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 楼主| 发表于 2005-11-14 22:09  ·  山东 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
中文的最好!!英语的话!请帮忙找到那个网页打开就是的!!因为看不懂!所以需要复制下来用金山看!请大家帮帮忙!!!   .

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发表于 2005-11-14 22:46  ·  河南 | 显示全部楼层
      I-Ninja Walkthrough by MJ  __________________________I**********|

___/   Table of Contents  ____________________________________________
|"""--------------------------"""                            |
| I.  Latest Progress/Updates                              |
| II.  Story                                          |
| III. Controls/Moves List                                |  
| IV.  Walkthrough                                      |
|        - Robot Beach                                 |
|        - Bomb Bay                                   |
|        - Jungle Falls                                |
|        - Mountain Gorge                               |
|        - Moon Base                                  |
|        - Battle Arena                                |

___/ I. Latest Progress/Updates ________________________________________
|"""------------------------------"""                         |
| 12-14-03 - All areas completed                            |
| Grades: 64/64                                        |
| Belt: Master                                        |
| Sword: Soul Sword                                     |

___/ II.    Story         ________________________________________
|"""------------------------------"""                         |
| In the beginning we see Ninja sneaking his way past four guards in a   |
| secret mountaintop location. He then frees his "Sensei", slays a dragon,|
| and is rash enough to put his hands on a gleaming red energy stone    |
| called a Rage Stone that was coughed up by the dying lizard. The energy |
| of the Rage Stone courses through his veins causing him to rocket     |
| through the sky and into his master. Ninja then proceeds to decapitate  |
| Sensei. Sensei turns into a ghost and continues to advise Ninja to    |
| acquire all of the Rage Stones throughout the course of the game before |
| Emperor O-Dor gets his hands on them...                      |

___/ III. Controls/Moves List  ________________________________________
|"""------------------------------"""    Buttons:                |
|       Directional Pad:          Zoom            More Zoom  |
|         [] < Ninja Berserker          Throw Shurikens       |
| I-Ninja > []  [] < Ninja Revive       Attack/Darts    Spin Attack  |
|         [] < Ninja Shuriken             Jump/Swim         |
|                                                 |
| Power-Ups: All power ups last for a few seconds except Ninja Revive.   |
|        You get Power Ups by hitting/killing enemys or getting hit a |
|        lot by them. All power ups gives you health back.        |
|                                                 |
|        Ninja Berserker - Powers up your attacks damage. Good for   |
|                    Mini Bosses/Boses and high level Ranx.    |
|        Ninja Revive - You regain most health back. A must to      |
|                  survive. You&#39;ll be using this one the most.  |
|        Ninja Shuriken - You&#39;ll ride on a big shuriken, destroying  |
|                    anything that makes contact with it. Good  |
|                    for multiple enemys.                |
|        I-Ninja - Ninja&#39;s most powerful attack. You hit every enemy  |
|               on screen without even touching them. Also powers  |
|               up attacks.                           |
|                                                 |
| Moves List:                                         |
|         Attack x3 - 3 hit combo                         |
|         Direction of enemy + Attack - Sword Dash.             |
|         Jump + Attack x3 - Air 3 hit combo                  |
|         Jump x2 - Double Jump                          |
|         Jump + Throw Shurikens - Throw Shurikens in the air      |
|         Jump x2 + Attack - Lightning Chop                  |
|         Jump then Spin Attack - Sword Hover                 |
|         Jump + Spin Attack - Sword Uppercut                 |
|         Zoom + More Zoom - Closer Zoom.                    |
|         Zoom + Attack - Throw Darts. Also works with more Zoom.    |
|         Zoom + Throw Shurikens - Throw Shurikens in zoom. Also    |
|                          works with more Zoom.          |

___/ IV.  Walkthrough    ____________________________________________
|"""--------------------------"""                            |
| Missions are in order of the progress screen (pause game to view)     |
| unless otherwise noted. They go from top to bottom, then it goes to the |
| next row of missions.                                  |  
/|                      |
/|       Robot Beach        |
/|   ________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 1 - Eye Ninja  ___|

Your first mission is a tutorial so you can be familiar with
the controls so begin by killing the Ranx up ahead. After
killing them kill the red orb that falls and pick up the coins.
Double jump on the platforms grab the coins and head left. Kill
the crate for some coins and head up. Practice your wall run
skill and grab the coins. Kill the Ranx with your lightning
chop skill and grab the coins. Kill the barrels on the left side
for some more coins. Practice your chain swing on this next section.
On the second chain make sure you get the crate below before swinging
again. Grind the rail and sword hover to the other side. Sword
uppercut these Ranx and head on forwards. Kill the Ranx and jump
onto the wall to the top. Chain swing to the platform and wall
run to get the coins. Grind the rail and grab those coins in the
air. Walk up to the half-pipe and practice it. Once your up top
you&#39;ll be practicing your chain run technique. In this next
section chain swing to the upper platform. Rail ride to the other
side and make sure you grab the coin in the air. Then chain swing
to the laser beam and destroy it with your sword. Once your rolling
on the ball destroy the barrels and Ranx and grab all the coins.
Once finish roll into the hole between the purple beams.

Eye Bowling -

You have 55 seconds to race down the track and grab the Grade
before time runs out. If failed you restart on top of the track.
Knock down the Ranx bowling pins on the way down and grab those coins.
Watch the torches flames if touched you&#39;ll lose some life.

Congrats! You got your first grade. Head left to enter your next mission
on Robot Beach.

/|                      |      
/|       Robot Beach        |
/|   ________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 2 - Eye 2 Eye  ___|

Kill the Ranx up ahead and head on the elevator on the left side.
Rail ride and jump the wall and prepare for some chain running!
Head in the tunnel and kill the Ranx to make the next section
accessable. Jump on the air fan and sword hover to the next area.
Head inside and grab all the coins while your running then chain
run to the next side. Once inside run to the computer panel next
to the weird statue and destroy it to activate the platform next
to the air fan. Before jumping on the air fan head to the other
side and destroy the barrel for some coins. Then hop on the air
fan and jump onto the platform. Jump when the beam is approaching
you and grab the coins in the air. In this next section you have
to jump on each platform when it moves to side to side. Destroy
the panel next to the beam to deactivate it. Rail jump to get to
the next section and grab those coins. Destroy the barrels then jump
down and destroy the structure thats holding the eye ball. Get in the
ball and head into the chute. In this section it can be tricky but
to make it easier you need to slow down when your about to roll on
the solid platform by holding down on the analog. Grab the coins
then land on the solid platform in the middle of the moving platforms.
In the curve section slowly work your way across while grabing the
coins. Wait for the moving platform to come by and land it. Make sure
you dont fall off so make sure you center yourself. Work your way
on the next curve platform and enter the hole. When your entering
the next section quickly position the camera so you wont fall off.
Wait for the platform to expand then jump on and move quickly into
the hole so you wont fall down. Now you got your second grade!

