /u/mrpanafonic)

(The Citadel) Peekis, The Disavowed:

•4 Locations mapped. http://i.imgur.com/EWi2gg0.png (credits to /u/Chippy569)

•Left side of the mid Minotaur spawn of two http://i.imgur.com/zzukQGu.gifv

•Also to the left side of the mid Minotaur spawn (Near the chest above ^ ) http://i.imgur.com/Zw4KpZn.gifv

•"On top of a flat rock to left of the entrance of the cave where the 2 goblins and 2 harpies are" http://imgur.com/VeSoZoM (credits to /u/AdvancedHalo) http://imgur.com/2Jm1lLX (Potato Quality, credits to /u/phantom_mirage and /u/IKNightOwl)

•Below the 3 minotaurs with the mini conflux, towards the path to VoG (map shows it at the wrong location its more north on the map, by the Walking Ruins) http://i.imgur.com/yjfF5Gr.gifv | http://imgur.com/a/F1IwI (credits to /u/ultra1437 and /u/DeathMagnetGT)

(Ember Caves) Beltrik, The Veiled:

•4 Locations mapped. http://i.imgur.com/v37eYSL.png (credits to /u/Chippy569)

•Underneath the cave entrance to the Winter's run Strike http://i.imgur.com/TKuYp8R.gifv

•Ember Caves, next to the tall rock formation with the path that forks around both sides of it, as you leave ember caves towards the citadel. https://youtu.be/iFhdA510fOs?t=13s (credits to /u/D3M4NUF4CTUR3DFX and /u/spo0ol)

•On the overhanging platform just to the left of the entrance to the Winter's Run strike (i.e., where the yellow bar captain and his goons hang out) http://i.imgur.com/w31aYCH.jpg (credits to /u/D3M4NUF4CTUR3DFX and /u/virgilthepoet)

•In front of the cave surrounded by the small puddles of water http://i.imgur.com/SgV9hkY.jpg (Potato Quality, credits to /u/DoctorLabRat) http://imgur.com/2EpFNxn (Better Quality, credits to /u/DeathMagnetGT)


•Can open chest, leave area, and reopen before the buff wears out http://redd.it/3634lc credits /u/JoldersHammer

•4th Bounty Available to Pickup! http://tinypic.com/r/w1bs7t/8 (Potato Quality Proof)

•Can find Treasure keys for Prison of Elders http://redd.it/362xqb credits to /u/jeter4k

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