Head to the building in front of you and walk to the front side of
the building to enter Heart Attack.

/|                       |
/|       Robot Beach         |
/|   __________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 3 - Heart Attack ___|

Make sure you don&#39;t get caught by the sentinels they will bring you
to the start of the level and you&#39;ll lose some life. Kill the Ranx
and head up. You can kill the computers for a coin. Then jump up the wall
and wall run to the other side. When the sentinels away head back down
and kill the barrels and computers for coins. Then get back to the second
platform. From here chain swing to the next platform and grab the coins.
When the second sentinel is away wall jump on the wall on the left. Wall
run and grab the coins and head inside the tunnel. Kill the barrels and head
to the right. Kill the Ranx and destroy the orb and the computer panels. Wall
jump and destroy the screen on the wall to open the closed tunnel. Kill the
Ranx and the barrels up ahead. Destroy the panel on the left side of the wall
next to the closed door to open it. Collect the coins on both sides then head
to the air fan in the middle. Sword hover to the lower platform and wall run
to the left side and collect the coins. Keep wall running left and kill the
panel and head in. Chain run and head inside and kill those Ranx and barrels.
Watch out for the fireshooter just jump over the fireballs and take him out.
Hit the panel and head inside and take out those barrels. In the next room
head down and collect those coins and destroy the computers all around. Destroy
the panel in the center wall to access the heart. Walk up the ramp to get in.
In this section you&#39;ll be doing some more monkey ball action so gain speed to
avoid the red things which will do damage if touch. To gain speed from the
start touch the green grid behind you. When touched it will make the ball
shoot forwards real fast so you can clear the first ramp. Also this isn&#39;t
a timed part like the first mission so take your time and grab those coins.
When you get to the green arrow part you need to gain enough speed to jump
across it and to grab those coins in the air. Make sure you center yourself
when your on the moving platforms so you wont fall off. When your moving
across the thin platforms make sure you center yourself so you wont fall off
because the platforms are crooked so be careful. Once you complete the course
you&#39;ll gain your third grade and a new belt!

Now your ready to fight the boss Kyza! Head to the feet to enter.

/|                      |
/|       Robot Beach        |
/|   ________________________   |
/|___/    Boss - Kyza     ___|

Say yes to download the program and to begin the fight. You&#39;ll be
boxing Kyza (yeah it&#39;s kinda funny) in 4 rounds and whoever knocks out
the person first wins. When Kyza charges his hand he&#39;s going to attack
you so watch the white arrows on the screen which indicate where to dodge.
The first round is pretty easy just punch on him til he&#39;s KO&#39;ed. When he
backs up he will shoot missles at you just dodge them to avoid damage. Dodge
right, left, right for the missles. Round 2 he will use his headbutt a lot so
counter when he&#39;s about to attack. Make sure you use your laser attack when
you get the chance. When you KO him he will shoot missles again duck the
first missle then dodge right and left and so on. Round 3 is more of the
same but I found a trick to cancel his hand charge by pressing X on the
controller doing this you can just press right then just keep hammering
the combination punches over and over. I use square and circle mostly.
This trick works like a charm. Make sure you wait til he fully charges his hand
to do this trick then press X to cancel his charge. When you KO him again he
will shoot those missles once again. Dodge most of them by ducking and so forth.
Round 4 just use my trick to finish him off.

Once he KO&#39;ed for good you&#39;ll get a grade and a new area is opened!

/|                      |      
/|        Mini Game        |
/|   ________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 4 - Fly Ninja  ___|

Before tackling the new area head back to Robot Beach and you&#39;ll see
that someones playing a little game of hide and seek. To find him
he&#39;s next to the palm tree by the ocean (next to the feet where you
enter Kyza). Pay the 100 coins to play Fly Ninja. This game is pretty
easy just collect the 12 red coins to get the grade. Grab the green time
icons to extend your time. At the end grab the grade and your all done.

/|                      |      
/|        Mini Game        |
/|   ________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 5 - Ninja Ball ___|

Talk to Yang again to buy Ninja Ball. This one steps up the diffi***y
a couple of notches so be prepared to play this one a bit. When you begin
the game gain enough speed to jump the ramp but as soon your in the air be
prepared to brake (slow down) because you need to grab the time icon that
is on the left side before grabbing the coins up ahead. Once you grab the
time extender quickly head up and begin grabbing the coins. Start counter
clockwise so you can grab the other time extender that is there then work
your way around. Remember to land on the solid part of the extending platform.
Once done with this area head toward the moving platform and grab the other
5 coins. Make sure you grab them all in one pass because you don&#39;t want to go
back and waste precious time. Now head on the extending platform and wait when
its appropiate to move. Now this part here is the most diffi*** part of this
mini game. You have to grab all the coins and have enough speed to jump the gap.
The coins are not in a straight line there kind of crooked towards the end so
make sure you grab them all. The coins start right then extend out to the left
a little bit. Make sure you dont extend left too much or you will miss the gap
jump. Also don&#39;t slow down you need all the speed. Lastly when you land the gap
jump hold up quickly on the analog so you won&#39;t bounce back and fall down!
Because you would have to start all over again. Once you get all the coins
the grade will appear, grab it and your done!

Head back to the first mission to grab another grade.

/|                      |      
/|      Robot Beach        |
/|   ________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 6 - Eye Ninja  ___|

Kill 45 Ranx to grab yet another grade. Make sure you kill the Ranx once
your on the ball you don&#39;t want to miss them. When you get to the Eye
Bowling part you have to knockdown all the Ranx pins because they count
as a kill. If you miss any just let the timer run out and start over.
Once you get all 45 you&#39;ll get your grade and now you should get a
sword upgrade!

Head over to Eye 2 Eye for another grade.

/|                      |      
/|       Robot Beach        |
/|   ________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 7 - Eye 2 Eye  ___|

Collect 10 red coins for the grade. There scattered all over the level.
The first one is on top of the elevator in the begining. Second one is
on the rail. Third one on top of the wall before chain running. Fourth
one outside the tunnel. Fifth and Sixth on top of the platforms. Seventh
after the 3 platforms jump. Eighth between the extending platforms. Ninth
is on the little curve platform. Last one is in between the entending platform
in the end.

After your done here go on in to Heart Attack for another Grade.

/|                       |      
/|       Robot Beach         |
/|   __________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 8 - Heart Attack ___|

This one is time based so at the start just run past the Ranx and work
your way up the wall and wall run then chain swing over to the platform.
Wait for the Sentinel to walk away then quickly wall jump up the wall.
Run in the tunnel and head to the right side. Quickly kill the Ranx and
the orb and just wall jump over to destroy the panel on the wall. Head
out to the newly opened door and run past the Ranx. Hit the panel on the left
wall for the door to open. Forget the coins and jump on the air fan and work
your way thru. Hit the panel on the right for the door to open. Work your
way thru the chain run and head to the left. Just run past the fire shooter
just jump over his shots. No time to waste here! Hit the panel to open the
door and run thru there. Hit the panel in the middle wall for the forcefield
to deactivate and get on the ball. Hit the green grid behind ya to gain some
speed and jump over the ramps. Quickly work your way thru here. Run into the
red walls if you need to. The time is ticking! When completed you&#39;ll get your
grade and now you should be a green belt!

/|                      |      
/|       Robot Beach        |
/|   ________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 9 - Eye Ninja  ___|

Another tough time base grade. At the start quickly pass thru and forget
the Ranx and coins (except when you need to kill Ranx to open the passage).
When you get to eye bowling part just run on in thru there and avoid the
pillars because they will slow you down. You need every second possible
to complete this grade. I&#39;ve barely made it with 1 second on the timer left!

/|                      |      
/|       Robot Beach        |
/|   ________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 10 - Eye 2 Eye ___|

Another time based grade for you. Run past the Ranx and jump on the
elevator and work your way thru. Kill the Ranx by the air fain to
deactivate the forcefield and sword hover in. Hit the panel by the
big statue to activate platform and air fan on to it. Quickly work
your way to the other panel hit it and get on the ball! Work your way
thru and don&#39;t slow down that much unless your waiting for the moving
platforms. Once your done you&#39;ll get the grade.

Head on over to Heart Attack once again for the final grade on Robot Beach.

/|                        |      
/|        Robot Beach        |
/|   ___________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 11 - Heart Attack ___|

For the last mission here you just need to collect all the red coins scattered
thru the map. The first one is in the barrel where the Sentinel is patroling.
Second one is next to the computer where the second Sentinel is patroling.
Third one is at the begining of the tunnel. Fourth one is behind the glass
in the air fan room. Fifth one is on the wall when your wall running to grab it
jump on the higher platform and wall run. Sixth one is below the last platform.
To get it sword hover underneath the platform to grab the coin. Seventh one is
below where the heart structure is (next to the four big pipes).
Eighth one is after the gap jump dont miss it! Ninth one is after the first
moving platform. Last one is at the end of the level. Once complete you
got the grade!

Now head up the half pipe to Bomb Bay! Head up the stairs to Rocket


/|                        |      
/|          Bomb Bay          |
/|   ____________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 1 - Rocket Factory ___|

Once in head left to grab those snipe darts in the barrels so you can snipe
the Ranx on top of the crates down below. They shoot rockets at you. Once done
head back and go down the pipes and grab those coins. Kill the Ranx down there
and hit the orb to open the next area. Also kill the crates that hold some Darts
and Shurikens. Once finish head up the elevator to go to the next area. Work
your way thru the presses and head right. Kill the dogs with spin attacks they
like to gang up on ya. After this head up the half pipe the coins go all the
way up so grab them. Prepare for the mini boss fight.

Evil Captain -

When he throws his sword quickly dash to the side then dash in and attack.
Keep repeating this and he&#39;s done for.

Head into the opened area and jump down below to face some dogs. Break down the
glass to get some Darts and Shurikens in the barrels. Jump over the fence to
face more Ranx and kill the orb to open the next area. Head far left to where
the Rocket Ranx are and head up the elevator. Go left and jump where the barrels
are to grab some ammo. Then go down below to the left and grab some more ammo.
Then head back up the elevator and destroy the barrel where the grabber is and
wait for it to grab you up and move you across. Once across jump up the boxes
and move to the new area. Kill the computers and barrels and work your way
thru. Watch the flame spitters on the walls. On this next part chain swing
your way across. Watch the double flames and go on to the next area or you
can sword hover to the coins and stuff across. If you go to the bottom you can
use the fancy rocket launcher after you kill the Ranx useing it. When your done
here head to the new area. Wall run and waste the Ranx and kill the orb to open
the new area. Jump the spinners and chain swing to get across. Swim across to
the new area and rail across to get those shurikens. Once down head back and
waste the Ranx and grab some more ammo in the barrel. In the next area snipe
the Ranx that are across on the other side. Move across to fight some more
Ranx. Hop on the rocket launcher to destroy the red barrels for some coins.
After that jump on the rocket to grab your Grade up there. All done!

Head downstairs for Grade in a Cage.

/|                         |      
/|          Bomb Bay          |
/|   _____________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 2 - Grade in a Cage ___|

Get off when your on the barrel and collect some ammo before continuing on.
When your done make your way to the right and watch the red barrels if you
touch it while on the barrel you&#39;ll explode and lose some life. Get down
below where the Ranx are and run them over while on the barrel. Watch out
if they hit you you&#39;ll go Kaboom! Get on the elevator and move on to the
next area. Work your way thru the flames and jump off the barrel in the end
and take out the Ranx in the next area before traveling on the barrel. Careful
not to fall or you will have to start over again. Work your way slowly downward
the flames careful not to fall at the end. Next area jump off and clear out the
Ranx and the ones above. Work your way up the flames, careful of the humps when
the flames clear then move across quickly. On top of the elevator jump off and
collect the ammo on top of the 2 structures. Before getting on the barrel to the
next area clear out the red barrels and the Rocket Ranx in the next room. Once
done head back get on the barrel and work your way thru the last section for
the grade. I suggest taking the right section of the last part instead of the
upper left. It&#39;s way shorter then the left and easier to navigate. Once your
next to the cage position the barrel next to the lock and ignite the trailing
gunpowder with your sword. Get the grade and your outta here!

Head to Chase the Fuse which is next to the lighthouse for your next mission.

/|                        |      
/|          Bomb Bay          |
/|   ____________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 3 - Chase the Fuse ___|

Head down the tunnel for a cutscene soon after the Ranx will attack so take
him out. Your goal is to grab the grade before the spark explodes it so quickly
wall run on the right. Chase it and ignore the incoming Ranx they just waste
your time. Wall run again and rail, careful not to fall off. Then chain swing
and jump up the wall. Ignore the Ranx head up and chain swing again. Wall run
to the left and go up the half pipe. Head right and wall run at the right.
Quickly rail then chain swing in the air for the grade!

Head inside the tunnel next to Bomb Bay entrance for Shoot the Ships.

/|                         |      
/|          Bomb Bay          |
/|   _____________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 4 - Shoot the Ships ___|

This one is a fun mission. Shoot the incoming ships and prevent them from
breaching the island. Wave 1 just shoot the slow boats when they appear.
When the speedy small boats appear kill them quickly. Take out the huge
frigate to complete wave 1. Wave 2 is more of the same. Wave 3 theres going
to be more slow boats so take them out watch out the small ones too.
Wave 4 a huge ship will fly over you as soon as you see it start blasting
it and dont stop until its down. Once destroyed you&#39;ll get the Grade!

Head back to the main area to fight the boss Ventis.

/|                      |      
/|        Bomb Bay        |
/|   ________________________   |
/|___/    Boss - Ventis    ___|

One tough fish you got here to begin dodge out of the way when he shoots
his springed bomb at you. His next attack he will drop multiple bombs at you
so just move out of the way. Sometimes they will carry ammo so grab it without
touching the bomb itself. His other attack is a spiral bomb so move out of the
way when he shoots it. Now he will probably try to devour you dodge out of the
way when he trys. Now his spring bomb attack will have multiple bombs attached
to it so be careful. To do major damage on Ventis grab the Rapid Fire and wait
for him to open his mouth and when he does blast away! Congrats! You should be
a blue belt by now.

Head back to Bomb Bay before tackling the new area. Find Aria on top of the ship.

/|                          |      
/|          Mini Game          |
/|   ______________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 5 - Chain Challenge  ___|

Easy Grade. Chain swing then when your at the end of the first half
jump the rails. Be careful of the bombs on the rails. Grab the Grade
and your done!

Talk to Aria again for Ninja Ball Ultra.

/|                          |      
/|          Mini Game          |
/|   ______________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 6 - Ninja Ball Ultra ___|

This ones tough. You have to grab 150 coins in 45 seconds. The tough part is to
grab the ones in the corner without falling off. You can&#39;t slow down either
because if you do you won&#39;t be able to grab the coins in the corners. Just make
sure you grab all the ones in the middle and just a few in the corners to have
enough for the grade, watch the timer to!

Head back to Rocket Factory for another Grade.

/|                        |      
/|          Bomb Bay          |
/|   ____________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 7 - Rocket Factory ___|

Kill the 80 Ranx for the grade. When you get to the Evil Captain just kill
him like before. Watch out for his charge move. Clear out all the enemys
before moving to the next area. Make sure you get the Ranx below the rail
at the end. Once you got 80 ride the rocket and get your grade.

Head to Grade in a Cage.

/|                         |      
/|          Bomb Bay          |
/|   _____________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 8 - Grade in a Cage ___|

This one is a little tough at first but its easy once you get the hang
of it. Once your on the barrel zip thru to the next area. Ignore
everything and work your way thru the course and grab the grade. Remember
you cant touch the red barrels when your on your barrel.

Head to Chase the Fuse.

/|                         |      
/|          Bomb Bay          |
/|   _____________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 9 - Chase the Fuse  ___|

Easy grade just run thru and grab the 10 red coins in the course. The
first on the 2nd wall ride. Second one on the rail. Third one up the
wall jump. Fourth one inside the ship wheel where the orb is above.
Fifth one at the chain swing. Sixth one in a barrel next to the half pipe.
Seventh one at the wall ride. Eighth and Ninth up ahead and in a barrel.
Last one in the air during chain swing at the end.

/|                          |      
/|          Bomb Bay           |
/|   ______________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 10 - Shoot the Ships ___|

Score 50,000 points for the grade. By now you should know how to play.
Its hard to score 50,000 but you have to to get the grade. Try to get your
multiplier has high as you can before destroying ships. The higher the
multiplier the bigger score you get. A tactic I use is to weaken ships
then let them get closer to you so they can shoot there missles. This is
how you rack up the multiplier, by shooting there missles. Also to rack
up the multiplier shoot the flying things around, they also sometimes
provide you with ammo too.

Head to Rocket Factory for your last grade in this stage.

/|                         |      
/|          Bomb Bay          |
/|   _____________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 11 - Rocket Factory ___|

Grab 10 coins for the grade. The first one is on the left where you start, it&#39;s
in a barrel. Second one in on the platform where the half pipe is. Sword hover
onto the platform and kill the barrels, the red coin is in there. Third one is
in a barrel in the corner where you fight the dogs. Fourth one in the middle
of the water. Fifth on top of the structure where you get lifted to go on
to the next area. You should see it when you move across. Sixth one is in
a barrel to the left where you get dropped from the lift. Jump down to get it.
Seventh one is in a barrel where you fight a Ranx that was in a barrel at the
flames section. Eighth is in a barrel in the little glass room right before you
exit, sword hover to get it. Ninth one is in a barrel in the upper area where
you rail down, sword hover to get it. Last one is in the barrel inside the
glass area at the end. All done!

Head to your last Grade in a Cage mission.

/|                          |      
/|          Bomb Bay           |
/|   ______________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 12 - Grade in a Cage ___|

Another 10 coins mission. The first one is where the Ranx are in the begining.
Second one is in a barrel where the Ranx are past the flame section. Third one
is in a barrel on top of the elevator just before heading into some more flames.
Double jump to get across. Forth one is below next to the elevator where you
entered. Fifth one is in a barrel in the corner down below. Sixth one is in
a barrel below the curve paths. Seventh one is on the upper path. Eighth one
on the lower path. Ninth one inside the glass area, to reach it go to the
upper path and double jump to get in there. Last one in a barrel next to the
cage. All done!

Head on over to Chase the Fuse once again for the final grade on Bomb Bay.

/|                         |      
/|          Bomb Bay          |
/|   _____________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 13 - Chase the Fuse ___|

Kill 13 Ranx for the grade. Remember you still have to out chase the spark
to get your grade so kill them quickly!

Once complete head onward to Jungle Falls! To get to Sly Ninja go right of
Psyamon then turn right again. It&#39;s up ahead.


/|                      |      
/|       Jungle Falls       |
/|   ________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 1 - Sly Ninja  ___|

Work you way up and grab those darts and shurikens. You&#39;ll need them for
the Sentinels. Head to the right side and hit the switch to open the door
to the left. Right below are some barrels with shurikens in them. Watch out
for the rocket Ranx in the air. Head left and kill the Ranx. Attack the trees
to clear a path and head up. Watch out for the Ranx above they shoot some
acid thing at you. Wait for the Sentinel to be away then jump to the next
section on the right. Another Sentinel is patrolling this area wait for it
to leave and head left. You&#39;ll see a rocket launcher here get on it to destroy
the wooden gate that was near the extrance of this part of the level. Press
Square to shoot then guide the rocket right with the analog then left and
destroy the wood gate to reveal the switch. Head back and hit the switch to
go to the new area. Before going to the new are head back onto the rocket
launcher and shoot a rocket into the newly opened area. You will see theres
a wooden gate here to. It has barrels in it with some Ranx in there along
with coins. When thats done jump on the fence and head upwards. You will
face a new enemy here. These turtles do some nice damage on you so kill
them quickly. After the fight head straight to the next section. Some
more Sentinels here jump on the pillars for the darts you can also stay
here to avoid the Sentinels before moving. When your on the bridge sword
hover to the switch to open the next area on the left. Kill the barrels
for some ammo and head to the new area. Here you will see some flying
thing shooting ways all around, avoid it and rail when it&#39;s safe to.
More up ahead, head left and watch out for the crab thing that shoots lasers
at you. Then head right and clear out the trees. Take out the Ranx and chain
swing to the platform then sword hover to the checkpoint. Wall run and take
out the Ranx to open the next section. When the Sentinel is away head right
and watch out for the second Sentinel. Stay in between and wait for the second
to walk away. When he does quickly follow him then jump onto the pillars to
avoid detection. Wait again then wall jump to the upper part. You see up
ahead is a Evil Captain so prepare for battle! Chain swing then sword hover to
make the jump. Evil Captain is the same as before just watch out when he throws
his weapon then dash in and attack. After the fight hit the switch for the last
area. Head down in between where the Sentinels are and wait for the first Sent
to pass by then quickly run up and kill the trees to go to the new area. Theres
a couple of Ranx here take them out and head in to the last section of this
stage. Head down and hop on the rocket launcher. Here you have to shoot the
ball things into the steam pipes on both sides. Wait for the ball to align
with the pipes and fire away. Once done you&#39;ll get the grade! Congrats!
You should be a Red Belt by now.

Head to Buzz Off which is next to the bridge. Sword Hover to get to it.

/|                      |      
/|       Jungle Falls       |
/|   ________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 2 - Buzz Off!  ___|

Kill the Queen Sap-sucker for the grade. Take out the Ranx and chain run to
the other side. Kill the barrels and grab the ammo. Hop on the rocket launcher
to take down the wood gate. Then shoot again to take out another gate at
the next section. It&#39;s pass the water and to the left. Then kill the sap-suckers
that are flying around to activate logs for some more ammo. Then head back to
the Rocket Launcher and destroy the wood statue in front of the broken bridge.
Head back and run over the arrows and double jump to grab onto the chain and
swing across. Kill the Ranx and head left. Some more Ranx here kill the trees
and head right for more Ranx. Kill the trees again and head right. Kill some
Ranx here along with a Turtle monster and that crab that shoots lasers. Kill
the sap-suckers that are flying to activate the log platforms. Jump up and
hop on the rocket launcher to break down a gate. The gate is where the 2 torches
are at. Work your way up the trunks, theres a few Ranx up there waiting. When
you reach the last part of the bridge jump down where you shot the rocket at
for the new area. Kill some ranks and head right for some more Ranx or straight
up where the checkpoint is and jump over the log for another Evil Captain fight.
After the fight kill the sap-suckers that are flying around here and hop on the
rocket launcher. Shoot the rocket to the right side and then turn left then
right then straight ahead is the gate. Watch out not to hit the rails. Jump on
the trunks and head right. Watch out for the dragon thing jump over his
fireballs and take him out. Rail at the next area remember to jump the rail gap
or your fall down and have to work your way up again. Take out the sap-suckers
that are here and move ahead. Take out the Ranx and the sap-suckers that are
here. Get up the half pipe and hop on the rocket launcher. Shoot the rocket
straight and to the left for the gate, you can also kill the turtle with another
rocket. Then shoot another rocket into the tunnel turn right then left and kill
the Queen Sap-Sucker that is on the tree. After that shoot another rocket into
the queen to free the grade. Don&#39;t worry the rocket will decend down to kill the
queen for good. Work your way thru the trunks and enter where you destroyed the
gate. Take out the Ranx and move to the begining part of the stage. Watch out for
the Ranx next to the glowing tree it shoots these coin things on the ground they
explode when your next to it or when you step on it. After that pick up you your
grade across the water. All done!

Head on in to Ride the Logs, it&#39;s next to the bridge, double jump to get over.

/|                        |      
/|        Jungle Falls        |
/|   ___________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 3 - Ride the Logs ___|

Kill the enemys and head left and jump the logs to get over to the other side.
Kill the Ranx ahead to open the new area. Before leaving head right and kill
the trees to pick up some ammo. In the new area theres a Ranx with some buzz
saw take him out with the darts and chain swing to get over. To get the barrels
chain swing high enough and sword hover over. Rail down and go down and kill the
barrels for some ammo then go back up and double jump to get over. Prepare for a
turtle fight in the air just like Evil Captain! He attacks similar to Evil
Captain but instead of a sword he charges at you like a cannonball. Dodge out of
the way and dash in and attack. He also shoots rockets at you 3 at a time. Some
are homing missles so watch out. After the fight head to the wood gate where a
turtle will knock it down for ya and take him out. Whack the trees and get the
ammo across the water and jump the logs to get to the next section. Kill the
Ranx ahead to open the new area. Here you will fight some more Ranx and a
turtle. Clear them all to open the next area. Another turtle up ahead. Jump up
the rocks and clear out the trees up on the left to chain swing over for the
barrels and coins. After that head up for another Evil Captain fight, he&#39;s
guarding something that you need. Jump on the ball and take out the Ranx with
it. Roll into the hole and clear out the rocks with it. Take out the Ranx and
rail for the coins and barrels. Head down where the ball is and make your
way across jump up the wood and double jump to the top. Kill the Ranx up
ahead to free the grade. Move across the water where the coins and barrels
are (theres a Ranx in 1 of them). Then chain swing next to the waterfall
for the grade!

Now your ready to fight the boss Psyamon!

/|                        |      
/|        Jungle Falls        |
/|   ___________________________   |
/|___/     Boss - Psyamon    ___|

Take out the Ranx to open the next area. Hop in the Enforcer download the
program to familiarize with the weapons then the boss fight will begin.
He will shoot all sorts of thing at you so shoot them down. Remember to
reload when theres nothing to shoot so you wont get hit. When your gauge
is full shoot the laser at Psyamon to give him damage. Watch out for those
blue energy balls. If hit you will malfunction for a couple of seconds.
Your controls will be all whacky during this time. After a couple of laser
blast he will be down.

Head back to Jungle Falls before tackling the new area. Theres still a
couple of grades to get. You can find Twikki in front of Sly Ninja entrance
sitting on a stump.

/|                        |      
/|         Mini Game         |
/|   ___________________________   |
/|___/  Mission 4 - Jump&#39;n Grind ___|

Easy grade, rail along and grab the coins. Just remember to chain swing
during the middle part and grab the time extender. Also watch out for the

/|                            |      
/|           Mini Game           |
/|   _________________________________   |
/|___/  Mission 5 - Ninja Ball Extreme ___|

They don&#39;t call it extreme for nothing! This one your going to be doing a couple
of times before you get it right. I suggest you do some trial runs to
familiarize yourself with the track and how it cuts off in certain sections and
where the coins are. The thin part of the track is the roughest part so make sure
you know how to brake during the turns and when you rolling downward. At the end
you have to clear a gap jump so make sure you know how to align yourself on the
thin track when going super fast.

After completed head up to Sly Ninja.

/|                      |      
/|       Jungle Falls       |
/|   ________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 6 - Sly Ninja  ___|

Collect 10 coins for the grade. The first one is on the left of you when you
enter. Second one is next to the switch in a barrel. Third one is in the big
barrel, shoot a rocket at it to get it. Forth one is in the wood gate in a
barrel. Head back to the rocket and fire one into the new area. Fifth one is on
top of the fence. To get up there you have to jump off the top most part of the
small fence and run up the big fence, you should have enough to get up there.
Sixth one is in the barrel where the left Sentinel is patrolling. Seventh one
is in a barrel at the bottom where the laser ring patrollers are. Eighth one is
on top of a rock where the checkpoint is, to get it run up the fence and double
jump. Ninth one is in a barrel by the Evil Captain. Not the barrel next to Evil
Captain! It&#39;s the 3 barrels on the right side below. Chain swing and sword hover
to get it. Last one is in a barrel below the rocket launcher at the end.

Head to Buzz Off.

/|                      |      
/|       Jungle Falls       |
/|   ________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 7 - Buzz Off!  ___|

Kill 90 Ranx for the Grade. Make sure you clear out all the enemys especially
at the trunk jumping areas. Just look for the orbs in the air. Also look for
trees they have enemys hidden inside. Before the glowing tree remember to turn
right, theres a path in there with Ranx. Kill the Queen Sap-Sucker when you
have enough kills for the Grade.

Head to Ride the Logs.

/|                        |      
/|        Jungle Falls        |
/|   ___________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 8 - Ride the Logs ___|

Find the 10 coins for the grade. The first one is in the barrel across the
bridge in the begining. Second one is hidden in a barrel behind the trees after
you hop the logs on the left side. Third one is in the mud at the bottom where
the chain swing is at. Forth is in a barrel on the rocks above. Chain swing then
sword hover to get up there. Fifth one is at the bottom in a barrel past the
checkpoint. Sixth one is pass the logs in a barrel behind the tree. Seventh one
is in a barrel on top of the rocks where you fought the turtle monster. After
the second checkpoint. Eighth is in a barrel on a rock near the broken rail, past
the trunk tunnel. Ninth is on the second broken rail. Last one is in a barrel
past the logs in the end.

Head over to Sly Ninja for your last grade on this stage.

/|                      |      
/|       Jungle Falls       |
/|   ________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 9 - Sly Ninja  ___|

A timed mission. You have 8 min. to get the Grade so start running to the first
switch to open the door on the right. Watch the Sentinels movement and head
left. Ignore all Ranx fights and move on forward. Quickly dart/shuriken the
Sentinels and move ahead and hop onto the rocket and shoot the gate. Get caught
by the Sentinels on purpose to get to the checkpoint again and hit the switch.
Jump up the fence and run past the turtle monster, no time to waste! Get past
the first Sentinel and sword hover to the switch by the water. Then swim back
to get to the opened are. Quickly zip by the laser rings and run past the crab
lookin monster. Run past the Ranx then chain swing over. The next Ranx you have
to kill to open the next area. Get by these Sentinels to get to the switch where
the Evil Capatin is guarding. Kill him quickly and hit the switch. By now you
should know theres a little rock platform on the right, jump on it and wait for
the Sentinel then run up and kill the trees. Ignore the Ranx and hop the rocket
to shoot those balls into the pipes. Look left and right quickly for any
possible connections.

Head over to Buzz Off for your last grade on this stage.

/|                      |      
/|       Jungle Falls       |
/|   ________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 10 - Buzz Off! ___|

Collect 10 coins for the Grade. First one is hidden inside the statue next to
the gate, shoot a rocket to grab it. Second is hidden inside the statue, blast
the gate first then shoot a rocket again to hit the statue. Third and forth
are inside the statues inside the tree area on the left. Head back to the
rocket and get these. Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh are hidden in the statue by
the Evil Captain area. Rocket the trees straight ahead to get the sixth and
seventh. Eighth and Ninth are inside the trees on the right side after you
blew up the gate. To get the last coin is tricky, it&#39;s at the left side of the
glowing tree in the statue. You just can&#39;t fire a rocket into it because it
doesn&#39;t lower down to the statue. To get the rocket to lower down fire a rocket
as soon as you get to the entrance of the glowing tree steer the rocket straight
near the rock wall on the right then steer it left into the statue. It should
lower down enough for it to hit the statue. Grab the coin then head back to
the rocket to kill the Queen Sap-Sucker for the Grade.

Head over to Ride the Logs for your last grade in Jungle Falls.

/|                        |      
/|        Jungle Falls        |
/|   ____________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 11 - Ride the Logs ___|

Timed mission you have 6:30 min to make it to the end for the grade. Like in
any timed mission skip the enemys unless you have to to open the next area.
The mini-bosses are tougher then before so make sure you take them out quickly.
When you get to the end part kill those Ranx to kill the orb which opens the
entrance of the Grade.

Congrats! You should be a Black Belt by now. Head to Mountain Gorge entrance
which is between the waterfalls. To get to Crystal Cavern head right where
the half pipe is and go up and head left for the entrance.


/|                        |      
/|        Mountain Gorge        |
/|   ____________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 1 - Crystal Cavern ___|

Easy grade just work your way up to each section and shoot a dart at the red
crosshair to release the grade. When your heading into the next yellowish
part remember to hit the switch on the left up past the checkpoint.

To get to Sneak and Destroy head down and it&#39;s next to the save game platform.
Wall jump all the way up and chain swing to find the entrance.

/|                          |      
/|        Mountain Gorge         |
/|   _______________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 2 - Sneak and Destroy ___|

Run ahead and head left when the Sentinel is away then move. When fighting the
Ranx near the Sentinels watch out because they can walk back and grab you if
not careful. Hit the switch on the wall and jump down below the platform,
theres a second platform there you can wait here for the Sentinels to leave.
Past the second checkpoint go right when it&#39;s the right time and right again.
Another Sentinel will be here use a shuriken to distract him so you can get by.
In the next area 2 Sentinels are gaurding a switch you have to open for the
next area. In the middle of the bridge theres a chain to swing on the right
side. You have to wait for the Sentinel near the switch to be on the left side
so you can go and hit the switch. After you hit the switch chain swing back
again, the other Sentinel should be on the other side of the bridge so you can
go on to the next area. After killing the Ranx in the next area head left and
wait for the Sentinel to be near the switch and run in between the rocks.
Hide there until its safe to hit the switch and go to the next area right
beside you. In the next area jump on the rocket to destroy a gate. Shoot the
rocket and steer left, then right and left again. Shoot another rocket into
the new area to free the grade from the crystal. When you get to the last
part chain swing then when the first and second Sentinels are looking away
sword hover and grab the Grade.

Head back to the half pipe but wall jump on up to get to Clouding Around.

/|                         |      
/|        Mountain Gorge        |
/|   _____________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 3 - Clouding Around ___|

Grab the darts from the barrels and use them to snipe the rocket Ranx on the
right side. After that step on to the platform then jump to the inner
platform to get over. Jump off to avoid the laser beam and jump on to the box
to get over. Ride to where the floating orb is to fight some Ranx. Afterwards
hit the switch to get to the next area. The beam part isn&#39;t that hard just
stay in the middle and hop onto the next platform quickly. In the next area
jump left on the moving platforms to hit the switch with activates the grade.
Rail ride over and hit the switch to activate the air fan. Take out the Evil
Captain and hit the switch for another fan. Jump over to the turtle for another
air battle. Hit the switch and jump on the air fan. Then sword hover to the
other fans on the right til your all the way over for the grade.

Now go fight Malakai! He&#39;s past the 2 statues, follow the stones up to his

/|                        |      
/|        Mountain Gorge        |
/|   ____________________________   |
/|___/     Boss - Malakai     ___|

Jump around the platforms to collect shurikens and use them to attack Malakai.
Jump over his energy balls while your running around the arena. When you hit him
enough times he will use a beam attack on you jump over it when it gets close.
After a few times hitting him the lava will disappear and you will begin his
second wave of attacks. He shoots multiple energy balls to you just jump to
the opposite direction to avoid them. Then he uses his shockwave on you just
jump over them. When you get close to attack him watch out he swing his staff
and it has some reach so remember to strafe instead of attacking him straight
on. Stay close and attack. He&#39;ll be dead.

Head Back to Mountain Gorge for more grades. Zarola is next to the moon thing
near where the green light is shining.

/|                            |      
/|           Mini Game            |
/|   __________________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 4 - Mega-Chain Challenge ___|

Simple just chain run across for the grade, nothing to hard.

Talk to Zarola again for another grade.

/|                         |      
/|          Mini Game          |
/|   _____________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 5 - Egg Shell Skull ___|

Probably the toughest mini game in the game. You have to KO Kyza without getting
hit. The first round is pretty easy just combo him with square and triangle
repeatedly. When he charges his hand use my trick by pressing X to cancel his
attack, make sure you wait til he fully charges his hand to do this trick then
press X to cancel his charge and press right then use combo attacks. This will
hit him each time, well for round 1 that is. When he&#39;s KO&#39;ed (or round 2) this
trick won&#39;t work but I discovered a way to hit him. Keep pressing X
(to cancel hand charge), then right then uppercut at a medium pace
(not too fast) this will hit him but you have to wait til it does, it won&#39;t hit
him everytime only when he does the right attack it will. Keep doing this and
when you connect a hit quickly combo afterwards with circle, square then triangle
repeatedly. I nailed 7 hits in one combo with this trick. When the third round
(or third KO) starts immediately use your laser charge, he shouldn&#39;t try to
attack you (well for me anyways he didn&#39;t attack) so be prepared if he does. Now
you just have to play it normally, I can&#39;t find any tricks like the previous
rounds. Look at the white arrows then immediately dodge at that direction and
counter. I suggest you let him use his hand charge attack, those are the easiest
to dodge because you can see the arrows before he attacks. When you have enough
to laser do so, remember to dodge while you charge up. With enough luck you can
finish him off without getting hit. Good Luck!

Back to Crystal Cavern.

/|                        |      
/|        Mountain Gorge        |
/|   ____________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 6 - Crystal Cavern ___|

Kill 86 Ranx for the Grade. Just clear out each tunnel before going into the
next. Check the barrels to.

Now to Sneak and Destroy.

/|                          |      
/|        Mountain Gorge         |
/|   _______________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 7 - Sneak and Destroy ___|

Find the 10 coins for the Grade. The first one is on the right side where the
Sentinel is, next to the 3 barrels. Second on the left side. Third one is on
the second platform where the switch is. Forth one is ahead where the checkpoint
is, near the Sentinel. Fifth one is to the right of the checkpoint. Sixth one is
between the Sentinels where the switch is. Seventh is between the rocks near the
switch. Eighth is next to the rocket. Ninth is on the chain swing. Last one
is on top in a barrel where the 3 Sentinels are patrolling at the end.

Head over to Clouding Around.

/|                         |      
/|        Mountain Gorge        |
/|   _____________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 8 - Clouding Around ___|

Timed mission. Go on through without killing any Ranx unless you have to to
open a new area. You should have no problems with this one.

Back to Crystal Cavern for your last grade on this stage.

/|                        |      
/|        Mountain Gorge        |
/|   ____________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 9 - Crystal Cavern ___|

Collect 10 coins for the grade. First one is up ahead by the checkpoint.
Start in the right tunnel. Second one is where the Ranx are. To get to third
wall jump up then sword hover to the tunnel where the chain swing is, it&#39;s
in there. Forth one next to the blue tubes. Head to the left tunnel. Fifth
is at the chain swing. Sixth one is in the air at the running arrows track.
Double jump to get it. Seventh one near the Ranx. Head to yellow tunnel.
Eighth near the Ranx where the green light is, double jump to get it.
Ninth is on the rail. Last one next to the Ranx.

Back to Sneak and Destroy for your last grade on this stage.

/|                           |      
/|         Mountain Gorge         |
/|   ________________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 10 - Sneak and Destroy ___|

Kill 42 Ranx for the Grade. Just clear out each area before going into the
next. Check the barrels in every area to because they hide in there.

Back to Clouding Around for your last grade on Mountain Gorge.

/|                          |      
/|        Mountain Gorge        |
/|   ______________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 11 - Clouding Around ___|

Kill 16 Ranx for the Grade. Pretty easy.

Area complete! Go to Moon Base for your next missions. Stand on the spinning
moon platform to get there. Outpost Alpha is on the left side.


/|                        |
/|         Moon Base         |
/|   ___________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 1 - Outpost Alpha ___|

Head straight and jump down to kill some Ranx. Afterwards run up the halfpipe
(the spinning fan grate things is the half pipe) to jump onto the rails.
Watch out for the rocket Ranx on the other side. In the next area run across
the first hump of the track and look for a chain swing at the right to get
over. Be careful a rocket Ranx is there so swing when it&#39;s safe to, you don&#39;t
want to fall off because you would start at the begining of the stage again.
Get on the rocket launcher and shoot the door that is straight ahead between
the satelites. To swing back over get on the air fan and sword hover over to
the chain swing. Before going into the new area go to the other end of the
track and run up the track to go into a secret room filled with barrels with
ammo in it. A rocket turtle is there to so do this only if you want some ammo.
Get in the new area and watchout theres a rocket ranx here too, so be prepared
to jump over some rockets. Kill the ranx get the barrels and go into the new
opened area. When you get to the tunnel area you have to jump into the hole
when it approaches you, if you don&#39;t you get shocked and lose some health.
Don&#39;t run either just take it slow and make it across. At the end of the tunnel
theres a fire shooter so jump over them and take him out, more Ranx up ahead.
In the next section talk to Sensei for some words of wisdom, or lack there of.
Basically theres no gravity so your jumps will go farther then usual so double
jump to grab on to the first chain swing, watch out for the flying rocks they
knock you off. Then chain swing across on the last chain swing then sword hover
over to get into the next area. Head left take out the Ranx and it&#39;s time for
some more tunnel fun. Theres a rocket ranx at the end. Now this time the
gravity chain swinging is different. To reach the second chain swing you have
to sword hover over then grab the chain. Do this for the others to. In the next
area prepare for a Evil Captain fight. Afterwards go on ahead watch out for the
pesky rocket Ranx and fight some more Ranx. In the next area head down fight
some Ranx to open the new area. Wall jump up and chain swing to get over.
Watch out for the fire shooters theres 2 here and the grade is here to.
All done!

Outpost Beta is on the right side of Alpha.

/|                       |
/|         Moon Base        |
/|   __________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 2 - Outpost Beta ___|

Kill the Ranx to open the tunnel area and get over to the next area. In the
next area jump down kill some more Ranx to open the next area. To get up there
run up the half pipe and chain swing over. Prepare for a turtle fight here after
the tunnel. Afterwards get on the moving platform to get over. Carefully time
your jumps and on the last platform make sure it goes all the way up before
jumping over. Kill the Ranx to open the next area. Other side of the tunnel
will be a Evil Captain protecting the Grade.

Before going to the Space Station lets finish the other 4 grades on these 2
stages. Head back to Outpost Alpha.

/|                        |
/|         Moon Base         |
/|   ___________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 3 - Outpost Alpha ___|
Kill 70 Ranx for the grade. Make sure you kill the turtle in the secret room,
you need that kill.

/|                       |
/|         Moon Base        |
/|   __________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 4 - Outpost Beta ___|

Another kill grade. This time it&#39;s 50.

/|                        |
/|         Moon Base         |
/|   ___________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 5 - Outpost Alpha ___|

Timed mission. Run straight through and only kill to open new areas. In the
tunnel areas run straight through even when running super fast to save time.
You can jump the rings in the air to. It&#39;s easy to complete.

/|                       |
/|         Moon Base        |
/|   __________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 6 - Outpost Beta ___|

Another timed mission, but this one is way easier then Alpha and shorter to.
You should have no problems with this one.

After completion you can now go to the Space Station. Head to The Imperial
Guard entrance straight ahead.

/|                           |
/|           Moon Base          |
/|   ________________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 7 - The Imperial Guard ___|

Super easy grade. Kill the female ninjas that like to use karate on you so
dash aside when they cartwheel attack you. Also some laser crab things are also
here so watch out for them. Afterwards go up and kill some more ninjas then a
Evil Captain Fight will begin. To get the grade jump on the rail on the left
side (where the moving platform is) then jump to grab the chain and chain swing
to jump on the moving platform, sword hover to land the platform. Then jump on
the next swing and grab it and sword hover over to the other platform. Then jump
on the rails for the grade. You can&#39;t jump from the rail to the grade you will
fall so jump on the little platforms in the corners then double jump to get
your grade.

Head over to The Cryo-Chamber.

/|                          |
/|          Moon Base          |
/|   ______________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 8 - The Cryo-Chamber ___|

This one is annoying, not hard but annoying. You have to destroy the yellow
knobs on each side of the orb thing. Hit each 4 times to destroy it. Afterwards
you have to run up the ramp, chain swing, rail, and then jump on the platform
to make the water go down back again. Now the water will go up within a few
seconds (around 13 to 15 seconds) each time so when it drops down quickly
destroy the next knob and run up the ramp again. I suggest ignoring the Ranx
after the orb is destroyed unless there blocking a knob. After you killed all
sides now you have to do it all over again! Fun! This time the water will go
up to like before so get your hits in then go up the ramp quickly. After the
second set of knobs are destroyed you&#39;ll get your grade on top, don&#39;t worry the
water wont go up anymore.

We&#39;ll do the Emperor O-Dor boss fight last lets finish getting the other grades
first. Back to The Imperial Guard.

/|                           |
/|           Moon Base          |
/|   ________________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 9 - The Imperial Guard ___|

Kill 25 Ranx for the grade. Pretty easy.

Back to Cryo.

/|                          |
/|          Moon Base          |
/|   _______________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 10 - The Cryo-Chamber ___|

Another kill grade. Suggest you kill them last after destroying the orb unless
they get in your way of a knob.

Back to Imperial Guard for your last grade on this stage.

/|                            |
/|           Moon Base           |
/|   _________________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 11 - The Imperial Guard ___|

Timed mission but still easy. Quickly kill all the enemys then go to the
upper part to kill more ninjas and then fight the Evil Captain to lower
the moving platforms. Then work your way up for the grade.

Back to Cryo for your last grade on this stage.

/|                          |
/|          Moon Base          |
/|   _______________________________   |
/|___/ Mission 12 - The Cryo-Chamber ___|

Timed mission, but this one is a little tough, you have 3 min to get the grade.
To begin I would hit each knob 3 times to save time so when you hit it again you
can take out 2 knobs at a time before going up the ramp. Ignore the Ranx as
usual. Same with the second set of knobs, quickly take out 2 and go up the
ramp. When you only need 2 knobs kill then quickly so the water wont rise and
run up the ramp for the grade. Good luck!

After thats done your ready for the Emperor.

/|                       |
/|         Moon Base        |
/|   __________________________   |
/|___/  Boss - Emperor O-Dor  ___|

After the funny dialogue is over quickly jump he will shoot some things at
you, jump over them to avoid. Then go in and jump and attack in the air at his
stomach region to do damage, watch out he will swing at you. After you finish
him off the battle will take place in a no gravity area. Follow him to continue,
double jump to each platform and chain swing if necessary. When you catch up to
him he will shoot bombs at you, jump to avoid. Some bombs have splash damage so
remember to jump over it, like Malakai&#39;s shockwave attack. Avoid the bombs and
go in to do some damage, attack his stomach region. Careful if you hang around
him he will try to push you off the area and you will die. Also when he&#39;s near
dead he will shoot this flame move but only if your close it will do some damage.
When he&#39;s dead this time it&#39;s for good!

Congratulations you&#39;ve beat the game! By now you should have gotten all the
grades and become a Ninja Master! Now you can open the mysterious door on
Robot Beach that you couldn&#39;t before. You must have all 64 grades to open
this door to the Battle Arena.


/|                      |
/|       Battle Arena       |
/|   ________________________   |
/|___/      Optional      ___|

You&#39;ll face every enemy in the game, not bosses though. Theres shurikens in
the middle of the arena which holds 10 to use. They reappear often so grab
them. You don&#39;t get anything special when completed you just get a score. If
you know anything else about this feel free to email me.


Copyright 2003 MJ ([email protected])

This FAQ was created by MJ. It may freely be saved to your hard
drive, or printed, if it is not used for monetary transactions. You may post
it on a Website if you e-mail me first to inform me of this, no changes are
made, and that I am given credit for this FAQ. I reserve the right to
require any website hosting this work to remove it.

I-Ninja 2003 Argonaut Games PLC. Licensed exclusively to Namco Hometek Inc.



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